package icingadb_test import ( "bytes" "context" _ "embed" "encoding/json" "fmt" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "io/ioutil" "math" "net/http" "sort" "strconv" "testing" "text/template" "time" ) //go:embed history_test_zones.conf var historyZonesConfRaw string var historyZonesConfTemplate = template.Must(template.New("zones.conf").Parse(historyZonesConfRaw)) func TestHistory(t *testing.T) { t.Run("SingleNode", func(t *testing.T) { testHistory(t, 1) }) t.Run("HA", func(t *testing.T) { testHistory(t, 2) }) } func testHistory(t *testing.T, numNodes int) { rdb := getDatabase(t) ca, err := pki.NewCA() require.NoError(t, err, "generating a CA should succeed") type Node struct { Name string Icinga2 services.Icinga2 IcingaClient *utils.Icinga2Client // Redis server and client for the instance used by the Icinga DB process. Redis services.RedisServer RedisClient *redis.Client // Second Redis server and client to verify the consistency of the history streams in a HA setup. // There is no Icinga DB process reading from this Redis so history events are not removed there. ConsistencyRedis services.RedisServer ConsistencyRedisClient *redis.Client } nodes := make([]*Node, numNodes) for i := range nodes { name := fmt.Sprintf("master-%d", i) redisServer := it.RedisServerT(t) consistencyRedisServer := it.RedisServerT(t) icinga := it.Icinga2NodeT(t, name) nodes[i] = &Node{ Name: name, Icinga2: icinga, IcingaClient: icinga.ApiClient(), Redis: redisServer, RedisClient: redisServer.Open(), ConsistencyRedis: consistencyRedisServer, ConsistencyRedisClient: consistencyRedisServer.Open(), } } zonesConf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) err = historyZonesConfTemplate.Execute(zonesConf, nodes) require.NoError(t, err, "failed to render zones.conf") for _, n := range nodes { cert, err := ca.NewCertificate(n.Name) require.NoError(t, err, "generating cert for %q should succeed", n.Name) n.Icinga2.WriteConfig("etc/icinga2/zones.conf", zonesConf.Bytes()) n.Icinga2.WriteConfig("etc/icinga2/features-available/api.conf", []byte(` object ApiListener "api" { accept_config = true accept_commands = true } `)) n.Icinga2.WriteConfig("var/lib/icinga2/certs/ca.crt", ca.CertificateToPem()) n.Icinga2.WriteConfig("var/lib/icinga2/certs/"+n.Name+".crt", cert.CertificateToPem()) n.Icinga2.WriteConfig("var/lib/icinga2/certs/"+n.Name+".key", cert.KeyToPem()) n.Icinga2.EnableIcingaDb(n.Redis) n.Icinga2.EnableIcingaDb(n.ConsistencyRedis) err = n.Icinga2.Reload() require.NoError(t, err, "icinga2 should reload without error") it.IcingaDbInstanceT(t, n.Redis, rdb) { n := n t.Cleanup(func() { _ = n.RedisClient.Close() _ = n.ConsistencyRedisClient.Close() }) } } testConsistency := func(t *testing.T, stream string) { if numNodes > 1 { t.Run("Consistency", func(t *testing.T) { var clients []*redis.Client for _, node := range nodes { clients = append(clients, node.ConsistencyRedisClient) } assertStreamConsistency(t, clients, stream) }) } } eventually.Require(t, func(t require.TestingT) { for i, ni := range nodes { for j, nj := range nodes { if i != j { response, err := ni.IcingaClient.GetJson("/v1/objects/endpoints/" + nj.Name) require.NoErrorf(t, err, "fetching endpoint %q from %q should not fail", nj.Name, ni.Name) require.Equalf(t, 200, response.StatusCode, "fetching endpoint %q from %q should not fail", nj.Name, ni.Name) var endpoints ObjectsEndpointsResponse err = json.NewDecoder(response.Body).Decode(&endpoints) require.NoErrorf(t, err, "parsing response from %q for endpoint %q should not fail", ni.Name, nj.Name) require.NotEmptyf(t, endpoints.Results, "response from %q for endpoint %q should contain a result", ni.Name, nj.Name) assert.Truef(t, endpoints.Results[0].Attrs.Connected, "endpoint %q should be connected to %q", nj.Name, ni.Name) } } } }, 15*time.Second, 200*time.Millisecond) db, err := sqlx.Connect(rdb.Driver(), rdb.DSN()) require.NoError(t, err, "connecting to mysql") t.Cleanup(func() { _ = db.Close() }) client := nodes[0].IcingaClient t.Run("Acknowledgement", func(t *testing.T) { const stream = "icinga:history:stream:acknowledgement" hostname := utils.UniqueName(t, "host") client.CreateHost(t, hostname, map[string]interface{}{ "attrs": map[string]interface{}{ "enable_active_checks": false, "enable_passive_checks": true, "check_command": "dummy", "max_check_attempts": 1, }, }) processCheckResult(t, client, hostname, 1) author := utils.RandomString(8) comment := utils.RandomString(8) req, err := json.Marshal(ActionsAcknowledgeProblemRequest{ Type: "Host", Filter: fmt.Sprintf(``, hostname), Author: author, Comment: comment, }) ackTime := time.Now() require.NoError(t, err, "marshal request") response, err := client.PostJson("/v1/actions/acknowledge-problem", bytes.NewBuffer(req)) require.NoError(t, err, "acknowledge-problem") require.Equal(t, 200, response.StatusCode, "acknowledge-problem") var ackResponse ActionsAcknowledgeProblemResponse err = json.NewDecoder(response.Body).Decode(&ackResponse) require.NoError(t, err, "decode acknowledge-problem response") require.Equal(t, 1, len(ackResponse.Results), "acknowledge-problem should return 1 result") require.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, ackResponse.Results[0].Code, "acknowledge-problem result should have OK status") for _, n := range nodes { assertEventuallyDrained(t, n.RedisClient, stream) } eventually.Assert(t, func(t require.TestingT) { type Row struct { Author string `db:"author"` Comment string `db:"comment"` } var rows []Row err = db.Select(&rows, db.Rebind("SELECT, a.comment FROM history h"+ " JOIN host ON = h.host_id"+ " JOIN acknowledgement_history a ON = h.acknowledgement_history_id"+ " WHERE = ? AND ? < h.event_time AND h.event_time < ?"), hostname, ackTime.Add(-time.Second).UnixMilli(), ackTime.Add(time.Second).UnixMilli()) require.NoError(t, err, "select acknowledgement_history") require.Equal(t, 1, len(rows), "there should be exactly one acknowledgement history entry") assert.Equal(t, author, rows[0].Author, "acknowledgement author should match") assert.Equal(t, comment, rows[0].Comment, "acknowledgement comment should match") }, 5*time.Second, 200*time.Millisecond) testConsistency(t, stream) }) t.Run("Comment", func(t *testing.T) { const stream = "icinga:history:stream:comment" type HistoryEvent struct { Type string `db:"event_type"` Author string `db:"author"` Comment string `db:"comment"` RemovedBy *string `db:"removed_by"` } hostname := utils.UniqueName(t, "host") client.CreateHost(t, hostname, map[string]interface{}{ "attrs": map[string]interface{}{ "enable_active_checks": false, "enable_passive_checks": true, "check_command": "dummy", }, }) author := utils.RandomString(8) comment := utils.RandomString(8) req, err := json.Marshal(ActionsAddCommentRequest{ Type: "Host", Filter: fmt.Sprintf(``, hostname), Author: author, Comment: comment, }) require.NoError(t, err, "marshal request") response, err := client.PostJson("/v1/actions/add-comment", bytes.NewBuffer(req)) require.NoError(t, err, "add-comment") require.Equal(t, 200, response.StatusCode, "add-comment") var addResponse ActionsAddCommentResponse err = json.NewDecoder(response.Body).Decode(&addResponse) require.NoError(t, err, "decode add-comment response") require.Equal(t, 1, len(addResponse.Results), "add-comment should return 1 result") require.