package main import ( "database/sql" _ "embed" "" v1 "" "" icingadbTypes "" "" "" "" "strconv" "strings" "time" ) //go:embed embed/comment_query.sql var commentMigrationQuery string //go:embed embed/downtime_query.sql var downtimeMigrationQuery string //go:embed embed/flapping_query.sql var flappingMigrationQuery string //go:embed embed/notification_query.sql var notificationMigrationQuery string //go:embed embed/state_query.sql var stateMigrationQuery string type commentRow = struct { CommenthistoryId uint64 EntryTime int64 EntryTimeUsec uint32 EntryType uint8 AuthorName string CommentData string IsPersistent uint8 ExpirationTime int64 DeletionTime int64 DeletionTimeUsec uint32 Name string ObjecttypeId uint8 Name1 string Name2 string } func convertCommentRows( env string, envId icingadbTypes.Binary, _ func(interface{}, string, ...interface{}), _ *sqlx.Tx, idoRows []commentRow, ) (icingaDbInserts, _ [][]contracts.Entity, checkpoint any) { var commentHistory, acknowledgementHistory, allHistoryComment, allHistoryAck []contracts.Entity for _, row := range idoRows { checkpoint = row.CommenthistoryId typ := objectTypes[row.ObjecttypeId] hostId := calcObjectId(env, row.Name1) serviceId := calcServiceId(env, row.Name1, row.Name2) switch row.EntryType { case 1: // user id := calcObjectId(env, row.Name) entryTime := convertTime(row.EntryTime, row.EntryTimeUsec) removeTime := convertTime(row.DeletionTime, row.DeletionTimeUsec) expireTime := convertTime(row.ExpirationTime, 0) commentHistory = append(commentHistory, &history.CommentHistory{ CommentHistoryEntity: history.CommentHistoryEntity{CommentId: id}, HistoryTableMeta: history.HistoryTableMeta{ EnvironmentId: envId, ObjectType: typ, HostId: hostId, ServiceId: serviceId, }, CommentHistoryUpserter: history.CommentHistoryUpserter{ RemoveTime: removeTime, HasBeenRemoved: icingadbTypes.Bool{Bool: !removeTime.Time().IsZero(), Valid: true}, }, EntryTime: entryTime, Author: row.AuthorName, Comment: row.CommentData, EntryType: icingadbTypes.CommentType(row.EntryType), IsPersistent: icingadbTypes.Bool{Bool: row.IsPersistent != 0, Valid: true}, IsSticky: icingadbTypes.Bool{Bool: false, Valid: true}, ExpireTime: expireTime, }) h1 := &history.HistoryComment{ HistoryMeta: history.HistoryMeta{ HistoryEntity: history.HistoryEntity{Id: hashAny([]string{env, "comment_add", row.Name})}, EnvironmentId: envId, ObjectType: typ, HostId: hostId, ServiceId: serviceId, EventType: "comment_add", }, CommentHistoryId: id, EntryTime: entryTime, } h1.EventTime.History = h1 allHistoryComment = append(allHistoryComment, h1) if !removeTime.Time().IsZero() { // remove h2 := &history.HistoryComment{ HistoryMeta: history.HistoryMeta{ HistoryEntity: history.HistoryEntity{Id: hashAny([]string{env, "comment_remove", row.Name})}, EnvironmentId: envId, ObjectType: typ, HostId: hostId, ServiceId: serviceId, EventType: "comment_remove", }, CommentHistoryId: id, EntryTime: entryTime, RemoveTime: removeTime, ExpireTime: expireTime, } h2.EventTime.History = h2 allHistoryComment = append(allHistoryComment, h2) } case 4: // ack name := row.Name1 if row.Name2 != "" { name += "!" + row.Name2 } setTime := convertTime(row.EntryTime, row.EntryTimeUsec) setTs := float64(setTime.Time().UnixMilli()) clearTime := convertTime(row.DeletionTime, row.DeletionTimeUsec) acknowledgementHistoryId := hashAny([]any{env, name, setTs}) acknowledgementHistory = append(acknowledgementHistory, &history.AcknowledgementHistory{ EntityWithoutChecksum: v1.EntityWithoutChecksum{ IdMeta: v1.IdMeta{Id: