maxSize; $that = $this; $conn->on('data', $fn = function ($data) use (&$buffer, &$fn, $conn, $maxSize, $that) { // append chunk of data to buffer and look for end of request headers $buffer .= $data; $endOfHeader = \strpos($buffer, "\r\n\r\n"); // reject request if buffer size is exceeded if ($endOfHeader > $maxSize || ($endOfHeader === false && isset($buffer[$maxSize]))) { $conn->removeListener('data', $fn); $fn = null; $that->emit('error', array( new \OverflowException("Maximum header size of {$maxSize} exceeded.", Response::STATUS_REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE), $conn )); return; } // ignore incomplete requests if ($endOfHeader === false) { return; } // request headers received => try to parse request $conn->removeListener('data', $fn); $fn = null; try { $request = $that->parseRequest( (string)\substr($buffer, 0, $endOfHeader + 2), $conn->getRemoteAddress(), $conn->getLocalAddress() ); } catch (Exception $exception) { $buffer = ''; $that->emit('error', array( $exception, $conn )); return; } $contentLength = 0; if ($request->hasHeader('Transfer-Encoding')) { $contentLength = null; } elseif ($request->hasHeader('Content-Length')) { $contentLength = (int)$request->getHeaderLine('Content-Length'); } if ($contentLength === 0) { // happy path: request body is known to be empty $stream = new EmptyBodyStream(); $request = $request->withBody($stream); } else { // otherwise body is present => delimit using Content-Length or ChunkedDecoder $stream = new CloseProtectionStream($conn); if ($contentLength !== null) { $stream = new LengthLimitedStream($stream, $contentLength); } else { $stream = new ChunkedDecoder($stream); } $request = $request->withBody(new HttpBodyStream($stream, $contentLength)); } $bodyBuffer = isset($buffer[$endOfHeader + 4]) ? \substr($buffer, $endOfHeader + 4) : ''; $buffer = ''; $that->emit('headers', array($request, $conn)); if ($bodyBuffer !== '') { $conn->emit('data', array($bodyBuffer)); } // happy path: request body is known to be empty => immediately end stream if ($contentLength === 0) { $stream->emit('end'); $stream->close(); } }); } /** * @param string $headers buffer string containing request headers only * @param ?string $remoteSocketUri * @param ?string $localSocketUri * @return ServerRequestInterface * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * @internal */ public function parseRequest($headers, $remoteSocketUri, $localSocketUri) { // additional, stricter safe-guard for request line // because request parser doesn't properly cope with invalid ones $start = array(); if (!\preg_match('#^(?[^ ]+) (?[^ ]+) HTTP/(?\d\.\d)#m', $headers, $start)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unable to parse invalid request-line'); } // only support HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/1.0 requests if ($start['version'] !== '1.1' && $start['version'] !== '1.0') { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Received request with invalid protocol version', Response::STATUS_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED); } // match all request header fields into array, thanks to @kelunik for checking the HTTP specs and coming up with this regex $matches = array(); $n = \preg_match_all('/^([^()<>@,;:\\\"\/\[\]?={}\x01-\x20\x7F]++):[\x20\x09]*+((?:[\x20\x09]*+[\x21-\x7E\x80-\xFF]++)*+)[\x20\x09]*+[\r]?+\n/m', $headers, $matches, \PREG_SET_ORDER); // check number of valid header fields matches number of lines + request line if (\substr_count($headers, "\n") !== $n + 1) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unable to parse invalid request header fields'); } // format all header fields into associative array $host = null; $fields = array(); foreach ($matches as $match) { $fields[$match[1]][] = $match[2]; // match `Host` request header if ($host === null && \strtolower($match[1]) === 'host') { $host = $match[2]; } } // create new obj implementing ServerRequestInterface by preserving all // previous properties and restoring original request-target $serverParams = array( 'REQUEST_TIME' => \time(), 'REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT' => \microtime(true) ); // scheme is `http` unless TLS is used $localParts = $localSocketUri === null ? array() : \parse_url($localSocketUri); if (isset($localParts['scheme']) && $localParts['scheme'] === 'tls') { $scheme = 'https://'; $serverParams['HTTPS'] = 'on'; } else { $scheme = 'http://'; } // default host if unset comes from local socket address or defaults to localhost $hasHost = $host !