path: root/debian/missing-sources/leaflet.js/map
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-28 12:45:13 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-28 12:45:13 +0000
commit3c99fde45db83b531c41c350ed4d0ac2a3c40c62 (patch)
treead5257daf9e41556ed73875ab56b69162dffdac1 /debian/missing-sources/leaflet.js/map
parentAdding upstream version 1.1.0. (diff)
Adding debian version 1.1.0-3.debian/1.1.0-3debian
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to '')
10 files changed, 2770 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debian/missing-sources/leaflet.js/map/Map.js b/debian/missing-sources/leaflet.js/map/Map.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b276d86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/missing-sources/leaflet.js/map/Map.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1667 @@
+import * as Util from '../core/Util';
+import {Evented} from '../core/Events';
+import {EPSG3857} from '../geo/crs/CRS.EPSG3857';
+import {Point, toPoint} from '../geometry/Point';
+import {Bounds, toBounds} from '../geometry/Bounds';
+import {LatLng, toLatLng} from '../geo/LatLng';
+import {LatLngBounds, toLatLngBounds} from '../geo/LatLngBounds';
+import * as Browser from '../core/Browser';
+import * as DomEvent from '../dom/DomEvent';
+import * as DomUtil from '../dom/DomUtil';
+import {PosAnimation} from '../dom/PosAnimation';
+ * @class Map
+ * @aka L.Map
+ * @inherits Evented
+ *
+ * The central class of the API — it is used to create a map on a page and manipulate it.
+ *
+ * @example
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * // initialize the map on the "map" div with a given center and zoom
+ * var map ='map', {
+ * center: [51.505, -0.09],
+ * zoom: 13
+ * });
+ * ```
+ *
+ */
+export var Map = Evented.extend({
+ options: {
+ // @section Map State Options
+ // @option crs: CRS = L.CRS.EPSG3857
+ // The [Coordinate Reference System](#crs) to use. Don't change this if you're not
+ // sure what it means.
+ crs: EPSG3857,
+ // @option center: LatLng = undefined
+ // Initial geographic center of the map
+ center: undefined,
+ // @option zoom: Number = undefined
+ // Initial map zoom level
+ zoom: undefined,
+ // @option minZoom: Number = *
+ // Minimum zoom level of the map.
+ // If not specified and at least one `GridLayer` or `TileLayer` is in the map,
+ // the lowest of their `minZoom` options will be used instead.
+ minZoom: undefined,
+ // @option maxZoom: Number = *
+ // Maximum zoom level of the map.
+ // If not specified and at least one `GridLayer` or `TileLayer` is in the map,
+ // the highest of their `maxZoom` options will be used instead.
+ maxZoom: undefined,
+ // @option layers: Layer[] = []
+ // Array of layers that will be added to the map initially
+ layers: [],
+ // @option maxBounds: LatLngBounds = null
+ // When this option is set, the map restricts the view to the given
+ // geographical bounds, bouncing the user back if the user tries to pan
+ // outside the view. To set the restriction dynamically, use
+ // [`setMaxBounds`](#map-setmaxbounds) method.
+ maxBounds: undefined,
+ // @option renderer: Renderer = *
+ // The default method for drawing vector layers on the map. `L.SVG`
+ // or `L.Canvas` by default depending on browser support.
+ renderer: undefined,
+ // @section Animation Options
+ // @option zoomAnimation: Boolean = true
+ // Whether the map zoom animation is enabled. By default it's enabled
+ // in all browsers that support CSS3 Transitions except Android.
+ zoomAnimation: true,
+ // @option zoomAnimationThreshold: Number = 4
+ // Won't animate zoom if the zoom difference exceeds this value.
+ zoomAnimationThreshold: 4,
+ // @option fadeAnimation: Boolean = true
+ // Whether the tile fade animation is enabled. By default it's enabled
+ // in all browsers that support CSS3 Transitions except Android.
+ fadeAnimation: true,
+ // @option markerZoomAnimation: Boolean = true
+ // Whether markers animate their zoom with the zoom animation, if disabled
+ // they will disappear for the length of the animation. By default it's
+ // enabled in all browsers that support CSS3 Transitions except Android.
+ markerZoomAnimation: true,
+ // @option transform3DLimit: Number = 2^23
+ // Defines the maximum size of a CSS translation transform. The default
+ // value should not be changed unless a web browser positions layers in
+ // the wrong place after doing a large `panBy`.
+ transform3DLimit: 8388608, // Precision limit of a 32-bit float
+ // @section Interaction Options
+ // @option zoomSnap: Number = 1
+ // Forces the map's zoom level to always be a multiple of this, particularly
+ // right after a [`fitBounds()`](#map-fitbounds) or a pinch-zoom.
+ // By default, the zoom level snaps to the nearest integer; lower values
+ // (e.g. `0.5` or `0.1`) allow for greater granularity. A value of `0`
+ // means the zoom level will not be snapped after `fitBounds` or a pinch-zoom.
+ zoomSnap: 1,
+ // @option zoomDelta: Number = 1
+ // Controls how much the map's zoom level will change after a
+ // [`zoomIn()`](#map-zoomin), [`zoomOut()`](#map-zoomout), pressing `+`
+ // or `-` on the keyboard, or using the [zoom controls](#control-zoom).
+ // Values smaller than `1` (e.g. `0.5`) allow for greater granularity.
+ zoomDelta: 1,
+ // @option trackResize: Boolean = true
+ // Whether the map automatically handles browser window resize to update itself.
+ trackResize: true
+ },
+ initialize: function (id, options) { // (HTMLElement or String, Object)
+ options = Util.setOptions(this, options);
+ this._initContainer(id);
+ this._initLayout();
+ // hack for
+ this._onResize = Util.bind(this._onResize, this);
+ this._initEvents();
+ if (options.maxBounds) {
+ this.setMaxBounds(options.maxBounds);
+ }
+ if (options.zoom !== undefined) {
+ this._zoom = this._limitZoom(options.zoom);
+ }
+ if ( && options.zoom !== undefined) {
+ this.setView(toLatLng(, options.zoom, {reset: true});
+ }
+ this._handlers = [];
+ this._layers = {};
+ this._zoomBoundLayers = {};
+ this._sizeChanged = true;
+ this.callInitHooks();
+ // don't animate on browsers without hardware-accelerated transitions or old Android/Opera
+ this._zoomAnimated = DomUtil.TRANSITION && Browser.any3d && !Browser.mobileOpera &&
+ this.options.zoomAnimation;
+ // zoom transitions run with the same duration for all layers, so if one of transitionend events
+ // happens after starting zoom animation (propagating to the map pane), we know that it ended globally
+ if (this._zoomAnimated) {
+ this._createAnimProxy();
+ DomEvent.on(this._proxy, DomUtil.TRANSITION_END, this._catchTransitionEnd, this);
+ }
+ this._addLayers(this.options.layers);
+ },
+ // @section Methods for modifying map state
+ // @method setView(center: LatLng, zoom: Number, options?: Zoom/pan options): this
+ // Sets the view of the map (geographical center and zoom) with the given
+ // animation options.
+ setView: function (center, zoom, options) {
+ zoom = zoom === undefined ? this._zoom : this._limitZoom(zoom);
+ center = this._limitCenter(toLatLng(center), zoom, this.options.maxBounds);
+ options = options || {};
+ this._stop();
+ if (this._loaded && !options.reset && options !== true) {
+ if (options.animate !== undefined) {
+ options.zoom = Util.extend({animate: options.animate}, options.zoom);
+ options.pan = Util.extend({animate: options.animate, duration: options.duration}, options.pan);
+ }
+ // try animating pan or zoom
+ var moved = (this._zoom !== zoom) ?
+ this._tryAnimatedZoom && this._tryAnimatedZoom(center, zoom, options.zoom) :
+ this._tryAnimatedPan(center, options.pan);
+ if (moved) {
+ // prevent resize handler call, the view will refresh after animation anyway
+ clearTimeout(this._sizeTimer);
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ // animation didn't start, just reset the map view
+ this._resetView(center, zoom);
+ return this;
+ },
+ // @method setZoom(zoom: Number, options?: Zoom/pan options): this
+ // Sets the zoom of the map.
+ setZoom: function (zoom, options) {
+ if (!this._loaded) {
+ this._zoom = zoom;
+ return this;
+ }
+ return this.setView(this.getCenter(), zoom, {zoom: options});
+ },
+ // @method zoomIn(delta?: Number, options?: Zoom options): this
+ // Increases the zoom of the map by `delta` ([`zoomDelta`](#map-zoomdelta) by default).
+ zoomIn: function (delta, options) {
+ delta = delta || (Browser.any3d ? this.options.zoomDelta : 1);
+ return this.setZoom(this._zoom + delta, options);
+ },
+ // @method zoomOut(delta?: Number, options?: Zoom options): this
+ // Decreases the zoom of the map by `delta` ([`zoomDelta`](#map-zoomdelta) by default).
+ zoomOut: function (delta, options) {
+ delta = delta || (Browser.any3d ? this.options.zoomDelta : 1);
+ return this.setZoom(this._zoom - delta, options);
+ },
+ // @method setZoomAround(latlng: LatLng, zoom: Number, options: Zoom options): this
+ // Zooms the map while keeping a specified geographical point on the map
+ // stationary (e.g. used internally for scroll zoom and double-click zoom).
+ // @alternative
+ // @method setZoomAround(offset: Point, zoom: Number, options: Zoom options): this
+ // Zooms the map while keeping a specified pixel on the map (relative to the top-left corner) stationary.
+ setZoomAround: function (latlng, zoom, options) {
+ var scale = this.getZoomScale(zoom),
+ viewHalf = this.getSize().divideBy(2),
+ containerPoint = latlng instanceof Point ? latlng : this.latLngToContainerPoint(latlng),
+ centerOffset = containerPoint.subtract(viewHalf).multiplyBy(1 - 1 / scale),
+ newCenter = this.containerPointToLatLng(viewHalf.add(centerOffset));
+ return this.setView(newCenter, zoom, {zoom: options});
+ },
+ _getBoundsCenterZoom: function (bounds, options) {
+ options = options || {};
+ bounds = bounds.getBounds ? bounds.getBounds() : toLatLngBounds(bounds);
+ var paddingTL = toPoint(options.paddingTopLeft || options.padding || [0, 0]),
+ paddingBR = toPoint(options.paddingBottomRight || options.padding || [0, 0]),
+ zoom = this.getBoundsZoom(bounds, false, paddingTL.add(paddingBR));
+ zoom = (typeof options.maxZoom === 'number') ? Math.min(options.maxZoom, zoom) : zoom;
+ if (zoom === Infinity) {
+ return {
+ center: bounds.getCenter(),
+ zoom: zoom
+ };
+ }
+ var paddingOffset = paddingBR.subtract(paddingTL).divideBy(2),
+ swPoint = this.project(bounds.getSouthWest(), zoom),
+ nePoint = this.project(bounds.getNorthEast(), zoom),
+ center = this.unproject(swPoint.add(nePoint).divideBy(2).add(paddingOffset), zoom);
+ return {
+ center: center,
+ zoom: zoom
+ };
+ },
+ // @method fitBounds(bounds: LatLngBounds, options?: fitBounds options): this
+ // Sets a map view that contains the given geographical bounds with the
+ // maximum zoom level possible.
+ fitBounds: function (bounds, options) {
+ bounds = toLatLngBounds(bounds);
+ if (!bounds.isValid()) {
+ throw new Error('Bounds are not valid.');
+ }
+ var target = this._getBoundsCenterZoom(bounds, options);
+ return this.setView(, target.zoom, options);
+ },
+ // @method fitWorld(options?: fitBounds options): this
+ // Sets a map view that mostly contains the whole world with the maximum
+ // zoom level possible.