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, addResponse.Results[0].Code, "add-comment result should have OK status") commentName := addResponse.Results[0].Name // Ensure that downtime events have distinct timestamps in millisecond resolution. time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond) removedBy := utils.RandomString(8) req, err = json.Marshal(ActionsRemoveCommentRequest{ Comment: commentName, Author: removedBy, }) require.NoError(t, err, "marshal remove-comment request") response, err = client.PostJson("/v1/actions/remove-comment", bytes.NewBuffer(req)) require.NoError(t, err, "remove-comment") require.Equal(t, 200, response.StatusCode, "remove-comment") expected := []HistoryEvent{ {Type: "comment_add", Author: author, Comment: comment, RemovedBy: &removedBy}, {Type: "comment_remove", Author: author, Comment: comment, RemovedBy: &removedBy}, } if !testing.Short() { // Ensure that downtime events have distinct timestamps in millisecond resolution. time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond) expireAuthor := utils.RandomString(8) expireComment := utils.RandomString(8) expireDelay := time.Second req, err = json.Marshal(ActionsAddCommentRequest{ Type: "Host", Filter: fmt.Sprintf(``, hostname), Author: expireAuthor, Comment: expireComment, Expiry: float64(time.Now().Add(expireDelay).UnixMilli()) / 1000, }) require.NoError(t, err, "marshal request") response, err = client.PostJson("/v1/actions/add-comment", bytes.NewBuffer(req)) require.NoError(t, err, "add-comment") require.Equal(t, 200, response.StatusCode, "add-comment") // Icinga only expires comments every 60 seconds, so wait this long after the expiry time. time.Sleep(expireDelay + 60*time.Second) expected = append(expected, HistoryEvent{Type: "comment_add", Author: expireAuthor, Comment: expireComment}, HistoryEvent{Type: "comment_remove", Author: expireAuthor, Comment: expireComment}, ) } for _, n := range nodes { assertEventuallyDrained(t, n.RedisClient, stream) } eventually.Assert(t, func(t require.TestingT) { var rows []HistoryEvent err = db.Select(&rows, db.Rebind("SELECT h.event_type,, c.comment, c.removed_by"+ " FROM history h"+ " JOIN comment_history c ON c.comment_id = h.comment_history_id"+ " JOIN host ON = c.host_id WHERE = ?"+ " ORDER BY h.event_time"), hostname) require.NoError(t, err, "select comment_history") assert.Equal(t, expected, rows, "comment history should match") }, 5*time.Second, 200*time.Millisecond) testConsistency(t, stream) if testing.Short() { t.Skip("skipped comment expiry test") } }) t.Run("Downtime", func(t *testing.T) { const stream = "icinga:history:stream:downtime" type HistoryEvent struct { Event string `db:"event_type"` Author string `db:"author"` Comment string `db:"comment"` Cancelled string `db:"has_been_cancelled"` } hostname := utils.UniqueName(t, "host") client.CreateHost(t, hostname, map[string]interface{}{ "attrs": map[string]interface{}{ "enable_active_checks": false, "enable_flapping": true, "enable_passive_checks": true, "check_command": "dummy", }, }) downtimeStart := time.Now() author := utils.RandomString(8) comment := utils.RandomString(8) req, err := json.Marshal(ActionsScheduleDowntimeRequest{ Type: "Host", Filter: fmt.Sprintf(``, hostname), StartTime: downtimeStart.Unix(), EndTime: downtimeStart.Add(time.Hour).Unix(), Fixed: true, Author: author, Comment: comment, }) require.NoError(t, err, "marshal request") response, err := client.PostJson("/v1/actions/schedule-downtime", bytes.NewBuffer(req)) require.NoError(t, err, "schedule-downtime") require.Equal(t, 200, response.StatusCode, "schedule-downtime") var scheduleResponse ActionsScheduleDowntimeResponse err = json.NewDecoder(response.Body).Decode(&scheduleResponse) require.NoError(t, err, "decode schedule-downtime response") require.Equal(t, 1, len(scheduleResponse.Results), "schedule-downtime should return 1 result") require.