package main import ( "database/sql" _ "embed" "" "" "math" "strings" "time" ) //go:embed embed/event_time_cache_schema.sql var eventTimeCacheSchema string //go:embed embed/previous_hard_state_cache_schema.sql var previousHardStateCacheSchema string // buildEventTimeCache rationale: // // Icinga DB's flapping_history#id always needs start_time. flapping_end rows would need an IDO subquery for that. // That would make the IDO reading even slower than the Icinga DB writing. // Therefore: Stream IDO's icinga_flappinghistory once, compute flapping_history#start_time // and cache it into an SQLite database. Then steam from that database and the IDO. // // Similar for acknowledgements. (On non-recoverable errors the whole program exits.) func buildEventTimeCache(ht *historyType, idoColumns []string) { type row = struct { Id uint64 EventTime int64 EventTimeUsec uint32 EventIsStart uint8 ObjectId uint64 } chunkCacheTx(ht.cache, func(tx **sqlx.Tx, commitPeriodically func()) { var checkpoint struct { Cnt int64 MaxId sql.NullInt64 } cacheGet(*tx, &checkpoint, "SELECT COUNT(*) cnt, MAX(history_id) max_id FROM end_start_time") * 2) // Stream source data... sliceIdoHistory( ht, "SELECT "+strings.Join(idoColumns, ", ")+" FROM "+ht.idoTable+ // For actual migration icinga_objects will be joined anyway, // so it makes no sense to take vanished objects into account. " xh USE INDEX (PRIMARY) INNER JOIN icinga_objects o ON o.object_id=xh.object_id WHERE xh."+ ht.idoIdColumn+" <= :toid AND xh."+ ht.idoIdColumn+" > :checkpoint ORDER BY xh."+ht.idoIdColumn+" LIMIT :bulk", nil, checkpoint.MaxId.Int64, // ... since we were interrupted: func(idoRows []row) (checkpoint interface{}) { for _, idoRow := range idoRows { if idoRow.EventIsStart == 0 { // Ack/flapping end event. Get the start event time: var lst []struct { EventTime int64 EventTimeUsec uint32 } cacheSelect( *tx, &lst, "SELECT event_time, event_time_usec FROM last_start_time WHERE object_id=?", idoRow.ObjectId, ) // If we have that, ... if len(lst) > 0 { // ... save the start event time for the actual migration: cacheExec( *tx, "INSERT INTO end_start_time(history_id, event_time, event_time_usec) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", idoRow.Id, lst[0].EventTime, lst[0].EventTimeUsec, ) // This previously queried info isn't needed anymore. cacheExec(*tx, "DELETE FROM last_start_time WHERE object_id=?", idoRow.ObjectId) } } else { // Ack/flapping start event directly after another start event (per checkable). // The old one won't have (but the new one will) an end event (which will need its time). cacheExec(*tx, "DELETE FROM last_start_time WHERE object_id=?", idoRow.ObjectId) // An ack/flapping start event. The following end event (per checkable) will need its time. cacheExec( *tx, "INSERT INTO last_start_time(object_id, event_time, event_time_usec) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", idoRow.ObjectId, idoRow.EventTime, idoRow.EventTimeUsec, ) } commitPeriodically() checkpoint = idoRow.Id } return }, ) // This never queried info isn't needed anymore. cacheExec(*tx, "DELETE FROM last_start_time") }), true) } // buildPreviousHardStateCache rationale: // // Icinga DB's state_history#previous_hard_state would need a subquery. // That make the IDO reading even slower than the Icinga DB writing. // Therefore: Stream IDO's icinga_statehistory once, compute state_history#previous_hard_state // and cache it into an SQLite database. Then steam from that database and the IDO. // // Similar for notifications. (On non-recoverable errors the whole program exits.) func buildPreviousHardStateCache(ht *historyType, idoColumns []string) { type row = struct { Id uint64 ObjectId uint64 LastHardState uint8 } chunkCacheTx(ht.cache, func(tx **sqlx.Tx, commitPeriodically func()) { var nextIds struct { Cnt int64 MinId sql.NullInt64 } cacheGet(*tx, &nextIds, "SELECT COUNT(*) cnt, MIN(history_id) min_id FROM next_ids") var previousHardStateCnt int64 cacheGet(*tx, &previousHardStateCnt, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM previous_hard_state") var checkpoint int64 if nextIds.MinId.Valid { // there are next_ids checkpoint = nextIds.MinId.Int64 // this kind of caches is filled descending } else { // there aren't any next_ids // next_ids contains the most recently processed IDs and is only empty if... if previousHardStateCnt == 0 { // ... we didn't actually start yet... checkpoint = math.MaxInt64 // start from the largest (possible) ID } else { // ... or we've already finished. checkpoint = 0 // make following query no-op } } + nextIds.Cnt) // We continue where we finished before. As we build the cache in reverse chronological order: // 1. If the history grows between two migration trials, we won't migrate the difference. Workarounds: // a. Start migration after Icinga DB is up and running. // b. Remove the cache before the next migration trial. // 2. If the history gets cleaned up between two migration trials, // the difference either just doesn't appear in the cache or - if already there - will be ignored later. // Stream source data... sliceIdoHistory( ht, "SELECT "+strings.Join(idoColumns, ", ")+" FROM "+ht.idoTable+ // For actual migration icinga_objects will be joined anyway, // so it makes no sense to take vanished objects into account. " xh USE INDEX (PRIMARY) INNER JOIN icinga_objects o ON o.object_id=xh.object_id WHERE xh."