+ fitWorld: function (options) {
+ return this.fitBounds([[-90, -180], [90, 180]], options);
+ },
+ // @method panTo(latlng: LatLng, options?: Pan options): this
+ // Pans the map to a given center.
+ panTo: function (center, options) { // (LatLng)
+ return this.setView(center, this._zoom, {pan: options});
+ },
+ // @method panBy(offset: Point, options?: Pan options): this
+ // Pans the map by a given number of pixels (animated).
+ panBy: function (offset, options) {
+ offset = toPoint(offset).round();
+ options = options || {};
+ if (!offset.x && !offset.y) {
+ return'moveend');
+ }
+ // If we pan too far, Chrome gets issues with tiles
+ // and makes them disappear or appear in the wrong place (slightly offset) #2602
+ if (options.animate !== true && !this.getSize().contains(offset)) {
+ this._resetView(this.unproject(this.project(this.getCenter()).add(offset)), this.getZoom());
+ return this;
+ }
+ if (!this._panAnim) {
+ this._panAnim = new PosAnimation();
+ this._panAnim.on({
+ 'step': this._onPanTransitionStep,
+ 'end': this._onPanTransitionEnd
+ }, this);
+ }
+ // don't fire movestart if animating inertia
+ if (!options.noMoveStart) {
+ }
+ // animate pan unless animate: false specified
+ if (options.animate !== false) {
+ DomUtil.addClass(this._mapPane, 'leaflet-pan-anim');
+ var newPos = this._getMapPanePos().subtract(offset).round();
+, newPos, options.duration || 0.25, options.easeLinearity);
+ } else {
+ this._rawPanBy(offset);
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ // @method flyTo(latlng: LatLng, zoom?: Number, options?: Zoom/pan options): this
+ // Sets the view of the map (geographical center and zoom) performing a smooth
+ // pan-zoom animation.
+ flyTo: function (targetCenter, targetZoom, options) {
+ options = options || {};
+ if (options.animate === false || !Browser.any3d) {
+ return this.setView(targetCenter, targetZoom, options);
+ }
+ this._stop();
+ var from = this.project(this.getCenter()),
+ to = this.project(targetCenter),
+ size = this.getSize(),
+ startZoom = this._zoom;
+ targetCenter = toLatLng(targetCenter);
+ targetZoom = targetZoom === undefined ? startZoom : targetZoom;
+ var w0 = Math.max(size.x, size.y),
+ w1 = w0 * this.getZoomScale(startZoom, targetZoom),
+ u1 = (to.distanceTo(from)) || 1,
+ rho = 1.42,
+ rho2 = rho * rho;
+ function r(i) {
+ var s1 = i ? -1 : 1,
+ s2 = i ? w1 : w0,
+ t1 = w1 * w1 - w0 * w0 + s1 * rho2 * rho2 * u1 * u1,
+ b1 = 2 * s2 * rho2 * u1,
+ b = t1 / b1,
+ sq = Math.sqrt(b * b + 1) - b;
+ // workaround for floating point precision bug when sq = 0, log = -Infinite,
+ // thus triggering an infinite loop in flyTo
+ var log = sq < 0.000000001 ? -18 : Math.log(sq);
+ return log;
+ }
+ function sinh(n) { return (Math.exp(n) - Math.exp(-n)) / 2; }
+ function cosh(n) { return (Math.exp(n) + Math.exp(-n)) / 2; }
+ function tanh(n) { return sinh(n) / cosh(n); }
+ var r0 = r(0);
+ function w(s) { return w0 * (cosh(r0) / cosh(r0 + rho * s)); }
+ function u(s) { return w0 * (cosh(r0) * tanh(r0 + rho * s) - sinh(r0)) / rho2; }
+ function easeOut(t) { return 1 - Math.pow(1 - t, 1.5); }
+ var start =,
+ S = (r(1) - r0) / rho,
+ duration = options.duration ? 1000 * options.duration : 1000 * S * 0.8;
+ function frame() {
+ var t = ( - start) / duration,
+ s = easeOut(t) * S;
+ if (t <= 1) {
+ this._flyToFrame = Util.requestAnimFrame(frame, this);
+ this._move(
+ this.unproject(from.add(to.subtract(from).multiplyBy(u(s) / u1)), startZoom),
+ this.getScaleZoom(w0 / w(s), startZoom),
+ {flyTo: true});
+ } else {
+ this
+ ._move(targetCenter, targetZoom)
+ ._moveEnd(true);
+ }
+ }
+ this._moveStart(true, options.noMoveStart);
+ return this;
+ },
+ // @method flyToBounds(bounds: LatLngBounds, options?: fitBounds options): this
+ // Sets the view of the map with a smooth animation like [`flyTo`](#map-flyto),
+ // but takes a bounds parameter like [`fitBounds`](#map-fitbounds).
+ flyToBounds: function (bounds, options) {
+ var target = this._getBoundsCenterZoom(bounds, options);
+ return this.flyTo(, target.zoom, options);
+ },
+ // @method setMaxBounds(bounds: Bounds): this
+ // Restricts the map view to the given bounds (see the [maxBounds](#map-maxbounds) option).
+ setMaxBounds: function (bounds) {
+ bounds = toLatLngBounds(bounds);
+ if (!bounds.isValid()) {
+ this.options.maxBounds = null;
+ return'moveend', this._panInsideMaxBounds);
+ } else if (this.options.maxBounds) {
+'moveend', this._panInsideMaxBounds);
+ }
+ this.options.maxBounds = bounds;
+ if (this._loaded) {
+ this._panInsideMaxBounds();
+ }
+ return this.on('moveend', this._panInsideMaxBounds);
+ },
+ // @method setMinZoom(zoom: Number): this
+ // Sets the lower limit for the available zoom levels (see the [minZoom](#map-minzoom) option).
+ setMinZoom: function (zoom) {
+ var oldZoom = this.options.minZoom;
+ this.options.minZoom = zoom;
+ if (this._loaded && oldZoom !== zoom) {
+ if (this.getZoom() < this.options.minZoom) {
+ return this.setZoom(zoom);
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ // @method setMaxZoom(zoom: Number): this
+ // Sets the upper limit for the available zoom levels (see the [maxZoom](#map-maxzoom) option).
+ setMaxZoom: function (zoom) {
+ var oldZoom = this.options.maxZoom;
+ this.options.maxZoom = zoom;
+ if (this._loaded && oldZoom !== zoom) {
+ if (this.getZoom() > this.options.maxZoom) {
+ return this.setZoom(zoom);
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ // @method panInsideBounds(bounds: LatLngBounds, options?: Pan options): this
+ // Pans the map to the closest view that would lie inside the given bounds (if it's not already), controlling the animation using the options specific, if any.
+ panInsideBounds: function (bounds, options) {
+ this._enforcingBounds = true;
+ var center = this.getCenter(),
+ newCenter = this._limitCenter(center, this._zoom, toLatLngBounds(bounds));
+ if (!center.equals(newCenter)) {
+ this.panTo(newCenter, options);
+ }
+ this._enforcingBounds = false;
+ return this;
+ },
+ // @method invalidateSize(options: Zoom/pan options): this
+ // Checks if the map container size changed and updates the map if so —
+ // call it after you've changed the map size dynamically, also animating
+ // pan by default. If `options.pan` is `false`, panning will not occur.
+ // If `options.debounceMoveend` is `true`, it will delay `moveend` event so
+ // that it doesn't happen often even if the method is called many
+ // times in a row.
+ // @alternative
+ // @method invalidateSize(animate: Boolean): this
+ // Checks if the map container size changed and updates the map if so —
+ // call it after you've changed the map size dynamically, also animating
+ // pan by default.
+ invalidateSize: function (options) {
+ if (!this._loaded) { return this; }
+ options = Util.extend({
+ animate: false,
+ pan: true
+ }, options === true ? {animate: true} : options);
+ var oldSize = this.getSize();
+ this._sizeChanged = true;
+ this._lastCenter = null;
+ var newSize = this.getSize(),
+ oldCenter = oldSize.divideBy(2).round(),
+ newCenter = newSize.divideBy(2).round(),
+ offset = oldCenter.subtract(newCenter);
+ if (!offset.x && !offset.y) { return this; }
+ if (options.animate && options.pan) {
+ this.panBy(offset);
+ } else {
+ if (options.pan) {
+ this._rawPanBy(offset);
+ }
+ if (options.debounceMoveend) {
+ clearTimeout(this._sizeTimer);
+ this._sizeTimer = setTimeout(Util.bind(, this, 'moveend'), 200);
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ // @section Map state change events
+ // @event resize: ResizeEvent
+ // Fired when the map is resized.
+ return'resize', {
+ oldSize: oldSize,
+ newSize: newSize
+ });
+ },
+ // @section Methods for modifying map state
+ // @method stop(): this
+ // Stops the currently running `panTo` or `flyTo` animation, if any.
+ stop: function () {
+ this.setZoom(this._limitZoom(this._zoom));
+ if (!this.options.zoomSnap) {
+ }
+ return this._stop();
+ },
+ // @section Geolocation methods
+ // @method locate(options?: Locate options): this
+ // Tries to locate the user using the Geolocation API, firing a [`locationfound`](#map-locationfound)
+ // event with location data on success or a [`locationerror`](#map-locationerror) event on failure,
+ // and optionally sets the map view to the user's location with respect to
+ // detection accuracy (or to the world view if geolocation failed).
+ // Note that, if your page doesn't use HTTPS, this method will fail in
+ // modern browsers ([Chrome 50 and newer](
+ // See `Locate options` for more details.
+ locate: function (options) {
+ options = this._locateOptions = Util.extend({
+ timeout: 10000,
+ watch: false
+ // setView: false
+ // maxZoom: <Number>
+ // maximumAge: 0
+ // enableHighAccuracy: false
+ }, options);
+ if (!('geolocation' in navigator)) {
+ this._handleGeolocationError({
+ code: 0,
+ message: 'Geolocation not supported.'
+ });
+ return this;
+ }
+ var onResponse = Util.bind(this._handleGeolocationResponse, this),
+ onError = Util.bind(this._handleGeolocationError, this);
+ if ( {
+ this._locationWatchId =
+ navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(onResponse, onError, options);
+ } else {
+ navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(onResponse, onError, options);
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ // @method stopLocate(): this
+ // Stops watching location previously initiated by `map.locate({watch: true})`
+ // and aborts resetting the map view if map.locate was called with
+ // `{setView: true}`.
+ stopLocate: function () {
+ if (navigator.geolocation && navigator.geolocation.clearWatch) {
+ navigator.geolocation.clearWatch(this._locationWatchId);
+ }
+ if (this._locateOptions) {
+ this._locateOptions.setView = false;
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ _handleGeolocationError: function (error) {
+ var c = error.code,
+ message = error.message ||
+ (c === 1 ? 'permission denied' :
+ (c === 2 ? 'position unavailable' : 'timeout'));
+ if (this._locateOptions.setView && !this._loaded) {
+ this.fitWorld();
+ }
+ // @section Location events
+ // @event locationerror: ErrorEvent
+ // Fired when geolocation (using the [`locate`](#map-locate) method) failed.
+'locationerror', {
+ code: c,
+ message: 'Geolocation error: ' + message + '.'
+ });
+ },
+ _handleGeolocationResponse: function (pos) {
+ var lat = pos.coords.latitude,
+ lng = pos.coords.longitude,
+ latlng = new LatLng(lat, lng),
+ bounds = latlng.toBounds(pos.coords.accuracy),
+ options = this._locateOptions;
+ if (options.setView) {
+ var zoom = this.getBoundsZoom(bounds);
+ this.setView(latlng, options.maxZoom ? Math.min(zoom, options.maxZoom) : zoom);
+ }
+ var data = {
+ latlng: latlng,
+ bounds: bounds,
+ timestamp: pos.timestamp
+ };
+ for (var i in pos.coords) {
+ if (typeof pos.coords[i] === 'number') {
+ data[i] = pos.coords[i];
+ }
+ }
+ // @event locationfound: LocationEvent
+ // Fired when geolocation (using the [`locate`](#map-locate) method)
+ // went successfully.
