#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2012 Cyril Bonté # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ''' TODO : ability to split chapters into several files TODO : manage keyword locality (server/proxy/global ; ex : maxconn) TODO : Remove global variables where possible ''' import os import subprocess import sys import html import re import time import datetime from optparse import OptionParser from mako.template import Template from mako.lookup import TemplateLookup from mako.exceptions import TopLevelLookupException from parser import PContext from parser import remove_indent from parser import * from urllib.parse import quote VERSION = "" HAPROXY_GIT_VERSION = False def main(): global VERSION, HAPROXY_GIT_VERSION usage="Usage: %prog --infile --outfile " optparser = OptionParser(description='Generate HTML Document from HAProxy configuation.txt', version=VERSION, usage=usage) optparser.add_option('--infile', '-i', help='Input file mostly the configuration.txt') optparser.add_option('--outfile','-o', help='Output file') optparser.add_option('--base','-b', default = '', help='Base directory for relative links') (option, args) = optparser.parse_args() if not (option.infile and option.outfile) or len(args) > 0: optparser.print_help() exit(1) option.infile = os.path.abspath(option.infile) option.outfile = os.path.abspath(option.outfile) os.chdir(os.path.dirname(__file__)) VERSION = get_git_version() if not VERSION: sys.exit(1) HAPROXY_GIT_VERSION = get_haproxy_git_version(os.path.dirname(option.infile)) convert(option.infile, option.outfile, option.base) # Temporarily determine the version from git to follow which commit generated # the documentation def get_git_version(): if not os.path.isdir(".git"): print("This does not appear to be a Git repository.", file=sys.stderr) return try: p = subprocess.Popen(["git", "describe", "--tags", "--match", "v*"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) except EnvironmentError: print("Unable to run git", file=sys.stderr) return version = p.communicate()[0] if p.returncode != 0: print("Unable to run git", file=sys.stderr) return if len(version) < 2: return version = version[1:].strip() version = re.sub(r'-g.*', '', version) return version def get_haproxy_git_version(path): try: p = subprocess.Popen(["git", "describe", "--tags", "--match", "v*"], cwd=path, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) except EnvironmentError: return False version = p.communicate()[0] if p.returncode != 0: return False if len(version) < 2: return False version = version[1:].strip() version = re.sub(r'-g.*', '', version) return version def getTitleDetails(string): array = string.split(".") title = array.pop().strip() chapter = ".".join(array) level = max(1, len(array)) if array: toplevel = array[0] else: toplevel = False return { "title" : title, "chapter" : chapter, "level" : level, "toplevel": toplevel } # Parse the whole document to insert links on keywords def createLinks(): global document, keywords, keywordsCount, keyword_conflicts, chapters print("Generating keywords links...", file=sys.stderr) delimiters = [ dict(start='"', end='"', multi=True ), dict(start='- ' , end='\n' , multi=False), ] for keyword in keywords: keywordsCount[keyword] = 0 for delimiter in delimiters: keywordsCount[keyword] += document.count(delimiter['start'] + keyword + delimiter['end']) if (keyword in keyword_conflicts) and (not keywordsCount[keyword]): # The keyword is never used, we can remove it from the conflicts list del keyword_conflicts[keyword] if keyword in keyword_conflicts: chapter_list = "" for chapter in keyword_conflicts[keyword]: chapter_list += '
  • %s
  • ' % (quote("%s (%s)" % (keyword, chapters[chapter]['title'])), chapters[chapter]['title']) for delimiter in delimiters: if delimiter['multi']: document = document.replace(delimiter['start'] + keyword + delimiter['end'], delimiter['start'] + '' + '' + keyword + '' + '' + '' + '' + delimiter['end']) else: document = document.replace(delimiter['start'] + keyword + delimiter['end'], delimiter['start'] + '' + keyword + '' + delimiter['end']) else: for delimiter in delimiters: document = document.replace(delimiter['start'] + keyword + delimiter['end'], delimiter['start'] + '' + keyword + '' + delimiter['end']) if keyword.startswith("option "): shortKeyword = keyword[len("option "):] keywordsCount[shortKeyword] = 0 for delimiter in delimiters: keywordsCount[keyword] += document.count(delimiter['start'] + shortKeyword + delimiter['end']) if (shortKeyword in keyword_conflicts) and (not keywordsCount[shortKeyword]): # The keyword is never used, we can remove it from the conflicts list del keyword_conflicts[shortKeyword] for delimiter in delimiters: document = document.replace(delimiter['start'] + shortKeyword + delimiter['start'], delimiter['start'] + '' + shortKeyword + '' + delimiter['end']) def documentAppend(text, retline = True): global document document += text if retline: document += "\n" def init_parsers(pctxt): return [ underline.Parser(pctxt), arguments.Parser(pctxt), seealso.Parser(pctxt), example.Parser(pctxt), table.Parser(pctxt), underline.Parser(pctxt), keyword.Parser(pctxt), ] # The parser itself def convert(infile, outfile, base=''): global document, keywords, keywordsCount, chapters, keyword_conflicts if len(base) > 0 and base[:-1] != '/': base += '/' hasSummary = False data = [] fd = open(infile,"r") for line in fd: line.replace("\t", " " * 8) line = line.rstrip() data.append(line) fd.close() pctxt = PContext( TemplateLookup( directories=[ 'templates' ] ) ) parsers = init_parsers(pctxt) pctxt.context = { 'headers': {}, 'document': "", 'base': base, } sections = [] currentSection = { "details": getTitleDetails(""), "content": "", } chapters = {} keywords = {} keywordsCount = {} specialSections = { "default": { "hasKeywords": True, }, "4.1": { "hasKeywords": True, }, } pctxt.keywords = keywords pctxt.keywordsCount = keywordsCount pctxt.chapters = chapters print("Importing %s..." % infile, file=sys.stderr) nblines = len(data) i = j = 0 while i < nblines: line = data[i].rstrip() if i < nblines - 1: next = data[i + 1].rstrip() else: next = "" if (line == "Summary" or re.match("^[0-9].*", line)) and (len(next) > 0) and (next[0] == '-') \ and ("-" * len(line)).startswith(next): # Fuzzy underline length detection sections.append(currentSection) currentSection = { "details": getTitleDetails(line), "content": "", } j = 0 i += 1 # Skip underline while not data[i + 1].rstrip(): i += 1 # Skip empty lines else: if len(line) > 80: print("Line `%i' exceeds 80 columns" % (i + 1), file=sys.stderr) currentSection["content"] = currentSection["content"] + line + "\n" j += 1 if currentSection["details"]["title"] == "Summary" and line != "": hasSummary = True # Learn chapters from the summary details = getTitleDetails(line) if details["chapter"]: chapters[details["chapter"]] = details i += 1 sections.append(currentSection) chapterIndexes = sorted(chapters.keys()) document = "" # Complete the summary for section in sections: details = section["details"] title = details["title"] if title: fulltitle = title if details["chapter"]: #documentAppend("" % details["chapter"]) fulltitle = details["chapter"] + ". " + title if not details["chapter"] in chapters: print("Adding '%s' to the summary" % details["title"], file=sys.stderr) chapters[details["chapter"]] = details chapterIndexes = sorted(chapters.keys()) for section in sections: details = section["details"] pctxt.details = details level = details["level"] title = details["title"] content = section["content"].rstrip() print("Parsing chapter %s..." % title, file=sys.stderr) if (title == "Summary") or (title and not hasSummary): summaryTemplate = pctxt.templates.get_template('summary.html') documentAppend(summaryTemplate.render( pctxt = pctxt, chapters = chapters, chapterIndexes = chapterIndexes, )) if title and not hasSummary: hasSummary = True else: continue if title: documentAppend('' % (details["chapter"], details["chapter"])) if level == 1: documentAppend("
    ", False) documentAppend('%s. %s' % (level, details["chapter"], details["chapter"], details["chapter"], details["chapter"], html.escape(title, True), level)) if level == 1: documentAppend("
