<?php /* Icinga DB Web | (c) 2020 Icinga GmbH | GPLv2 */ namespace Icinga\Module\Icingadb\Web; use Exception; use Generator; use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\ServerRequest; use Icinga\Application\Config; use Icinga\Application\Icinga; use Icinga\Application\Logger; use Icinga\Application\Version; use Icinga\Data\ConfigObject; use Icinga\Date\DateFormatter; use Icinga\Exception\ConfigurationError; use Icinga\Exception\Json\JsonDecodeException; use Icinga\Module\Icingadb\Common\Auth; use Icinga\Module\Icingadb\Common\Database; use Icinga\Module\Icingadb\Common\BaseItemList; use Icinga\Module\Icingadb\Common\SearchControls; use Icinga\Module\Icingadb\Data\CsvResultSet; use Icinga\Module\Icingadb\Data\JsonResultSet; use Icinga\Module\Icingadb\Web\Control\ViewModeSwitcher; use Icinga\Module\Icingadb\Widget\ItemTable\BaseItemTable; use Icinga\Module\Pdfexport\PrintableHtmlDocument; use Icinga\Module\Pdfexport\ProvidedHook\Pdfexport; use Icinga\Security\SecurityException; use Icinga\User\Preferences; use Icinga\User\Preferences\PreferencesStore; use Icinga\Util\Environment; use Icinga\Util\Json; use ipl\Html\Html; use ipl\Html\ValidHtml; use ipl\Orm\Query; use ipl\Orm\UnionQuery; use ipl\Stdlib\Contract\Paginatable; use ipl\Stdlib\Filter; use ipl\Web\Compat\CompatController; use ipl\Web\Control\LimitControl; use ipl\Web\Control\PaginationControl; use ipl\Web\Control\SortControl; use ipl\Web\Filter\QueryString; use ipl\Web\Url; class Controller extends CompatController { use Auth; use Database; use SearchControls; /** @var Filter\Rule Filter from query string parameters */ private $filter; /** @var string|null */ private $format; /** @var bool */ private $formatProcessed = false; /** * Get the filter created from query string parameters * * @return Filter\Rule */ public function getFilter(): Filter\Rule { if ($this->filter === null) { $this->filter = QueryString::parse((string) $this->params); } return $this->filter; } public function createColumnControl(Query $query, ViewModeSwitcher $viewModeSwitcher) { // All of that is essentially what `ColumnControl::apply()` should do $columnsDef = $this->params->shift('columns'); if (! $columnsDef) { return null; } $columns = []; foreach (explode(',', $columnsDef) as $column) { if ($column = trim($column)) { $columns[] = $column; } } $query->withColumns($columns); if (! $this->getRequest()->getUrl()->hasParam($viewModeSwitcher->getViewModeParam())) { $viewModeSwitcher->setViewMode('tabular'); } // For now this also returns the columns, but they should be accessible // by calling `ColumnControl::getColumns()` in the future return $columns; } /** * Create and return the LimitControl * * This automatically shifts the limit URL parameter from {@link $params}. * * @return LimitControl */ public function createLimitControl(): LimitControl { $limitControl = new LimitControl(Url::fromRequest()); $limitControl->setDefaultLimit($this->getPageSize(null)); $this->params->shift($limitControl->getLimitParam()); return $limitControl; } /** * Create and return the PaginationControl * * This automatically shifts the pagination URL parameters from {@link $params}. * * @return PaginationControl */ public function createPaginationControl(Paginatable $paginatable): PaginationControl { $paginationControl = new PaginationControl($paginatable, Url::fromRequest()); $paginationControl->setDefaultPageSize($this->getPageSize(null)); $paginationControl->setAttribute('id', $this->getRequest()->protectId('pagination-control')); $this->params->shift($paginationControl->getPageParam()); $this->params->shift($paginationControl->getPageSizeParam()); return $paginationControl->apply(); } /** * Create and return the SortControl * * This automatically shifts the sort URL parameter from {@link $params}. * * @param Query $query * @param array $columns Possible