'text/plain' * ), * "Hello World!\n" * ); * }); * ``` * * Each incoming HTTP request message is always represented by the * [PSR-7 `ServerRequestInterface`](https://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-7/#321-psrhttpmessageserverrequestinterface), * see also following [request](#request) chapter for more details. * Each outgoing HTTP response message is always represented by the * [PSR-7 `ResponseInterface`](https://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-7/#33-psrhttpmessageresponseinterface), * see also following [response](#response) chapter for more details. * * In order to process any connections, the server needs to be attached to an * instance of `React\Socket\ServerInterface` through the [`listen()`](#listen) method * as described in the following chapter. In its most simple form, you can attach * this to a [`React\Socket\SocketServer`](https://github.com/reactphp/socket#socketserver) * in order to start a plaintext HTTP server like this: * * ```php * $server = new StreamingServer($loop, $handler); * * $socket = new React\Socket\SocketServer('', array(), $loop); * $server->listen($socket); * ``` * * See also the [`listen()`](#listen) method and the [first example](examples) for more details. * * The `StreamingServer` class is considered advanced usage and unless you know * what you're doing, you're recommended to use the [`HttpServer`](#httpserver) class * instead. The `StreamingServer` class is specifically designed to help with * more advanced use cases where you want to have full control over consuming * the incoming HTTP request body and concurrency settings. * * In particular, this class does not buffer and parse the incoming HTTP request * in memory. It will invoke the request handler function once the HTTP request * headers have been received, i.e. before receiving the potentially much larger * HTTP request body. This means the [request](#request) passed to your request * handler function may not be fully compatible with PSR-7. See also * [streaming request](#streaming-request) below for more details. * * @see \React\Http\HttpServer * @see \React\Http\Message\Response * @see self::listen() * @internal */ final class StreamingServer extends EventEmitter { private $callback; private $parser; private $loop; /** * Creates an HTTP server that invokes the given callback for each incoming HTTP request * * In order to process any connections, the server needs to be attached to an * instance of `React\Socket\ServerInterface` which emits underlying streaming * connections in order to then parse incoming data as HTTP. * See also [listen()](#listen) for more details. * * @param LoopInterface $loop * @param callable $requestHandler * @see self::listen() */ public function __construct(LoopInterface $loop, $requestHandler) { if (!\is_callable($requestHandler)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid request handler given'); } $this->loop = $loop; $this->callback = $requestHandler; $this->parser = new RequestHeaderParser(); $that = $this; $this->parser->on('headers', function (ServerRequestInterface $request, ConnectionInterface $conn) use ($that) { $that->handleRequest($conn, $request); }); $this->parser->on('error', function(\Exception $e, ConnectionInterface $conn) use ($that) { $that->emit('error', array($e)); // parsing failed => assume dummy request and send appropriate error $that->writeError( $conn, $e->getCode() !== 0 ? $e->getCode() : Response::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST, new ServerRequest('GET', '/') ); }); } /** * Starts listening for HTTP requests on the given socket server instance * * @param ServerInterface $socket * @see \React\Http\HttpServer::listen() */ public function listen(ServerInterface $socket) { $socket->on('connection', array($this->parser, 'handle')); } /** @internal */ public function handleRequest(ConnectionInterface $conn, ServerRequestInterface $request) { if ($request->getProtocolVersion() !== '1.0' && '100-continue' === \strtolower($request->getHeaderLine('Expect'))) { $conn->write("HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n"); } // execute request handler callback $callback = $this->callback; try { $response = $callback($request); } catch (\Exception $error) { // request handler callback throws an Exception $response = Promise\reject($error); } catch (\Throwable $error) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart // request handler callback throws a PHP7+ Error $response = Promise\reject($error); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } // cancel pending promise once connection closes if ($response instanceof CancellablePromiseInterface) { $conn->on('close', function () use ($response) { $response->cancel(); }); } // happy path: response returned, handle and return immediately if ($response instanceof ResponseInterface) { return $this->handleResponse($conn, $request, $response); } // did not return a promise? this is an error, convert into one for rejection below. if (!$response instanceof PromiseInterface) { $response = Promise\resolve($response); } $that = $this; $response->then( function ($response) use ($that, $conn, $request) { if (!$response instanceof ResponseInterface) { $message = 'The response callback is expected to resolve with an object implementing Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface, but resolved with "%s" instead.'; $message = \sprintf($message, \is_object($response) ? \get_class($response) : \gettype($response)); $exception = new \RuntimeException($message); $that->emit('error', array($exception)); return $that->writeError($conn, Response::STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, $request); } $that->handleResponse($conn, $request, $response); }, function ($error) use ($that, $conn, $request) { $message = 'The response callback is expected to resolve with an object implementing Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface, but rejected with "%s" instead.'; $message = \sprintf($message, \is_object($error) ? \get_class($error) : \gettype($error)); $previous = null; if ($error instanceof \Throwable || $error instanceof \Exception) { $previous = $error; } $exception = new \RuntimeException($message, 0, $previous); $that->emit('error', array($exception)); return $that->writeError($conn, Response::STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, $request); } ); } /** @internal */ public function writeError(ConnectionInterface $conn, $code, ServerRequestInterface $request) { $response = new Response( $code, array( 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain', 'Connection' => 'close' // we do not want to keep the connection open after an error ), 'Error ' . $code ); // append reason phrase to response body if known $reason = $response->getReasonPhrase(); if ($reason !