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, scheduleResponse.Results[0].Code, "schedule-downtime result should have OK status") downtimeName := scheduleResponse.Results[0].Name // Ensure that downtime events have distinct timestamps in millisecond resolution. time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond) req, err = json.Marshal(ActionsRemoveDowntimeRequest{ Downtime: downtimeName, Author: utils.RandomString(8), }) require.NoError(t, err, "marshal remove-downtime request") response, err = client.PostJson("/v1/actions/remove-downtime", bytes.NewBuffer(req)) require.NoError(t, err, "remove-downtime") require.Equal(t, 200, response.StatusCode, "remove-downtime") downtimeEnd := time.Now() expected := []HistoryEvent{ {Event: "downtime_start", Author: author, Comment: comment, Cancelled: "y"}, {Event: "downtime_end", Author: author, Comment: comment, Cancelled: "y"}, } if !testing.Short() { // Ensure that downtime events have distinct timestamps in second resolution (for start time). time.Sleep(time.Second) expireStart := time.Now() expireAuthor := utils.RandomString(8) expireComment := utils.RandomString(8) req, err := json.Marshal(ActionsScheduleDowntimeRequest{ Type: "Host", Filter: fmt.Sprintf(``, hostname), StartTime: expireStart.Unix(), EndTime: expireStart.Add(time.Second).Unix(), Fixed: true, Author: expireAuthor, Comment: expireComment, }) require.NoError(t, err, "marshal request") response, err := client.PostJson("/v1/actions/schedule-downtime", bytes.NewBuffer(req)) require.NoError(t, err, "schedule-downtime") require.Equal(t, 200, response.StatusCode, "schedule-downtime") var scheduleResponse ActionsScheduleDowntimeResponse err = json.NewDecoder(response.Body).Decode(&scheduleResponse) require.NoError(t, err, "decode schedule-downtime response") require.Equal(t, 1, len(scheduleResponse.Results), "schedule-downtime should return 1 result") require.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, scheduleResponse.Results[0].Code, "schedule-downtime result should have OK status") // Icinga only expires downtimes every 60 seconds, so wait this long in addition to the downtime duration. time.Sleep(60*time.Second + 1*time.Second) expected = append(expected, HistoryEvent{Event: "downtime_start", Author: expireAuthor, Comment: expireComment, Cancelled: "n"}, HistoryEvent{Event: "downtime_end", Author: expireAuthor, Comment: expireComment, Cancelled: "n"}, ) downtimeEnd = time.Now() } for _, n := range nodes { assertEventuallyDrained(t, n.RedisClient, stream) } if !eventually.Assert(t, func(t require.TestingT) { var got []HistoryEvent err = db.Select(&got, db.Rebind("SELECT h.event_type,, d.comment, d.has_been_cancelled"+ " FROM history h"+ " JOIN host ON = h.host_id"+ // Joining downtime_history checks that events are written to it. " JOIN downtime_history d ON d.downtime_id = h.downtime_history_id"+ " WHERE = ? AND ? < h.event_time AND h.event_time < ?"+ " ORDER BY h.event_time"), hostname, downtimeStart.Add(-time.Second).UnixMilli(), downtimeEnd.Add(time.Second).UnixMilli()) require.NoError(t, err, "select downtime_history") assert.Equal(t, expected, got, "downtime history should match expected result") }, 5*time.Second, 200*time.Millisecond) { t.Logf("\n%s", utils.MustT(t).String(utils.PrettySelect(db, "SELECT h.event_time, h.event_type FROM history h"+ " JOIN host ON = h.host_id"+ " LEFT JOIN downtime_history d ON d.downtime_id = h.downtime_history_id"+ " WHERE = ?"+ " ORDER BY h.event_time", hostname))) } testConsistency(t, stream) if testing.Short() { t.Skip("skipped expiring downtime") } }) t.Run("Flapping", func(t *testing.T) { const stream = "icinga:history:stream:flapping" hostname := utils.UniqueName(t, "host") client.CreateHost(t, hostname, map[string]interface{}{ "attrs": map[string]interface{}{ "enable_active_checks": false, "enable_flapping": true, "enable_passive_checks": true, "check_command": "dummy", }, }) timeBefore := time.Now() for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { processCheckResult(t, client, hostname, 0) processCheckResult(t, client, hostname, 1) } for i := 0; i < 20; i++ { processCheckResult(t, client, hostname, 0) } timeAfter := time.Now() for _, n := range nodes { assertEventuallyDrained(t, n.RedisClient, stream) } eventually.Assert(t, func(t require.TestingT) { var rows []string err = db.Select(&rows, db.Rebind("SELECT h.event_type FROM history h"+ " JOIN host ON = h.host_id"+ // Joining flapping_history checks that events are written to it. " JOIN flapping_history f ON = h.flapping_history_id"+ " WHERE = ? AND ? < h.event_time AND h.event_time < ?"