    ", False) if content: if False and title: # Display a navigation bar documentAppend('', False) content = html.escape(content, True) content = re.sub(r'section ([0-9]+(.[0-9]+)*)', r'section \1', content) pctxt.set_content(content) if not title: lines = pctxt.get_lines() pctxt.context['headers'] = { 'title': '', 'subtitle': '', 'version': '', 'author': '', 'date': '' } if re.match("^-+$", pctxt.get_line().strip()): # Try to analyze the header of the file, assuming it follows # those rules : # - it begins with a "separator line" (several '-' chars) # - then the document title # - an optional subtitle # - a new separator line # - the version # - the author # - the date pctxt.next() pctxt.context['headers']['title'] = pctxt.get_line().strip() pctxt.next() subtitle = "" while not re.match("^-+$", pctxt.get_line().strip()): subtitle += " " + pctxt.get_line().strip() pctxt.next() pctxt.context['headers']['subtitle'] += subtitle.strip() if not pctxt.context['headers']['subtitle']: # No subtitle, try to guess one from the title if it # starts with the word "HAProxy" if pctxt.context['headers']['title'].startswith('HAProxy '): pctxt.context['headers']['subtitle'] = pctxt.context['headers']['title'][8:] pctxt.context['headers']['title'] = 'HAProxy' pctxt.next() pctxt.context['headers']['version'] = pctxt.get_line().strip() pctxt.next() pctxt.context['headers']['author'] = pctxt.get_line().strip() pctxt.next() pctxt.context['headers']['date'] = pctxt.get_line().strip() pctxt.next() if HAPROXY_GIT_VERSION: pctxt.context['headers']['version'] = 'version ' + HAPROXY_GIT_VERSION # Skip header lines pctxt.eat_lines() pctxt.eat_empty_lines() documentAppend('
    ', False) delay = [] while pctxt.has_more_lines(): try: specialSection = specialSections[details["chapter"]] except: specialSection = specialSections["default"] line = pctxt.get_line() if i < nblines - 1: nextline = pctxt.get_line(1) else: nextline = "" oldline = line pctxt.stop = False for parser in parsers: line = parser.parse(line) if pctxt.stop: break if oldline == line: # nothing has changed, # delays the rendering if delay or line != "": delay.append(line) pctxt.next() elif pctxt.stop: while delay and delay[-1].strip() == "": del delay[-1] if delay: remove_indent(delay) documentAppend('
    ' % "\n".join(delay), False) delay = [] documentAppend(line, False) else: while delay and delay[-1].strip() == "": del delay[-1] if delay: remove_indent(delay) documentAppend('
    ' % "\n".join(delay), False) delay = [] documentAppend(line, True) pctxt.next() while delay and delay[-1].strip() == "": del delay[-1] if delay: remove_indent(delay) documentAppend('
    ' % "\n".join(delay), False) delay = [] documentAppend('
    ') if not hasSummary: summaryTemplate = pctxt.templates.get_template('summary.html') print(chapters) document = summaryTemplate.render( pctxt = pctxt, chapters = chapters, chapterIndexes = chapterIndexes, ) + document # Log warnings for keywords defined in several chapters keyword_conflicts = {} for keyword in keywords: keyword_chapters = list(keywords[keyword]) keyword_chapters.sort() if len(keyword_chapters) > 1: print('Multi section keyword : "%s" in chapters %s' % (keyword, list(keyword_chapters)), file=sys.stderr) keyword_conflicts[keyword] = keyword_chapters keywords = list(keywords) keywords.sort() createLinks() # Add the keywords conflicts to the keywords list to make them available in the search form # And remove the original keyword which is now useless for keyword in keyword_conflicts: sections = keyword_conflicts[keyword] offset = keywords.index(keyword) for section in sections: keywords.insert(offset, "%s (%s)" % (keyword, chapters[section]['title'])) offset += 1 keywords.remove(keyword) print("Exporting to %s..." % outfile, file=sys.stderr) template = pctxt.templates.get_template('template.html') try: footerTemplate = pctxt.templates.get_template('footer.html') footer = footerTemplate.render( pctxt = pctxt, headers = pctxt.context['headers'], document = document, chapters = chapters, chapterIndexes = chapterIndexes, keywords = keywords, keywordsCount = keywordsCount, keyword_conflicts = keyword_conflicts, version = VERSION, date = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y/%m/%d"), ) except TopLevelLookupException: footer = "" fd = open(outfile,'w') print(template.render( pctxt = pctxt, headers = pctxt.context['headers'], base = base, document = document, chapters = chapters, chapterIndexes = chapterIndexes, keywords = keywords, keywordsCount = keywordsCount, keyword_conflicts = keyword_conflicts, version = VERSION, date = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y/%m/%d"), footer = footer ), file=fd) fd.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()