/* Icinga 2 | (c) 2012 Icinga GmbH | GPLv2+ */ #include "icingadb/icingadb.hpp" #include "icingadb/icingadb-ti.cpp" #include "icingadb/redisconnection.hpp" #include "remote/apilistener.hpp" #include "remote/eventqueue.hpp" #include "base/configuration.hpp" #include "base/json.hpp" #include "base/perfdatavalue.hpp" #include "base/statsfunction.hpp" #include "base/tlsutility.hpp" #include "base/utility.hpp" #include "icinga/checkable.hpp" #include "icinga/host.hpp" #include #include #include #include using namespace icinga; #define MAX_EVENTS_DEFAULT 5000 using Prio = RedisConnection::QueryPriority; String IcingaDB::m_EnvironmentId; std::mutex IcingaDB::m_EnvironmentIdInitMutex; REGISTER_TYPE(IcingaDB); IcingaDB::IcingaDB() : m_Rcon(nullptr) { m_RconLocked.store(nullptr); m_WorkQueue.SetName("IcingaDB"); m_PrefixConfigObject = "icinga:"; m_PrefixConfigCheckSum = "icinga:checksum:"; } void IcingaDB::Validate(int types, const ValidationUtils& utils) { ObjectImpl::Validate(types, utils); if (!(types & FAConfig)) return; if (GetEnableTls() && GetCertPath().IsEmpty() != GetKeyPath().IsEmpty()) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ValidationError(this, std::vector(), "Validation failed: Either both a client certificate (cert_path) and its private key (key_path) or none of them must be given.")); } try { InitEnvironmentId(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ValidationError(this, std::vector(), String("Validation failed: ") + e.what())); } } /** * Starts the component. */ void IcingaDB::Start(bool runtimeCreated) { ObjectImpl::Start(runtimeCreated); VERIFY(!m_EnvironmentId.IsEmpty()); PersistEnvironmentId(); Log(LogInformation, "IcingaDB") << "'" << GetName() << "' started."; m_ConfigDumpInProgress = false; m_ConfigDumpDone = false; m_WorkQueue.SetExceptionCallback([this](boost::exception_ptr exp) { ExceptionHandler(std::move(exp)); }); m_Rcon = new RedisConnection(GetHost(), GetPort(), GetPath(), GetPassword(), GetDbIndex(), GetEnableTls(), GetInsecureNoverify(), GetCertPath(), GetKeyPath(), GetCaPath(), GetCrlPath(), GetTlsProtocolmin(), GetCipherList(), GetConnectTimeout(), GetDebugInfo()); m_RconLocked.store(m_Rcon); for (const Type::Ptr& type : GetTypes()) { auto ctype (dynamic_cast(type.get())); if (!ctype) continue; RedisConnection::Ptr con = new RedisConnection(GetHost(), GetPort(), GetPath(), GetPassword(), GetDbIndex(), GetEnableTls(), GetInsecureNoverify(), GetCertPath(), GetKeyPath(), GetCaPath(), GetCrlPath(), GetTlsProtocolmin(), GetCipherList(), GetConnectTimeout(), GetDebugInfo(), m_Rcon); con->SetConnectedCallback([this, con](boost::asio::yield_context& yc) { con->SetConnectedCallback(nullptr); size_t pending = --m_PendingRcons; Log(LogDebug, "IcingaDB") << pending << " pending child connections remaining"; if (pending == 0) { m_WorkQueue.Enqueue([this]() { OnConnectedHandler(); }); } }); m_Rcons[ctype] = std::move(con); } m_PendingRcons = m_Rcons.size(); m_Rcon->SetConnectedCallback([this](boost::asio::yield_context& yc) { m_Rcon->SetConnectedCallback(nullptr); for (auto& kv : m_Rcons) { kv.second->Start(); } }); m_Rcon->Start(); m_StatsTimer = new Timer(); m_StatsTimer->SetInterval(1); m_StatsTimer->OnTimerExpired.connect([this](const Timer * const&) { PublishStatsTimerHandler(); }); m_StatsTimer->Start(); m_WorkQueue.SetName("IcingaDB"); m_Rcon->SuppressQueryKind(Prio::CheckResult); m_Rcon->SuppressQueryKind(Prio::RuntimeStateSync); Ptr keepAlive (this); m_HistoryThread = std::async(std::launch::async, [this, keepAlive]() { ForwardHistoryEntries(); }); } void IcingaDB::ExceptionHandler(boost::exception_ptr exp) { Log(LogCritical, "IcingaDB", "Exception during redis query. Verify that Redis is operational."); Log(LogDebug, "IcingaDB") << "Exception during redis operation: " << DiagnosticInformation(exp); } void IcingaDB::OnConnectedHandler() { AssertOnWorkQueue(); if (m_ConfigDumpInProgress || m_ConfigDumpDone) return; /* Config dump */ m_ConfigDumpInProgress = true; PublishStats(); UpdateAllConfigObjects(); m_ConfigDumpDone = true; m_ConfigDumpInProgress = false; } void IcingaDB::PublishStatsTimerHandler(void) { PublishStats(); } void