#REGTEST_TYPE=devel # This reg-test tests 4 scenarios with and without resumption tickets, with TLSv1.3 and TLSv1.2 # Each client will try to established a connection, then try to reconnect 20 times resuming. varnishtest "Test if the SSL session/ticket reuse work correctly" feature cmd "$HAPROXY_PROGRAM -cc 'feature(OPENSSL) && ssllib_name_startswith(OpenSSL) && openssl_version_atleast(1.1.1)'" feature ignore_unknown_macro server s1 -repeat 84 { rxreq txresp } -start haproxy h1 -conf { global # forced to 1 here, because there is a cached session per thread nbthread 1 defaults mode http option httplog option logasap log stderr local0 debug err option httpclose timeout connect "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" timeout client "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" timeout server "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" listen clst1 bind "fd@${clst1}" server s1 "${h1_fe1_addr}:${h1_fe1_port}" ssl verify none sni str(www.test1.com) http-response add-header x-ssl-bc-resumed %[ssl_bc_is_resumed] listen clst2 bind "fd@${clst2}" server s1 "${h1_fe2_addr}:${h1_fe2_port}" ssl verify none sni str(www.test1.com) http-response add-header x-ssl-bc-resumed %[ssl_bc_is_resumed] listen clst3 bind "fd@${clst3}" server s1 "${h1_fe3_addr}:${h1_fe3_port}" ssl verify none sni str(www.test1.com) http-response add-header x-ssl-bc-resumed %[ssl_bc_is_resumed] listen clst4 bind "fd@${clst4}" server s1 "${h1_fe4_addr}:${h1_fe4_port}" ssl verify none sni str(www.test1.com) http-response add-header x-ssl-bc-resumed %[ssl_bc_is_resumed] listen ssl bind "fd@${fe1}" ssl crt ${testdir}/common.pem ssl-max-ver TLSv1.2 bind "fd@${fe2}" ssl crt ${testdir}/common.pem ssl-max-ver TLSv1.2 no-tls-tickets bind "fd@${fe3}" ssl crt ${testdir}/common.pem ssl-min-ver TLSv1.3 bind "fd@${fe4}" ssl crt ${testdir}/common.pem ssl-min-ver TLSv1.3 no-tls-tickets http-response add-header x-ssl-resumed %[ssl_fc_is_resumed] server s1 ${s1_addr}:${s1_port} } -start # first bind # the first connection is not resumed client c1 -connect ${h1_clst1_sock} { txreq rxresp expect resp.status == 200 expect resp.http.x-ssl-resumed == 0 } -run # the next 20 connections are resumed client c1 -connect ${h1_clst1_sock} -repeat 20 { txreq rxresp expect resp.status == 200 expect resp.http.x-ssl-resumed == 1 } -run # second bind client c2 -connect ${h1_clst2_sock} { txreq rxresp expect resp.status == 200 expect resp.http.x-ssl-resumed == 0 } -run client c2 -connect ${h1_clst2_sock} -repeat 20 { txreq rxresp expect resp.status == 200 expect resp.http.x-ssl-resumed == 1 } -run # third bind client c3 -connect ${h1_clst3_sock} { txreq rxresp expect resp.status == 200 expect resp.http.x-ssl-resumed == 0 } -run client c3 -connect ${h1_clst3_sock} -repeat 20 { txreq rxresp expect resp.status == 200 expect resp.http.x-ssl-resumed == 1 } -run # fourth bind client c4 -connect ${h1_clst4_sock} { txreq rxresp expect resp.status == 200 expect resp.http.x-ssl-resumed == 0 } -run client c4 -connect ${h1_clst4_sock} -repeat 20 { txreq rxresp expect resp.status == 200 expect resp.http.x-ssl-resumed == 1 } -run # Could be useful to debug the result, the ssl_fc_is_resumed field in the log must be 1 after the 2nd command #shell { # # HOST=${h1_fe4_addr} # if [ "${h1_fe4_addr}" = "::1" ] ; then # HOST="\[::1\]" # fi # # rm sess.pem; (echo -e -n "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n"; sleep 1) | openssl s_client -connect $HOST:${h1_fe4_port} -tls1_3 -sess_out sess.pem -keylogfile keys1.txt -servername www.test1.com > /tmp/ssl_debug1; echo | openssl s_client -connect ${HOST}:${h1_fe4_port} -tls1_3 -sess_in sess.pem -keylogfile keys2.txt -servername www.test1.com >> /tmp/ssl_debug1 # echo "GET / HTTP/1.1" | openssl s_client -connect $HOST:${h1_fe4_port} -tls1_3 -servername www.test1.com #} haproxy h1 -cli { send "show info" expect ~ ".*SslFrontendSessionReuse_pct: 95.*" }