+'locationfound', data);
+ },
+ // TODO Appropriate docs section?
+ // @section Other Methods
+ // @method addHandler(name: String, HandlerClass: Function): this
+ // Adds a new `Handler` to the map, given its name and constructor function.
+ addHandler: function (name, HandlerClass) {
+ if (!HandlerClass) { return this; }
+ var handler = this[name] = new HandlerClass(this);
+ this._handlers.push(handler);
+ if (this.options[name]) {
+ handler.enable();
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ // @method remove(): this
+ // Destroys the map and clears all related event listeners.
+ remove: function () {
+ this._initEvents(true);
+ if (this._containerId !== this._container._leaflet_id) {
+ throw new Error('Map container is being reused by another instance');
+ }
+ try {
+ // throws error in IE6-8
+ delete this._container._leaflet_id;
+ delete this._containerId;
+ } catch (e) {
+ /*eslint-disable */
+ this._container._leaflet_id = undefined;
+ /* eslint-enable */
+ this._containerId = undefined;
+ }
+ if (this._locationWatchId !== undefined) {
+ this.stopLocate();
+ }
+ this._stop();
+ DomUtil.remove(this._mapPane);
+ if (this._clearControlPos) {
+ this._clearControlPos();
+ }
+ this._clearHandlers();
+ if (this._loaded) {
+ // @section Map state change events
+ // @event unload: Event
+ // Fired when the map is destroyed with [remove](#map-remove) method.
+ }
+ var i;
+ for (i in this._layers) {
+ this._layers[i].remove();
+ }
+ for (i in this._panes) {
+ DomUtil.remove(this._panes[i]);
+ }
+ this._layers = [];
+ this._panes = [];
+ delete this._mapPane;
+ delete this._renderer;
+ return this;
+ },
+ // @section Other Methods
+ // @method createPane(name: String, container?: HTMLElement): HTMLElement
+ // Creates a new [map pane](#map-pane) with the given name if it doesn't exist already,
+ // then returns it. The pane is created as a child of `container`, or
+ // as a child of the main map pane if not set.
+ createPane: function (name, container) {
+ var className = 'leaflet-pane' + (name ? ' leaflet-' + name.replace('Pane', '') + '-pane' : ''),
+ pane = DomUtil.create('div', className, container || this._mapPane);
+ if (name) {
+ this._panes[name] = pane;
+ }
+ return pane;
+ },
+ // @section Methods for Getting Map State
+ // @method getCenter(): LatLng
+ // Returns the geographical center of the map view
+ getCenter: function () {
+ this._checkIfLoaded();
+ if (this._lastCenter && !this._moved()) {
+ return this._lastCenter;
+ }
+ return this.layerPointToLatLng(this._getCenterLayerPoint());
+ },
+ // @method getZoom(): Number
+ // Returns the current zoom level of the map view
+ getZoom: function () {
+ return this._zoom;
+ },
+ // @method getBounds(): LatLngBounds
+ // Returns the geographical bounds visible in the current map view
+ getBounds: function () {
+ var bounds = this.getPixelBounds(),
+ sw = this.unproject(bounds.getBottomLeft()),
+ ne = this.unproject(bounds.getTopRight());
+ return new LatLngBounds(sw, ne);
+ },
+ // @method getMinZoom(): Number
+ // Returns the minimum zoom level of the map (if set in the `minZoom` option of the map or of any layers), or `0` by default.
+ getMinZoom: function () {
+ return this.options.minZoom === undefined ? this._layersMinZoom || 0 : this.options.minZoom;
+ },
+ // @method getMaxZoom(): Number
+ // Returns the maximum zoom level of the map (if set in the `maxZoom` option of the map or of any layers).
+ getMaxZoom: function () {
+ return this.options.maxZoom === undefined ?
+ (this._layersMaxZoom === undefined ? Infinity : this._layersMaxZoom) :
+ this.options.maxZoom;
+ },
+ // @method getBoundsZoom(bounds: LatLngBounds, inside?: Boolean): Number
+ // Returns the maximum zoom level on which the given bounds fit to the map
+ // view in its entirety. If `inside` (optional) is set to `true`, the method
+ // instead returns the minimum zoom level on which the map view fits into
+ // the given bounds in its entirety.
+ getBoundsZoom: function (bounds, inside, padding) { // (LatLngBounds[, Boolean, Point]) -> Number
+ bounds = toLatLngBounds(bounds);
+ padding = toPoint(padding || [0, 0]);
+ var zoom = this.getZoom() || 0,
+ min = this.getMinZoom(),
+ max = this.getMaxZoom(),
+ nw = bounds.getNorthWest(),
+ se = bounds.getSouthEast(),
+ size = this.getSize().subtract(padding),
+ boundsSize = toBounds(this.project(se, zoom), this.project(nw, zoom)).getSize(),
+ snap = Browser.any3d ? this.options.zoomSnap : 1,
+ scalex = size.x / boundsSize.x,
+ scaley = size.y / boundsSize.y,
+ scale = inside ? Math.max(scalex, scaley) : Math.min(scalex, scaley);
+ zoom = this.getScaleZoom(scale, zoom);
+ if (snap) {
+ zoom = Math.round(zoom / (snap / 100)) * (snap / 100); // don't jump if within 1% of a snap level
+ zoom = inside ? Math.ceil(zoom / snap) * snap : Math.floor(zoom / snap) * snap;
+ }
+ return Math.max(min, Math.min(max, zoom));
+ },
+ // @method getSize(): Point
+ // Returns the current size of the map container (in pixels).
+ getSize: function () {
+ if (!this._size || this._sizeChanged) {
+ this._size = new Point(
+ this._container.clientWidth || 0,
+ this._container.clientHeight || 0);
+ this._sizeChanged = false;
+ }
+ return this._size.clone();
+ },
+ // @method getPixelBounds(): Bounds
+ // Returns the bounds of the current map view in projected pixel
+ // coordinates (sometimes useful in layer and overlay implementations).
+ getPixelBounds: function (center, zoom) {
+ var topLeftPoint = this._getTopLeftPoint(center, zoom);
+ return new Bounds(topLeftPoint, topLeftPoint.add(this.getSize()));
+ },
+ // TODO: Check semantics - isn't the pixel origin the 0,0 coord relative to
+ // the map pane? "left point of the map layer" can be confusing, specially
+ // since there can be negative offsets.
+ // @method getPixelOrigin(): Point
+ // Returns the projected pixel coordinates of the top left point of
+ // the map layer (useful in custom layer and overlay implementations).
+ getPixelOrigin: function () {
+ this._checkIfLoaded();
+ return this._pixelOrigin;
+ },
+ // @method getPixelWorldBounds(zoom?: Number): Bounds
+ // Returns the world's bounds in pixel coordinates for zoom level `zoom`.
+ // If `zoom` is omitted, the map's current zoom level is used.
+ getPixelWorldBounds: function (zoom) {
+ return === undefined ? this.getZoom() : zoom);
+ },
+ // @section Other Methods
+ // @method getPane(pane: String|HTMLElement): HTMLElement
+ // Returns a [map pane](#map-pane), given its name or its HTML element (its identity).
+ getPane: function (pane) {
+ return typeof pane === 'string' ? this._panes[pane] : pane;
+ },
+ // @method getPanes(): Object
+ // Returns a plain object containing the names of all [panes](#map-pane) as keys and
+ // the panes as values.
+ getPanes: function () {
+ return this._panes;
+ },
+ // @method getContainer: HTMLElement
+ // Returns the HTML element that contains the map.
+ getContainer: function () {
+ return this._container;
+ },
+ // @section Conversion Methods
+ // @method getZoomScale(toZoom: Number, fromZoom: Number): Number
+ // Returns the scale factor to be applied to a map transition from zoom level
+ // `fromZoom` to `toZoom`. Used internally to help with zoom animations.
+ getZoomScale: function (toZoom, fromZoom) {
+ // TODO replace with universal implementation after refactoring projections
+ var crs =;
+ fromZoom = fromZoom === undefined ? this._zoom : fromZoom;
+ return crs.scale(toZoom) / crs.scale(fromZoom);
+ },
+ // @method getScaleZoom(scale: Number, fromZoom: Number): Number
+ // Returns the zoom level that the map would end up at, if it is at `fromZoom`
+ // level and everything is scaled by a factor of `scale`. Inverse of
+ // [`getZoomScale`](#map-getZoomScale).
+ getScaleZoom: function (scale, fromZoom) {
+ var crs =;
+ fromZoom = fromZoom === undefined ? this._zoom : fromZoom;
+ var zoom = crs.zoom(scale * crs.scale(fromZoom));
+ return isNaN(zoom) ? Infinity : zoom;
+ },
+ // @method project(latlng: LatLng, zoom: Number): Point
+ // Projects a geographical coordinate `LatLng` according to the projection
+ // of the map's CRS, then scales it according to `zoom` and the CRS's
+ // `Transformation`. The result is pixel coordinate relative to
+ // the CRS origin.
+ project: function (latlng, zoom) {
+ zoom = zoom === undefined ? this._zoom : zoom;
+ return, zoom);
+ },
+ // @method unproject(point: Point, zoom: Number): LatLng
+ // Inverse of [`project`](#map-project).
+ unproject: function (point, zoom) {
+ zoom = zoom === undefined ? this._zoom : zoom;
+ return, zoom);
+ },
+ // @method layerPointToLatLng(point: Point): LatLng
+ // Given a pixel coordinate relative to the [origin pixel](#map-getpixelorigin),
+ // returns the corresponding geographical coordinate (for the current zoom level).
+ layerPointToLatLng: function (point) {
+ var projectedPoint = toPoint(point).add(this.getPixelOrigin());
+ return this.unproject(projectedPoint);
+ },
+ // @method latLngToLayerPoint(latlng: LatLng): Point
+ // Given a geographical coordinate, returns the corresponding pixel coordinate
+ // relative to the [origin pixel](#map-getpixelorigin).
+ latLngToLayerPoint: function (latlng) {
+ var projectedPoint = this.project(toLatLng(latlng))._round();
+ return projectedPoint._subtract(this.getPixelOrigin());
+ },
+ // @method wrapLatLng(latlng: LatLng): LatLng
+ // Returns a `LatLng` where `lat` and `lng` has been wrapped according to the
+ // map's CRS's `wrapLat` and `wrapLng` properties, if they are outside the
+ // CRS's bounds.
+ // By default this means longitude is wrapped around the dateline so its
+ // value is between -180 and +180 degrees.
+ wrapLatLng: function (latlng) {
+ return;
+ },
+ // @method wrapLatLngBounds(bounds: LatLngBounds): LatLngBounds
+ // Returns a `LatLngBounds` with the same size as the given one, ensuring that
+ // its center is within the CRS's bounds.
+ // By default this means the center longitude is wrapped around the dateline so its
+ // value is between -180 and +180 degrees, and the majority of the bounds
+ // overlaps the CRS's bounds.
+ wrapLatLngBounds: function (latlng) {
+ return;
+ },
+ // @method distance(latlng1: LatLng, latlng2: LatLng): Number
+ // Returns the distance between two geographical coordinates according to
+ // the map's CRS. By default this measures distance in meters.
+ distance: function (latlng1, latlng2) {
+ return, toLatLng(latlng2));
+ },
+ // @method containerPointToLayerPoint(point: Point): Point
+ // Given a pixel coordinate relative to the map container, returns the corresponding
+ // pixel coordinate relative to the [origin pixel](#map-getpixelorigin).
+ containerPointToLayerPoint: function (point) { // (Point)
+ return toPoint(point).subtract(this._getMapPanePos());
+ },
+ // @method layerPointToContainerPoint(point: Point): Point
+ // Given a pixel coordinate relative to the [origin pixel](#map-getpixelorigin),
+ // returns the corresponding pixel coordinate relative to the map container.