+ ht.idoIdColumn+" <= :toid AND xh."+ ht.idoIdColumn+" < :checkpoint ORDER BY xh."+ht.idoIdColumn+" DESC LIMIT :bulk", nil, checkpoint, // ... since we were interrupted: func(idoRows []row) (checkpoint interface{}) { for _, idoRow := range idoRows { var nhs []struct{ NextHardState uint8 } cacheSelect(*tx, &nhs, "SELECT next_hard_state FROM next_hard_state WHERE object_id=?", idoRow.ObjectId) if len(nhs) < 1 { // we just started (per checkable) // At the moment (we're "travelling back in time") that's the checkable's hard state: cacheExec( *tx, "INSERT INTO next_hard_state(object_id, next_hard_state) VALUES (?, ?)", idoRow.ObjectId, idoRow.LastHardState, ) // But for the current time point the previous hard state isn't known, yet: cacheExec( *tx, "INSERT INTO next_ids(history_id, object_id) VALUES (?, ?)", idoRow.Id, idoRow.ObjectId, ) } else if idoRow.LastHardState == nhs[0].NextHardState { // The hard state didn't change yet (per checkable), // so this time point also awaits the previous hard state. cacheExec( *tx, "INSERT INTO next_ids(history_id, object_id) VALUES (?, ?)", idoRow.Id, idoRow.ObjectId, ) } else { // the hard state changed (per checkable) // That past hard state is now available for the processed future time points: cacheExec( *tx, "INSERT INTO previous_hard_state(history_id, previous_hard_state) "+ "SELECT history_id, ? FROM next_ids WHERE object_id=?", idoRow.LastHardState, idoRow.ObjectId, ) // Now they have what they wanted: cacheExec(*tx, "DELETE FROM next_hard_state WHERE object_id=?", idoRow.ObjectId) cacheExec(*tx, "DELETE FROM next_ids WHERE object_id=?", idoRow.ObjectId) // That's done. // Now do the same thing as in the "we just started" case above, for the same reason: cacheExec( *tx, "INSERT INTO next_hard_state(object_id, next_hard_state) VALUES (?, ?)", idoRow.ObjectId, idoRow.LastHardState, ) cacheExec( *tx, "INSERT INTO next_ids(history_id, object_id) VALUES (?, ?)", idoRow.Id, idoRow.ObjectId, ) } commitPeriodically() checkpoint = idoRow.Id } return }, ) // No past hard state is available for the processed future time points, assuming pending: cacheExec( *tx, "INSERT INTO previous_hard_state(history_id, previous_hard_state) SELECT history_id, 99 FROM next_ids", ) // Now they should have what they wanted: cacheExec(*tx, "DELETE FROM next_hard_state") cacheExec(*tx, "DELETE FROM next_ids") }), true) } // chunkCacheTx rationale: during do operate on cache via *tx. After every completed operation call commitPeriodically() // which periodically commits *tx and starts a new tx. (That's why tx is a **, not just a *.) // (On non-recoverable errors the whole program exits.) func chunkCacheTx(cache *sqlx.DB, do func(tx **sqlx.Tx, commitPeriodically func())) { logger := log.With("backend", "cache") tx, err := cache.Beginx() if err != nil { logger.Fatalf("%+v", errors.Wrap(err, "can't begin transaction")) } const commitInterval = 5 * time.Minute nextCommit := time.Now().Add(commitInterval) do(&tx, func() { // commitPeriodically if now := time.Now(); now.After(nextCommit) { if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil { logger.Fatalf("%+v", errors.Wrap(err, "can't commit transaction")) } var err error tx, err = cache.Beginx() if err != nil { logger.Fatalf("%+v", errors.Wrap(err, "can't begin transaction")) } nextCommit = nextCommit.Add(commitInterval) } }) if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil { logger.Fatalf("%+v", errors.Wrap(err, "can't commit transaction")) } } // cacheGet does cache.Get(dest, query, args...). (On non-recoverable errors the whole program exits.) func cacheGet(cache interface { Get(dest interface{}, query string, args ...interface{}) error }, dest interface{}, query string, args ...interface{}) { if err := cache.Get(dest, query, args...); err != nil { log.With("backend", "cache", "query", query, "args", args). Fatalf("%+v", errors.Wrap(err, "can't perform query")) } } // cacheSelect does cacheTx.Select(dest, query, args...). (On non-recoverable errors the whole program exits.) func cacheSelect(cacheTx *sqlx.Tx, dest interface{}, query string, args ...interface{}) { if err := cacheTx.Select(dest, query, args...); err != nil { log.With("backend", "cache", "query", query, "args", args). Fatalf("%+v", errors.Wrap(err, "can't perform query")) } } // cacheExec does cacheTx.Exec(dml, args...). On non-recoverable errors the whole program exits. func cacheExec(cacheTx *sqlx.Tx, dml string, args ...interface{}) { if _, err := cacheTx.Exec(dml, args...); err != nil { log.With("backend", "cache", "dml", dml, "args", args).Fatalf("%+v", errors.Wrap(err, "can't perform DML")) } }