renderer = $renderer; $this->node = $node; $this->path = $path; } protected function actions() { if ($this->actions === null) { $this->addActions(); } return $this->actions; } protected function addActions() { $this->actions = Html::tag( 'div', [ 'class' => 'actions' ] ); return $this->add($this->actions); } public function render() { $renderer = $this->renderer; $node = $this->node; $attributes = $this->getAttributes(); $attributes->add('class', $renderer->getNodeClasses($node)); $attributes->add('id', $renderer->getId($node, $this->path)); if (! $renderer->isLocked()) { $attributes->add('data-node-name', $node->getName()); } if (! $renderer->isBreadcrumb()) { $this->addDetailsActions(); if (! $renderer->isLocked()) { $this->addActionLinks(); } } if (! $node instanceof ImportedNode || $node->getBpConfig()->hasNode($node->getName())) { $link = $this->getMainNodeLink(); if ($renderer->isBreadcrumb()) { $state = strtolower($node->getStateName()); if ($node->isHandled()) { $state = $state . ' handled'; } $link->prepend((new StateBall($state, StateBall::SIZE_MEDIUM))->addAttributes([ 'title' => sprintf( '%s %s', $state, DateFormatter::timeSince($node->getLastStateChange()) ) ])); } $this->add($link); } else { $this->add(Html::tag( 'a', Html::tag( 'span', ['style' => 'font-size: 75%'], sprintf('Trying to access a missing business process node "%s"', $node->getNodeName()) ) )); } if ($this->renderer->rendersSubNode() && $this->renderer->getParentNode()->getChildState($node) !== $node->getState() ) { $this->add( (new StateBall(strtolower($node->getStateName()), StateBall::SIZE_MEDIUM)) ->addAttributes([ 'class' => 'overridden-state', 'title' => sprintf( '%s', $node->getStateName() ) ]) ); } if ($node instanceof BpNode && !$renderer->isBreadcrumb()) { $this->add($renderer->renderStateBadges($node->getStateSummary(), $node->countChildren())); } return parent::render(); } protected function getMainNodeUrl(Node $node) { if ($node instanceof BpNode) { return $this->makeBpUrl($node); } else { /** @var MonitoredNode $node */ return $node->getUrl(); } } protected function buildBaseNodeUrl(Node $node) { $url = $this->renderer->getBaseUrl(); $p = $url->getParams(); if ($node instanceof ImportedNode && $this->renderer->getBusinessProcess()->getName() === $node->getBpConfig()->getName() ) { $p->set('node', $node->getNodeName()); } elseif ($this->renderer->rendersImportedNode()) { $p->set('node', $node->getIdentifier()); } else { $p->set('node', $node->getName()); } if (! empty($this->path)) { $p->addValues('path', $this->path); } return $url; } protected function makeBpUrl(BpNode $node) { return $this->buildBaseNodeUrl($node); } /** * @return BaseHtmlElement */ protected function getMainNodeLink() { $node = $this->node; $url = $this->getMainNodeUrl($node); if ($node instanceof MonitoredNode) { $link = Html::tag('a', ['href' => $url, 'data-base-target' => '_next'], $node->getAlias()); } else { $link = Html::tag('a', ['href' => $url], $node->getAlias()); } return $link; } protected function addDetailsActions() { $node = $this->node; $url = $this->getMainNodeUrl($node); if ($node instanceof BpNode) { $this->actions()->add(Html::tag( 'a', [ 'href' => $url->with('mode', 'tile'), 'title' => mt('businessprocess', 'Show tiles for this subtree') ], Html::tag('i', ['class' => 'icon icon-dashboard']) ))->add(Html::tag( 'a', [ 'href' => $url->with('mode', 'tree'), 'title' => mt('businessprocess', 'Show this subtree as a tree') ], Html::tag('i', ['class' => 'icon icon-sitemap']) )); if ($node instanceof ImportedNode) { if ($node->getBpConfig()->hasNode($node->getName())) { $this->actions()->add(Html::tag( 'a', [ 'data-base-target' => '_next', 'href' => $this->renderer->getSourceUrl($node)->getAbsoluteUrl(), 'title' => mt( 'businessprocess', 'Show this process as part of its original configuration' ) ], Html::tag('i', ['class' => 'icon icon-forward']) )); } } $url = $node->getInfoUrl(); if ($url !