+ layerPointToContainerPoint: function (point) { // (Point)
+ return toPoint(point).add(this._getMapPanePos());
+ },
+ // @method containerPointToLatLng(point: Point): LatLng
+ // Given a pixel coordinate relative to the map container, returns
+ // the corresponding geographical coordinate (for the current zoom level).
+ containerPointToLatLng: function (point) {
+ var layerPoint = this.containerPointToLayerPoint(toPoint(point));
+ return this.layerPointToLatLng(layerPoint);
+ },
+ // @method latLngToContainerPoint(latlng: LatLng): Point
+ // Given a geographical coordinate, returns the corresponding pixel coordinate
+ // relative to the map container.
+ latLngToContainerPoint: function (latlng) {
+ return this.layerPointToContainerPoint(this.latLngToLayerPoint(toLatLng(latlng)));
+ },
+ // @method mouseEventToContainerPoint(ev: MouseEvent): Point
+ // Given a MouseEvent object, returns the pixel coordinate relative to the
+ // map container where the event took place.
+ mouseEventToContainerPoint: function (e) {
+ return DomEvent.getMousePosition(e, this._container);
+ },
+ // @method mouseEventToLayerPoint(ev: MouseEvent): Point
+ // Given a MouseEvent object, returns the pixel coordinate relative to
+ // the [origin pixel](#map-getpixelorigin) where the event took place.
+ mouseEventToLayerPoint: function (e) {
+ return this.containerPointToLayerPoint(this.mouseEventToContainerPoint(e));
+ },
+ // @method mouseEventToLatLng(ev: MouseEvent): LatLng
+ // Given a MouseEvent object, returns geographical coordinate where the
+ // event took place.
+ mouseEventToLatLng: function (e) { // (MouseEvent)
+ return this.layerPointToLatLng(this.mouseEventToLayerPoint(e));
+ },
+ // map initialization methods
+ _initContainer: function (id) {
+ var container = this._container = DomUtil.get(id);
+ if (!container) {
+ throw new Error('Map container not found.');
+ } else if (container._leaflet_id) {
+ throw new Error('Map container is already initialized.');
+ }
+ DomEvent.on(container, 'scroll', this._onScroll, this);
+ this._containerId = Util.stamp(container);
+ },
+ _initLayout: function () {
+ var container = this._container;
+ this._fadeAnimated = this.options.fadeAnimation && Browser.any3d;
+ DomUtil.addClass(container, 'leaflet-container' +
+ (Browser.touch ? ' leaflet-touch' : '') +
+ (Browser.retina ? ' leaflet-retina' : '') +
+ (Browser.ielt9 ? ' leaflet-oldie' : '') +
+ (Browser.safari ? ' leaflet-safari' : '') +
+ (this._fadeAnimated ? ' leaflet-fade-anim' : ''));
+ var position = DomUtil.getStyle(container, 'position');
+ if (position !== 'absolute' && position !== 'relative' && position !== 'fixed') {
+ = 'relative';
+ }
+ this._initPanes();
+ if (this._initControlPos) {
+ this._initControlPos();
+ }
+ },
+ _initPanes: function () {
+ var panes = this._panes = {};
+ this._paneRenderers = {};
+ // @section
+ //
+ // Panes are DOM elements used to control the ordering of layers on the map. You
+ // can access panes with [`map.getPane`](#map-getpane) or
+ // [`map.getPanes`](#map-getpanes) methods. New panes can be created with the
+ // [`map.createPane`](#map-createpane) method.
+ //
+ // Every map has the following default panes that differ only in zIndex.
+ //
+ // @pane mapPane: HTMLElement = 'auto'
+ // Pane that contains all other map panes
+ this._mapPane = this.createPane('mapPane', this._container);
+ DomUtil.setPosition(this._mapPane, new Point(0, 0));
+ // @pane tilePane: HTMLElement = 200
+ // Pane for `GridLayer`s and `TileLayer`s
+ this.createPane('tilePane');
+ // @pane overlayPane: HTMLElement = 400
+ // Pane for vectors (`Path`s, like `Polyline`s and `Polygon`s), `ImageOverlay`s and `VideoOverlay`s
+ this.createPane('shadowPane');
+ // @pane shadowPane: HTMLElement = 500
+ // Pane for overlay shadows (e.g. `Marker` shadows)
+ this.createPane('overlayPane');
+ // @pane markerPane: HTMLElement = 600
+ // Pane for `Icon`s of `Marker`s
+ this.createPane('markerPane');
+ // @pane tooltipPane: HTMLElement = 650
+ // Pane for `Tooltip`s.
+ this.createPane('tooltipPane');
+ // @pane popupPane: HTMLElement = 700
+ // Pane for `Popup`s.
+ this.createPane('popupPane');
+ if (!this.options.markerZoomAnimation) {
+ DomUtil.addClass(panes.markerPane, 'leaflet-zoom-hide');
+ DomUtil.addClass(panes.shadowPane, 'leaflet-zoom-hide');
+ }
+ },
+ // private methods that modify map state
+ // @section Map state change events
+ _resetView: function (center, zoom) {
+ DomUtil.setPosition(this._mapPane, new Point(0, 0));
+ var loading = !this._loaded;
+ this._loaded = true;
+ zoom = this._limitZoom(zoom);
+ var zoomChanged = this._zoom !== zoom;
+ this
+ ._moveStart(zoomChanged, false)
+ ._move(center, zoom)
+ ._moveEnd(zoomChanged);
+ // @event viewreset: Event
+ // Fired when the map needs to redraw its content (this usually happens
+ // on map zoom or load). Very useful for creating custom overlays.
+ // @event load: Event
+ // Fired when the map is initialized (when its center and zoom are set
+ // for the first time).
+ if (loading) {
+ }
+ },
+ _moveStart: function (zoomChanged, noMoveStart) {
+ // @event zoomstart: Event
+ // Fired when the map zoom is about to change (e.g. before zoom animation).
+ // @event movestart: Event
+ // Fired when the view of the map starts changing (e.g. user starts dragging the map).
+ if (zoomChanged) {
+ }
+ if (!noMoveStart) {
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ _move: function (center, zoom, data) {
+ if (zoom === undefined) {
+ zoom = this._zoom;
+ }
+ var zoomChanged = this._zoom !== zoom;
+ this._zoom = zoom;
+ this._lastCenter = center;
+ this._pixelOrigin = this._getNewPixelOrigin(center);
+ // @event zoom: Event
+ // Fired repeatedly during any change in zoom level, including zoom
+ // and fly animations.
+ if (zoomChanged || (data && data.pinch)) { // Always fire 'zoom' if pinching because #3530
+'zoom', data);
+ }
+ // @event move: Event
+ // Fired repeatedly during any movement of the map, including pan and
+ // fly animations.
+ return'move', data);
+ },
+ _moveEnd: function (zoomChanged) {
+ // @event zoomend: Event
+ // Fired when the map has changed, after any animations.
+ if (zoomChanged) {
+ }
+ // @event moveend: Event
+ // Fired when the center of the map stops changing (e.g. user stopped
+ // dragging the map).
+ return'moveend');
+ },
+ _stop: function () {
+ Util.cancelAnimFrame(this._flyToFrame);
+ if (this._panAnim) {
+ this._panAnim.stop();
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ _rawPanBy: function (offset) {
+ DomUtil.setPosition(this._mapPane, this._getMapPanePos().subtract(offset));
+ },
+ _getZoomSpan: function () {
+ return this.getMaxZoom() - this.getMinZoom();
+ },
+ _panInsideMaxBounds: function () {
+ if (!this._enforcingBounds) {
+ this.panInsideBounds(this.options.maxBounds);
+ }
+ },
+ _checkIfLoaded: function () {
+ if (!this._loaded) {
+ throw new Error('Set map center and zoom first.');
+ }
+ },
+ // DOM event handling
+ // @section Interaction events
+ _initEvents: function (remove) {
+ this._targets = {};
+ this._targets[Util.stamp(this._container)] = this;
+ var onOff = remove ? : DomEvent.on;
+ // @event click: MouseEvent
+ // Fired when the user clicks (or taps) the map.
+ // @event dblclick: MouseEvent
+ // Fired when the user double-clicks (or double-taps) the map.
+ // @event mousedown: MouseEvent
+ // Fired when the user pushes the mouse button on the map.
+ // @event mouseup: MouseEvent
+ // Fired when the user releases the mouse button on the map.
+ // @event mouseover: MouseEvent
+ // Fired when the mouse enters the map.
+ // @event mouseout: MouseEvent
+ // Fired when the mouse leaves the map.
+ // @event mousemove: MouseEvent
+ // Fired while the mouse moves over the map.
+ // @event contextmenu: MouseEvent
+ // Fired when the user pushes the right mouse button on the map, prevents
+ // default browser context menu from showing if there are listeners on
+ // this event. Also fired on mobile when the user holds a single touch
+ // for a second (also called long press).
+ // @event keypress: KeyboardEvent
+ // Fired when the user presses a key from the keyboard while the map is focused.
+ onOff(this._container, 'click dblclick mousedown mouseup ' +
+ 'mouseover mouseout mousemove contextmenu keypress', this._handleDOMEvent, this);
+ if (this.options.trackResize) {
+ onOff(window, 'resize', this._onResize, this);
+ }
+ if (Browser.any3d && this.options.transform3DLimit) {
+ (remove ? : this.on).call(this, 'moveend', this._onMoveEnd);
+ }
+ },
+ _onResize: function () {
+ Util.cancelAnimFrame(this._resizeRequest);
+ this._resizeRequest = Util.requestAnimFrame(
+ function () { this.invalidateSize({debounceMoveend: true}); }, this);
+ },
+ _onScroll: function () {
+ this._container.scrollTop = 0;
+ this._container.scrollLeft = 0;
+ },
+ _onMoveEnd: function () {
+ var pos = this._getMapPanePos();
+ if (Math.max(Math.abs(pos.x), Math.abs(pos.y)) >= this.options.transform3DLimit) {
+ // but Webkit also have
+ // a pixel offset on very high values, see:
+ this._resetView(this.getCenter(), this.getZoom());
+ }
+ },
+ _findEventTargets: function (e, type) {
+ var targets = [],
+ target,
+ isHover = type === 'mouseout' || type === 'mouseover',
+ src = || e.srcElement,
+ dragging = false;
+ while (src) {
+ target = this._targets[Util.stamp(src)];
+ if (target && (type === 'click' || type === 'preclick') && !e._simulated && this._draggableMoved(target)) {
+ // Prevent firing click after you just dragged an object.
+ dragging = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (target && target.listens(type, true)) {
+ if (isHover && !DomEvent.isExternalTarget(src, e)) { break; }
+ targets.push(target);
+ if (isHover) { break; }
+ }
+ if (src === this._container) { break; }
+ src = src.parentNode;
+ }
+ if (!targets.length && !dragging && !isHover && DomEvent.isExternalTarget(src, e)) {
+ targets = [this];
+ }
+ return targets;
+ },
+ _handleDOMEvent: function (e) {
+ if (!this._loaded || DomEvent.skipped(e)) { return; }
+ var type = e.type;
+ if (type === 'mousedown' || type === 'keypress') {
+ // prevents outline when clicking on keyboard-focusable element
+ DomUtil.preventOutline( || e.srcElement);
+ }
+ this._fireDOMEvent(e, type);
+ },
+ _mouseEvents: ['click', 'dblclick', 'mouseover', 'mouseout', 'contextmenu'],
+ _fireDOMEvent: function (e, type, targets) {
+ if (e.type === 'click') {
+ // Fire a synthetic 'preclick' event which propagates up (mainly for closing popups).
+ // @event preclick: MouseEvent
+ // Fired before mouse click on the map (sometimes useful when you
+ // want something to happen on click before any existing click
+ // handlers start running).
