// Copyright (c) 2016 Uber Technologies, Inc. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. package zapcore_test import ( "encoding/json" "strings" "testing" "time" "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" "gopkg.in/yaml.v3" . "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore" ) var ( _epoch = time.Date(1970, time.January, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) _testEntry = Entry{ LoggerName: "main", Level: InfoLevel, Message: `hello`, Time: _epoch, Stack: "fake-stack", Caller: EntryCaller{Defined: true, File: "foo.go", Line: 42, Function: "foo.Foo"}, } ) func testEncoderConfig() EncoderConfig { return EncoderConfig{ MessageKey: "msg", LevelKey: "level", NameKey: "name", TimeKey: "ts", CallerKey: "caller", FunctionKey: "func", StacktraceKey: "stacktrace", LineEnding: "\n", EncodeTime: EpochTimeEncoder, EncodeLevel: LowercaseLevelEncoder, EncodeDuration: SecondsDurationEncoder, EncodeCaller: ShortCallerEncoder, } } func humanEncoderConfig() EncoderConfig { cfg := testEncoderConfig() cfg.EncodeTime = ISO8601TimeEncoder cfg.EncodeLevel = CapitalLevelEncoder cfg.EncodeDuration = StringDurationEncoder return cfg } func capitalNameEncoder(loggerName string, enc PrimitiveArrayEncoder) { enc.AppendString(strings.ToUpper(loggerName)) } func TestEncoderConfiguration(t *testing.T) { base := testEncoderConfig() tests := []struct { desc string cfg EncoderConfig amendEntry func(Entry) Entry extra func(Encoder) expectedJSON string expectedConsole string }{ { desc: "messages to be escaped", cfg: base, amendEntry: func(ent Entry) Entry { ent.Message = `hello\` return ent }, expectedJSON: `{"level":"info","ts":0,"name":"main","caller":"foo.go:42","func":"foo.Foo","msg":"hello\\","stacktrace":"fake-stack"}` + "\n", expectedConsole: "0\tinfo\tmain\tfoo.go:42\tfoo.Foo\thello\\\nfake-stack\n", }, { desc: "use custom entry keys in JSON output and ignore them in console output", cfg: EncoderConfig{ LevelKey: "L", TimeKey: "T", MessageKey: "M", NameKey: "N", CallerKey: "C", FunctionKey: "F", StacktraceKey: "S", LineEnding: base.LineEnding, EncodeTime: base.EncodeTime, EncodeDuration: base.EncodeDuration, EncodeLevel: base.EncodeLevel, EncodeCaller: base.EncodeCaller, }, expectedJSON: `{"L":"info","T":0,"N":"main","C":"foo.go:42","F":"foo.Foo","M":"hello","S":"fake-stack"}` + "\n", expectedConsole: "0\tinfo\tmain\tfoo.go:42\tfoo.Foo\thello\nfake-stack\n", }, { desc: "skip line ending if SkipLineEnding is 'true'", cfg: EncoderConfig{ LevelKey: "L", TimeKey: "T", MessageKey: "M", NameKey: "N", CallerKey: "C", FunctionKey: "F", StacktraceKey: "S", LineEnding: base.LineEnding, SkipLineEnding: true, EncodeTime: base.EncodeTime, EncodeDuration: base.EncodeDuration, EncodeLevel: base.EncodeLevel, EncodeCaller: base.EncodeCaller, }, expectedJSON: `{"L":"info","T":0,"N":"main","C":"foo.go:42","F":"foo.Foo","M":"hello","S":"fake-stack"}`, expectedConsole: "0\tinfo\tmain\tfoo.go:42\tfoo.Foo\thello\nfake-stack", }, { desc: "skip level if LevelKey is omitted", cfg: EncoderConfig{ LevelKey: OmitKey, TimeKey: "T", MessageKey: "M", NameKey: "N", CallerKey: "C", FunctionKey: "F", StacktraceKey: "S", LineEnding: base.LineEnding, EncodeTime: base.EncodeTime, EncodeDuration: base.EncodeDuration, EncodeLevel: base.EncodeLevel, EncodeCaller: base.EncodeCaller, }, expectedJSON: `{"T":0,"N":"main","C":"foo.go:42","F":"foo.Foo","M":"hello","S":"fake-stack"}` + "\n", expectedConsole: "0\tmain\tfoo.go:42\tfoo.Foo\thello\nfake-stack\n", }, { desc: "skip timestamp if TimeKey is omitted", cfg: EncoderConfig{ LevelKey: "L", TimeKey: OmitKey, MessageKey: "M", NameKey: "N", CallerKey: "C", FunctionKey: "F", StacktraceKey: "S", LineEnding: base.LineEnding, EncodeTime: base.EncodeTime, EncodeDuration: base.EncodeDuration, EncodeLevel: base.EncodeLevel, EncodeCaller: base.EncodeCaller, }, expectedJSON: `{"L":"info","N":"main","C":"foo.go:42","F":"foo.Foo","M":"hello","S":"fake-stack"}` + "\n", expectedConsole: "info\tmain\tfoo.go:42\tfoo.Foo\thello\nfake-stack\n", }, { desc: "skip message if MessageKey is omitted", cfg: EncoderConfig{ LevelKey: "L", TimeKey: "T", MessageKey: OmitKey, NameKey: "N", CallerKey: "C", FunctionKey: "F", StacktraceKey: "S", LineEnding: base.LineEnding, EncodeTime: base.EncodeTime, EncodeDuration: base.EncodeDuration, EncodeLevel: base.EncodeLevel, EncodeCaller: base.EncodeCaller, }, expectedJSON: `{"L":"info","T":0,"N":"main","C":"foo.go:42","F":"foo.Foo","S":"fake-stack"}` + "\n", expectedConsole: "0\tinfo\tmain\tfoo.go:42\tfoo.Foo\nfake-stack\n", }, { desc: "skip name if NameKey is omitted", cfg: EncoderConfig{ LevelKey: "L", TimeKey: "T", MessageKey: "M", NameKey: OmitKey, CallerKey: "C", FunctionKey: "F", StacktraceKey: "S", LineEnding: base.LineEnding, EncodeTime: base.EncodeTime, EncodeDuration: base.EncodeDuration, EncodeLevel: base.EncodeLevel, EncodeCaller: base.EncodeCaller, }, expectedJSON: `{"L":"info","T":0,"C":"foo.go:42","F":"foo.Foo","M":"hello","S":"fake-stack"}` + "\n", expectedConsole: "0\tinfo\tfoo.go:42\tfoo.Foo\thello\nfake-stack\n", }, { desc: "skip caller if CallerKey is omitted", cfg: EncoderConfig{ LevelKey: "L", TimeKey: "T", MessageKey: "M", NameKey: "N", CallerKey: OmitKey, FunctionKey: "F", StacktraceKey: "S", LineEnding: base.LineEnding, EncodeTime: base.EncodeTime, EncodeDuration: base.EncodeDuration, EncodeLevel: base.EncodeLevel, EncodeCaller: base.EncodeCaller, }, expectedJSON: `{"L":"info","T":0,"N":"main","F":"foo.Foo","M":"hello","S":"fake-stack"}` + "\n", expectedConsole: "0\tinfo\tmain\tfoo.Foo\thello\nfake-stack\n", }, { desc: "skip function if FunctionKey is omitted", cfg: EncoderConfig{ LevelKey: "L", TimeKey: "T", MessageKey: "M", NameKey: "N", CallerKey: "C", FunctionKey: OmitKey, StacktraceKey: "S", LineEnding: base.LineEnding, EncodeTime: base.EncodeTime, EncodeDuration: base.EncodeDuration, EncodeLevel: base.EncodeLevel, EncodeCaller: base.EncodeCaller, }, expectedJSON: `{"L":"info","T":0,"N":"main","C":"foo.go:42","M":"hello","S":"fake-stack"}` + "\n", expectedConsole: "0\tinfo\tmain\tfoo.go:42\thello\nfake-stack\n", }, { desc: "skip stacktrace if StacktraceKey is omitted", cfg: EncoderConfig{ LevelKey: "L", TimeKey: "T", MessageKey: "M", NameKey: "N", CallerKey: "C", FunctionKey: "F", StacktraceKey: OmitKey, LineEnding: base.LineEnding, EncodeTime: base.EncodeTime, EncodeDuration: base.EncodeDuration, EncodeLevel: base.EncodeLevel, EncodeCaller: base.EncodeCaller, }, expectedJSON: `{"L":"info","T":0,"N":"main","C":"foo.go:42","F":"foo.Foo","M":"hello"}` + "\n", expectedConsole: "0\tinfo\tmain\tfoo.go:42\tfoo.Foo\thello\n", }, { desc: "use the supplied EncodeTime, for both the entry and any times added", cfg: EncoderConfig{ LevelKey: "L", TimeKey: "T", MessageKey: "M", NameKey: "N", CallerKey: "C", FunctionKey: "F", StacktraceKey: "S", LineEnding: base.LineEnding, EncodeTime: func(t time.Time, enc PrimitiveArrayEncoder) { enc.AppendString(t.String()) }, EncodeDuration: base.EncodeDuration, EncodeLevel: base.EncodeLevel, EncodeCaller: base.EncodeCaller, }, extra: func(enc Encoder) { enc.AddTime("extra", _epoch) enc.AddArray("extras", ArrayMarshalerFunc(func(enc ArrayEncoder) error { enc.AppendTime(_epoch) return nil })) }, expectedJSON: `{"L":"info","T":"1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC","N":"main","C":"foo.go:42","F":"foo.Foo","M":"hello","extra":"1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC","extras":["1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC"],"S":"fake-stack"}` + "\n", expectedConsole: "1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC\tinfo\tmain\tfoo.go:42\tfoo.Foo\thello\t" + // plain-text preamble `{"extra": "1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC", "extras": ["1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC"]}` + // JSON context "\nfake-stack\n", // stacktrace after newline }, { desc: "use the supplied EncodeDuration for any durations added", cfg: EncoderConfig{ LevelKey: "L", TimeKey: "T", MessageKey: "M", NameKey: "N", CallerKey: "C", FunctionKey: "F", StacktraceKey: "S", LineEnding: base.LineEnding, EncodeTime: base.EncodeTime, EncodeDuration: StringDurationEncoder, EncodeLevel: base.EncodeLevel, EncodeCaller: base.EncodeCaller, }, extra: func(enc Encoder) { enc.AddDuration("extra", time.Second) enc.AddArray("extras", ArrayMarshalerFunc(func(enc ArrayEncoder) error { enc.AppendDuration(time.Minute) return nil })) }, expectedJSON: `{"L":"info","T":0,"N":"main","C":"foo.go:42","F":"foo.Foo","M":"hello","extra":"1s","extras":["1m0s"],"S":"fake-stack"}` + "\n", expectedConsole: "0\tinfo\tmain\tfoo.go:42\tfoo.Foo\thello\t" + // preamble `{"extra": "1s", "extras": ["1m0s"]}` + // context "\nfake-stack\n", // stacktrace }, { desc: "use the supplied EncodeLevel", cfg: EncoderConfig{ LevelKey: "L", TimeKey: "T", MessageKey: "M", NameKey: "N", CallerKey: "C", FunctionKey: "F", StacktraceKey: "S", LineEnding: base.LineEnding, EncodeTime: base.EncodeTime, EncodeDuration: base.EncodeDuration, EncodeLevel: CapitalLevelEncoder, EncodeCaller: base.EncodeCaller, }, expectedJSON: `{"L":"INFO","T":0,"N":"main","C":"foo.go:42","F":"foo.Foo","M":"hello","S":"fake-stack"}` + "\n", expectedConsole: "0\tINFO\tmain\tfoo.go:42\tfoo.Foo\thello\nfake-stack\n", }, { desc: "use the supplied EncodeName", cfg: EncoderConfig{ LevelKey: "L", TimeKey: "T", MessageKey: "M", NameKey: "N", CallerKey: "C", FunctionKey: "F", StacktraceKey: "S", LineEnding: base.LineEnding, EncodeTime: base.EncodeTime, EncodeDuration: base.EncodeDuration, EncodeLevel: base.EncodeLevel, EncodeCaller: base.EncodeCaller, EncodeName: capitalNameEncoder, }, expectedJSON: `{"L":"info","T":0,"N":"MAIN","C":"foo.go:42","F":"foo.Foo","M":"hello","S":"fake-stack"}` + "\n", expectedConsole: "0\tinfo\tMAIN\tfoo.go:42\tfoo.Foo\thello\nfake-stack\n", }, { desc: "close all open namespaces", cfg: EncoderConfig{ LevelKey: "L", TimeKey: "T", MessageKey: "M", NameKey: "N", CallerKey: "C", FunctionKey: "F", StacktraceKey: "S", LineEnding: base.LineEnding, EncodeTime: base.EncodeTime, EncodeDuration: base.EncodeDuration, EncodeLevel: base.EncodeLevel, EncodeCaller: base.EncodeCaller, }, extra: func(enc