path: root/pkg/icingadb/history/sync.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 383 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pkg/icingadb/history/sync.go b/pkg/icingadb/history/sync.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc8bc61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/icingadb/history/sync.go
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+package history
+import (
+ "context"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ v1types ""
+ v1 ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ "reflect"
+ "sync"
+// Sync specifies the source and destination of a history sync.
+type Sync struct {
+ db *icingadb.DB
+ redis *icingaredis.Client
+ logger *logging.Logger
+// NewSync creates a new Sync.
+func NewSync(db *icingadb.DB, redis *icingaredis.Client, logger *logging.Logger) *Sync {
+ return &Sync{
+ db: db,
+ redis: redis,
+ logger: logger,
+ }
+// Sync synchronizes Redis history streams from s.redis to s.db and deletes the original data on success.
+func (s Sync) Sync(ctx context.Context) error {
+ g, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
+ for key, pipeline := range syncPipelines {
+ key := key
+ pipeline := pipeline
+ s.logger.Debugf("Starting %s history sync", key)
+ // The pipeline consists of n+2 stages connected sequentially using n+1 channels of type chan redis.XMessage,
+ // where n = len(pipeline), i.e. the number of actual sync stages. So the resulting pipeline looks like this:
+ //
+ // readFromRedis() Reads from redis and sends the history entries to the next stage
+ // ↓ ch[0]
+ // pipeline[0]() First actual sync stage, receives history items from the previous stage, syncs them
+ // and once completed, sends them off to the next stage.
+ // ↓ ch[1]
+ // ... There may be a different number of pipeline stages in between.
+ // ↓ ch[n-1]
+ // pipeline[n-1]() Last actual sync stage, once it's done, sends the history item to the final stage.
+ // ↓ ch[n]
+ // deleteFromRedis() After all stages have processed a message successfully, this final stage deletes
+ // the history entry from the Redis stream as it is now persisted in the database.
+ //
+ // Each history entry is processed by at most one stage at each time. Each state must forward the entry after
+ // it has processed it, even if the stage itself does not do anything with this specific entry. It should only
+ // forward the entry after it has completed its own sync so that later stages can rely on previous stages being
+ // executed successfully.
+ ch := make([]chan redis.XMessage, len(pipeline)+1)
+ for i := range ch {
+ if i == 0 {
+ // Make the first channel buffered so that all items of one read iteration fit into the channel.
+ // This allows starting the next Redis XREAD right after the previous one has finished.
+ ch[i] = make(chan redis.XMessage, s.redis.Options.XReadCount)
+ } else {
+ ch[i] = make(chan redis.XMessage)
+ }
+ }
+ g.Go(func() error {
+ return s.readFromRedis(ctx, key, ch[0])
+ })
+ for i, stage := range pipeline {
+ i := i
+ stage := stage
+ g.Go(func() error {
+ return stage(ctx, s, key, ch[i], ch[i+1])
+ })
+ }
+ g.Go(func() error {
+ return s.deleteFromRedis(ctx, key, ch[len(pipeline)])
+ })
+ }
+ return g.Wait()
+// readFromRedis is the first stage of the history sync pipeline. It reads the history stream from Redis
+// and feeds the history entries into the next stage.
+func (s Sync) readFromRedis(ctx context.Context, key string, output chan<- redis.XMessage) error {
+ defer close(output)
+ xra := &redis.XReadArgs{
+ Streams: []string{"icinga:history:stream:" + key, "0-0"},
+ Count: int64(s.redis.Options.XReadCount),
+ }
+ for {
+ streams, err := s.redis.XReadUntilResult(ctx, xra)
+ if err != nil {
+ return errors.Wrap(err, "can't read history")
+ }
+ for _, stream := range streams {
+ for _, message := range stream.Messages {
+ xra.Streams[1] = message.ID
+ select {
+ case output <- message:
+ case <-ctx.Done():
+ return ctx.Err()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// deleteFromRedis is the last stage of the history sync pipeline. It receives history entries from the second to last
+// pipeline stage and then deletes the stream entry from Redis as all pipeline stages successfully processed the entry.
