/* Icinga 2 | (c) 2022 Icinga GmbH | GPLv2+ */ #include "icingadb/icingadbchecktask.hpp" #include "icinga/host.hpp" #include "icinga/checkcommand.hpp" #include "icinga/macroprocessor.hpp" #include "icinga/pluginutility.hpp" #include "base/function.hpp" #include "base/utility.hpp" #include "base/perfdatavalue.hpp" #include "base/convert.hpp" #include using namespace icinga; REGISTER_FUNCTION_NONCONST(Internal, IcingadbCheck, &IcingadbCheckTask::ScriptFunc, "checkable:cr:resolvedMacros:useResolvedMacros"); static void ReportIcingadbCheck( const Checkable::Ptr& checkable, const CheckCommand::Ptr& commandObj, const CheckResult::Ptr& cr, String output, ServiceState state) { if (Checkable::ExecuteCommandProcessFinishedHandler) { double now = Utility::GetTime(); ProcessResult pr; pr.PID = -1; pr.Output = std::move(output); pr.ExecutionStart = now; pr.ExecutionEnd = now; pr.ExitStatus = state; Checkable::ExecuteCommandProcessFinishedHandler(commandObj->GetName(), pr); } else { cr->SetState(state); cr->SetOutput(output); checkable->ProcessCheckResult(cr); } } static inline double GetXMessageTs(const Array::Ptr& xMessage) { return Convert::ToLong(String(xMessage->Get(0)).Split("-")[0]) / 1000.0; } void IcingadbCheckTask::ScriptFunc(const Checkable::Ptr& checkable, const CheckResult::Ptr& cr, const Dictionary::Ptr& resolvedMacros, bool useResolvedMacros) { CheckCommand::Ptr commandObj = CheckCommand::ExecuteOverride ? CheckCommand::ExecuteOverride : checkable->GetCheckCommand(); Host::Ptr host; Service::Ptr service; tie(host, service) = GetHostService(checkable); MacroProcessor::ResolverList resolvers; String silenceMissingMacroWarning; if (MacroResolver::OverrideMacros) resolvers.emplace_back("override", MacroResolver::OverrideMacros); if (service) resolvers.emplace_back("service", service); resolvers.emplace_back("host", host); resolvers.emplace_back("command", commandObj); resolvers.emplace_back("icinga", IcingaApplication::GetInstance()); auto resolve ([&](const String& macro) { return MacroProcessor::ResolveMacros(macro, resolvers, checkable->GetLastCheckResult(), &silenceMissingMacroWarning, MacroProcessor::EscapeCallback(), resolvedMacros, useResolvedMacros); }); struct Thresholds { Value Warning, Critical; }; auto resolveThresholds ([&resolve](const String& wmacro, const String& cmacro) { return Thresholds{resolve(wmacro), resolve(cmacro)}; }); String icingadbName = resolve("$icingadb_name$"); auto dumpTakesThresholds (resolveThresholds("$icingadb_full_dump_duration_warning$", "$icingadb_full_dump_duration_critical$")); auto syncTakesThresholds (resolveThresholds("$icingadb_full_sync_duration_warning$", "$icingadb_full_sync_duration_critical$")); auto icingaBacklogThresholds (resolveThresholds("$icingadb_redis_backlog_warning$", "$icingadb_redis_backlog_critical$")); auto icingadbBacklogThresholds (resolveThresholds("$icingadb_database_backlog_warning$", "$icingadb_database_backlog_critical$")); if (resolvedMacros && !useResolvedMacros) return; if (icingadbName.IsEmpty()) { ReportIcingadbCheck(checkable, commandObj, cr, "Icinga DB UNKNOWN: Attribute 'icingadb_name' must be set.", ServiceUnknown); return; } auto conn (IcingaDB::GetByName(icingadbName)); if (!conn) { ReportIcingadbCheck(checkable, commandObj, cr, "Icinga DB UNKNOWN: Icinga DB connection '" + icingadbName + "' does not exist.", ServiceUnknown); return; } auto redis (conn->GetConnection()); if (!redis || !redis->GetConnected()) { ReportIcingadbCheck(checkable, commandObj, cr, "Icinga DB CRITICAL: Not connected to Redis.", ServiceCritical); return; } auto now (Utility::GetTime()); Array::Ptr redisTime, xReadHeartbeat, xReadStats, xReadRuntimeBacklog, xReadHistoryBacklog; try { auto replies (redis->GetResultsOfQueries( { {"TIME"}, {"XREAD", "STREAMS", "icingadb:telemetry:heartbeat", "0-0"}, {"XREAD", "STREAMS", "icingadb:telemetry:stats", "0-0"}, {"XREAD", "COUNT", "1", "STREAMS", "icinga:runtime", "icinga:runtime:state", "0-0", "0-0"}, { "XREAD", "COUNT", "1", "STREAMS", "icinga:history:stream:acknowledgement", "icinga:history:stream:comment", "icinga:history:stream:downtime", "icinga:history:stream:flapping", "icinga:history:stream:notification", "icinga:history:stream:state", "0-0", "0-0", "0-0", "0-0", "0-0", "0-0", } }, RedisConnection::QueryPriority::Heartbeat )); redisTime = std::move(replies.at(0)); xReadHeartbeat = std::move(replies.at(1)); xReadStats = std::move(replies.at(2)); xReadRuntimeBacklog = std::move(replies.at(3)); xReadHistoryBacklog = std::move(replies.at(4)); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { ReportIcingadbCheck( checkable, commandObj, cr, String("Icinga DB CRITICAL: Could not query Redis: ") + ex.what(), ServiceCritical ); return; } if (!xReadHeartbeat) { ReportIcingadbCheck( checkable, commandObj, cr, "Icinga DB CRITICAL: The Icinga DB daemon seems to have never run. (Missing heartbeat)", ServiceCritical ); return; } auto redisOldestPending (redis->GetOldestPendingQueryTs()); auto ongoingDumpStart (conn->GetOngoingDumpStart()); auto dumpWhen (conn->GetLastdumpEnd()); auto dumpTook (conn->GetLastdumpTook()); auto redisNow (Convert::ToLong(redisTime->Get(0)) + Convert::ToLong(redisTime->Get(1)) / 1000000.0); Array::Ptr heartbeatMessage = Array::Ptr(Array::Ptr(xReadHeartbeat->Get(0))->Get(1))->Get(0); auto heartbeatTime (GetXMessageTs(heartbeatMessage)); std::map heartbeatData; IcingaDB::AddKvsToMap(heartbeatMessage->Get(1), heartbeatData); String version = heartbeatData.at("version"); auto icingadbNow (Convert::ToLong(heartbeatData.at("time")) / 1000.0 + (redisNow - heartbeatTime)); auto icingadbStartTime (Convert::ToLong(heartbeatData.at("start-time")) / 1000.0); String errMsg (heartbeatData.at("error")); auto errSince (Convert::ToLong(heartbeatData.at("error-since")) / 1000.0); String perfdataFromRedis = heartbeatData.at("performance-data"); auto heartbeatLastReceived (Convert::ToLong(heartbeatData.at("last-heartbeat-received")) / 1000.0); bool weResponsible = Convert::ToLong(heartbeatData.at("ha-responsible")); auto weResponsibleTs (Convert::ToLong(heartbeatData.at("ha-responsible-ts")) / 1000.0); bool otherResponsible = Convert::ToLong(heartbeatData.at("ha-other-responsible")); auto syncOngoingSince (Convert::ToLong(heartbeatData.at("sync-ongoing-since")) / 1000.0); auto syncSuccessWhen (Convert::ToLong(heartbeatData.at("sync-success-finish")) / 1000.0); auto syncSuccessTook (Convert::ToLong(heartbeatData.at("sync-success-duration")) / 