Array('must' => 1, 'editable' => 1, 'default' => 'localhost', 'match' => MATCH_STRING_NO_SPACE), 'dbport' => Array('must' => 0, 'editable' => 1, 'default' => '3306', 'match' => MATCH_INTEGER), 'dbname' => Array('must' => 1, 'editable' => 1, 'default' => 'nagios', 'match' => MATCH_STRING_NO_SPACE), 'dbuser' => Array('must' => 1, 'editable' => 1, 'default' => 'root', 'match' => MATCH_STRING_NO_SPACE), 'dbpass' => Array('must' => 0, 'editable' => 1, 'default' => '', 'match' => MATCH_STRING_EMPTY), 'dbprefix' => Array('must' => 0, 'editable' => 1, 'default' => 'nagios_', 'match' => MATCH_STRING_NO_SPACE_EMPTY), 'dbinstancename' => Array('must' => 0, 'editable' => 1, 'default' => 'default', 'match' => MATCH_STRING_NO_SPACE), 'maxtimewithoutupdate' => Array('must' => 0, 'editable' => 1, 'default' => '180', 'match' => MATCH_INTEGER)); /** * Constructor * Reads needed configuration parameters, connects to the Database * and checks that Nagios is running * * @param config $MAINCFG * @param String $backendId * @author Andreas Husch * @author Lars Michelsen */ public function __construct($backendId) { $this->backendId = $backendId; $this->hostCache = Array(); $this->serviceCache = Array(); $this->hostAckCache = Array(); $this->dbName = cfg('backend_'.$backendId, 'dbname'); $this->dbUser = cfg('backend_'.$backendId, 'dbuser'); $this->dbPass = cfg('backend_'.$backendId, 'dbpass'); $this->dbHost = cfg('backend_'.$backendId, 'dbhost'); $this->dbPort = cfg('backend_'.$backendId, 'dbport'); $this->dbPrefix = cfg('backend_'.$backendId, 'dbprefix'); $this->dbInstanceName = cfg('backend_'.$backendId, 'dbinstancename'); if($this->checkMysqlSupport() && $this->connectDB()) { // Set the instanceId $this->dbInstanceId = $this->getInstanceId(); // Do some checks to make sure that Nagios is running and the Data at the DB is ok $QUERYHANDLE = $this->mysqlQuery('SELECT is_currently_running, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(status_update_time) AS status_update_time FROM '.$this->dbPrefix.'programstatus WHERE instance_id='.$this->dbInstanceId); $nagiosstate = mysql_fetch_array($QUERYHANDLE); // Free memory mysql_free_result($QUERYHANDLE); // Check that Nagios reports itself as running if ($nagiosstate['is_currently_running'] != 1) { throw new BackendConnectionProblem(l('nagiosNotRunning', Array('BACKENDID' =>$this->backendId))); } // Be suspicious and check that the data at the db is not older that "maxTimeWithoutUpdate" too if($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - $nagiosstate['status_update_time'] > cfg('backend_'.$backendId, 'maxtimewithoutupdate')) { throw new BackendConnectionProblem(l('nagiosDataNotUpToDate', Array('BACKENDID' => $this->backendId, 'TIMEWITHOUTUPDATE' => cfg('backend_'.$backendId, 'maxtimewithoutupdate')))); } /** * It looks like there is a problem with the config_type value at some * installations. The NDO docs and mailinglist say that the flag * config_type marks the objects as being read from retention data or read * from configuration. Until NagVis 1.3b3 only objects with config_type=1 * were queried. * Cause of some problem reports that there are NO objects with * config_type=1 in the DB this check was added. If there is at least one * object with config_type=1 NagVis only recognizes objects with that * value set. If there is no object with config_type=1 all objects with * config_type=0 are recognized. * * */ if($this->checkConfigTypeObjects()) { $this->objConfigType = 1; } else { $this->objConfigType = 0; } } else { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * PUBLIC Method getValidConfig * * Returns the valid config for this backend * * @return Array * @author Lars Michelsen */ public static function getValidConfig() { return self::$validConfig; } /** * PUBLIC Method