+ var synth = Util.extend({}, e);
+ synth.type = 'preclick';
+ this._fireDOMEvent(synth, synth.type, targets);
+ }
+ if (e._stopped) { return; }
+ // Find the layer the event is propagating from and its parents.
+ targets = (targets || []).concat(this._findEventTargets(e, type));
+ if (!targets.length) { return; }
+ var target = targets[0];
+ if (type === 'contextmenu' && target.listens(type, true)) {
+ DomEvent.preventDefault(e);
+ }
+ var data = {
+ originalEvent: e
+ };
+ if (e.type !== 'keypress') {
+ var isMarker = target.getLatLng && (!target._radius || target._radius <= 10);
+ data.containerPoint = isMarker ?
+ this.latLngToContainerPoint(target.getLatLng()) : this.mouseEventToContainerPoint(e);
+ data.layerPoint = this.containerPointToLayerPoint(data.containerPoint);
+ data.latlng = isMarker ? target.getLatLng() : this.layerPointToLatLng(data.layerPoint);
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) {
+ targets[i].fire(type, data, true);
+ if (data.originalEvent._stopped ||
+ (targets[i].options.bubblingMouseEvents === false && Util.indexOf(this._mouseEvents, type) !== -1)) { return; }
+ }
+ },
+ _draggableMoved: function (obj) {
+ obj = obj.dragging && obj.dragging.enabled() ? obj : this;
+ return (obj.dragging && obj.dragging.moved()) || (this.boxZoom && this.boxZoom.moved());
+ },
+ _clearHandlers: function () {
+ for (var i = 0, len = this._handlers.length; i < len; i++) {
+ this._handlers[i].disable();
+ }
+ },
+ // @section Other Methods
+ // @method whenReady(fn: Function, context?: Object): this
+ // Runs the given function `fn` when the map gets initialized with
+ // a view (center and zoom) and at least one layer, or immediately
+ // if it's already initialized, optionally passing a function context.
+ whenReady: function (callback, context) {
+ if (this._loaded) {
+ || this, {target: this});
+ } else {
+ this.on('load', callback, context);
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ // private methods for getting map state
+ _getMapPanePos: function () {
+ return DomUtil.getPosition(this._mapPane) || new Point(0, 0);
+ },
+ _moved: function () {
+ var pos = this._getMapPanePos();
+ return pos && !pos.equals([0, 0]);
+ },
+ _getTopLeftPoint: function (center, zoom) {
+ var pixelOrigin = center && zoom !== undefined ?
+ this._getNewPixelOrigin(center, zoom) :
+ this.getPixelOrigin();
+ return pixelOrigin.subtract(this._getMapPanePos());
+ },
+ _getNewPixelOrigin: function (center, zoom) {
+ var viewHalf = this.getSize()._divideBy(2);
+ return this.project(center, zoom)._subtract(viewHalf)._add(this._getMapPanePos())._round();
+ },
+ _latLngToNewLayerPoint: function (latlng, zoom, center) {
+ var topLeft = this._getNewPixelOrigin(center, zoom);
+ return this.project(latlng, zoom)._subtract(topLeft);
+ },
+ _latLngBoundsToNewLayerBounds: function (latLngBounds, zoom, center) {
+ var topLeft = this._getNewPixelOrigin(center, zoom);
+ return toBounds([
+ this.project(latLngBounds.getSouthWest(), zoom)._subtract(topLeft),
+ this.project(latLngBounds.getNorthWest(), zoom)._subtract(topLeft),
+ this.project(latLngBounds.getSouthEast(), zoom)._subtract(topLeft),
+ this.project(latLngBounds.getNorthEast(), zoom)._subtract(topLeft)
+ ]);
+ },
+ // layer point of the current center
+ _getCenterLayerPoint: function () {
+ return this.containerPointToLayerPoint(this.getSize()._divideBy(2));
+ },
+ // offset of the specified place to the current center in pixels
+ _getCenterOffset: function (latlng) {
+ return this.latLngToLayerPoint(latlng).subtract(this._getCenterLayerPoint());
+ },
+ // adjust center for view to get inside bounds
+ _limitCenter: function (center, zoom, bounds) {
+ if (!bounds) { return center; }
+ var centerPoint = this.project(center, zoom),
+ viewHalf = this.getSize().divideBy(2),
+ viewBounds = new Bounds(centerPoint.subtract(viewHalf), centerPoint.add(viewHalf)),
+ offset = this._getBoundsOffset(viewBounds, bounds, zoom);
+ // If offset is less than a pixel, ignore.
+ // This prevents unstable projections from getting into
+ // an infinite loop of tiny offsets.
+ if (offset.round().equals([0, 0])) {
+ return center;
+ }
+ return this.unproject(centerPoint.add(offset), zoom);
+ },
+ // adjust offset for view to get inside bounds
+ _limitOffset: function (offset, bounds) {
+ if (!bounds) { return offset; }
+ var viewBounds = this.getPixelBounds(),
+ newBounds = new Bounds(viewBounds.min.add(offset), viewBounds.max.add(offset));
+ return offset.add(this._getBoundsOffset(newBounds, bounds));
+ },
+ // returns offset needed for pxBounds to get inside maxBounds at a specified zoom
+ _getBoundsOffset: function (pxBounds, maxBounds, zoom) {
+ var projectedMaxBounds = toBounds(
+ this.project(maxBounds.getNorthEast(), zoom),
+ this.project(maxBounds.getSouthWest(), zoom)
+ ),
+ minOffset = projectedMaxBounds.min.subtract(pxBounds.min),
+ maxOffset = projectedMaxBounds.max.subtract(pxBounds.max),
+ dx = this._rebound(minOffset.x, -maxOffset.x),
+ dy = this._rebound(minOffset.y, -maxOffset.y);
+ return new Point(dx, dy);
+ },
+ _rebound: function (left, right) {
+ return left + right > 0 ?
+ Math.round(left - right) / 2 :
+ Math.max(0, Math.ceil(left)) - Math.max(0, Math.floor(right));
+ },
+ _limitZoom: function (zoom) {
+ var min = this.getMinZoom(),
+ max = this.getMaxZoom(),
+ snap = Browser.any3d ? this.options.zoomSnap : 1;
+ if (snap) {
+ zoom = Math.round(zoom / snap) * snap;
+ }
+ return Math.max(min, Math.min(max, zoom));
+ },
+ _onPanTransitionStep: function () {
+ },
+ _onPanTransitionEnd: function () {
+ DomUtil.removeClass(this._mapPane, 'leaflet-pan-anim');
+ },
+ _tryAnimatedPan: function (center, options) {
+ // difference between the new and current centers in pixels
+ var offset = this._getCenterOffset(center)._trunc();
+ // don't animate too far unless animate: true specified in options
+ if ((options && options.animate) !== true && !this.getSize().contains(offset)) { return false; }
+ this.panBy(offset, options);
+ return true;
+ },
+ _createAnimProxy: function () {
+ var proxy = this._proxy = DomUtil.create('div', 'leaflet-proxy leaflet-zoom-animated');
+ this._panes.mapPane.appendChild(proxy);
+ this.on('zoomanim', function (e) {
+ var prop = DomUtil.TRANSFORM,
+ transform =[prop];
+ DomUtil.setTransform(this._proxy, this.project(, e.zoom), this.getZoomScale(e.zoom, 1));
+ // workaround for case when transform is the same and so transitionend event is not fired
+ if (transform ===[prop] && this._animatingZoom) {
+ this._onZoomTransitionEnd();
+ }
+ }, this);
+ this.on('load moveend', function () {
+ var c = this.getCenter(),
+ z = this.getZoom();
+ DomUtil.setTransform(this._proxy, this.project(c, z), this.getZoomScale(z, 1));
+ }, this);
+ this._on('unload', this._destroyAnimProxy, this);
+ },
+ _destroyAnimProxy: function () {
+ DomUtil.remove(this._proxy);
+ delete this._proxy;
+ },
+ _catchTransitionEnd: function (e) {
+ if (this._animatingZoom && e.propertyName.indexOf('transform') >= 0) {
+ this._onZoomTransitionEnd();
+ }
+ },
+ _nothingToAnimate: function () {
+ return !this._container.getElementsByClassName('leaflet-zoom-animated').length;
+ },
+ _tryAnimatedZoom: function (center, zoom, options) {
+ if (this._animatingZoom) { return true; }
+ options = options || {};
+ // don't animate if disabled, not supported or zoom difference is too large
+ if (!this._zoomAnimated || options.animate === false || this._nothingToAnimate() ||
+ Math.abs(zoom - this._zoom) > this.options.zoomAnimationThreshold) { return false; }
+ // offset is the pixel coords of the zoom origin relative to the current center
+ var scale = this.getZoomScale(zoom),
+ offset = this._getCenterOffset(center)._divideBy(1 - 1 / scale);
+ // don't animate if the zoom origin isn't within one screen from the current center, unless forced
+ if (options.animate !== true && !this.getSize().contains(offset)) { return false; }
+ Util.requestAnimFrame(function () {
+ this
+ ._moveStart(true, false)
+ ._animateZoom(center, zoom, true);
+ }, this);
+ return true;
+ },
+ _animateZoom: function (center, zoom, startAnim, noUpdate) {
+ if (!this._mapPane) { return; }
+ if (startAnim) {
+ this._animatingZoom = true;
+ // remember what center/zoom to set after animation
+ this._animateToCenter = center;
+ this._animateToZoom = zoom;
+ DomUtil.addClass(this._mapPane, 'leaflet-zoom-anim');
+ }
+ // @event zoomanim: ZoomAnimEvent
+ // Fired on every frame of a zoom animation
+'zoomanim', {
+ center: center,
+ zoom: zoom,
+ noUpdate: noUpdate
+ });
+ // Work around webkit not firing 'transitionend', see, 2693
+ setTimeout(Util.bind(this._onZoomTransitionEnd, this), 250);
+ },
+ _onZoomTransitionEnd: function () {
+ if (!this._animatingZoom) { return; }
+ if (this._mapPane) {
+ DomUtil.removeClass(this._mapPane, 'leaflet-zoom-anim');
+ }
+ this._animatingZoom = false;
+ this._move(this._animateToCenter, this._animateToZoom);
+ // This anim frame should prevent an obscure iOS webkit tile loading race condition.
+ Util.requestAnimFrame(function () {
+ this._moveEnd(true);
+ }, this);
+ }
+// @section
+// @factory String, options?: Map options)
+// Instantiates a map object given the DOM ID of a `<div>` element
+// and optionally an object literal with `Map options`.
+// @alternative
+// @factory HTMLElement, options?: Map options)
+// Instantiates a map object given an instance of a `<div>` HTML element
+// and optionally an object literal with `Map options`.
+export function createMap(id, options) {
+ return new Map(id, options);
diff --git a/debian/missing-sources/leaflet.js/map/Map.methodOptions.leafdoc b/debian/missing-sources/leaflet.js/map/Map.methodOptions.leafdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ce8aad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/missing-sources/leaflet.js/map/Map.methodOptions.leafdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+This file documents the common options passed to several map methods.
+@miniclass Locate options (Map)
+@aka locate options
+Some of the geolocation methods for `Map` take in an `options` parameter. This
+is a plain javascript object with the following optional components:
+@option watch: Boolean = false
+If `true`, starts continuous watching of location changes (instead of detecting it
+once) using W3C `watchPosition` method. You can later stop watching using
+`map.stopLocate()` method.
+@option setView: Boolean = false
+If `true`, automatically sets the map view to the user location with respect to
+detection accuracy, or to world view if geolocation failed.
+@option maxZoom: Number = Infinity
+The maximum zoom for automatic view setting when using `setView` option.
+@option timeout: Number = 10000
+Number of milliseconds to wait for a response from geolocation before firing a
+`locationerror` event.
