import {Class} from './Class'; /* L.Handler is a base class for handler classes that are used internally to inject interaction features like dragging to classes like Map and Marker. */ // @class Handler // @aka L.Handler // Abstract class for map interaction handlers export var Handler = Class.extend({ initialize: function (map) { this._map = map; }, // @method enable(): this // Enables the handler enable: function () { if (this._enabled) { return this; } this._enabled = true; this.addHooks(); return this; }, // @method disable(): this // Disables the handler disable: function () { if (!this._enabled) { return this; } this._enabled = false; this.removeHooks(); return this; }, // @method enabled(): Boolean // Returns `true` if the handler is enabled enabled: function () { return !!this._enabled; } // @section Extension methods // Classes inheriting from `Handler` must implement the two following methods: // @method addHooks() // Called when the handler is enabled, should add event hooks. // @method removeHooks() // Called when the handler is disabled, should remove the event hooks added previously. }); // @section There is static function which can be called without instantiating L.Handler: // @function addTo(map: Map, name: String): this // Adds a new Handler to the given map with the given name. Handler.addTo = function (map, name) { map.addHandler(name, this); return this; };