import re import parser from urllib.parse import quote class Parser(parser.Parser): def __init__(self, pctxt): parser.Parser.__init__(self, pctxt) self.keywordPattern = re.compile(r'^(%s%s)(%s)' % ( '([a-z][a-z0-9\-\+_\.]*[a-z0-9\-\+_)])', # keyword '( [a-z0-9\-_]+)*', # subkeywords '(\([^ ]*\))?', # arg (ex: (), (/), (,[,]) ... )) def parse(self, line): pctxt = self.pctxt keywords = pctxt.keywords keywordsCount = pctxt.keywordsCount chapters = pctxt.chapters res = "" if line != "" and not re.match(r'^ ', line): parsed = self.keywordPattern.match(line) if parsed != None: keyword = arg = parameters = line[len(keyword) + len(arg):] if (parameters != "" and not re.match("^ +((<|\[|\{|/).*|(: [a-z +]+))?(\(deprecated\))?$", parameters)): # Dirty hack # - parameters should only start with the characer "<", "[", "{", "/" # - or a column (":") followed by a alpha keywords to identify fetching samples (optionally separated by the character "+") # - or the string "(deprecated)" at the end keyword = False else: splitKeyword = keyword.split(" ") parameters = arg + parameters else: keyword = False if keyword and (len(splitKeyword) <= 5): toplevel = pctxt.details["toplevel"] for j in range(0, len(splitKeyword)): subKeyword = " ".join(splitKeyword[0:j + 1]) if subKeyword != "no": if not subKeyword in keywords: keywords[subKeyword] = set() keywords[subKeyword].add(pctxt.details["chapter"]) res += '' % subKeyword res += '' % (toplevel, subKeyword) res += '' % (pctxt.details["chapter"], subKeyword) res += '' % (subKeyword, chapters[toplevel]['title']) res += '' % (subKeyword, chapters[pctxt.details["chapter"]]['title']) deprecated = parameters.find("(deprecated)") if deprecated != -1: prefix = "" suffix = "" parameters = parameters.replace("(deprecated)", '(deprecated)') else: prefix = "" suffix = "" nextline = pctxt.get_line(1) while nextline.startswith(" "): # Found parameters on the next line parameters += "\n" + nextline if pctxt.has_more_lines(1): nextline = pctxt.get_line(1) else: nextline = "" parameters = self.colorize(parameters) res += '
' % (prefix, keyword, quote("%s-%s" % (pctxt.details["chapter"], keyword)), keyword, parameters, suffix) pctxt.stop = True elif line.startswith("/*"): # Skip comments in the documentation while not pctxt.get_line().endswith("*/"): else: # This is probably not a keyword but a text, ignore it res += line else: res += line return res # Used to colorize keywords parameters # TODO : use CSS styling def colorize(self, text): colorized = "" tags = [ [ "[" , "]" , "#008" ], [ "{" , "}" , "#800" ], [ "<", ">", "#080" ], ] heap = [] pos = 0 while pos < len(text): substring = text[pos:] found = False for tag in tags: if substring.startswith(tag[0]): # Opening tag heap.append(tag) colorized += '%s' % (tag[2], substring[0:len(tag[0])]) pos += len(tag[0]) found = True break elif substring.startswith(tag[1]): # Closing tag # pop opening tags until the corresponding one is found openingTag = False while heap and openingTag != tag: openingTag = heap.pop() if openingTag != tag: colorized += '' # all intermediate tags are now closed, we can display the tag colorized += substring[0:len(tag[1])] # and the close it if it was previously opened if openingTag == tag: colorized += '' pos += len(tag[1]) found = True break if not found: colorized += substring[0] pos += 1 # close all unterminated tags while heap: tag = heap.pop() colorized += '' return colorized