+@option maximumAge: Number = 0
+Maximum age of detected location. If less than this amount of milliseconds
+passed since last geolocation response, `locate` will return a cached location.
+@option enableHighAccuracy: Boolean = false
+Enables high accuracy, see [description in the W3C spec](
+@miniclass Zoom options (Map)
+@aka zoom options
+Some of the `Map` methods which modify the zoom level take in an `options`
+parameter. This is a plain javascript object with the following optional
+@option animate: Boolean
+If not specified, zoom animation will happen if the zoom origin is inside the
+current view. If `true`, the map will attempt animating zoom disregarding where
+zoom origin is. Setting `false` will make it always reset the view completely
+without animation.
+@miniclass Pan options (Map)
+@aka pan options
+Some of the `Map` methods which modify the center of the map take in an `options`
+parameter. This is a plain javascript object with the following optional
+@option animate: Boolean
+If `true`, panning will always be animated if possible. If `false`, it will
+not animate panning, either resetting the map view if panning more than a
+screen away, or just setting a new offset for the map pane (except for `panBy`
+which always does the latter).
+@option duration: Number = 0.25
+Duration of animated panning, in seconds.
+@option easeLinearity: Number = 0.25
+The curvature factor of panning animation easing (third parameter of the
+[Cubic Bezier curve]( 1.0 means linear animation,
+and the smaller this number, the more bowed the curve.
+@option noMoveStart: Boolean = false
+If `true`, panning won't fire `movestart` event on start (used internally for
+panning inertia).
+@miniclass Zoom/pan options (Map)
+@aka zoom/pan options
+@inherits Zoom options
+@inherits Pan options
+@miniclass FitBounds options (Map)
+@aka fitBounds options
+@inherits Zoom/pan options
+@option paddingTopLeft: Point = [0, 0]
+Sets the amount of padding in the top left corner of a map container that
+shouldn't be accounted for when setting the view to fit bounds. Useful if you
+have some control overlays on the map like a sidebar and you don't want them
+to obscure objects you're zooming to.
+@option paddingBottomRight: Point = [0, 0]
+The same for the bottom right corner of the map.
+@option padding: Point = [0, 0]
+Equivalent of setting both top left and bottom right padding to the same value.
+@option maxZoom: Number = null
+The maximum possible zoom to use.
diff --git a/debian/missing-sources/leaflet.js/map/handler/Map.BoxZoom.js b/debian/missing-sources/leaflet.js/map/handler/Map.BoxZoom.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..297a20a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/missing-sources/leaflet.js/map/handler/Map.BoxZoom.js
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+import {Map} from '../Map';
+import {Handler} from '../../core/Handler';
+import * as Util from '../../core/Util';
+import * as DomUtil from '../../dom/DomUtil';
+import * as DomEvent from '../../dom/DomEvent';
+import {LatLngBounds} from '../../geo/LatLngBounds';
+import {Bounds} from '../../geometry/Bounds';
+ * L.Handler.BoxZoom is used to add shift-drag zoom interaction to the map
+ * (zoom to a selected bounding box), enabled by default.
+ */
+// @namespace Map
+// @section Interaction Options
+ // @option boxZoom: Boolean = true
+ // Whether the map can be zoomed to a rectangular area specified by
+ // dragging the mouse while pressing the shift key.
+ boxZoom: true
+export var BoxZoom = Handler.extend({
+ initialize: function (map) {
+ this._map = map;
+ this._container = map._container;
+ this._pane = map._panes.overlayPane;
+ this._resetStateTimeout = 0;
+ map.on('unload', this._destroy, this);
+ },
+ addHooks: function () {
+ DomEvent.on(this._container, 'mousedown', this._onMouseDown, this);
+ },
+ removeHooks: function () {
+, 'mousedown', this._onMouseDown, this);
+ },
+ moved: function () {
+ return this._moved;
+ },
+ _destroy: function () {
+ DomUtil.remove(this._pane);
+ delete this._pane;
+ },
+ _resetState: function () {
+ this._resetStateTimeout = 0;
+ this._moved = false;
+ },
+ _clearDeferredResetState: function () {
+ if (this._resetStateTimeout !== 0) {
+ clearTimeout(this._resetStateTimeout);
+ this._resetStateTimeout = 0;
+ }
+ },
+ _onMouseDown: function (e) {
+ if (!e.shiftKey || ((e.which !== 1) && (e.button !== 1))) { return false; }
+ // Clear the deferred resetState if it hasn't executed yet, otherwise it
+ // will interrupt the interaction and orphan a box element in the container.
+ this._clearDeferredResetState();
+ this._resetState();
+ DomUtil.disableTextSelection();
+ DomUtil.disableImageDrag();
+ this._startPoint = this._map.mouseEventToContainerPoint(e);
+ DomEvent.on(document, {
+ contextmenu: DomEvent.stop,
+ mousemove: this._onMouseMove,
+ mouseup: this._onMouseUp,
+ keydown: this._onKeyDown
+ }, this);
+ },
+ _onMouseMove: function (e) {
+ if (!this._moved) {
+ this._moved = true;
+ this._box = DomUtil.create('div', 'leaflet-zoom-box', this._container);
+ DomUtil.addClass(this._container, 'leaflet-crosshair');
+ }
+ this._point = this._map.mouseEventToContainerPoint(e);
+ var bounds = new Bounds(this._point, this._startPoint),
+ size = bounds.getSize();
+ DomUtil.setPosition(this._box, bounds.min);
+ = size.x + 'px';
+ = size.y + 'px';
+ },
+ _finish: function () {
+ if (this._moved) {
+ DomUtil.remove(this._box);
+ DomUtil.removeClass(this._container, 'leaflet-crosshair');
+ }
+ DomUtil.enableTextSelection();
+ DomUtil.enableImageDrag();
+, {
+ contextmenu: DomEvent.stop,
+ mousemove: this._onMouseMove,
+ mouseup: this._onMouseUp,
+ keydown: this._onKeyDown
+ }, this);
+ },
+ _onMouseUp: function (e) {
+ if ((e.which !== 1) && (e.button !== 1)) { return; }
+ this._finish();
+ if (!this._moved) { return; }
+ // Postpone to next JS tick so internal click event handling
+ // still see it as "moved".
+ this._clearDeferredResetState();
+ this._resetStateTimeout = setTimeout(Util.bind(this._resetState, this), 0);
+ var bounds = new LatLngBounds(
+ this._map.containerPointToLatLng(this._startPoint),
+ this._map.containerPointToLatLng(this._point));
+ this._map
+ .fitBounds(bounds)
+ .fire('boxzoomend', {boxZoomBounds: bounds});
+ },
+ _onKeyDown: function (e) {
+ if (e.keyCode === 27) {
+ this._finish();
+ }
+ }
+// @section Handlers
+// @property boxZoom: Handler
+// Box (shift-drag with mouse) zoom handler.
+Map.addInitHook('addHandler', 'boxZoom', BoxZoom);
diff --git a/debian/missing-sources/leaflet.js/map/handler/Map.DoubleClickZoom.js b/debian/missing-sources/leaflet.js/map/handler/Map.DoubleClickZoom.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c105e8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/missing-sources/leaflet.js/map/handler/Map.DoubleClickZoom.js
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+import {Map} from '../Map';
+import {Handler} from '../../core/Handler';
+ * L.Handler.DoubleClickZoom is used to handle double-click zoom on the map, enabled by default.
+ */
+// @namespace Map
+// @section Interaction Options
+ // @option doubleClickZoom: Boolean|String = true
+ // Whether the map can be zoomed in by double clicking on it and
+ // zoomed out by double clicking while holding shift. If passed
+ // `'center'`, double-click zoom will zoom to the center of the
+ // view regardless of where the mouse was.
+ doubleClickZoom: true
+export var DoubleClickZoom = Handler.extend({
+ addHooks: function () {
+ this._map.on('dblclick', this._onDoubleClick, this);
+ },
+ removeHooks: function () {
+'dblclick', this._onDoubleClick, this);
+ },
+ _onDoubleClick: function (e) {
+ var map = this._map,
+ oldZoom = map.getZoom(),
+ delta = map.options.zoomDelta,
+ zoom = e.originalEvent.shiftKey ? oldZoom - delta : oldZoom + delta;
+ if (map.options.doubleClickZoom === 'center') {
+ map.setZoom(zoom);
+ } else {
+ map.setZoomAround(e.containerPoint, zoom);
+ }
+ }
+// @section Handlers
+// Map properties include interaction handlers that allow you to control
+// interaction behavior in runtime, enabling or disabling certain features such
+// as dragging or touch zoom (see `Handler` methods). For example:
+// ```js
+// map.doubleClickZoom.disable();
+// ```
+// @property doubleClickZoom: Handler
+// Double click zoom handler.
+Map.addInitHook('addHandler', 'doubleClickZoom', DoubleClickZoom);
diff --git a/debian/missing-sources/leaflet.js/map/handler/Map.Drag.js b/debian/missing-sources/leaflet.js/map/handler/Map.Drag.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69597bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/missing-sources/leaflet.js/map/handler/Map.Drag.js
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+import {Map} from '../Map';
+import * as Browser from '../../core/Browser';
+import {Handler} from '../../core/Handler';
+import {Draggable} from '../../dom/Draggable';
+import * as Util from '../../core/Util';
+import * as DomUtil from '../../dom/DomUtil';
+import {toLatLngBounds as latLngBounds} from '../../geo/LatLngBounds';
+import {toBounds} from '../../geometry/Bounds';
+ * L.Handler.MapDrag is used to make the map draggable (with panning inertia), enabled by default.
+ */
+// @namespace Map
+// @section Interaction Options
+ // @option dragging: Boolean = true
+ // Whether the map be draggable with mouse/touch or not.
+ dragging: true,
+ // @section Panning Inertia Options
+ // @option inertia: Boolean = *
+ // If enabled, panning of the map will have an inertia effect where
+ // the map builds momentum while dragging and continues moving in
+ // the same direction for some time. Feels especially nice on touch
+ // devices. Enabled by default unless running on old Android devices.
+ inertia: !Browser.android23,
+ // @option inertiaDeceleration: Number = 3000
+ // The rate with which the inertial movement slows down, in pixels/second².
+ inertiaDeceleration: 3400, // px/s^2
+ // @option inertiaMaxSpeed: Number = Infinity
+ // Max speed of the inertial movement, in pixels/second.
+ inertiaMaxSpeed: Infinity, // px/s
+ // @option easeLinearity: Number = 0.2
+ easeLinearity: 0.2,
+ // TODO refactor, move to CRS
+ // @option worldCopyJump: Boolean = false
+ // With this option enabled, the map tracks when you pan to another "copy"
+ // of the world and seamlessly jumps to the original one so that all overlays
+ // like markers and vector layers are still visible.
+ worldCopyJump: false,
+ // @option maxBoundsViscosity: Number = 0.0
+ // If `maxBounds` is set, this option will control how solid the bounds
+ // are when dragging the map around. The default value of `0.0` allows the
+ // user to drag outside the bounds at normal speed, higher values will
+ // slow down map dragging outside bounds, and `1.0` makes the bounds fully
+ // solid, preventing the user from dragging outside the bounds.