acknowledgementHistoryId}, }, HistoryTableMeta: history.HistoryTableMeta{ EnvironmentId: envId, ObjectType: typ, HostId: hostId, ServiceId: serviceId, }, AckHistoryUpserter: history.AckHistoryUpserter{ClearTime: clearTime}, SetTime: setTime, Author: icingadbTypes.String{ NullString: sql.NullString{ String: row.AuthorName, Valid: true, }, }, Comment: icingadbTypes.String{ NullString: sql.NullString{ String: row.CommentData, Valid: true, }, }, ExpireTime: convertTime(row.ExpirationTime, 0), IsPersistent: icingadbTypes.Bool{ Bool: row.IsPersistent != 0, Valid: true, }, }) h1 := &history.HistoryAck{ HistoryMeta: history.HistoryMeta{ HistoryEntity: history.HistoryEntity{ Id: hashAny([]any{env, "ack_set", name, setTs}), }, EnvironmentId: envId, ObjectType: typ, HostId: hostId, ServiceId: serviceId, EventType: "ack_set", }, AcknowledgementHistoryId: acknowledgementHistoryId, SetTime: setTime, ClearTime: clearTime, } h1.EventTime.History = h1 allHistoryAck = append(allHistoryAck, h1) if !clearTime.Time().IsZero() { h2 := &history.HistoryAck{ HistoryMeta: history.HistoryMeta{ HistoryEntity: history.HistoryEntity{ Id: hashAny([]any{env, "ack_clear", name, setTs}), }, EnvironmentId: envId, ObjectType: typ, HostId: hostId, ServiceId: serviceId, EventType: "ack_clear", }, AcknowledgementHistoryId: acknowledgementHistoryId, SetTime: setTime, ClearTime: clearTime, } h2.EventTime.History = h2 allHistoryAck = append(allHistoryAck, h2) } } } icingaDbInserts = [][]contracts.Entity{commentHistory, acknowledgementHistory, allHistoryComment, allHistoryAck} return } type downtimeRow = struct { DowntimehistoryId uint64 EntryTime int64 AuthorName string CommentData string IsFixed uint8 Duration int64 ScheduledStartTime int64 ScheduledEndTime int64 ActualStartTime int64 ActualStartTimeUsec uint32 ActualEndTime int64 ActualEndTimeUsec uint32 WasCancelled uint8 TriggerTime int64 Name string ObjecttypeId uint8 Name1 string Name2 string TriggeredBy string } func convertDowntimeRows( env string, envId icingadbTypes.Binary, _ func(interface{}, string, ...interface{}), _ *sqlx.Tx, idoRows []downtimeRow, ) (icingaDbInserts, _ [][]contracts.Entity, checkpoint any) { var downtimeHistory, allHistory, sla []contracts.Entity for _, row := range idoRows { checkpoint = row.DowntimehistoryId id := calcObjectId(env, row.Name) typ := objectTypes[row.ObjecttypeId] hostId := calcObjectId(env, row.Name1) serviceId := calcServiceId(env, row.Name1, row.Name2) scheduledStart := convertTime(row.ScheduledStartTime, 0) scheduledEnd := convertTime(row.ScheduledEndTime, 0) triggerTime := convertTime(row.TriggerTime, 0) actualStart := convertTime(row.ActualStartTime, row.ActualStartTimeUsec) actualEnd := convertTime(row.ActualEndTime, row.ActualEndTimeUsec) var startTime, endTime, cancelTime icingadbTypes.UnixMilli if scheduledEnd.Time().IsZero() { scheduledEnd = icingadbTypes.UnixMilli(scheduledStart.Time().Add(time.Duration(row.Duration) * time.Second)) } if actualStart.Time().IsZero() { startTime = scheduledStart } else { startTime = actualStart } if actualEnd.Time().IsZero() { endTime = scheduledEnd } else { endTime = actualEnd } if triggerTime.Time().IsZero() { triggerTime = startTime } if row.WasCancelled != 0 { cancelTime = actualEnd } downtimeHistory = append(downtimeHistory, &history.DowntimeHistory{ DowntimeHistoryEntity: history.DowntimeHistoryEntity{DowntimeId: id}, HistoryTableMeta: history.HistoryTableMeta{ EnvironmentId: envId, ObjectType: typ, HostId: hostId, ServiceId: serviceId, }, DowntimeHistoryUpserter: history.DowntimeHistoryUpserter{ HasBeenCancelled: icingadbTypes.Bool{Bool: row.WasCancelled != 0, Valid: true}, CancelTime: cancelTime, }, TriggeredById: calcObjectId(env, row.TriggeredBy), EntryTime: convertTime(row.EntryTime, 0), Author: row.AuthorName, Comment: row.CommentData, IsFlexible: icingadbTypes.Bool{Bool: row.IsFixed == 0, Valid: true}, FlexibleDuration: uint64(row.Duration) * 1000, ScheduledStartTime: scheduledStart, ScheduledEndTime: scheduledEnd, StartTime: startTime, EndTime: endTime, TriggerTime: triggerTime, }) h1 := &history.HistoryDowntime{ HistoryMeta: history.HistoryMeta{ HistoryEntity: history.HistoryEntity{Id: hashAny([]string{env, "downtime_start", row.Name})}, EnvironmentId: envId, ObjectType: typ, HostId: hostId, ServiceId: serviceId, EventType: "downtime_start", }, DowntimeHistoryId: id, StartTime: startTime, } h1.EventTime.History = h1 allHistory = append(allHistory, h1) if !actualEnd.Time().IsZero() { // remove h2 := &history.HistoryDowntime{ HistoryMeta: history.HistoryMeta{ HistoryEntity: history.HistoryEntity{Id: hashAny([]string{env, "downtime_end", row.Name})}, EnvironmentId: envId, ObjectType: typ, HostId: hostId, ServiceId: serviceId, EventType: "downtime_end", }, DowntimeHistoryId: id, StartTime: startTime, CancelTime: cancelTime, EndTime: endTime, HasBeenCancelled: icingadbTypes.Bool{Bool: row.WasCancelled != 0, Valid: true}, } h2.EventTime.History = h2 allHistory = append(allHistory, h2) } s := &history.SlaHistoryDowntime{ DowntimeHistoryEntity: history.DowntimeHistoryEntity{DowntimeId: id}, HistoryTableMeta: history.HistoryTableMeta{ EnvironmentId: envId, ObjectType: typ, HostId: hostId, ServiceId: serviceId, }, DowntimeStart: startTime, HasBeenCancelled: icingadbTypes.Bool{Bool: row.WasCancelled != 0, Valid: true}, CancelTime: cancelTime, EndTime: endTime, } s.DowntimeEnd.History = s sla = append(sla, s) } icingaDbInserts = [][]contracts.Entity{downtimeHistory, allHistory, sla} return } type flappingRow = struct { FlappinghistoryId uint64 EventTime int64 EventTimeUsec uint32 EventType uint16 PercentStateChange sql.NullFloat64 LowThreshold float64 HighThreshold float64 ObjecttypeId uint8 Name1 string Name2 string } func convertFlappingRows( env string, envId icingadbTypes.Binary, selectCache func(dest interface{}, query string, args ...interface{}), _ *sqlx.Tx, idoRows []flappingRow, ) (icingaDbInserts, icingaDbUpserts [][]contracts.Entity, checkpoint any) { if len(idoRows) < 1 { return } var cached []struct { HistoryId uint64 EventTime int64 EventTimeUsec uint32 } selectCache( &cached, "SELECT history_id, event_time, event_time_usec FROM end_start_time WHERE history_id BETWEEN ? AND ?", idoRows[0].FlappinghistoryId, idoRows[len(idoRows)-1].FlappinghistoryId, ) // Needed for start time (see below). cachedById := make(map[uint64]icingadbTypes.UnixMilli, len(cached)) for _, c := range cached { cachedById[c.HistoryId] = convertTime(c.EventTime, c.EventTimeUsec) } var flappingHistory, flappingHistoryUpserts, allHistory []contracts.Entity for _, row := range idoRows { checkpoint = row.FlappinghistoryId ts := convertTime(row.EventTime, row.EventTimeUsec) // Needed for ID (see below). var start icingadbTypes.UnixMilli if row.EventType == 1001 { // end var ok bool start, ok = cachedById[row.FlappinghistoryId] if !ok { continue } } else { start = ts } name := row.Name1 if row.Name2 != "" { name += "!" + row.Name2 } typ := objectTypes[row.ObjecttypeId] hostId := calcObjectId(env, row.Name1) serviceId := calcServiceId(env, row.Name1, row.Name2) startTime := float64(start.Time().UnixMilli()) flappingHistoryId := hashAny([]interface{}{env, name, startTime}) if row.EventType == 1001 { // end // The start counterpart should already have been inserted. flappingHistoryUpserts = append(flappingHistoryUpserts, &history.FlappingHistory{ EntityWithoutChecksum: v1.EntityWithoutChecksum{ IdMeta: v1.IdMeta{Id: flappingHistoryId}, }, HistoryTableMeta: history.HistoryTableMeta{ EnvironmentId: envId, ObjectType: typ, HostId: hostId, ServiceId: serviceId, }, FlappingHistoryUpserter: history.FlappingHistoryUpserter{ EndTime: ts, PercentStateChangeEnd: icingadbTypes.Float{NullFloat64: row.PercentStateChange}, FlappingThresholdLow: float32(row.LowThreshold), FlappingThresholdHigh: float32(row.HighThreshold), }, StartTime: start, }) h := &history.HistoryFlapping{ HistoryMeta: history.HistoryMeta{ HistoryEntity: history.HistoryEntity{ Id: hashAny([]interface{}{env, "flapping_end", name, startTime}), }, EnvironmentId: envId, ObjectType: typ, HostId: hostId, ServiceId: serviceId, EventType: "flapping_end", }, FlappingHistoryId: flappingHistoryId, StartTime: start, EndTime: ts, } h.EventTime.History = h allHistory = append(allHistory, h) } else { flappingHistory = append(flappingHistory, &history.FlappingHistory{ EntityWithoutChecksum: v1.EntityWithoutChecksum{ IdMeta: v1.IdMeta{Id: flappingHistoryId}, }, HistoryTableMeta: history.HistoryTableMeta{ EnvironmentId: envId, ObjectType: typ, HostId: hostId, ServiceId: serviceId, }, FlappingHistoryUpserter: history.FlappingHistoryUpserter{ FlappingThresholdLow: float32(row.LowThreshold), FlappingThresholdHigh: float32(row.HighThreshold), }, StartTime: start, PercentStateChangeStart: icingadbTypes.Float{NullFloat64: row.PercentStateChange}, }) h := &history.HistoryFlapping{ HistoryMeta: history.HistoryMeta{ HistoryEntity: history.HistoryEntity{ Id: hashAny([]interface{}{env, "flapping_start", name, startTime}), }, EnvironmentId: envId, ObjectType: typ, HostId: hostId, ServiceId: serviceId, EventType: "flapping_start", }, FlappingHistoryId: flappingHistoryId, StartTime: start, } h.EventTime.History = h allHistory = append(allHistory, h) } } icingaDbInserts = [][]contracts.Entity{flappingHistory, allHistory} icingaDbUpserts = [][]contracts.Entity{flappingHistoryUpserts} return } type notificationRow = struct { NotificationId uint64 NotificationReason uint8 EndTime int64 EndTimeUsec uint32 State uint8 Output string LongOutput sql.NullString ContactsNotified uint16 ObjecttypeId uint8 Name1 string Name2 string } func convertNotificationRows( env string, envId icingadbTypes.Binary, selectCache func(dest interface{}, query string, args ...interface{}), ido *sqlx.Tx, idoRows []notificationRow, ) (icingaDbInserts, _ [][]contracts.Entity, checkpoint any) { if len(idoRows) < 1 { return } var cached []struct { HistoryId uint64 PreviousHardState uint8 } selectCache( &cached, "SELECT history_id, previous_hard_state FROM previous_hard_state WHERE history_id BETWEEN ? AND ?", idoRows[0].NotificationId, idoRows[len(idoRows)-1].NotificationId, ) cachedById := make(map[uint64]uint8, len(cached)) for _, c := range cached { cachedById[c.HistoryId] = c.PreviousHardState } var contacts []struct { NotificationId uint64 Name1 string } { var query = ido.Rebind( "SELECT c.notification_id, o.name1 FROM icinga_contactnotifications c " + "INNER JOIN icinga_objects o ON o.object_id=c.contact_object_id WHERE c.notification_id BETWEEN ? AND ?", ) err := ido.Select(&contacts, query, idoRows[0].NotificationId, idoRows[len(idoRows)-1].NotificationId) if