+ " ORDER BY h.event_time"), hostname, timeBefore.Add(-time.Second).UnixMilli(), timeAfter.Add(time.Second).UnixMilli()) require.NoError(t, err, "select flapping_history") require.Equal(t, []string{"flapping_start", "flapping_end"}, rows, "flapping history should match expected result") }, 5*time.Second, 200*time.Millisecond) testConsistency(t, stream) }) t.Run("Notification", func(t *testing.T) { const stream = "icinga:history:stream:notification" hostname := utils.UniqueName(t, "host") client.CreateHost(t, hostname, map[string]interface{}{ "attrs": map[string]interface{}{ "enable_active_checks": false, "enable_flapping": true, "enable_passive_checks": true, "check_command": "dummy", "max_check_attempts": 1, }, }) users := make([]string, 5) for i := range users { users[i] = utils.UniqueName(t, "user") client.CreateObject(t, "users", users[i], nil) } // Sort users so that the SQL query can use ORDER BY and the resulting slices can just be compared for equality. sort.Slice(users, func(i, j int) bool { return users[i] < users[j] }) command := utils.UniqueName(t, "notificationcommand") client.CreateObject(t, "notificationcommands", command, map[string]interface{}{ "attrs": map[string]interface{}{ "command": []string{"true"}, }, }) notification := utils.UniqueName(t, "notification") client.CreateObject(t, "notifications", hostname+"!"+notification, map[string]interface{}{ "attrs": map[string]interface{}{ "users": users, "command": command, }, }) type Notification struct { Type string `db:"type"` User string `db:"username"` } var expected []Notification timeBefore := time.Now() processCheckResult(t, client, hostname, 1) for _, u := range users { expected = append(expected, Notification{Type: "problem", User: u}) } processCheckResult(t, client, hostname, 0) for _, u := range users { expected = append(expected, Notification{Type: "recovery", User: u}) } timeAfter := time.Now() for _, n := range nodes { assertEventuallyDrained(t, n.RedisClient, stream) } eventually.Assert(t, func(t require.TestingT) { var rows []Notification err = db.Select(&rows, db.Rebind("SELECT n.type, COALESCE(, '') AS username FROM history h"+ " JOIN host ON = h.host_id"+ " JOIN notification_history n ON = h.notification_history_id"+ " LEFT JOIN user_notification_history un ON un.notification_history_id ="+ ` LEFT JOIN "user" u ON = un.user_id`+ " WHERE = ? AND ? < h.event_time AND h.event_time < ?"+ " ORDER BY h.event_time, username"), hostname, timeBefore.Add(-time.Second).UnixMilli(), timeAfter.Add(time.Second).UnixMilli()) require.NoError(t, err, "select notification_history") require.Equal(t, expected, rows, "notification history should match expected result") }, 5*time.Second, 200*time.Millisecond) testConsistency(t, stream) }) t.Run("State", func(t *testing.T) { const stream = "icinga:history:stream:state" hostname := utils.UniqueName(t, "host") client.CreateHost(t, hostname, map[string]interface{}{ "attrs": map[string]interface{}{ "enable_active_checks": false, "enable_passive_checks": true, "check_command": "dummy", "max_check_attempts": 2, }, }) type State struct { Type string `db:"state_type"` Soft int `db:"soft_state"` Hard int `db:"hard_state"` } var expected []State timeBefore := time.Now() processCheckResult(t, client, hostname, 0) // UNKNOWN -> UP (hard) expected = append(expected, State{Type: "hard", Soft: 0, Hard: 0}) processCheckResult(t, client, hostname, 1) // -> DOWN (soft) expected = append(expected, State{Type: "soft", Soft: 1, Hard: 0}) processCheckResult(t, client, hostname, 1) // -> DOWN (hard) expected = append(expected, State{Type: "hard", Soft: 1, Hard: 1}) processCheckResult(t, client, hostname, 1) // -> DOWN processCheckResult(t, client, hostname, 0) // -> UP (hard) expected = append(expected, State{Type: "hard", Soft: 0, Hard: 0}) processCheckResult(t, client, hostname, 1) // -> DOWN (soft) expected = append(expected, State{Type: "soft", Soft: 1, Hard: 0}) processCheckResult(t, client, hostname, 0) // -> UP (hard) expected = append(expected, State{Type: "hard", Soft: 0, Hard: 0}) processCheckResult(t, client, hostname, 0) // -> UP processCheckResult(t, client, hostname, 1) // -> down (soft) expected = append(expected, State{Type: "soft", Soft: 1, Hard: 0}) processCheckResult(t, client, hostname, 1) // -> DOWN (hard) expected = append(expected, State{Type: "hard", Soft: 1, Hard: 1}) processCheckResult(t, client, hostname, 0) // -> UP (hard) expected = append(expected, State{Type: "hard", Soft: 0, Hard: 0}) timeAfter := time.Now() for _, n := range nodes { assertEventuallyDrained(t, n.RedisClient, stream) } eventually.Assert(t, func(t require.TestingT) { var rows []State err = db.Select(&rows, db.Rebind("SELECT s.state_type, s.soft_state, s.hard_state FROM history h"+ " JOIN host ON = h.host_id JOIN state_history s ON = h.state_history_id"+ " WHERE = ? AND ? < h.event_time AND h.event_time < ?"+ " ORDER BY h.event_time"), hostname, timeBefore.Add(-time.Second).UnixMilli(), timeAfter.Add(time.Second).UnixMilli()) require.NoError(t, err, "select state_history") require.Equal(t, expected, rows, "state history does not match expected result") }, 5*time.Second, 200*time.Millisecond) testConsistency(t, stream) }) } func assertEventuallyDrained(t testing.TB, redis *redis.Client, stream string) { eventually.Assert(t, func(t require.TestingT) { result, err := redis.XRange(context.Background(), stream, "-", "+").Result() require.NoError(t, err, "reading %s should not fail", stream) assert.Empty(t, result, "%s should eventually be drained", stream) }, 5*time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond) } func assertStreamConsistency(t testing.TB, clients []*redis.Client, stream string) { messages := make([][]map[string]interface{}, len(clients)) for i, c := range clients { xmessages, err := c.XRange(context.Background(), stream, "-", "+").Result() require.NoError(t, err, "reading %s should not fail", stream) assert.NotEmpty(t, xmessages, "%s should not be empty on the Redis server %d", stream, i) // Convert []XMessage into a slice of just the values. The IDs are generated by the Redis server based // on the time the entry was written to the stream, so these IDs are expected to differ. ms := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0, len(xmessages)) for _, xmessage := range xmessages { values := xmessage.Values // Delete endpoint_id as this is supposed to differ between both history streams as each endpoint // writes its own ID into the stream. delete(values, "endpoint_id") // users_notified_ids represents a set, so order does not matter, sort for the comparison later. if idsJson, ok := values["users_notified_ids"]; ok { var ids []string err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(idsJson.(string)), &ids) require.NoError(t, err, "if users_notified_ids is present, it must be a JSON list of strings") sort.Strings(ids) values["users_notified_ids"] = ids } ms = append(ms, values) } sort.Slice(ms, func(i, j int) bool { eventTime := func(v map[string]interface{}) uint64 { s, ok := v["event_time"].