+ maxBoundsViscosity: 0.0
+export var Drag = Handler.extend({
+ addHooks: function () {
+ if (!this._draggable) {
+ var map = this._map;
+ this._draggable = new Draggable(map._mapPane, map._container);
+ this._draggable.on({
+ dragstart: this._onDragStart,
+ drag: this._onDrag,
+ dragend: this._onDragEnd
+ }, this);
+ this._draggable.on('predrag', this._onPreDragLimit, this);
+ if (map.options.worldCopyJump) {
+ this._draggable.on('predrag', this._onPreDragWrap, this);
+ map.on('zoomend', this._onZoomEnd, this);
+ map.whenReady(this._onZoomEnd, this);
+ }
+ }
+ DomUtil.addClass(this._map._container, 'leaflet-grab leaflet-touch-drag');
+ this._draggable.enable();
+ this._positions = [];
+ this._times = [];
+ },
+ removeHooks: function () {
+ DomUtil.removeClass(this._map._container, 'leaflet-grab');
+ DomUtil.removeClass(this._map._container, 'leaflet-touch-drag');
+ this._draggable.disable();
+ },
+ moved: function () {
+ return this._draggable && this._draggable._moved;
+ },
+ moving: function () {
+ return this._draggable && this._draggable._moving;
+ },
+ _onDragStart: function () {
+ var map = this._map;
+ map._stop();
+ if (this._map.options.maxBounds && this._map.options.maxBoundsViscosity) {
+ var bounds = latLngBounds(this._map.options.maxBounds);
+ this._offsetLimit = toBounds(
+ this._map.latLngToContainerPoint(bounds.getNorthWest()).multiplyBy(-1),
+ this._map.latLngToContainerPoint(bounds.getSouthEast()).multiplyBy(-1)
+ .add(this._map.getSize()));
+ this._viscosity = Math.min(1.0, Math.max(0.0, this._map.options.maxBoundsViscosity));
+ } else {
+ this._offsetLimit = null;
+ }
+ map
+ .fire('movestart')
+ .fire('dragstart');
+ if (map.options.inertia) {
+ this._positions = [];
+ this._times = [];
+ }
+ },
+ _onDrag: function (e) {
+ if (this._map.options.inertia) {
+ var time = this._lastTime = +new Date(),
+ pos = this._lastPos = this._draggable._absPos || this._draggable._newPos;
+ this._positions.push(pos);
+ this._times.push(time);
+ this._prunePositions(time);
+ }
+ this._map
+ .fire('move', e)
+ .fire('drag', e);
+ },
+ _prunePositions: function (time) {
+ while (this._positions.length > 1 && time - this._times[0] > 50) {
+ this._positions.shift();
+ this._times.shift();
+ }
+ },
+ _onZoomEnd: function () {
+ var pxCenter = this._map.getSize().divideBy(2),
+ pxWorldCenter = this._map.latLngToLayerPoint([0, 0]);
+ this._initialWorldOffset = pxWorldCenter.subtract(pxCenter).x;
+ this._worldWidth = this._map.getPixelWorldBounds().getSize().x;
+ },
+ _viscousLimit: function (value, threshold) {
+ return value - (value - threshold) * this._viscosity;
+ },
+ _onPreDragLimit: function () {
+ if (!this._viscosity || !this._offsetLimit) { return; }
+ var offset = this._draggable._newPos.subtract(this._draggable._startPos);
+ var limit = this._offsetLimit;
+ if (offset.x < limit.min.x) { offset.x = this._viscousLimit(offset.x, limit.min.x); }
+ if (offset.y < limit.min.y) { offset.y = this._viscousLimit(offset.y, limit.min.y); }
+ if (offset.x > limit.max.x) { offset.x = this._viscousLimit(offset.x, limit.max.x); }
+ if (offset.y > limit.max.y) { offset.y = this._viscousLimit(offset.y, limit.max.y); }
+ this._draggable._newPos = this._draggable._startPos.add(offset);
+ },
+ _onPreDragWrap: function () {
+ // TODO refactor to be able to adjust map pane position after zoom
+ var worldWidth = this._worldWidth,
+ halfWidth = Math.round(worldWidth / 2),
+ dx = this._initialWorldOffset,
+ x = this._draggable._newPos.x,
+ newX1 = (x - halfWidth + dx) % worldWidth + halfWidth - dx,
+ newX2 = (x + halfWidth + dx) % worldWidth - halfWidth - dx,
+ newX = Math.abs(newX1 + dx) < Math.abs(newX2 + dx) ? newX1 : newX2;
+ this._draggable._absPos = this._draggable._newPos.clone();
+ this._draggable._newPos.x = newX;
+ },
+ _onDragEnd: function (e) {
+ var map = this._map,
+ options = map.options,
+ noInertia = !options.inertia || this._times.length < 2;
+'dragend', e);
+ if (noInertia) {
+ } else {
+ this._prunePositions(+new Date());
+ var direction = this._lastPos.subtract(this._positions[0]),
+ duration = (this._lastTime - this._times[0]) / 1000,
+ ease = options.easeLinearity,
+ speedVector = direction.multiplyBy(ease / duration),
+ speed = speedVector.distanceTo([0, 0]),
+ limitedSpeed = Math.min(options.inertiaMaxSpeed, speed),
+ limitedSpeedVector = speedVector.multiplyBy(limitedSpeed / speed),
+ decelerationDuration = limitedSpeed / (options.inertiaDeceleration * ease),
+ offset = limitedSpeedVector.multiplyBy(-decelerationDuration / 2).round();
+ if (!offset.x && !offset.y) {
+ } else {
+ offset = map._limitOffset(offset, map.options.maxBounds);
+ Util.requestAnimFrame(function () {
+ map.panBy(offset, {
+ duration: decelerationDuration,
+ easeLinearity: ease,
+ noMoveStart: true,
+ animate: true
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// @section Handlers
+// @property dragging: Handler
+// Map dragging handler (by both mouse and touch).
+Map.addInitHook('addHandler', 'dragging', Drag);
diff --git a/debian/missing-sources/leaflet.js/map/handler/Map.Keyboard.js b/debian/missing-sources/leaflet.js/map/handler/Map.Keyboard.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66d34e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/missing-sources/leaflet.js/map/handler/Map.Keyboard.js
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+import {Map} from '../Map';
+import {Handler} from '../../core/Handler';
+import {on, off, stop} from '../../dom/DomEvent';
+import {toPoint} from '../../geometry/Point';
+ * L.Map.Keyboard is handling keyboard interaction with the map, enabled by default.
+ */
+// @namespace Map
+// @section Keyboard Navigation Options
+ // @option keyboard: Boolean = true
+ // Makes the map focusable and allows users to navigate the map with keyboard
+ // arrows and `+`/`-` keys.
+ keyboard: true,
+ // @option keyboardPanDelta: Number = 80
+ // Amount of pixels to pan when pressing an arrow key.
+ keyboardPanDelta: 80
+export var Keyboard = Handler.extend({
+ keyCodes: {
+ left: [37],
+ right: [39],
+ down: [40],
+ up: [38],
+ zoomIn: [187, 107, 61, 171],
+ zoomOut: [189, 109, 54, 173]
+ },
+ initialize: function (map) {
+ this._map = map;
+ this._setPanDelta(map.options.keyboardPanDelta);
+ this._setZoomDelta(map.options.zoomDelta);
+ },
+ addHooks: function () {
+ var container = this._map._container;
+ // make the container focusable by tabbing
+ if (container.tabIndex <= 0) {
+ container.tabIndex = '0';
+ }
+ on(container, {
+ focus: this._onFocus,
+ blur: this._onBlur,
+ mousedown: this._onMouseDown
+ }, this);
+ this._map.on({
+ focus: this._addHooks,
+ blur: this._removeHooks
+ }, this);
+ },
+ removeHooks: function () {
+ this._removeHooks();
+ off(this._map._container, {
+ focus: this._onFocus,
+ blur: this._onBlur,
+ mousedown: this._onMouseDown
+ }, this);
+ focus: this._addHooks,
+ blur: this._removeHooks
+ }, this);
+ },
+ _onMouseDown: function () {
+ if (this._focused) { return; }
+ var body = document.body,
+ docEl = document.documentElement,
+ top = body.scrollTop || docEl.scrollTop,
+ left = body.scrollLeft || docEl.scrollLeft;
+ this._map._container.focus();
+ window.scrollTo(left, top);
+ },
+ _onFocus: function () {
+ this._focused = true;
+ },
+ _onBlur: function () {
+ this._focused = false;
+ },
+ _setPanDelta: function (panDelta) {
+ var keys = this._panKeys = {},
+ codes = this.keyCodes,
+ i, len;
+ for (i = 0, len = codes.left.length; i < len; i++) {
+ keys[codes.left[i]] = [-1 * panDelta, 0];
+ }
+ for (i = 0, len = codes.right.length; i < len; i++) {
+ keys[codes.right[i]] = [panDelta, 0];
+ }
+ for (i = 0, len = codes.down.length; i < len; i++) {
+ keys[codes.down[i]] = [0, panDelta];
+ }
+ for (i = 0, len = codes.up.length; i < len; i++) {
+ keys[codes.up[i]] = [0, -1 * panDelta];
+ }
+ },
+ _setZoomDelta: function (zoomDelta) {
+ var keys = this._zoomKeys = {},
+ codes = this.keyCodes,
+ i, len;
+ for (i = 0, len = codes.zoomIn.length; i < len; i++) {
+ keys[codes.zoomIn[i]] = zoomDelta;
+ }
+ for (i = 0, len = codes.zoomOut.length; i < len; i++) {
+ keys[codes.zoomOut[i]] = -zoomDelta;
+ }
+ },
+ _addHooks: function () {
+ on(document, 'keydown', this._onKeyDown, this);
+ },
+ _removeHooks: function () {
+ off(document, 'keydown', this._onKeyDown, this);
+ },
+ _onKeyDown: function (e) {
+ if (e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) { return; }
+ var key = e.keyCode,
+ map = this._map,
+ offset;
+ if (key in this._panKeys) {
+ if (map._panAnim && map._panAnim._inProgress) { return; }
+ offset = this._panKeys[key];
+ if (e.shiftKey) {
+ offset = toPoint(offset).multiplyBy(3);
+ }
+ map.panBy(offset);
+ if (map.options.maxBounds) {
+ map.panInsideBounds(map.options.maxBounds);
+ }
+ } else if (key in this._zoomKeys) {
+ map.setZoom(map.getZoom() + (e.shiftKey ? 3 : 1) * this._zoomKeys[key]);
+ } else if (key === 27 && map._popup && map._popup.options.closeOnEscapeKey) {
+ map.closePopup();
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ stop(e);
+ }
+// @section Handlers
+// @section Handlers
+// @property keyboard: Handler
+// Keyboard navigation handler.
+Map.addInitHook('addHandler', 'keyboard', Keyboard);
diff --git a/debian/missing-sources/leaflet.js/map/handler/Map.ScrollWheelZoom.js b/debian/missing-sources/leaflet.js/map/handler/Map.ScrollWheelZoom.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d61d33d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/missing-sources/leaflet.js/map/handler/Map.ScrollWheelZoom.js
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+import {Map} from '../Map';
+import {Handler} from '../../core/Handler';
+import * as DomEvent from '../../dom/DomEvent';
+import * as Util from '../../core/Util';
+ * L.Handler.ScrollWheelZoom is used by L.Map to enable mouse scroll wheel zoom on the map.
+ */
+// @namespace Map
+// @section Interaction Options
+ // @section Mousewheel options
+ // @option scrollWheelZoom: Boolean|String = true
+ // Whether the map can be zoomed by using the mouse wheel. If passed `'center'`,
+ // it will zoom to the center of the view regardless of where the mouse was.
+ scrollWheelZoom: true,
+ // @option wheelDebounceTime: Number = 40
+ // Limits the rate at which a wheel can fire (in milliseconds). By default
+ // user can't zoom via wheel more often than once per 40 ms.
+ wheelDebounceTime: 40,
+ // @option wheelPxPerZoomLevel: Number = 60
+ // How many scroll pixels (as reported by [L.DomEvent.getWheelDelta](#domevent-getwheeldelta))
+ // mean a change of one full zoom level. Smaller values will make wheel-zooming
+ // faster (and vice versa).