Encoder) { enc.OpenNamespace("outer") enc.OpenNamespace("inner") enc.AddString("foo", "bar") enc.OpenNamespace("innermost") }, expectedJSON: `{"L":"info","T":0,"N":"main","C":"foo.go:42","F":"foo.Foo","M":"hello","outer":{"inner":{"foo":"bar","innermost":{}}},"S":"fake-stack"}` + "\n", expectedConsole: "0\tinfo\tmain\tfoo.go:42\tfoo.Foo\thello\t" + `{"outer": {"inner": {"foo": "bar", "innermost": {}}}}` + "\nfake-stack\n", }, { desc: "handle no-op EncodeTime", cfg: EncoderConfig{ LevelKey: "L", TimeKey: "T", MessageKey: "M", NameKey: "N", CallerKey: "C", FunctionKey: "F", StacktraceKey: "S", LineEnding: base.LineEnding, EncodeTime: func(time.Time, PrimitiveArrayEncoder) {}, EncodeDuration: base.EncodeDuration, EncodeLevel: base.EncodeLevel, EncodeCaller: base.EncodeCaller, }, extra: func(enc Encoder) { enc.AddTime("sometime", time.Unix(0, 100)) }, expectedJSON: `{"L":"info","T":0,"N":"main","C":"foo.go:42","F":"foo.Foo","M":"hello","sometime":100,"S":"fake-stack"}` + "\n", expectedConsole: "info\tmain\tfoo.go:42\tfoo.Foo\thello\t" + `{"sometime": 100}` + "\nfake-stack\n", }, { desc: "handle no-op EncodeDuration", cfg: EncoderConfig{ LevelKey: "L", TimeKey: "T", MessageKey: "M", NameKey: "N", CallerKey: "C", FunctionKey: "F", StacktraceKey: "S", LineEnding: base.LineEnding, EncodeTime: base.EncodeTime, EncodeDuration: func(time.Duration, PrimitiveArrayEncoder) {}, EncodeLevel: base.EncodeLevel, EncodeCaller: base.EncodeCaller, }, extra: func(enc Encoder) { enc.AddDuration("someduration", time.Microsecond) }, expectedJSON: `{"L":"info","T":0,"N":"main","C":"foo.go:42","F":"foo.Foo","M":"hello","someduration":1000,"S":"fake-stack"}` + "\n", expectedConsole: "0\tinfo\tmain\tfoo.go:42\tfoo.Foo\thello\t" + `{"someduration": 1000}` + "\nfake-stack\n", }, { desc: "handle no-op EncodeLevel", cfg: EncoderConfig{ LevelKey: "L", TimeKey: "T", MessageKey: "M", NameKey: "N", CallerKey: "C", FunctionKey: "F", StacktraceKey: "S", LineEnding: base.LineEnding, EncodeTime: base.EncodeTime, EncodeDuration: base.EncodeDuration, EncodeLevel: func(Level, PrimitiveArrayEncoder) {}, EncodeCaller: base.EncodeCaller, }, expectedJSON: `{"L":"info","T":0,"N":"main","C":"foo.go:42","F":"foo.Foo","M":"hello","S":"fake-stack"}` + "\n", expectedConsole: "0\tmain\tfoo.go:42\tfoo.Foo\thello\nfake-stack\n", }, { desc: "handle no-op EncodeCaller", cfg: EncoderConfig{ LevelKey: "L", TimeKey: "T", MessageKey: "M", NameKey: "N", CallerKey: "C", FunctionKey: "F", StacktraceKey: "S", LineEnding: base.LineEnding, EncodeTime: base.EncodeTime, EncodeDuration: base.EncodeDuration, EncodeLevel: base.EncodeLevel, EncodeCaller: func(EntryCaller, PrimitiveArrayEncoder) {}, }, expectedJSON: `{"L":"info","T":0,"N":"main","C":"foo.go:42","F":"foo.Foo","M":"hello","S":"fake-stack"}` + "\n", expectedConsole: "0\tinfo\tmain\tfoo.Foo\thello\nfake-stack\n", }, { desc: "handle no-op EncodeName", cfg: EncoderConfig{ LevelKey: "L", TimeKey: "T", MessageKey: "M", NameKey: "N", CallerKey: "C", FunctionKey: "F", StacktraceKey: "S", LineEnding: base.LineEnding, EncodeTime: base.EncodeTime, EncodeDuration: base.EncodeDuration, EncodeLevel: base.EncodeLevel, EncodeCaller: base.EncodeCaller, EncodeName: func(string, PrimitiveArrayEncoder) {}, }, expectedJSON: `{"L":"info","T":0,"N":"main","C":"foo.go:42","F":"foo.Foo","M":"hello","S":"fake-stack"}` + "\n", expectedConsole: "0\tinfo\tfoo.go:42\tfoo.Foo\thello\nfake-stack\n", }, { desc: "use custom line separator", cfg: EncoderConfig{ LevelKey: "L", TimeKey: "T", MessageKey: "M", NameKey: "N", CallerKey: "C", FunctionKey: "F", StacktraceKey: "S", LineEnding: "\r\n", EncodeTime: base.EncodeTime, EncodeDuration: base.EncodeDuration, EncodeLevel: base.EncodeLevel, EncodeCaller: base.EncodeCaller, }, expectedJSON: `{"L":"info","T":0,"N":"main","C":"foo.go:42","F":"foo.Foo","M":"hello","S":"fake-stack"}` + "\r\n", expectedConsole: "0\tinfo\tmain\tfoo.go:42\tfoo.Foo\thello\nfake-stack\r\n", }, { desc: "omit line separator definition - fall back to default", cfg: EncoderConfig{ LevelKey: "L", TimeKey: "T", MessageKey: "M", NameKey: "N", CallerKey: "C", FunctionKey: "F", StacktraceKey: "S", EncodeTime: base.EncodeTime, EncodeDuration: base.EncodeDuration, EncodeLevel: base.EncodeLevel, EncodeCaller: base.EncodeCaller, }, expectedJSON: `{"L":"info","T":0,"N":"main","C":"foo.go:42","F":"foo.Foo","M":"hello","S":"fake-stack"}` + DefaultLineEnding, expectedConsole: "0\tinfo\tmain\tfoo.go:42\tfoo.Foo\thello\nfake-stack" + DefaultLineEnding, }, } for i, tt := range tests { json := NewJSONEncoder(tt.cfg) console := NewConsoleEncoder(tt.cfg) if tt.extra != nil { tt.extra(json) tt.extra(console) } entry := _testEntry if tt.amendEntry != nil { entry = tt.amendEntry(_testEntry) } jsonOut, jsonErr := json.EncodeEntry(entry, nil) if assert.NoError(t, jsonErr, "Unexpected error JSON-encoding entry in case #%d.", i) { assert.Equal( t, tt.expectedJSON, jsonOut.String(), "Unexpected JSON output: expected to %v.", tt.desc, ) } consoleOut, consoleErr := console.EncodeEntry(entry, nil) if assert.NoError(t, consoleErr, "Unexpected error console-encoding entry in case #%d.", i) { assert.Equal( t, tt.expectedConsole, consoleOut.String(), "Unexpected console output: expected to %v.", tt.desc, ) } } } func TestLevelEncoders(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { name string expected interface{} // output of encoding InfoLevel }{ {"capital", "INFO"}, {"lower", "info"}, {"", "info"}, {"something-random", "info"}, } for _, tt := range tests { var le LevelEncoder require.NoError(t, le.UnmarshalText([]byte(tt.name)), "Unexpected error unmarshaling %q.", tt.name) assertAppended( t, tt.expected, func(arr ArrayEncoder) { le(InfoLevel, arr) }, "Unexpected output serializing InfoLevel with %q.", tt.name, ) } } func TestTimeEncoders(t *testing.T) { moment := time.Unix(100, 50005000).UTC() tests := []struct { yamlDoc string expected interface{} // output of serializing moment }{ {"timeEncoder: iso8601", "1970-01-01T00:01:40.050Z"}, {"timeEncoder: ISO8601", "1970-01-01T00:01:40.050Z"}, {"timeEncoder: millis", 100050.005}, {"timeEncoder: nanos", int64(100050005000)}, {"timeEncoder: {layout: 06/01/02 03:04pm}", "70/01/01 12:01am"}, {"timeEncoder: ''", 100.050005}, {"timeEncoder: something-random", 100.050005}, {"timeEncoder: rfc3339", "1970-01-01T00:01:40Z"}, {"timeEncoder: RFC3339", "1970-01-01T00:01:40Z"}, {"timeEncoder: rfc3339nano", "1970-01-01T00:01:40.050005Z"}, {"timeEncoder: RFC3339Nano", "1970-01-01T00:01:40.050005Z"}, } for _, tt := range tests { cfg := EncoderConfig{} require.NoError(t, yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(tt.yamlDoc), &cfg), "Unexpected error unmarshaling %q.", tt.yamlDoc) require.NotNil(t, cfg.EncodeTime, "Unmashalled timeEncoder is nil for %q.", tt.yamlDoc) assertAppended( t, tt.expected, func(arr