backend = $backend; $resource = $backend->getResource(); $resource->getDbAdapter() ->getConnection() ->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_CASE, \PDO::CASE_NATURAL); $this->setConnection($resource); return $this; } /** * Provice access to our DB resource * * This lazy-loads the default monitoring backend in case no DB has been * given * * @return \Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract */ public function db() { $this->requireBackend(); return parent::db(); } /** * Returns the Icinga IDO version * * @return string */ protected function getIdoVersion() { if ($this->idoVersion === null) { $db = $this->db(); $this->idoVersion = $db->fetchOne( $db->select()->from('icinga_dbversion', 'version') ); } return $this->idoVersion; } /** * Steal the default monitoring DB resource... * * case none has been defined otherwise * * @return void */ protected function requireBackend() { if ($this->db === null) { $this->setBackend(MonitoringBackend::instance()); } } protected function getMonitoringRestriction() { $restriction = Filter::matchAny(); $restriction->setAllowedFilterColumns(array( 'host_name', 'hostgroup_name', 'instance_name', 'service_description', 'servicegroup_name', function ($c) { return preg_match('/^_(?:host|service)_/i', $c); } )); $filters = Auth::getInstance()->getUser()->getRestrictions('monitoring/filter/objects'); foreach ($filters as $filter) { if ($filter === '*') { return Filter::matchAny(); } try { $restriction->addFilter(Filter::fromQueryString($filter)); } catch (QueryException $e) { throw new ConfigurationError( 'Cannot apply restriction %s using the filter %s. You can only use the following columns: %s', 'monitoring/filter/objects', $filter, implode(', ', array( 'instance_name', 'host_name', 'hostgroup_name', 'service_description', 'servicegroup_name', '_(host|service)_' )), $e ); } } return $restriction; } /** * Return the given array without values matching the custom variables protected by the monitoring module * * @param string[] $customvars * * @return string[] */ protected function filterProtectedCustomvars(array $customvars) { if ($this->blacklistedProperties === null) { $this->blacklistedProperties = new GlobFilter( Auth::getInstance()->getRestrictions('monitoring/blacklist/properties') ); } if ($this instanceof IdoServiceStatusCube) { $type = 'service'; } else { $type = 'host'; } $customvars = $this->blacklistedProperties->removeMatching( [$type => ['vars' => array_flip($customvars)]] ); $customvars = isset($customvars[$type]['vars']) ? array_flip($customvars[$type]['vars']) : []; if ($this->protectedCustomvars === null) { $config = Config::module('monitoring')->get('security', 'protected_customvars'); $protectedCustomvars = array(); foreach (preg_split('~,~', $config, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $pattern) { $regex = array(); foreach (explode('*', $pattern) as $literal) { $regex[] = preg_quote($literal, '/'); } $protectedCustomvars[] = implode('.*', $regex); } $this->protectedCustomvars = empty($protectedCustomvars) ? '/^$/' : '/^(?:' . implode('|', $protectedCustomvars) . ')$/'; } return preg_grep($this->protectedCustomvars, $customvars, PREG_GREP_INVERT); } }