== null; if ($host === null) { $host = isset($localParts['host'], $localParts['port']) ? $localParts['host'] . ':' . $localParts['port'] : ''; } if ($start['method'] === 'OPTIONS' && $start['target'] === '*') { // support asterisk-form for `OPTIONS *` request line only $uri = $scheme . $host; } elseif ($start['method'] === 'CONNECT') { $parts = \parse_url('tcp://' . $start['target']); // check this is a valid authority-form request-target (host:port) if (!isset($parts['scheme'], $parts['host'], $parts['port']) || \count($parts) !== 3) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('CONNECT method MUST use authority-form request target'); } $uri = $scheme . $start['target']; } else { // support absolute-form or origin-form for proxy requests if ($start['target'][0] === '/') { $uri = $scheme . $host . $start['target']; } else { // ensure absolute-form request-target contains a valid URI $parts = \parse_url($start['target']); // make sure value contains valid host component (IP or hostname), but no fragment if (!isset($parts['scheme'], $parts['host']) || $parts['scheme'] !== 'http' || isset($parts['fragment'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid absolute-form request-target'); } $uri = $start['target']; } } // apply REMOTE_ADDR and REMOTE_PORT if source address is known // address should always be known, unless this is over Unix domain sockets (UDS) if ($remoteSocketUri !== null) { $remoteAddress = \parse_url($remoteSocketUri); $serverParams['REMOTE_ADDR'] = $remoteAddress['host']; $serverParams['REMOTE_PORT'] = $remoteAddress['port']; } // apply SERVER_ADDR and SERVER_PORT if server address is known // address should always be known, even for Unix domain sockets (UDS) // but skip UDS as it doesn't have a concept of host/port. if ($localSocketUri !== null && isset($localParts['host'], $localParts['port'])) { $serverParams['SERVER_ADDR'] = $localParts['host']; $serverParams['SERVER_PORT'] = $localParts['port']; } $request = new ServerRequest( $start['method'], $uri, $fields, '', $start['version'], $serverParams ); // only assign request target if it is not in origin-form (happy path for most normal requests) if ($start['target'][0] !== '/') { $request = $request->withRequestTarget($start['target']); } if ($hasHost) { // Optional Host request header value MUST be valid (host and optional port) $parts = \parse_url('http://' . $request->getHeaderLine('Host')); // make sure value contains valid host component (IP or hostname) if (!$parts || !isset($parts['scheme'], $parts['host'])) { $parts = false; } // make sure value does not contain any other URI component if (\is_array($parts)) { unset($parts['scheme'], $parts['host'], $parts['port']); } if ($parts === false || $parts) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid Host header value'); } } elseif (!$hasHost && $start['version'] === '1.1' && $start['method'] !== 'CONNECT') { // require Host request header for HTTP/1.1 (except for CONNECT method) throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing required Host request header'); } elseif (!$hasHost) { // remove default Host request header for HTTP/1.0 when not explicitly given $request = $request->withoutHeader('Host'); } // ensure message boundaries are valid according to Content-Length and Transfer-Encoding request headers if ($request->hasHeader('Transfer-Encoding')) { if (\strtolower($request->getHeaderLine('Transfer-Encoding')) !== 'chunked') { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Only chunked-encoding is allowed for Transfer-Encoding', Response::STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } // Transfer-Encoding: chunked and Content-Length header MUST NOT be used at the same time // as per if ($request->hasHeader('Content-Length')) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Using both `Transfer-Encoding: chunked` and `Content-Length` is not allowed', Response::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST); } } elseif ($request->hasHeader('Content-Length')) { $string = $request->getHeaderLine('Content-Length'); if ((string)(int)$string !== $string) { // Content-Length value is not an integer or not a single integer throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The value of `Content-Length` is not valid', Response::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST); } } return $request; } }