1000.0); std::ostringstream i2okmsgs, idbokmsgs, warnmsgs, critmsgs; Array::Ptr perfdata = new Array(); i2okmsgs << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3); idbokmsgs << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3); warnmsgs << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3); critmsgs << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3); const auto downForCritical (10); auto downFor (redisNow - heartbeatTime); bool down = false; if (downFor > downForCritical) { down = true; critmsgs << " Last seen " << Utility::FormatDuration(downFor) << " ago, greater than CRITICAL threshold (" << Utility::FormatDuration(downForCritical) << ")!"; } else { idbokmsgs << "\n* Last seen: " << Utility::FormatDuration(downFor) << " ago"; } perfdata->Add(new PerfdataValue("icingadb_heartbeat_age", downFor, false, "seconds", Empty, downForCritical, 0)); const auto errForCritical (10); auto err (!errMsg.IsEmpty()); auto errFor (icingadbNow - errSince); if (err) { if (errFor > errForCritical) { critmsgs << " ERROR: " << errMsg << "!"; } perfdata->Add(new PerfdataValue("error_for", errFor * (err ? 1 : -1), false, "seconds", Empty, errForCritical, 0)); } if (!down) { const auto heartbeatLagWarning (3/* Icinga DB read freq. */ + 1/* Icinga DB write freq. */ + 2/* threshold */); auto heartbeatLag (fmin(icingadbNow - heartbeatLastReceived, 10 * 60)); if (!heartbeatLastReceived) { critmsgs << " Lost Icinga 2 heartbeat!"; } else if (heartbeatLag > heartbeatLagWarning) { warnmsgs << " Icinga 2 heartbeat lag: " << Utility::FormatDuration(heartbeatLag) << ", greater than WARNING threshold (" << Utility::FormatDuration(heartbeatLagWarning) << ")."; } perfdata->Add(new PerfdataValue("icinga2_heartbeat_age", heartbeatLag, false, "seconds", heartbeatLagWarning, Empty, 0)); } if (weResponsible) { idbokmsgs << "\n* Responsible"; } else if (otherResponsible) { idbokmsgs << "\n* Not responsible, but another instance is"; } else { critmsgs << " No instance is responsible!"; } perfdata->Add(new PerfdataValue("icingadb_responsible_instances", int(weResponsible || otherResponsible), false, "", Empty, Empty, 0, 1)); const auto clockDriftWarning (5); const auto clockDriftCritical (30); auto clockDrift (std::max({ fabs(now - redisNow), fabs(redisNow - icingadbNow), fabs(icingadbNow - now), })); if (clockDrift > clockDriftCritical) { critmsgs << " Icinga 2/Redis/Icinga DB clock drift: " << Utility::FormatDuration(clockDrift) << ", greater than CRITICAL threshold (" << Utility::FormatDuration(clockDriftCritical) << ")!"; } else if (clockDrift > clockDriftWarning) { warnmsgs << " Icinga 2/Redis/Icinga DB clock drift: " << Utility::FormatDuration(clockDrift) << ", greater than WARNING threshold (" << Utility::FormatDuration(clockDriftWarning) << ")."; } perfdata->Add(new PerfdataValue("clock_drift", clockDrift, false, "seconds", clockDriftWarning, clockDriftCritical, 0)); if (ongoingDumpStart) { auto ongoingDumpTakes (now - ongoingDumpStart); if (!dumpTakesThresholds.Critical.IsEmpty() && ongoingDumpTakes > dumpTakesThresholds.Critical) { critmsgs << " Current Icinga 2 full dump already takes " << Utility::FormatDuration(ongoingDumpTakes) << ", greater than CRITICAL threshold (" << Utility::FormatDuration(dumpTakesThresholds.Critical) << ")!"; } else if (!dumpTakesThresholds.Warning.IsEmpty() && ongoingDumpTakes > dumpTakesThresholds.Warning) { warnmsgs << " Current Icinga 2 full dump already takes " << Utility::FormatDuration(ongoingDumpTakes) << ", greater than WARNING threshold (" << Utility::FormatDuration(dumpTakesThresholds.Warning) << ")."; } else { i2okmsgs << "\n* Current full dump running for " << Utility::FormatDuration(ongoingDumpTakes); } perfdata->Add(new PerfdataValue("icinga2_current_full_dump_duration", ongoingDumpTakes, false, "seconds", dumpTakesThresholds.Warning, dumpTakesThresholds.Critical, 0)); } if (!down && syncOngoingSince) { auto ongoingSyncTakes (icingadbNow - syncOngoingSince); if (!syncTakesThresholds.Critical.IsEmpty() && ongoingSyncTakes > syncTakesThresholds.Critical) { critmsgs << " Current full sync already takes " << Utility::FormatDuration(ongoingSyncTakes) << ", greater than CRITICAL threshold (" << Utility::FormatDuration(syncTakesThresholds.Critical) << ")!"; } else if (!syncTakesThresholds.Warning.IsEmpty() && ongoingSyncTakes > syncTakesThresholds.Warning) { warnmsgs << " Current full sync already takes " << Utility::FormatDuration(ongoingSyncTakes) << ", greater than WARNING threshold (" << Utility::FormatDuration(syncTakesThresholds.Warning) << ")."; } else { idbokmsgs << "\n* Current full sync running for " << Utility::FormatDuration(ongoingSyncTakes); } perfdata->Add(new PerfdataValue("icingadb_current_full_sync_duration", ongoingSyncTakes, false, "seconds", syncTakesThresholds.Warning, syncTakesThresholds.Critical, 0)); } auto redisBacklog (now - redisOldestPending); if (!redisOldestPending) { redisBacklog = 0; } if (!icingaBacklogThresholds.Critical.IsEmpty() && redisBacklog > icingaBacklogThresholds.Critical) { critmsgs << " Icinga 2 Redis query backlog: " << Utility::FormatDuration(redisBacklog) << ", greater than CRITICAL threshold (" << Utility::FormatDuration(icingaBacklogThresholds.Critical) << ")!"; } else if (!icingaBacklogThresholds.Warning.IsEmpty() && redisBacklog > icingaBacklogThresholds.Warning) { warnmsgs << " Icinga 2 Redis query backlog: " << Utility::FormatDuration(redisBacklog) << ", greater than WARNING threshold (" << Utility::FormatDuration(icingaBacklogThresholds.Warning) << ")."; } perfdata->Add(new PerfdataValue("icinga2_redis_query_backlog", redisBacklog, false, "seconds", icingaBacklogThresholds.Warning, icingaBacklogThresholds.Critical, 0)); if (!down) { auto getBacklog = [redisNow](const Array::Ptr& streams) -> double { if (!streams) { return 0; } double minTs = 0; ObjectLock lock (streams); for (Array::Ptr stream : streams) { auto ts (GetXMessageTs(Array::Ptr(stream->Get(1))->Get(0))); if (minTs == 0 || ts < minTs) { minTs = ts; } } if (minTs > 0) { return redisNow - minTs; } else { return 0; } }; double historyBacklog = getBacklog(xReadHistoryBacklog); if (!icingadbBacklogThresholds.Critical.IsEmpty() && historyBacklog > icingadbBacklogThresholds.Critical) { critmsgs << " History backlog: " << Utility::FormatDuration(historyBacklog) << ", greater than CRITICAL threshold (" << Utility::FormatDuration(icingadbBacklogThresholds.Critical) << ")!"; } else if (!icingadbBacklogThresholds.Warning.IsEmpty() && historyBacklog > icingadbBacklogThresholds.Warning) { warnmsgs << " History backlog: " << Utility::FormatDuration(historyBacklog) << ", greater than WARNING threshold (" << Utility::FormatDuration(icingadbBacklogThresholds.Warning) << ")."; } perfdata->Add(new PerfdataValue("icingadb_history_backlog", historyBacklog, false, "seconds", icingadbBacklogThresholds.Warning, icingadbBacklogThresholds.Critical, 0)); double runtimeBacklog = 0; if (weResponsible && !syncOngoingSince) { // These streams are only processed by the responsible instance after the full sync finished, // it's fine for some backlog to exist otherwise. runtimeBacklog = getBacklog(xReadRuntimeBacklog); if (!icingadbBacklogThresholds.Critical.IsEmpty() && runtimeBacklog > icingadbBacklogThresholds.Critical) { critmsgs << " Runtime update backlog: " << Utility::FormatDuration(runtimeBacklog) << ", greater than CRITICAL threshold (" << Utility::FormatDuration(icingadbBacklogThresholds.Critical) << ")!"; } else if (!icingadbBacklogThresholds.Warning.IsEmpty() && runtimeBacklog > icingadbBacklogThresholds.Warning) { warnmsgs << " Runtime update backlog: " << Utility::FormatDuration(runtimeBacklog) << ", greater than WARNING threshold (" << Utility::FormatDuration(icingadbBacklogThresholds.Warning) << ")."; } } // Also report the perfdata value on the standby instance or during a full sync (as 0 in this case). perfdata->Add(new PerfdataValue("icingadb_runtime_update_backlog", runtimeBacklog, false, "seconds", icingadbBacklogThresholds.Warning, icingadbBacklogThresholds.Critical, 0)); } auto dumpAgo (now - dumpWhen); if (dumpWhen) { perfdata->Add(new PerfdataValue("icinga2_last_full_dump_ago", dumpAgo, false, "seconds", Empty, Empty, 0)); } if (dumpTook) { perfdata->Add(new PerfdataValue("icinga2_last_full_dump_duration", dumpTook, false, "seconds", Empty, Empty, 0)); } if (dumpWhen && dumpTook) { i2okmsgs << "\n* Last full dump: " << Utility::FormatDuration(dumpAgo) << " ago, took " << Utility::FormatDuration(dumpTook); } auto icingadbUptime (icingadbNow - icingadbStartTime); if (!down) { perfdata->Add(new PerfdataValue("icingadb_uptime", icingadbUptime, false, "seconds", Empty, Empty, 0)); } { Array::Ptr values = PluginUtility::SplitPerfdata(perfdataFromRedis); ObjectLock lock (values); for (auto& v : values) { perfdata->Add(PerfdataValue::Parse(v)); } } if (weResponsibleTs) { perfdata->Add(new PerfdataValue("icingadb_responsible_for", (weResponsible ? 1 : -1) * (icingadbNow - weResponsibleTs), false, "seconds")); } auto syncAgo (icingadbNow - syncSuccessWhen); if (syncSuccessWhen) { perfdata->Add(new PerfdataValue("icingadb_last_full_sync_ago", syncAgo, false, "seconds", Empty, Empty, 0)); } if (syncSuccessTook) { perfdata->Add(new PerfdataValue("icingadb_last_full_sync_duration", syncSuccessTook, false, "seconds", Empty, Empty, 0)); } if (syncSuccessWhen && syncSuccessTook) { idbokmsgs << "\n* Last full sync: " << Utility::FormatDuration(syncAgo) << " ago, took " << Utility::FormatDuration(syncSuccessTook); } std::map statsPerOp; const char * const icingadbKnownStats[] = { "config_sync", "state_sync", "history_sync", "overdue_sync", "history_cleanup" }; for (auto metric : icingadbKnownStats) { statsPerOp.emplace(std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(metric), std::forward_as_tuple(15 * 60)); } if (xReadStats) { Array::Ptr messages = Array::Ptr(xReadStats->Get(0))->Get(1); ObjectLock lock (messages); for (Array::Ptr message : messages) { auto ts (GetXMessageTs(message)); std::map opsPerSec; IcingaDB::AddKvsToMap(message->Get(1), opsPerSec); for (auto& kv : opsPerSec) { auto buf (statsPerOp.find(kv.first)); if (buf == statsPerOp.end()) { buf = statsPerOp.emplace( std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(kv.first), std::forward_as_tuple(15 * 60) ).first; } buf->second.InsertValue(ts, Convert::ToLong(kv.second)); } } } for (auto& kv : statsPerOp) { perfdata->Add(new PerfdataValue("icingadb_" + kv.first + "_items_1min", kv.second.UpdateAndGetValues(now, 60), false, "", Empty, Empty, 0)); perfdata->Add(new PerfdataValue("icingadb_" + kv.first + "_items_5mins", kv.second.UpdateAndGetValues(now, 5 * 60), false, "", Empty, Empty, 0)); perfdata->Add(new PerfdataValue("icingadb_" + kv.first + "_items_15mins", kv.second.UpdateAndGetValues(now, 15 * 60), false, "", Empty, Empty, 0)); } perfdata->Add(new PerfdataValue("icinga2_redis_queries_1min", redis->GetQueryCount(60), false, "", Empty, Empty, 0)); perfdata->Add(new PerfdataValue("icinga2_redis_queries_5mins", redis->GetQueryCount(5 * 60), false, "", Empty, Empty, 0)); perfdata->Add(new PerfdataValue("icinga2_redis_queries_15mins", redis->GetQueryCount(15 * 60), false, "", Empty, Empty, 0)); perfdata->Add(new PerfdataValue("icinga2_redis_pending_queries", redis->GetPendingQueryCount(), false, "", Empty, Empty, 0)); struct { const char * Name; int (RedisConnection::* Getter)(RingBuffer::SizeType span, RingBuffer::SizeType tv); } const icingaWriteSubjects[] = { {"config_dump", &RedisConnection::GetWrittenConfigFor}, {"state_dump", &RedisConnection::GetWrittenStateFor}, {"history_dump", &RedisConnection::GetWrittenHistoryFor} }; for (auto subject : icingaWriteSubjects) { perfdata->Add(new PerfdataValue(String("icinga2_") + subject.Name + "_items_1min", (redis.get()->*subject.Getter)(60, now), false, "", Empty, Empty, 0)); perfdata->Add(new PerfdataValue(String("icinga2_") + subject.Name + "_items_5mins", (redis.get()->*subject.Getter)(5 * 60, now), false, "", Empty, Empty, 0)); perfdata->Add(new PerfdataValue(String("icinga2_") + subject.Name + "_items_15mins", (redis.get()->*subject.Getter)(15 * 60, now), false, "", Empty, Empty, 0)); } ServiceState state; std::ostringstream msgbuf; auto i2okmsg (i2okmsgs.str()); auto idbokmsg (idbokmsgs.str()); auto warnmsg (warnmsgs.str()); auto critmsg (critmsgs.str()); msgbuf << "Icinga DB "; if (!critmsg.empty()) { state = ServiceCritical; msgbuf << "CRITICAL:" << critmsg; if (!warnmsg.empty()) { msgbuf << "\n\nWARNING:" << warnmsg; } } else if (!warnmsg.empty()) { state = ServiceWarning; msgbuf << "WARNING:" << warnmsg; } else { state = ServiceOK; msgbuf << "OK: Uptime: " << Utility::FormatDuration(icingadbUptime) << ". Version: " << version << "."; } if (!i2okmsg.empty()) { msgbuf << "\n\nIcinga 2:\n" << i2okmsg; } if (!idbokmsg.empty()) { msgbuf << "\n\nIcinga DB:\n" << idbokmsg; } cr->SetPerformanceData(perfdata); ReportIcingadbCheck(checkable, commandObj, cr, msgbuf.str(), state); }