getObjects * * Return the objects configured at Nagios which are matching the given pattern. * This is needed for WUI, e.g. to populate drop down lists. * * @param string $type, string $name1Pattern, string $name2Pattern * @return array $ret * @author Lars Michelsen * @author Andreas Husch */ public function getObjects($type,$name1Pattern='',$name2Pattern='') { $ret = Array(); $filter = ''; $query = $this->backend->select(); switch($type) { case 'host': $query->from('hostStatus', array( 'name1' => 'host_name' )); $objectType = 1; if($name1Pattern != '') { $filter = ' name1=\''.$name1Pattern.'\' AND '; } break; case 'service': $objectType = 2; if($name1Pattern != '' && $name2Pattern != '') { $filter = ' name1=\''.$name1Pattern.'\' AND name2=\''.$name2Pattern.'\' AND '; } else if($name1Pattern != '') { $filter = ' name1=\''.$name1Pattern.'\' AND '; } break; case 'hostgroup': $objectType = 3; if($name1Pattern != '') { $filter = ' name1=\''.$name1Pattern.'\' AND '; } break; case 'servicegroup': $objectType = 4; if($name1Pattern != '') { $filter = ' name1=\''.$name1Pattern.'\' AND '; } break; default: return Array(); break; } /** * is_active default value is 0. * When broker option is -1 or BROKER_RETENTION_DATA is activated the * current objects have is_active=1 and the deprecated object have * is_active=0. Workaround: Check if there is any is_active=1, then use the * is_active filter. * * For details see: * * */ if($this->checkForIsActiveObjects()) { $isActiveFilter = ' is_active=1 AND'; } else { $isActiveFilter = ''; } $QUERYHANDLE = $this->mysqlQuery('SELECT name1,name2 FROM '.$this->dbPrefix.'objects WHERE objecttype_id='.$objectType.' AND '.$filter.$isActiveFilter.' instance_id='.$this->dbInstanceId.' ORDER BY name1'); while($data = mysql_fetch_array($QUERYHANDLE)) { $ret[] = Array('name1' => $data['name1'],'name2' => $data['name2']); } // Free memory mysql_free_result($QUERYHANDLE); return $ret; } /** * PUBLIC Method getObjectsEx * * Return all objects configured at Nagios plus some additional information. * This is needed for gmap, e.g. to populate lists. * * @param string $type * @return array $ret * @author Roman Kyrylych */ public function getObjectsEx($type) { $ret = Array(); return $ret; } /** * PRIVATE Method checkForIsActiveObjects * * Checks if there are some object records with is_active=1 * * @return Boolean * @author Lars Michelsen */ private function checkForIsActiveObjects() { if(mysql_num_rows($this->mysqlQuery('SELECT object_id FROM '.$this->dbPrefix.'objects WHERE is_active=1')) > 0) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } /** * PRIVATE Method checkConfigTypeObjects * * Checks if there are some object records with config_type=1 * * @return Boolean * @author Lars Michelsen */ private function checkConfigTypeObjects() { if(mysql_num_rows($this->mysqlQuery('SELECT host_id FROM '.$this->dbPrefix.'hosts WHERE config_type=1 AND instance_id='.$this->dbInstanceId.' LIMIT 1')) > 0) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } /** * PRIVATE parseFilter() * * Parses the filter array to backend * * @param Array List of objects to query * @param Array List of filters to apply * @param String Table to use for filtering * @param Boolean Split the filter by options * @return String Parsed filters * @author Lars Michelsen */ private function parseFilter($objects, $filters, $table, $childTable, $isMemberQuery = false, $isCountQuery = false, $isHostQuery = true) { $aFilters = Array(); foreach($objects AS $OBJS) { $objFilters = Array(); foreach($filters AS $filter) { // Array('key' => 'host_name', 'operator' => '=', 'name'), switch($filter['key']) { case 'host_name': case 'host_groups': case 'service_groups': case 'hostgroup_name': case 'group_name': case 'groups': case 'servicegroup_name': case 'service_description': if($filter['key'] != 'service_description') $val = $OBJS[0]->getName(); else $val = $OBJS[0]->getServiceDescription(); // Translate field names if($filter['key'] == 'service_description') $filter['key'] = 'name2'; else $filter['key'] = 'name1'; if($filter['op'] == '>=') $filter['op'] = '='; $objFilters[] = ' '.