connector = $connector; $this->streamEncryption = new StreamEncryption($loop ?: Loop::get(), false); $this->context = $context; } public function connect($uri) { if (!\function_exists('stream_socket_enable_crypto')) { return Promise\reject(new \BadMethodCallException('Encryption not supported on your platform (HHVM < 3.8?)')); // @codeCoverageIgnore } if (\strpos($uri, '://') === false) { $uri = 'tls://' . $uri; } $parts = \parse_url($uri); if (!$parts || !isset($parts['scheme']) || $parts['scheme'] !== 'tls') { return Promise\reject(new \InvalidArgumentException( 'Given URI "' . $uri . '" is invalid (EINVAL)', \defined('SOCKET_EINVAL') ? \SOCKET_EINVAL : 22 )); } $context = $this->context; $encryption = $this->streamEncryption; $connected = false; $promise = $this->connector->connect( \str_replace('tls://', '', $uri) )->then(function (ConnectionInterface $connection) use ($context, $encryption, $uri, &$promise, &$connected) { // (unencrypted) TCP/IP connection succeeded $connected = true; if (!$connection instanceof Connection) { $connection->close(); throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Base connector does not use internal Connection class exposing stream resource'); } // set required SSL/TLS context options foreach ($context as $name => $value) { \stream_context_set_option($connection->stream, 'ssl', $name, $value); } // try to enable encryption return $promise = $encryption->enable($connection)->then(null, function ($error) use ($connection, $uri) { // establishing encryption failed => close invalid connection and return error $connection->close(); throw new \RuntimeException( 'Connection to ' . $uri . ' failed during TLS handshake: ' . $error->getMessage(), $error->getCode() ); }); }, function (\Exception $e) use ($uri) { if ($e instanceof \RuntimeException) { $message = \preg_replace('/^Connection to [^ ]+/', '', $e->getMessage()); $e = new \RuntimeException( 'Connection to ' . $uri . $message, $e->getCode(), $e ); // avoid garbage references by replacing all closures in call stack. // what a lovely piece of code! $r = new \ReflectionProperty('Exception', 'trace'); $r->setAccessible(true); $trace = $r->getValue($e); // Exception trace arguments are not available on some PHP 7.4 installs // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart foreach ($trace as &$one) { if (isset($one['args'])) { foreach ($one['args'] as &$arg) { if ($arg instanceof \Closure) { $arg = 'Object(' . \get_class($arg) . ')'; } } } } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd $r->setValue($e, $trace); } throw $e; }); return new \React\Promise\Promise( function ($resolve, $reject) use ($promise) { $promise->then($resolve, $reject); }, function ($_, $reject) use (&$promise, $uri, &$connected) { if ($connected) { $reject(new \RuntimeException( 'Connection to ' . $uri . ' cancelled during TLS handshake (ECONNABORTED)', \defined('SOCKET_ECONNABORTED') ? \SOCKET_ECONNABORTED : 103 )); } $promise->cancel(); $promise = null; } ); } }