IcingaDB::PublishStats() { if (!m_Rcon || !m_Rcon->IsConnected()) return; Dictionary::Ptr status = GetStats(); status->Set("config_dump_in_progress", m_ConfigDumpInProgress); status->Set("timestamp", TimestampToMilliseconds(Utility::GetTime())); status->Set("icingadb_environment", m_EnvironmentId); std::vector query {"XADD", "icinga:stats", "MAXLEN", "1", "*"}; { ObjectLock statusLock (status); for (auto& kv : status) { query.emplace_back(kv.first); query.emplace_back(JsonEncode(kv.second)); } } m_Rcon->FireAndForgetQuery(std::move(query), Prio::Heartbeat); } void IcingaDB::Stop(bool runtimeRemoved) { Log(LogInformation, "IcingaDB") << "Flushing history data buffer to Redis."; if (m_HistoryThread.wait_for(std::chrono::minutes(1)) == std::future_status::timeout) { Log(LogCritical, "IcingaDB") << "Flushing takes more than one minute (while we're about to shut down). Giving up and discarding " << m_HistoryBulker.Size() << " queued history queries."; } Log(LogInformation, "IcingaDB") << "'" << GetName() << "' stopped."; ObjectImpl::Stop(runtimeRemoved); } void IcingaDB::ValidateTlsProtocolmin(const Lazy& lvalue, const ValidationUtils& utils) { ObjectImpl::ValidateTlsProtocolmin(lvalue, utils); try { ResolveTlsProtocolVersion(lvalue()); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ValidationError(this, { "tls_protocolmin" }, ex.what())); } } void IcingaDB::ValidateConnectTimeout(const Lazy& lvalue, const ValidationUtils& utils) { ObjectImpl::ValidateConnectTimeout(lvalue, utils); if (lvalue() <= 0) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ValidationError(this, { "connect_timeout" }, "Value must be greater than 0.")); } } void IcingaDB::AssertOnWorkQueue() { ASSERT(m_WorkQueue.IsWorkerThread()); } void IcingaDB::DumpedGlobals::Reset() { std::lock_guard l (m_Mutex); m_Ids.clear(); } String IcingaDB::GetEnvironmentId() const { return m_EnvironmentId; } bool IcingaDB::DumpedGlobals::IsNew(const String& id) { std::lock_guard l (m_Mutex); return m_Ids.emplace(id).second; } /** * Initializes the m_EnvironmentId attribute or throws an exception on failure to do so. Can be called concurrently. */ void IcingaDB::InitEnvironmentId() { // Initialize m_EnvironmentId once across all IcingaDB objects. In theory, this could be done using // std::call_once, however, due to a bug in libstdc++ (https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=66146), // this can result in a deadlock when an exception is thrown (which is explicitly allowed by the standard). std::unique_lock lock (m_EnvironmentIdInitMutex); if (m_EnvironmentId.IsEmpty()) { String path = Configuration::DataDir + "/icingadb.env"; String envId; if (Utility::PathExists(path)) { envId = Utility::LoadJsonFile(path); if (envId.GetLength() != 2*SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH) { throw std::runtime_error("environment ID stored at " + path + " is corrupt: wrong length."); } for (unsigned char c : envId) { if (!std::isxdigit(c)) { throw std::runtime_error("environment ID stored at " + path + " is corrupt: invalid hex string."); } } } else { String caPath = ApiListener::GetDefaultCaPath(); if (!Utility::PathExists(caPath)) { throw std::runtime_error("Cannot find the CA certificate at '" + caPath + "'. " "Please ensure the ApiListener is enabled first using 'icinga2 api setup'."); } std::shared_ptr cert = GetX509Certificate(caPath); unsigned int n; unsigned char digest[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE]; if (X509_pubkey_digest(cert.get(), EVP_sha1(), digest, &n) != 1) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(openssl_error() << boost::errinfo_api_function("X509_pubkey_digest") << errinfo_openssl_error(ERR_peek_error())); } envId = BinaryToHex(digest, n); } m_EnvironmentId = envId.ToLower(); } } /** * Ensures that the environment ID is persisted on disk or throws an exception on failure to do so. * Can be called concurrently. */ void IcingaDB::PersistEnvironmentId() { String path = Configuration::DataDir + "/icingadb.env"; std::unique_lock lock (m_EnvironmentIdInitMutex); if (!Utility::PathExists(path)) { Utility::SaveJsonFile(path, 0600, m_EnvironmentId); } }