+func (s Sync) deleteFromRedis(ctx context.Context, key string, input <-chan redis.XMessage) error {
+ var counter com.Counter
+ defer periodic.Start(ctx, s.logger.Interval(), func(_ periodic.Tick) {
+ if count := counter.Reset(); count > 0 {
+ s.logger.Infof("Synced %d %s history items", count, key)
+ }
+ }).Stop()
+ bulks := com.Bulk(ctx, input, s.redis.Options.HScanCount, com.NeverSplit[redis.XMessage])
+ stream := "icinga:history:stream:" + key
+ for {
+ select {
+ case bulk := <-bulks:
+ ids := make([]string, len(bulk))
+ for i := range bulk {
+ ids[i] = bulk[i].ID
+ }
+ cmd := s.redis.XDel(ctx, stream, ids...)
+ if _, err := cmd.Result(); err != nil {
+ return icingaredis.WrapCmdErr(cmd)
+ }
+ counter.Add(uint64(len(ids)))
+ telemetry.Stats.History.Add(uint64(len(ids)))
+ case <-ctx.Done():
+ return ctx.Err()
+ }
+ }
+// stageFunc is a function type that represents a sync pipeline stage. It is called with a context (it should stop
+// once that context is canceled), the Sync instance (for access to Redis, SQL database, logging), the key (information
+// about which pipeline this function is running in, i.e. "notification"), an in channel for the stage to read history
+// events from and an out channel to forward history entries to after processing them successfully. A stage function
+// is supposed to forward each message from in to out, even if the event is not relevant for the current stage. On
+// error conditions, the message must not be forwarded to the next stage so that the event is not deleted from Redis
+// and can be processed at a later time.
+type stageFunc func(ctx context.Context, s Sync, key string, in <-chan redis.XMessage, out chan<- redis.XMessage) error
+// writeOneEntityStage creates a stageFunc from a pointer to a struct implementing the v1.UpserterEntity interface.
+// For each history event it receives, it parses that event into a new instance of that entity type and writes it to
+// the database. It writes exactly one entity to the database for each history event.
+func writeOneEntityStage(structPtr interface{}) stageFunc {
+ structifier := structify.MakeMapStructifier(reflect.TypeOf(structPtr).Elem(), "json")
+ return writeMultiEntityStage(func(entry redis.XMessage) ([]v1.UpserterEntity, error) {
+ ptr, err := structifier(entry.Values)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "can't structify values %#v", entry.Values)
+ }
+ return []v1.UpserterEntity{ptr.(v1.UpserterEntity)}, nil
+ })
+// writeMultiEntityStage creates a stageFunc from a function that takes a history event as an input and returns a
+// (potentially empty) slice of v1.UpserterEntity instances that it then inserts into the database.
+func writeMultiEntityStage(entryToEntities func(entry redis.XMessage) ([]v1.UpserterEntity, error)) stageFunc {
+ return func(ctx context.Context, s Sync, key string, in <-chan redis.XMessage, out chan<- redis.XMessage) error {
+ type State struct {
+ Message redis.XMessage // Original event from Redis.
+ Pending int // Number of pending entities. When reaching 0, the message is forwarded to out.
+ }
+ bufSize := s.db.Options.MaxPlaceholdersPerStatement
+ insert := make(chan contracts.Entity, bufSize) // Events sent to the database for insertion.
+ inserted := make(chan contracts.Entity) // Events returned by the database after successful insertion.
+ skipped := make(chan redis.XMessage) // Events skipping insert/inserted (no entities generated).
+ state := make(map[contracts.Entity]*State) // Shared state between all entities created by one event.
+ var stateMu sync.Mutex // Synchronizes concurrent access to state.
