on(self::ON_SUCCESS, function () { if ($this->errorOccurred) { return; } $countObjects = count($this->getObjects()); if (current($this->getObjects()) instanceof Host) { $message = sprintf( tp('Added comment successfully', 'Added comment to %d hosts successfully', $countObjects), $countObjects ); } else { $message = sprintf( tp('Added comment successfully', 'Added comment to %d services successfully', $countObjects), $countObjects ); } Notification::success($message); }); } protected function assembleElements() { $this->addHtml(new HtmlElement( 'div', Attributes::create(['class' => 'form-description']), new Icon('info-circle', ['class' => 'form-description-icon']), new HtmlElement( 'ul', null, new HtmlElement( 'li', null, Text::create(t('This command is used to add host or service comments.')) ) ) )); $decorator = new IcingaFormDecorator(); $this->addElement( 'textarea', 'comment', [ 'required' => true, 'label' => t('Comment'), 'description' => t( 'If you work with other administrators, you may find it useful to share information about' . ' the host or service that is having problems. Make sure you enter a brief description of' . ' what you are doing.' ) ] ); $decorator->decorate($this->getElement('comment')); $config = Config::module('icingadb'); $commentExpire = (bool) $config->get('settings', 'comment_expire', false); $this->addElement( 'checkbox', 'expire', [ 'ignore' => true, 'class' => 'autosubmit', 'value' => $commentExpire, 'label' => t('Use Expire Time'), 'description' => t('If the comment should expire, check this option.') ] ); $decorator->decorate($this->getElement('expire')); if ($commentExpire || $this->getPopulatedValue('expire') === 'y') { $expireTime = new DateTime(); $expireTime->add(new DateInterval($config->get('settings', 'comment_expire_time', 'PT1H'))); $this->addElement( 'localDateTime', 'expire_time', [ 'data-use-datetime-picker' => true, 'required' => true, 'value' => $expireTime, 'label' => t('Expire Time'), 'description' => t('Choose the date and time when Icinga should delete the comment.') ] ); $decorator->decorate($this->getElement('expire_time')); } } protected function assembleSubmitButton() { $this->addElement( 'submit', 'btn_submit', [ 'required' => true, 'label' => tp('Add comment', 'Add comments', count($this->getObjects())) ] ); (new IcingaFormDecorator())->decorate($this->getElement('btn_submit')); } /** * @return ?AddCommentCommand */ protected function getCommand(Model $object) { if (! $this->isGrantedOn('icingadb/command/comment/add', $object)) { return null; } $command = new AddCommentCommand(); $command->setObject($object); $command->setComment($this->getValue('comment')); $command->setAuthor($this->getAuth()->getUser()->getUsername()); if (($expireTime = $this->getValue('expire_time'))) { /** @var DateTime $expireTime */ $command->setExpireTime($expireTime->getTimestamp()); } return $command; } }