== '') { $body = $response->getBody(); $body->seek(0, SEEK_END); $body->write(': ' . $reason); } $this->handleResponse($conn, $request, $response); } /** @internal */ public function handleResponse(ConnectionInterface $connection, ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response) { // return early and close response body if connection is already closed $body = $response->getBody(); if (!$connection->isWritable()) { $body->close(); return; } $code = $response->getStatusCode(); $method = $request->getMethod(); // assign HTTP protocol version from request automatically $version = $request->getProtocolVersion(); $response = $response->withProtocolVersion($version); // assign default "Server" header automatically if (!$response->hasHeader('Server')) { $response = $response->withHeader('Server', 'ReactPHP/1'); } elseif ($response->getHeaderLine('Server') === ''){ $response = $response->withoutHeader('Server'); } // assign default "Date" header from current time automatically if (!$response->hasHeader('Date')) { // IMF-fixdate = day-name "," SP date1 SP time-of-day SP GMT $response = $response->withHeader('Date', gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT'); } elseif ($response->getHeaderLine('Date') === ''){ $response = $response->withoutHeader('Date'); } // assign "Content-Length" header automatically $chunked = false; if (($method === 'CONNECT' && $code >= 200 && $code < 300) || ($code >= 100 && $code < 200) || $code === Response::STATUS_NO_CONTENT) { // 2xx response to CONNECT and 1xx and 204 MUST NOT include Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding header $response = $response->withoutHeader('Content-Length'); } elseif ($code === Response::STATUS_NOT_MODIFIED && ($response->hasHeader('Content-Length') || $body->getSize() === 0)) { // 304 Not Modified: preserve explicit Content-Length and preserve missing header if body is empty } elseif ($body->getSize() !== null) { // assign Content-Length header when using a "normal" buffered body string $response = $response->withHeader('Content-Length', (string)$body->getSize()); } elseif (!$response->hasHeader('Content-Length') && $version === '1.1') { // assign chunked transfer-encoding if no 'content-length' is given for HTTP/1.1 responses $chunked = true; } // assign "Transfer-Encoding" header automatically if ($chunked) { $response = $response->withHeader('Transfer-Encoding', 'chunked'); } else { // remove any Transfer-Encoding headers unless automatically enabled above $response = $response->withoutHeader('Transfer-Encoding'); } // assign "Connection" header automatically $persist = false; if ($code === Response::STATUS_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS) { // 101 (Switching Protocols) response uses Connection: upgrade header // This implies that this stream now uses another protocol and we // may not persist this connection for additional requests. $response = $response->withHeader('Connection', 'upgrade'); } elseif (\strtolower($request->getHeaderLine('Connection')) === 'close' || \strtolower($response->getHeaderLine('Connection')) === 'close') { // obey explicit "Connection: close" request header or response header if present $response = $response->withHeader('Connection', 'close'); } elseif ($version === '1.1') { // HTTP/1.1 assumes persistent connection support by default, so we don't need to inform client $persist = true; } elseif (strtolower($request->getHeaderLine('Connection')) === 'keep-alive') { // obey explicit "Connection: keep-alive" request header and inform client $persist = true; $response = $response->withHeader('Connection', 'keep-alive'); } else { // remove any Connection headers unless automatically enabled above $response = $response->withoutHeader('Connection'); } // 101 (Switching Protocols) response (for Upgrade request) forwards upgraded data through duplex stream // 2xx (Successful) response to CONNECT forwards tunneled application data through duplex stream if (($code === Response::STATUS_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS || ($method === 'CONNECT' && $code >= 200 && $code < 300)) && $body instanceof HttpBodyStream && $body->input instanceof WritableStreamInterface) { if ($request->getBody()->isReadable()) { // request is still streaming => wait for request close before forwarding following data from connection $request->getBody()->on('close', function () use ($connection, $body) { if ($body->input->isWritable()) { $connection->pipe($body->input); $connection->resume(); } }); } elseif ($body->input->isWritable()) { // request already closed => forward following data from connection $connection->pipe($body->input); $connection->resume(); } } // build HTTP response header by appending status line and header fields $headers = "HTTP/" . $version . " " . $code . " " . $response->getReasonPhrase() . "\r\n"; foreach ($response->getHeaders() as $name => $values) { foreach ($values as $value) { $headers .= $name . ": " . $value . "\r\n"; } } // response to HEAD and 1xx, 204 and 304 responses MUST NOT include a body // exclude status 101 (Switching Protocols) here for Upgrade request handling above if ($method === 'HEAD' || ($code >= 100 && $code < 200 && $code !== Response::STATUS_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS) || $code === Response::STATUS_NO_CONTENT || $code === Response::STATUS_NOT_MODIFIED) { $body->close(); $body = ''; } // this is a non-streaming response body or the body stream already closed? if (!$body instanceof ReadableStreamInterface || !$body->isReadable()) { // add final chunk if a streaming body is already closed and uses `Transfer-Encoding: chunked` if ($body instanceof ReadableStreamInterface && $chunked) { $body = "0\r\n\r\n"; } // write response headers and body $connection->write($headers . "\r\n" . $body); // either wait for next request over persistent connection or end connection if ($persist) { $this->parser->handle($connection); } else { $connection->end(); } return; } $connection->write($headers . "\r\n"); if ($chunked) { $body = new ChunkedEncoder($body); } // Close response stream once connection closes. // Note that this TCP/IP close detection may take some time, // in particular this may only fire on a later read/write attempt. $connection->on('close', array($body, 'close')); // write streaming body and then wait for next request over persistent connection if ($persist) { $body->pipe($connection, array('end' => false)); $parser = $this->parser; $body->on('end', function () use ($connection, $parser, $body) { $connection->removeListener('close', array($body, 'close')); $parser->handle($connection); }); } else { $body->pipe($connection); } } }