+ g, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
+ g.Go(func() error {
+ defer close(insert)
+ defer close(skipped)
+ for {
+ select {
+ case e, ok := <-in:
+ if !ok {
+ return nil
+ }
+ entities, err := entryToEntities(e)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if len(entities) == 0 {
+ skipped <- e
+ } else {
+ st := &State{
+ Message: e,
+ Pending: len(entities),
+ }
+ stateMu.Lock()
+ for _, entity := range entities {
+ state[entity] = st
+ }
+ stateMu.Unlock()
+ for _, entity := range entities {
+ select {
+ case insert <- entity:
+ case <-ctx.Done():
+ return ctx.Err()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ case <-ctx.Done():
+ return ctx.Err()
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ g.Go(func() error {
+ defer close(inserted)
+ return s.db.UpsertStreamed(ctx, insert, icingadb.OnSuccessSendTo[contracts.Entity](inserted))
+ })
+ g.Go(func() error {
+ defer close(out)
+ for {
+ select {
+ case e, ok := <-inserted:
+ if !ok {
+ return nil
+ }
+ stateMu.Lock()
+ st := state[e]
+ delete(state, e)
+ stateMu.Unlock()
+ st.Pending--
+ if st.Pending == 0 {
+ select {
+ case out <- st.Message:
+ case <-ctx.Done():
+ return ctx.Err()
+ }
+ }
+ case m, ok := <-skipped:
+ if !ok {
+ return nil
+ }
+ select {
+ case out <- m:
+ case <-ctx.Done():
+ return ctx.Err()
+ }
+ case <-ctx.Done():
+ return ctx.Err()
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ return g.Wait()
+ }
+// userNotificationStage is a specialized stageFunc that populates the user_notification_history table. It is executed
+// on the notification history stream and uses the users_notified_ids attribute to create an entry in the
+// user_notification_history relation table for each user ID.
+func userNotificationStage(ctx context.Context, s Sync, key string, in <-chan redis.XMessage, out chan<- redis.XMessage) error {
+ type NotificationHistory struct {
+ Id types.Binary `structify:"id"`
+ EnvironmentId types.Binary `structify:"environment_id"`
+ EndpointId types.Binary `structify:"endpoint_id"`
+ UserIds types.String `structify:"users_notified_ids"`
+ }
+ structifier := structify.MakeMapStructifier(reflect.TypeOf((*NotificationHistory)(nil)).Elem(), "structify")
+ return writeMultiEntityStage(func(entry redis.XMessage) ([]v1.UpserterEntity, error) {
+ rawNotificationHistory, err := structifier(entry.Values)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ notificationHistory := rawNotificationHistory.(*NotificationHistory)
+ if !notificationHistory.UserIds.Valid {
+ return nil, nil
+ }
+ var users []types.Binary
+ err = internal.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(notificationHistory.UserIds.String), &users)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ var userNotifications []v1.UpserterEntity
+ for _, user := range users {
+ userNotifications = append(userNotifications, &v1.UserNotificationHistory{
+ EntityWithoutChecksum: v1types.EntityWithoutChecksum{
+ IdMeta: v1types.IdMeta{
+ Id: utils.Checksum(append(append([]byte(nil), notificationHistory.Id...), user...)),
+ },
+ },
+ EnvironmentMeta: v1types.EnvironmentMeta{
+ EnvironmentId: notificationHistory.EnvironmentId,
+ },
+ NotificationHistoryId: notificationHistory.Id,
+ UserId: user,
+ })
+ }
+ return userNotifications, nil
+ })(ctx, s, key, in, out)
+var syncPipelines = map[string][]stageFunc{
+ "notification": {
+ writeOneEntityStage((*v1.NotificationHistory)(nil)), // notification_history
+ userNotificationStage, // user_notification_history (depends on notification_history)
+ writeOneEntityStage((*v1.HistoryNotification)(nil)), // history (depends on notification_history)
+ },
+ "state": {
+ writeOneEntityStage((*v1.StateHistory)(nil)), // state_history
+ writeOneEntityStage((*v1.HistoryState)(nil)), // history (depends on state_history)
+ writeMultiEntityStage(stateHistoryToSlaEntity), // sla_history_state
+ },
+ "downtime": {
+ writeOneEntityStage((*v1.DowntimeHistory)(nil)), // downtime_history
+ writeOneEntityStage((*v1.HistoryDowntime)(nil)), // history (depends on downtime_history)
+ writeOneEntityStage((*v1.SlaHistoryDowntime)(nil)), // sla_history_downtime
+ },
+ "comment": {
+ writeOneEntityStage((*v1.CommentHistory)(nil)), // comment_history
+ writeOneEntityStage((*v1.HistoryComment)(nil)), // history (depends on comment_history)
+ },
+ "flapping": {
+ writeOneEntityStage((*v1.FlappingHistory)(nil)), // flapping_history
+ writeOneEntityStage((*v1.HistoryFlapping)(nil)), // history (depends on flapping_history)
+ },
+ "acknowledgement": {
+ writeOneEntityStage((*v1.AcknowledgementHistory)(nil)), // acknowledgement_history
+ writeOneEntityStage((*v1.HistoryAck)(nil)), // history (depends on acknowledgement_history)
+ },