== null) { $link = Html::tag( 'a', [ 'href' => $url, 'class' => 'node-info', 'title' => sprintf('%s: %s', mt('businessprocess', 'More information'), $url) ], Html::tag('i', ['class' => 'icon icon-info-circled']) ); if (preg_match('#^http(?:s)?://#', $url)) { $link->addAttributes(['target' => '_blank']); } $this->actions()->add($link); } } else { // $url = $this->makeMonitoredNodeUrl($node); if ($node instanceof ServiceNode) { $this->actions()->add(Html::tag( 'a', ['href' => $node->getUrl(), 'data-base-target' => '_next'], Html::tag('i', ['class' => 'icon icon-service']) )); } elseif ($node instanceof HostNode) { $this->actions()->add(Html::tag( 'a', ['href' => $node->getUrl(), 'data-base-target' => '_next'], Html::tag('i', ['class' => 'icon icon-host']) )); } } } protected function addActionLinks() { $parent = $this->renderer->getParentNode(); if ($parent !== null) { $baseUrl = Url::fromPath('businessprocess/process/show', [ 'config' => $parent->getBpConfig()->getName(), 'node' => $parent instanceof ImportedNode ? $parent->getNodeName() : $parent->getName(), 'unlocked' => true ]); } else { $baseUrl = Url::fromPath('businessprocess/process/show', [ 'config' => $this->node->getBpConfig()->getName(), 'unlocked' => true ]); } if ($this->node instanceof MonitoredNode) { $this->actions()->add(Html::tag( 'a', [ 'href' => $baseUrl ->with('action', 'simulation') ->with('simulationnode', $this->node->getName()), 'title' => mt( 'businessprocess', 'Show the business impact of this node by simulating a specific state' ) ], Html::tag('i', ['class' => 'icon icon-magic']) )); $this->actions()->add(Html::tag( 'a', [ 'href' => $baseUrl ->with('action', 'editmonitored') ->with('editmonitorednode', $this->node->getName()), 'title' => mt('businessprocess', 'Modify this monitored node') ], Html::tag('i', ['class' => 'icon icon-edit']) )); } if ($this->renderer->getBusinessProcess()->getMetadata()->canModify() && $this->node->getBpConfig()->getName() === $this->renderer->getBusinessProcess()->getName() && $this->node->getName() !== '__unbound__' ) { if ($this->node instanceof BpNode) { $this->actions()->add(Html::tag( 'a', [ 'href' => $baseUrl ->with('action', 'edit') ->with('editnode', $this->node->getName()), 'title' => mt('businessprocess', 'Modify this business process node') ], Html::tag('i', ['class' => 'icon icon-edit']) )); $addUrl = $baseUrl->with([ 'node' => $this->node->getName(), 'action' => 'add' ]); $addUrl->getParams()->addValues('path', $this->path); $this->actions()->add(Html::tag( 'a', [ 'href' => $addUrl, 'title' => mt('businessprocess', 'Add a new sub-node to this business process') ], Html::tag('i', ['class' => 'icon icon-plus']) )); } } if ($this->renderer->getBusinessProcess()->getMetadata()->canModify()) { $params = array( 'action' => 'delete', 'deletenode' => $this->node->getName(), ); $this->actions()->add(Html::tag( 'a', [ 'href' => $baseUrl->with($params), 'title' => mt('businessprocess', 'Delete this node') ], Html::tag('i', ['class' => 'icon icon-cancel']) )); } } }