+ wheelPxPerZoomLevel: 60
+export var ScrollWheelZoom = Handler.extend({
+ addHooks: function () {
+ DomEvent.on(this._map._container, 'mousewheel', this._onWheelScroll, this);
+ this._delta = 0;
+ },
+ removeHooks: function () {
+, 'mousewheel', this._onWheelScroll, this);
+ },
+ _onWheelScroll: function (e) {
+ var delta = DomEvent.getWheelDelta(e);
+ var debounce = this._map.options.wheelDebounceTime;
+ this._delta += delta;
+ this._lastMousePos = this._map.mouseEventToContainerPoint(e);
+ if (!this._startTime) {
+ this._startTime = +new Date();
+ }
+ var left = Math.max(debounce - (+new Date() - this._startTime), 0);
+ clearTimeout(this._timer);
+ this._timer = setTimeout(Util.bind(this._performZoom, this), left);
+ DomEvent.stop(e);
+ },
+ _performZoom: function () {
+ var map = this._map,
+ zoom = map.getZoom(),
+ snap = this._map.options.zoomSnap || 0;
+ map._stop(); // stop panning and fly animations if any
+ // map the delta with a sigmoid function to -4..4 range leaning on -1..1
+ var d2 = this._delta / (this._map.options.wheelPxPerZoomLevel * 4),
+ d3 = 4 * Math.log(2 / (1 + Math.exp(-Math.abs(d2)))) / Math.LN2,
+ d4 = snap ? Math.ceil(d3 / snap) * snap : d3,
+ delta = map._limitZoom(zoom + (this._delta > 0 ? d4 : -d4)) - zoom;
+ this._delta = 0;
+ this._startTime = null;
+ if (!delta) { return; }
+ if (map.options.scrollWheelZoom === 'center') {
+ map.setZoom(zoom + delta);
+ } else {
+ map.setZoomAround(this._lastMousePos, zoom + delta);
+ }
+ }
+// @section Handlers
+// @property scrollWheelZoom: Handler
+// Scroll wheel zoom handler.
+Map.addInitHook('addHandler', 'scrollWheelZoom', ScrollWheelZoom);
diff --git a/debian/missing-sources/leaflet.js/map/handler/Map.Tap.js b/debian/missing-sources/leaflet.js/map/handler/Map.Tap.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9162637
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/missing-sources/leaflet.js/map/handler/Map.Tap.js
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+import {Map} from '../Map';
+import {Handler} from '../../core/Handler';
+import * as DomEvent from '../../dom/DomEvent';
+import {Point} from '../../geometry/Point';
+import * as Util from '../../core/Util';
+import * as DomUtil from '../../dom/DomUtil';
+import * as Browser from '../../core/Browser';
+ * L.Map.Tap is used to enable mobile hacks like quick taps and long hold.
+ */
+// @namespace Map
+// @section Interaction Options
+ // @section Touch interaction options
+ // @option tap: Boolean = true
+ // Enables mobile hacks for supporting instant taps (fixing 200ms click
+ // delay on iOS/Android) and touch holds (fired as `contextmenu` events).
+ tap: true,
+ // @option tapTolerance: Number = 15
+ // The max number of pixels a user can shift his finger during touch
+ // for it to be considered a valid tap.
+ tapTolerance: 15
+export var Tap = Handler.extend({
+ addHooks: function () {
+ DomEvent.on(this._map._container, 'touchstart', this._onDown, this);
+ },
+ removeHooks: function () {
+, 'touchstart', this._onDown, this);
+ },
+ _onDown: function (e) {
+ if (!e.touches) { return; }
+ DomEvent.preventDefault(e);
+ this._fireClick = true;
+ // don't simulate click or track longpress if more than 1 touch
+ if (e.touches.length > 1) {
+ this._fireClick = false;
+ clearTimeout(this._holdTimeout);
+ return;
+ }
+ var first = e.touches[0],
+ el =;
+ this._startPos = this._newPos = new Point(first.clientX, first.clientY);
+ // if touching a link, highlight it
+ if (el.tagName && el.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'a') {
+ DomUtil.addClass(el, 'leaflet-active');
+ }
+ // simulate long hold but setting a timeout
+ this._holdTimeout = setTimeout(Util.bind(function () {
+ if (this._isTapValid()) {
+ this._fireClick = false;
+ this._onUp();
+ this._simulateEvent('contextmenu', first);
+ }
+ }, this), 1000);
+ this._simulateEvent('mousedown', first);
+ DomEvent.on(document, {
+ touchmove: this._onMove,
+ touchend: this._onUp
+ }, this);
+ },
+ _onUp: function (e) {
+ clearTimeout(this._holdTimeout);
+, {
+ touchmove: this._onMove,
+ touchend: this._onUp
+ }, this);
+ if (this._fireClick && e && e.changedTouches) {
+ var first = e.changedTouches[0],
+ el =;
+ if (el && el.tagName && el.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'a') {
+ DomUtil.removeClass(el, 'leaflet-active');
+ }
+ this._simulateEvent('mouseup', first);
+ // simulate click if the touch didn't move too much
+ if (this._isTapValid()) {
+ this._simulateEvent('click', first);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _isTapValid: function () {
+ return this._newPos.distanceTo(this._startPos) <= this._map.options.tapTolerance;
+ },
+ _onMove: function (e) {
+ var first = e.touches[0];
+ this._newPos = new Point(first.clientX, first.clientY);
+ this._simulateEvent('mousemove', first);
+ },
+ _simulateEvent: function (type, e) {
+ var simulatedEvent = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
+ simulatedEvent._simulated = true;
+ = true;
+ simulatedEvent.initMouseEvent(
+ type, true, true, window, 1,
+ e.screenX, e.screenY,
+ e.clientX, e.clientY,
+ false, false, false, false, 0, null);
+ }
+// @section Handlers
+// @property tap: Handler
+// Mobile touch hacks (quick tap and touch hold) handler.
+if (Browser.touch && !Browser.pointer) {
+ Map.addInitHook('addHandler', 'tap', Tap);
diff --git a/debian/missing-sources/leaflet.js/map/handler/Map.TouchZoom.js b/debian/missing-sources/leaflet.js/map/handler/Map.TouchZoom.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5daa0ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/missing-sources/leaflet.js/map/handler/Map.TouchZoom.js
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+import {Map} from '../Map';
+import {Handler} from '../../core/Handler';
+import * as DomEvent from '../../dom/DomEvent';
+import * as Util from '../../core/Util';
+import * as DomUtil from '../../dom/DomUtil';
+import * as Browser from '../../core/Browser';
+ * L.Handler.TouchZoom is used by L.Map to add pinch zoom on supported mobile browsers.
+ */
+// @namespace Map
+// @section Interaction Options
+ // @section Touch interaction options
+ // @option touchZoom: Boolean|String = *
+ // Whether the map can be zoomed by touch-dragging with two fingers. If
+ // passed `'center'`, it will zoom to the center of the view regardless of
+ // where the touch events (fingers) were. Enabled for touch-capable web
+ // browsers except for old Androids.
+ touchZoom: Browser.touch && !Browser.android23,
+ // @option bounceAtZoomLimits: Boolean = true
+ // Set it to false if you don't want the map to zoom beyond min/max zoom
+ // and then bounce back when pinch-zooming.
+ bounceAtZoomLimits: true
+export var TouchZoom = Handler.extend({
+ addHooks: function () {
+ DomUtil.addClass(this._map._container, 'leaflet-touch-zoom');
+ DomEvent.on(this._map._container, 'touchstart', this._onTouchStart, this);
+ },
+ removeHooks: function () {
+ DomUtil.removeClass(this._map._container, 'leaflet-touch-zoom');
+, 'touchstart', this._onTouchStart, this);
+ },
+ _onTouchStart: function (e) {
+ var map = this._map;
+ if (!e.touches || e.touches.length !== 2 || map._animatingZoom || this._zooming) { return; }
+ var p1 = map.mouseEventToContainerPoint(e.touches[0]),
+ p2 = map.mouseEventToContainerPoint(e.touches[1]);
+ this._centerPoint = map.getSize()._divideBy(2);
+ this._startLatLng = map.containerPointToLatLng(this._centerPoint);
+ if (map.options.touchZoom !== 'center') {
+ this._pinchStartLatLng = map.containerPointToLatLng(p1.add(p2)._divideBy(2));
+ }
+ this._startDist = p1.distanceTo(p2);
+ this._startZoom = map.getZoom();
+ this._moved = false;
+ this._zooming = true;
+ map._stop();
+ DomEvent.on(document, 'touchmove', this._onTouchMove, this);
+ DomEvent.on(document, 'touchend', this._onTouchEnd, this);
+ DomEvent.preventDefault(e);
+ },
+ _onTouchMove: function (e) {
+ if (!e.touches || e.touches.length !== 2 || !this._zooming) { return; }
+ var map = this._map,
+ p1 = map.mouseEventToContainerPoint(e.touches[0]),
+ p2 = map.mouseEventToContainerPoint(e.touches[1]),
+ scale = p1.distanceTo(p2) / this._startDist;
+ this._zoom = map.getScaleZoom(scale, this._startZoom);
+ if (!map.options.bounceAtZoomLimits && (
+ (this._zoom < map.getMinZoom() && scale < 1) ||
+ (this._zoom > map.getMaxZoom() && scale > 1))) {
+ this._zoom = map._limitZoom(this._zoom);
+ }
+ if (map.options.touchZoom === 'center') {
+ this._center = this._startLatLng;
+ if (scale === 1) { return; }
+ } else {
+ // Get delta from pinch to center, so centerLatLng is delta applied to initial pinchLatLng
+ var delta = p1._add(p2)._divideBy(2)._subtract(this._centerPoint);
+ if (scale === 1 && delta.x === 0 && delta.y === 0) { return; }
+ this._center = map.unproject(map.project(this._pinchStartLatLng, this._zoom).subtract(delta), this._zoom);
+ }
+ if (!this._moved) {
+ map._moveStart(true, false);
+ this._moved = true;
+ }
+ Util.cancelAnimFrame(this._animRequest);
+ var moveFn = Util.bind(map._move, map, this._center, this._zoom, {pinch: true, round: false});
+ this._animRequest = Util.requestAnimFrame(moveFn, this, true);
+ DomEvent.preventDefault(e);
+ },
+ _onTouchEnd: function () {
+ if (!this._moved || !this._zooming) {
+ this._zooming = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ this._zooming = false;
+ Util.cancelAnimFrame(this._animRequest);
+, 'touchmove', this._onTouchMove);
+, 'touchend', this._onTouchEnd);
+ // Pinch updates GridLayers' levels only when zoomSnap is off, so zoomSnap becomes noUpdate.
+ if (this._map.options.zoomAnimation) {
+ this._map._animateZoom(this._center, this._map._limitZoom(this._zoom), true, this._map.options.zoomSnap);
+ } else {
+ this._map._resetView(this._center, this._map._limitZoom(this._zoom));
+ }
+ }
+// @section Handlers
+// @property touchZoom: Handler
+// Touch zoom handler.
+Map.addInitHook('addHandler', 'touchZoom', TouchZoom);
diff --git a/debian/missing-sources/leaflet.js/map/index.js b/debian/missing-sources/leaflet.js/map/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc73790
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/missing-sources/leaflet.js/map/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+import {Map} from './Map';
+import {BoxZoom} from './handler/Map.BoxZoom';
+Map.BoxZoom = BoxZoom;
+import {DoubleClickZoom} from './handler/Map.DoubleClickZoom';
+Map.DoubleClickZoom = DoubleClickZoom;
+import {Drag} from './handler/Map.Drag';
+Map.Drag = Drag;
+import {Keyboard} from './handler/Map.Keyboard';
+Map.Keyboard = Keyboard;
+import {ScrollWheelZoom} from './handler/Map.ScrollWheelZoom';
+Map.ScrollWheelZoom = ScrollWheelZoom;
+import {Tap} from './handler/Map.Tap';
+Map.Tap = Tap;
+import {TouchZoom} from './handler/Map.TouchZoom';
+Map.TouchZoom = TouchZoom;
+export {Map, createMap as map} from './Map';