performMatch($rule, $row); } /** * Create a rule that matches if **all** of the given rules do * * @param Rule ...$rules * * @return Chain */ public static function all(Rule ...$rules) { return new All(...$rules); } /** * Return whether the given rules all match the given item * * @param All $rules * @param object $row * * @return bool */ protected function matchAll(All $rules, $row) { foreach ($rules as $rule) { if (! $this->performMatch($rule, $row)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Create a rule that matches if **any** of the given rules do * * @param Rule ...$rules * * @return Chain */ public static function any(Rule ...$rules) { return new Any(...$rules); } /** * Return whether any of the given rules match the given item * * @param Any $rules * @param object $row * * @return bool */ protected function matchAny(Any $rules, $row) { foreach ($rules as $rule) { if ($this->performMatch($rule, $row)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Create a rule that matches if **none** of the given rules do * * @param Rule ...$rules * * @return Chain */ public static function none(Rule ...$rules) { return new None(...$rules); } /** * Return whether none of the given rules match the given item * * @param None $rules * @param object $row * * @return bool */ protected function matchNone(None $rules, $row) { foreach ($rules as $rule) { if ($this->performMatch($rule, $row)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Create a rule that matches rows with a column that **equals** the given value * * @param string $column * @param array|bool|float|int|string $value * * @return Condition */ public static function equal($column, $value) { return new Equal($column, $value); } /** * Return whether the given rule's value equals the given item's value * * @param Equal|Unequal $rule * @param object $row * * @return bool */ protected function matchEqual($rule, $row) { if (! $rule instanceof Equal && ! $rule instanceof Unequal) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'Rule must be of type %s or %s, got %s instead', Equal::class, Unequal::class, get_php_type($rule) )); } $rowValue = $this->extractValue($rule->getColumn(), $row); $value = $rule->getValue(); $this->normalizeTypes($rowValue, $value); if (! is_array($rowValue)) { $rowValue = [$rowValue]; } foreach ($rowValue as $rowVal) { if ($this->performEqualityMatch($value, $rowVal, $rule->ignoresCase())) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Create a rule that matches rows with a column that is **similar** to the given value * * Performs a wildcard search if the value contains asterisks. * * @param string $column * @param string|string[] $value * * @return Condition */ public static function like($column, $value) { return new Like($column, $value); } /** * Return whether the given rule's value is similar to the given item's value * * @param Like|Unlike $rule * @param object $row * * @return bool */ protected function matchSimilar($rule, $row) { if (! $rule instanceof Like && ! $rule instanceof Unlike) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'Rule must be of type %s or %s, got %s instead', Like::class, Unlike::class, get_php_type($rule) )); } $rowValue = $this->extractValue($rule->getColumn(), $row); $value = $rule->getValue(); $this->normalizeTypes($rowValue, $value); if (! is_array($rowValue)) { $rowValue = [$rowValue]; } foreach ($rowValue as $rowVal) { if ($this->performSimilarityMatch($value, $rowVal, $rule->ignoresCase())) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Apply equality matching rules on the given row value * * @param mixed $value * @param mixed $rowValue * @param bool $ignoreCase * * @return bool */ protected function performEqualityMatch($value, $rowValue, $ignoreCase = false) { if ($ignoreCase && is_string($rowValue)) { $rowValue = strtolower($rowValue); $value = is_array($value) ? array_map('strtolower', $value) : strtolower($value); } if (is_array($value)) { return in_array($rowValue, $value, true); } elseif (! is_string($value)) { if (is_string($rowValue)) { $value = (string) $value; } } return $rowValue === $value; } /** * Apply similarity matching rules on the given row value * * @param string|string[] $value * @param string $rowValue * @param bool $ignoreCase * * @return bool */ protected function performSimilarityMatch($value, $rowValue, $ignoreCase = false) { if ($ignoreCase) { $rowValue = strtolower($rowValue); $value = is_array($value) ? array_map('strtolower', $value) : strtolower($value); } if (is_array($value)) { return in_array($rowValue, $value, true); } $wildcardSubSegments = preg_split('~\*~', $value); if (count($wildcardSubSegments) === 1) { return $rowValue === $value; } $parts = []; foreach ($wildcardSubSegments as $part) { $parts[] = preg_quote($part, '~'); } $pattern = '~^' . join('.