sort columns as sort string-label pairs * * @return SortControl */ public function createSortControl(Query $query, array $columns): SortControl { $sortControl = SortControl::create($columns); $this->params->shift($sortControl->getSortParam()); return $sortControl->apply($query); } /** * Create and return the ViewModeSwitcher * * This automatically shifts the view mode URL parameter from {@link $params}. * * @param PaginationControl $paginationControl * @param LimitControl $limitControl * @param bool $verticalPagination * * @return ViewModeSwitcher */ public function createViewModeSwitcher( PaginationControl $paginationControl, LimitControl $limitControl, bool $verticalPagination = false ): ViewModeSwitcher { $viewModeSwitcher = new ViewModeSwitcher(); $viewModeSwitcher->setIdProtector([$this->getRequest(), 'protectId']); $user = $this->Auth()->getUser(); if (($preferredModes = $user->getAdditional('icingadb.view_modes')) === null) { try { $preferredModes = Json::decode( $user->getPreferences()->getValue('icingadb', 'view_modes', '[]'), true ); } catch (JsonDecodeException $e) { Logger::error('Failed to load preferred view modes for user "%s": %s', $user->getUsername(), $e); $preferredModes = []; } $user->setAdditional('icingadb.view_modes', $preferredModes); } $requestRoute = $this->getRequest()->getUrl()->getPath(); if (isset($preferredModes[$requestRoute])) { $viewModeSwitcher->setDefaultViewMode($preferredModes[$requestRoute]); } $viewModeSwitcher->populate([ $viewModeSwitcher->getViewModeParam() => $this->params->shift($viewModeSwitcher->getViewModeParam()) ]); $session = $this->Window()->getSessionNamespace( 'icingadb-viewmode-' . $this->Window()->getContainerId() ); $viewModeSwitcher->on( ViewModeSwitcher::ON_SUCCESS, function (ViewModeSwitcher $viewModeSwitcher) use ( $user, $preferredModes, $paginationControl, $verticalPagination, &$session ) { $viewMode = $viewModeSwitcher->getValue($viewModeSwitcher->getViewModeParam()); $requestUrl = Url::fromRequest(); $preferredModes[$requestUrl->getPath()] = $viewMode; $user->setAdditional('icingadb.view_modes', $preferredModes); try { $preferencesStore = PreferencesStore::create(new ConfigObject([ //TODO: Don't set store key as it will no longer be needed once we drop support for // lower version of icingaweb2 then v2.11. //https://github.com/Icinga/icingaweb2/pull/4765 'store' => Config::app()->get('global', 'config_backend', 'db'), 'resource' => Config::app()->get('global', 'config_resource') ]), $user); $preferencesStore->load(); $preferencesStore->save( new Preferences(['icingadb' => ['view_modes' => Json::encode($preferredModes)]]) ); } catch (Exception $e) { Logger::error('Failed to save preferred view mode for user "%s": %s', $user->getUsername(), $e); } $pageParam = $paginationControl->getPageParam(); $limitParam = LimitControl::DEFAULT_LIMIT_PARAM; $currentPage = $paginationControl->getCurrentPageNumber(); $requestUrl->setParam($viewModeSwitcher->getViewModeParam(), $viewMode); if (! $requestUrl->hasParam($limitParam)) { if ($viewMode === 'minimal') { $session->set('previous_page', $currentPage); $session->set('request_path', $requestUrl->getPath()); $limit = $paginationControl->getLimit(); if (! $verticalPagination) { // We are computing it based on the first element being rendered on this current page $currentPage = (int) (floor((($currentPage * $limit) - $limit) / ($limit * 2)) + 1); } else { $currentPage = (int) (round($currentPage * $limit / ($limit * 2))); } $session->set('current_page', $currentPage); } elseif ($viewModeSwitcher->getDefaultViewMode() === 'minimal') { $limit = $paginationControl->getLimit(); if ($currentPage === $session->get('current_page')) { // No other page numbers have been selected, i.e the user only // switches back and forth without changing the page numbers $currentPage = $session->get('previous_page'); } elseif (! $verticalPagination) { $currentPage = (int) (floor((($currentPage * $limit) - $limit) / ($limit / 2)) + 1); } else { $currentPage = (int) (floor($currentPage * $limit / ($limit / 2))); } $session->clear(); } if (($requestUrl->hasParam($pageParam) && $currentPage > 1) || $currentPage > 1) { $requestUrl->setParam($pageParam, $currentPage); } else { $requestUrl->remove($pageParam); } } $this->redirectNow($requestUrl); } )->handleRequest(ServerRequest::fromGlobals()); if ($viewModeSwitcher->getViewMode() === 'minimal') { $hasLimitParam = Url::fromRequest()->hasParam($limitControl->getLimitParam()); if ($paginationControl->getDefaultPageSize() <= LimitControl::DEFAULT_LIMIT && ! $hasLimitParam) { $paginationControl->setDefaultPageSize($paginationControl->getDefaultPageSize() * 2); $limitControl->setDefaultLimit($limitControl->getDefaultLimit() * 2); $paginationControl->apply(); } } $requestPath = $session->get('request_path'); if ($requestPath && $requestPath !== $requestRoute) { $session->clear(); } return $viewModeSwitcher; } /** * Process a search request * * @param Query $query * * @return void */ public function handleSearchRequest(Query $query) { $q = trim($this->params->shift('q', ''), ' *'); if (! $q) { return; } $filter = Filter::any(); $this->prepareSearchFilter($query, $q, $filter); $redirectUrl = Url::fromRequest(); $redirectUrl->setQueryString(QueryString::render($filter)); foreach ($this->params->toArray(false) as $name => $value) { $redirectUrl->getParams()->addEncoded($name, $value); } $this->getResponse()->redirectAndExit($redirectUrl); } /** * Prepare the given search filter * * @param Query $query * @param string $search * @param Filter\Any $filter * * @return void */ protected function prepareSearchFilter(Query $query, string $search, Filter\Any $filter) { foreach ($query->getModel()->getSearchColumns() as $column) { $filter->add(Filter::like( $query->getResolver()->qualifyColumn($column, $query->getModel()->getTableName()), "*$search*" )); } } /** * Require permission to access the given route * * @param string $name If NULL, the current controller name is used * * @throws SecurityException */ public function assertRouteAccess(string $name = null) { if (! $name) { $name = $this->getRequest()->getControllerName(); } if (! $this->isPermittedRoute($name)) { throw new SecurityException('No permission to access this route'); } } public function export(Query ...$queries) { if ($this->format === 'sql') { foreach ($queries as $query) { list($sql, $values) = $query->getDb()->getQueryBuilder()->assembleSelect($query->assembleSelect()); $unused = []; foreach ($values as $value) { $pos = strpos($sql, '?'); if ($pos !== false) { if (is_string($value)) { $value = "'" . $value . "'"; } $sql = substr_replace($sql, $value, $pos, 1); } else { $unused[] = $value; } } if (!empty($unused)) { $sql .= ' /* Unused values: "' . join('", "', $unused) . '" */'; } $this->content->add(Html::tag('pre', $sql)); } return true; } // It only makes sense to export a single result to CSV or JSON $query = $queries[0]; // No matter the format, a limit should only apply if set if ($this->format !== null) { $query->limit(Url::fromRequest()->getParam('limit')); } if ($this->format === 'json' || $this->format === 'csv') { $response = $this->getResponse(); $fileName = $this->view->title; ob_end_clean(); Environment::raiseExecutionTime(); if ($this->format === 'json') { $response ->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json') ->setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-store') ->setHeader( 'Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=' . $fileName . '.json' ) ->sendResponse(); JsonResultSet::stream($query); } else { $response ->setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/csv') ->setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-store') ->setHeader( 'Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=' . $fileName . '.csv' ) ->sendResponse(); CsvResultSet::stream($query); } } $this->getTabs()->enableDataExports(); } /** * @todo Remove once support for Icinga Web 2 v2.9.x is dropped */ protected function sendAsPdf() { if (! Icinga::app()->getModuleManager()->has('pdfexport')) { throw new ConfigurationError('The pdfexport module is required for exports to PDF'); } if (version_compare(Version::VERSION, '2.10.0', '>=')) { parent::sendAsPdf(); return; } putenv('ICINGAWEB_EXPORT_FORMAT=pdf'); Environment::raiseMemoryLimit('512M'); Environment::raiseExecutionTime(300); $time = DateFormatter::formatDateTime(time()); $doc = (new PrintableHtmlDocument()) ->setTitle($this->view->title) ->setHeader(Html::wantHtml([ Html::tag('span', ['class' => 'title']), Html::tag('time', null, $time) ])) ->setFooter(Html::wantHtml([ Html::tag('span', null, [ t('Page') . ' ', Html::tag('span', ['class' => 'pageNumber']), ' / ', Html::tag('span', ['class' => 'totalPages']) ]), Html::tag('p', null, Url::fromRequest()->setParams($this->params)) ])) ->addHtml($this->content); $doc->getAttributes()->add('class', 'icinga-module module-icingadb'); Pdfexport::first()->streamPdfFromHtml($doc, sprintf( '%s-%s', $this->view->title ?: $this->getRequest()->getActionName(), $time )); } public function dispatch($action) { // Notify helpers of action preDispatch state $this->_helper->notifyPreDispatch(); $this->preDispatch(); if ($this->getRequest()->isDispatched()) { // If pre-dispatch hooks introduced a redirect then stop dispatch // @see ZF-7496 if (! $this->getResponse()->isRedirect()) { $interceptable = $this->$action(); if ($interceptable instanceof Generator) { foreach ($interceptable as $stopSignal) { if ($stopSignal === true) { $this->formatProcessed = true; break; } } } } $this->postDispatch(); } // whats actually important here is that this action controller is // shutting down, regardless of dispatching; notify the helpers of this // state $this->_helper->notifyPostDispatch(); } protected function addContent(ValidHtml $content) { if ($content instanceof BaseItemList) { $this->content->getAttributes()->add('class', 'full-width'); } elseif ($content instanceof BaseItemTable) { $this->content->getAttributes()->add('class', 'full-height'); } return parent::addContent($content); } public function filter(Query $query, Filter\Rule $filter = null): self { if ($this->format !== 'sql' || $this->hasPermission('config/authentication/roles/show')) { $this->applyRestrictions($query); } if ($query instanceof UnionQuery) { foreach ($query->getUnions() as $query) { $query->filter($filter ?: $this->getFilter()); } } else { $query->filter($filter ?: $this->getFilter()); } return $this; } public function preDispatch() { parent::preDispatch(); $this->format = $this->params->shift('format'); } public function postDispatch() { if (! $this->formatProcessed && $this->format !== null && $this->format !== 'pdf') { // The purpose of this is not only to show that a requested format isn't supported. // It's main purpose is to not allow to bypass restrictions with `?format=sql` as // it may be possible that an action applies restrictions, but doesn't support any // output formats. Since the restrictions are bypassed in method `$this->filter()` // for the SQL output format and the actual format processing is part of a different // method (`$this->export()`) which needs to be called explicitly by an action, // it's otherwise possible for bad individuals to access unrestricted data. $this->httpBadRequest(t('This route does not support the requested output format')); } parent::postDispatch(); } protected function moduleInit() { Icinga::app()->getFrontController() ->getPlugin('Zend_Controller_Plugin_ErrorHandler') ->setErrorHandlerModule('icingadb'); } }