(string) if !ok { return 0 } u, err := strconv.ParseUint(s, 10, 64) if err != nil { return 0 } return u } sortKey := func(v map[string]interface{}) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%020d-%s", eventTime(v), v["event_id"]) } return sortKey(ms[i]) < sortKey(ms[j]) }) messages[i] = ms } for i := 0; i < len(messages)-1; i++ { assert.Equal(t, messages[i], messages[i+1], "%s should be equal on both Redis servers", stream) } } func processCheckResult(t *testing.T, client *utils.Icinga2Client, hostname string, status int) time.Time { // Ensure that check results have distinct timestamps in millisecond resolution. time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond) output := utils.RandomString(8) reqBody, err := json.Marshal(ActionsProcessCheckResultRequest{ Type: "Host", Filter: fmt.Sprintf(``, hostname), ExitStatus: status, PluginOutput: output, }) require.NoError(t, err, "marshal request") response, err := client.PostJson("/v1/actions/process-check-result", bytes.NewBuffer(reqBody)) require.NoError(t, err, "process-check-result") if !assert.Equal(t, 200, response.StatusCode, "process-check-result") { body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body) require.NoError(t, err, "reading process-check-result response") it.Logger(t).Error("process-check-result", zap.ByteString("api-response", body)) t.FailNow() } response, err = client.GetJson("/v1/objects/hosts/" + hostname) require.NoError(t, err, "get host: request") require.Equal(t, 200, response.StatusCode, "get host: request") var hosts ObjectsHostsResponse err = json.NewDecoder(response.Body).Decode(&hosts) require.NoError(t, err, "get host: parse response") require.Equal(t, 1, len(hosts.Results), "there must be one host in the response") host := hosts.Results[0] require.Equal(t, output, host.Attrs.LastCheckResult.Output, "last check result should be visible in host object") require.Equal(t, status, host.Attrs.State, "state should match check result") sec, nsec := math.Modf(host.Attrs.LastCheckResult.ExecutionEnd) return time.Unix(int64(sec), int64(nsec*1e9)) } type ActionsAcknowledgeProblemRequest struct { Type string `json:"type"` Filter string `json:"filter"` Author string `json:"author"` Comment string `json:"comment"` } type ActionsAcknowledgeProblemResponse struct { Results []struct { Code int `json:"code"` Status string `json:"status"` } `json:"results"` } type ActionsAddCommentRequest struct { Type string `json:"type"` Filter string `json:"filter"` Author string `json:"author"` Comment string `json:"comment"` Expiry float64 `json:"expiry"` } type ActionsAddCommentResponse struct { Results []struct { Code int `json:"code"` LegacyId int `json:"legacy_id"` Name string `json:"name"` Status string `json:"status"` } `json:"results"` } type ActionsRemoveCommentRequest struct { Comment string `json:"comment"` Author string `json:"author"` } type ActionsProcessCheckResultRequest struct { Type string `json:"type"` Filter string `json:"filter"` ExitStatus int `json:"exit_status"` PluginOutput string `json:"plugin_output"` } type ActionsRemoveDowntimeRequest struct { Downtime string `json:"downtime"` Author string `json:"author"` } type ActionsScheduleDowntimeRequest struct { Type string `json:"type"` Filter string `json:"filter"` StartTime int64 `json:"start_time"` EndTime int64 `json:"end_time"` Fixed bool `json:"fixed"` Duration float64 `json:"duration"` Author string `json:"author"` Comment string `json:"comment"` } type ActionsScheduleDowntimeResponse struct { Results []struct { Code int `json:"code"` Name string `json:"name"` Status string `json:"status"` } `json:"results"` } type ObjectsHostsResponse struct { Results []struct { Attrs struct { State int `json:"state"` StateType int `json:"state_type"` LastCheckResult struct { ExecutionEnd float64 `json:"execution_end"` ExitStatus int `json:"exit_status"` Output string `json:"output"` } `json:"last_check_result"` LastHardState int `json:"last_hard_state"` LastHardStateChange float64 `json:"last_hard_state_change"` LastState int `json:"last_state"` } `json:"attrs"` } `json:"results"` } type ObjectsEndpointsResponse struct { Results []struct { Name string `json:"name"` Attrs struct { Connected bool `json:"connected"` } `json:"attrs"` } `json:"results"` }