Permission System ================================================= The permission system of the module is based on permissions and restrictions. Permissions ----------- The module has five levels of permissions: * Granting general module access allows a user to view business processes. (`module/businessprocess`) * Create permissions allow to create new business processes. (`businessprocess/create`) * Modify permissions allow to modify already existing ones. (`businessprocess/modify`) * Permission to view all business processes regardless restrictions. (`businessprocess/showall`) * Full permissions. (`businessprocess/*`) Restrictions ----------- There are two ways to configure restrictions: prefix-based and access controls ### Prefix-based This option allows to limit access of a role to only business processes with a specific prefix. For this the ID (Configuration name) of a business process has to start with a prefix and it has to be set as restriction on the role. (`businessprocess/prefix`) ### Access controls This option allows for more fine granular permissions based on user (`AllowedUsers`), group (`AllowedGroups`) and role (`AllowedRoles`). These attributes take a comma-separated list, get added to the header of the business process configuration file and limit access to the owner and the mentioned ones.