err != nil { log.With("query", query).Fatalf("%+v", errors.Wrap(err, "can't perform query")) } } contactsById := map[uint64]map[string]struct{}{} for _, contact := range contacts { perId, ok := contactsById[contact.NotificationId] if !ok { perId = map[string]struct{}{} contactsById[contact.NotificationId] = perId } perId[contact.Name1] = struct{}{} } var notificationHistory, userNotificationHistory, allHistory []contracts.Entity for _, row := range idoRows { checkpoint = row.NotificationId previousHardState, ok := cachedById[row.NotificationId] if !ok { continue } // The IDO tracks only sent notifications, but not notification config objects, nor even their names. // We have to improvise. By the way we avoid unwanted collisions between synced and migrated data via "ID" // instead of "HOST[!SERVICE]!NOTIFICATION" (ok as this name won't be parsed, but only hashed) and between // migrated data itself via the history ID as object name, i.e. one "virtual object" per sent notification. name := strconv.FormatUint(row.NotificationId, 10) nt := convertNotificationType(row.NotificationReason, row.State) ntEnum, err := nt.Value() if err != nil { continue } ts := convertTime(row.EndTime, row.EndTimeUsec) tsMilli := float64(ts.Time().UnixMilli()) notificationHistoryId := hashAny([]interface{}{env, name, ntEnum, tsMilli}) id := hashAny([]interface{}{env, "notification", name, ntEnum, tsMilli}) typ := objectTypes[row.ObjecttypeId] hostId := calcObjectId(env, row.Name1) serviceId := calcServiceId(env, row.Name1, row.Name2) text := row.Output if row.LongOutput.Valid { text += "\n\n" + row.LongOutput.String } notificationHistory = append(notificationHistory, &history.NotificationHistory{ HistoryTableEntity: history.HistoryTableEntity{ EntityWithoutChecksum: v1.EntityWithoutChecksum{ IdMeta: v1.IdMeta{Id: notificationHistoryId}, }, }, HistoryTableMeta: history.HistoryTableMeta{ EnvironmentId: envId, ObjectType: typ, HostId: hostId, ServiceId: serviceId, }, NotificationId: calcObjectId(env, name), Type: nt, SendTime: ts, State: row.State, PreviousHardState: previousHardState, Text: icingadbTypes.String{ NullString: sql.NullString{ String: text, Valid: true, }, }, UsersNotified: row.ContactsNotified, }) allHistory = append(allHistory, &history.HistoryNotification{ HistoryMeta: history.HistoryMeta{ HistoryEntity: history.HistoryEntity{Id: id}, EnvironmentId: envId, ObjectType: typ, HostId: hostId, ServiceId: serviceId, EventType: "notification", }, NotificationHistoryId: notificationHistoryId, EventTime: ts, }) for contact := range contactsById[row.NotificationId] { userId := calcObjectId(env, contact) userNotificationHistory = append(userNotificationHistory, &history.UserNotificationHistory{ EntityWithoutChecksum: v1.EntityWithoutChecksum{ IdMeta: v1.IdMeta{ Id: utils.Checksum(append(append([]byte(nil), notificationHistoryId...), userId...)), }, }, EnvironmentMeta: v1.EnvironmentMeta{EnvironmentId: envId}, NotificationHistoryId: notificationHistoryId, UserId: userId, }) } } icingaDbInserts = [][]contracts.Entity{notificationHistory, userNotificationHistory, allHistory} return } // convertNotificationType maps IDO values[1] to Icinga DB ones[2]. // // [1]: // [2]: func convertNotificationType(notificationReason, state uint8) icingadbTypes.NotificationType { switch notificationReason { case 0: // state if state == 0 { return 64 // recovery } else { return 32 // problem } case 1: // acknowledgement return 16 case 2: // flapping start return 128 case 