ArrayEncoder) { cfg.EncodeTime(moment, arr) }, "Unexpected output serializing %v with %q.", moment, tt.yamlDoc, ) } } func TestTimeEncodersWrongYAML(t *testing.T) { tests := []string{ "timeEncoder: [1, 2, 3]", // wrong type "timeEncoder: {foo:bar", // broken yaml } for _, tt := range tests { cfg := EncoderConfig{} assert.Error(t, yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(tt), &cfg), "Expected unmarshaling %q to become error, but not.", tt) } } func TestTimeEncodersParseFromJSON(t *testing.T) { moment := time.Unix(100, 50005000).UTC() tests := []struct { jsonDoc string expected interface{} // output of serializing moment }{ {`{"timeEncoder": "iso8601"}`, "1970-01-01T00:01:40.050Z"}, {`{"timeEncoder": {"layout": "06/01/02 03:04pm"}}`, "70/01/01 12:01am"}, } for _, tt := range tests { cfg := EncoderConfig{} require.NoError(t, json.Unmarshal([]byte(tt.jsonDoc), &cfg), "Unexpected error unmarshaling %q.", tt.jsonDoc) require.NotNil(t, cfg.EncodeTime, "Unmashalled timeEncoder is nil for %q.", tt.jsonDoc) assertAppended( t, tt.expected, func(arr ArrayEncoder) { cfg.EncodeTime(moment, arr) }, "Unexpected output serializing %v with %q.", moment, tt.jsonDoc, ) } } func TestDurationEncoders(t *testing.T) { elapsed := time.Second + 500*time.Nanosecond tests := []struct { name string expected interface{} // output of serializing elapsed }{ {"string", "1.0000005s"}, {"nanos", int64(1000000500)}, {"ms", int64(1000)}, {"", 1.0000005}, {"something-random", 1.0000005}, } for _, tt := range tests { var de DurationEncoder require.NoError(t, de.UnmarshalText([]byte(tt.name)), "Unexpected error unmarshaling %q.", tt.name) assertAppended( t, tt.expected, func(arr ArrayEncoder) { de(elapsed, arr) }, "Unexpected output serializing %v with %q.", elapsed, tt.name, ) } } func TestCallerEncoders(t *testing.T) { caller := EntryCaller{Defined: true, File: "/home/jack/src/github.com/foo/foo.go", Line: 42} tests := []struct { name string expected interface{} // output of serializing caller }{ {"", "foo/foo.go:42"}, {"something-random", "foo/foo.go:42"}, {"short", "foo/foo.go:42"}, {"full", "/home/jack/src/github.com/foo/foo.go:42"}, } for _, tt := range tests { var ce CallerEncoder require.NoError(t, ce.UnmarshalText([]byte(tt.name)), "Unexpected error unmarshaling %q.", tt.name) assertAppended( t, tt.expected, func(arr ArrayEncoder) { ce(caller, arr) }, "Unexpected output serializing file name as %v with %q.", tt.expected, tt.name, ) } } func TestNameEncoders(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { name string expected interface{} // output of encoding InfoLevel }{ {"", "main"}, {"full", "main"}, {"something-random", "main"}, } for _, tt := range tests { var ne NameEncoder require.NoError(t, ne.UnmarshalText([]byte(tt.name)), "Unexpected error unmarshaling %q.", tt.name) assertAppended( t, tt.expected, func(arr ArrayEncoder) { ne("main", arr) }, "Unexpected output serializing logger name with %q.", tt.name, ) } } func assertAppended(t testing.TB, expected interface{}, f func(ArrayEncoder), msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { mem := NewMapObjectEncoder() mem.AddArray("k", ArrayMarshalerFunc(func(arr ArrayEncoder) error { f(arr) return nil })) arr := mem.Fields["k"].([]interface{}) require.Equal(t, 1, len(arr), "Expected to append exactly one element to array.") assert.Equal(t, expected, arr[0], msgAndArgs...) }