*', $parts) . '$~'; return (bool) preg_match($pattern, $rowValue); } /** * Create a rule that matches rows with a column that is **unequal** with the given value * * @param string $column * @param array|bool|float|int|string $value * * @return Condition */ public static function unequal($column, $value) { return new Unequal($column, $value); } /** * Return whether the given rule's value does not equal the given item's value * * @param Unequal $rule * @param object $row * * @return bool */ protected function matchUnequal(Unequal $rule, $row) { return ! $this->matchEqual($rule, $row); } /** * Create a rule that matches rows with a column that is **unlike** with the given value * * Performs a wildcard search if the value contains asterisks. * * @param string $column * @param string|string[] $value * * @return Condition */ public static function unlike($column, $value) { return new Unlike($column, $value); } /** * Return whether the given rule's value is unlike the given item's value * * @param Unlike $rule * @param object $row * * @return bool */ protected function matchUnlike(Unlike $rule, $row) { return ! $this->matchSimilar($rule, $row); } /** * Create a rule that matches rows with a column that is **greater** than the given value * * @param string $column * @param float|int|string $value * * @return Condition */ public static function greaterThan($column, $value) { return new GreaterThan($column, $value); } /** * Return whether the given rule's value is greater than the given item's value * * @param GreaterThan $rule * @param object $row * * @return bool */ protected function matchGreaterThan(GreaterThan $rule, $row) { return $this->extractValue($rule->getColumn(), $row) > $rule->getValue(); } /** * Create a rule that matches rows with a column that is **less** than the given value * * @param string $column * @param float|int|string $value * * @return Condition */ public static function lessThan($column, $value) { return new LessThan($column, $value); } /** * Return whether the given rule's value is less than the given item's value * * @param LessThan $rule * @param object $row * * @return bool */ protected function matchLessThan(LessThan $rule, $row) { $rowValue = $this->extractValue($rule->getColumn(), $row); if ($rowValue === null) { return false; } return $rowValue < $rule->getValue(); } /** * Create a rule that matches rows with a column that is **greater** than or **equal** to the given value * * @param string $column * @param float|int|string $value * * @return Condition */ public static function greaterThanOrEqual($column, $value) { return new GreaterThanOrEqual($column, $value); } /** * Return whether the given rule's value is greater than or equals the given item's value * * @param GreaterThanOrEqual $rule * @param object $row * * @return bool */ protected function matchGreaterThanOrEqual(GreaterThanOrEqual $rule, $row) { return $this->extractValue($rule->getColumn(), $row) >= $rule->getValue(); } /** * Create a rule that matches rows with a column that is **less** than or **equal** to the given value * * @param string $column * @param float|int|string $value * * @return Condition */ public static function lessThanOrEqual($column, $value) { return new LessThanOrEqual($column, $value); } /** * Return whether the given rule's value is less than or equals the given item's value * * @param LessThanOrEqual $rule * @param object $row * * @return bool */ protected function matchLessThanOrEqual(LessThanOrEqual $rule, $row) { $rowValue = $this->extractValue($rule->getColumn(), $row); if ($rowValue === null) { return false; } return $rowValue <= $rule->getValue(); } /** * Perform the appropriate match for the given rule on the given item * * @param Rule $rule * @param object $row * * @return bool */ protected function performMatch(Rule $rule, $row) { switch (true) { case $rule instanceof All: return $this->matchAll($rule, $row); case $rule instanceof Any: return $this->matchAny($rule, $row); case $rule instanceof Like: return $this->matchSimilar($rule, $row); case $rule instanceof Equal: return $this->matchEqual($rule, $row); case $rule instanceof GreaterThan: return $this->matchGreaterThan($rule, $row); case $rule instanceof GreaterThanOrEqual: return $this->matchGreaterThanOrEqual($rule, $row); case $rule instanceof LessThan: return $this->matchLessThan($rule, $row); case $rule instanceof LessThanOrEqual: return $this->matchLessThanOrEqual($rule, $row); case $rule instanceof None: return $this->matchNone($rule, $row); case $rule instanceof Unequal: return $this->matchUnequal($rule, $row); case $rule instanceof Unlike: return $this->matchUnlike($rule, $row); default: throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'Unable to match filter. Rule type %s is unknown', get_class($rule) )); } } /** * Return a value from the given row suitable to work with * * @param string $column * @param object $row * * @return mixed */ protected function extractValue($column, $row) { try { return $row->{$column}; } catch (Exception $_) { return null; } } /** * Normalize type of $value to the one of $rowValue * * For details on how this works please see the corresponding test * {@see \ipl\Tests\Stdlib\FilterTest::testConditionsAreValueTypeAgnostic} * * @param mixed $rowValue * @param mixed $value * * @return void */ protected function normalizeTypes($rowValue, &$value) { if ($rowValue === null || $value === null) { return; } if (is_array($rowValue)) { if (empty($rowValue)) { return; } $rowValue = array_shift($rowValue); } if (is_array($value)) { if (is_bool($rowValue) && ! empty($value) && is_string(array_values($value)[0])) { return; } $rowValueType = gettype($rowValue); foreach ($value as &$val) { settype($val, $rowValueType); } } elseif (! is_bool($rowValue) || ! is_string($value)) { settype($value, gettype($rowValue)); } } }