3: // flapping end return 256 case 5: // downtime start return 1 case 6: // downtime end return 2 case 7: // downtime removed return 4 case 8: // custom return 8 default: // bad notification type return 0 } } type stateRow = struct { StatehistoryId uint64 StateTime int64 StateTimeUsec uint32 State uint8 StateType uint8 CurrentCheckAttempt uint16 MaxCheckAttempts uint16 LastState uint8 LastHardState uint8 Output sql.NullString LongOutput sql.NullString CheckSource sql.NullString ObjecttypeId uint8 Name1 string Name2 string } func convertStateRows( env string, envId icingadbTypes.Binary, selectCache func(dest interface{}, query string, args ...interface{}), _ *sqlx.Tx, idoRows []stateRow, ) (icingaDbInserts, _ [][]contracts.Entity, checkpoint any) { if len(idoRows) < 1 { return } var cached []struct { HistoryId uint64 PreviousHardState uint8 } selectCache( &cached, "SELECT history_id, previous_hard_state FROM previous_hard_state WHERE history_id BETWEEN ? AND ?", idoRows[0].StatehistoryId, idoRows[len(idoRows)-1].StatehistoryId, ) cachedById := make(map[uint64]uint8, len(cached)) for _, c := range cached { cachedById[c.HistoryId] = c.PreviousHardState } var stateHistory, allHistory, sla []contracts.Entity for _, row := range idoRows { checkpoint = row.StatehistoryId previousHardState, ok := cachedById[row.StatehistoryId] if !ok { continue } name := strings.Join([]string{row.Name1, row.Name2}, "!") ts := convertTime(row.StateTime, row.StateTimeUsec) tsMilli := float64(ts.Time().UnixMilli()) stateHistoryId := hashAny([]interface{}{env, name, tsMilli}) id := hashAny([]interface{}{env, "state_change", name, tsMilli}) typ := objectTypes[row.ObjecttypeId] hostId := calcObjectId(env, row.Name1) serviceId := calcServiceId(env, row.Name1, row.Name2) stateHistory = append(stateHistory, &history.StateHistory{ HistoryTableEntity: history.HistoryTableEntity{ EntityWithoutChecksum: v1.EntityWithoutChecksum{ IdMeta: v1.IdMeta{Id: stateHistoryId}, }, }, HistoryTableMeta: history.HistoryTableMeta{ EnvironmentId: envId, ObjectType: typ, HostId: hostId, ServiceId: serviceId, }, EventTime: ts, StateType: icingadbTypes.StateType(row.StateType), SoftState: row.State, HardState: row.LastHardState, PreviousSoftState: row.LastState, PreviousHardState: previousHardState, CheckAttempt: uint8(row.CurrentCheckAttempt), Output: icingadbTypes.String{NullString: row.Output}, LongOutput: icingadbTypes.String{NullString: row.LongOutput}, MaxCheckAttempts: uint32(row.MaxCheckAttempts), CheckSource: icingadbTypes.String{NullString: row.CheckSource}, }) allHistory = append(allHistory, &history.HistoryState{ HistoryMeta: history.HistoryMeta{ HistoryEntity: history.HistoryEntity{Id: id}, EnvironmentId: envId, ObjectType: typ, HostId: hostId, ServiceId: serviceId, EventType: "state_change", }, StateHistoryId: stateHistoryId, EventTime: ts, }) if icingadbTypes.StateType(row.StateType) == icingadbTypes.StateHard { // only hard state changes are relevant for SLA history, discard all others sla = append(sla, &history.SlaHistoryState{ HistoryTableEntity: history.HistoryTableEntity{ EntityWithoutChecksum: v1.EntityWithoutChecksum{ IdMeta: v1.IdMeta{Id: stateHistoryId}, }, }, HistoryTableMeta: history.HistoryTableMeta{ EnvironmentId: envId, ObjectType: typ, HostId: hostId, ServiceId: serviceId, }, EventTime: ts, StateType: icingadbTypes.StateType(row.StateType), HardState: row.LastHardState, PreviousHardState: previousHardState, }) } } icingaDbInserts = [][]contracts.Entity{stateHistory, allHistory, sla} return }