$table.'.'.$filter['key']." ".$filter['op']." binary '".$val."' "; break; default: throw new BackendConnectionProblem('Invalid filter key ('.$filter['key'].')'); break; } } // Are there child exclude filters defined for this object?\ // The objTupe is the type of the objects to query the data for if($isMemberQuery && $OBJS[0]->hasExcludeFilters($isCountQuery)) { $filter = $OBJS[0]->getExcludeFilter($isCountQuery); $objType = $OBJS[0]->getType(); if($objType == 'host') { $parts = explode('~~', $filter); if(!isset($parts[1])) $objFilters[] = " ".$childTable.".name2 NOT REGEXP BINARY \"".$filter."\""; } elseif($objType == 'hostgroup' && $isHostQuery) { $parts = explode('~~', $filter); if(!isset($parts[1])) $objFilters[] = " ".$childTable.".name1 NOT REGEXP BINARY \"".$parts[0]."\""; } elseif(($objType == 'hostgroup' && !$isHostQuery) || $objType == 'servicegroup') { $parts = explode('~~', $filter); if(isset($parts[1])) $objFilters[] = " NOT (".$childTable.".name1 REGEXP BINARY \"".$parts[0]."\" " ." AND ".$childTable.".name2 REGEXP BINARY \"".$parts[1]."\")"; else $objFilters[] = " ".$childTable.".name1 NOT REGEXP BINARY \"".$parts[0]."\""; } } $aFilters[] = implode(' AND ', $objFilters); } return implode(' OR ', $aFilters); } /** * PRIVATE Method getHostAckByHostname * * Returns if a host state has been acknowledged. The method doesn't check * if the host is in OK/DOWN, it only checks the has_been_acknowledged flag. * * @param string $hostName * @return bool $ack * @author Lars Michelsen */ private function getHostAckByHostname($hostName) { $return = 0; // Read from cache or fetch from NDO if(isset($this->hostAckCache[$hostName])) { $return = $this->hostAckCache[$hostName]; } else { $QUERYHANDLE = $this->mysqlQuery('SELECT problem_has_been_acknowledged FROM '.$this->dbPrefix.'objects AS o,'.$this->dbPrefix.'hoststatus AS h WHERE (o.objecttype_id=1 AND o.name1 = binary \''.$hostName.'\' AND o.instance_id='.$this->dbInstanceId.') AND h.host_object_id=o.object_id LIMIT 1'); $data = mysql_fetch_assoc($QUERYHANDLE); // Free memory mysql_free_result($QUERYHANDLE); // It's unnessecary to check if the value is 0, everything not equal to 1 is FALSE if(isset($data['problem_has_been_acknowledged']) && $data['problem_has_been_acknowledged'] == '1') { $return = 1; } else { $return = 0; } // Save to cache $this->hostAckCache[$hostName] = $return; } return $return; } /** * PUBLIC getHostState() * * Returns the Nagios state and additional information for the requested host * * @author Lars Michelsen */ public function getHostState($objects, $options, $filters, $isMemberQuery = false) { $arrReturn = Array(); $QUERYHANDLE = $this->mysqlQuery('SELECT o.object_id, alias, display_name, address, o.name1, has_been_checked, last_hard_state, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_hard_state_change) AS last_hard_state_change, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_state_change) AS last_state_change, current_state, output, perfdata, h.notes, problem_has_been_acknowledged, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_check) AS last_check, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(next_check) AS next_check, hs.state_type, hs.current_check_attempt, hs.max_check_attempts, hs.check_command, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(dh.scheduled_start_time) AS downtime_start, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(dh.scheduled_end_time) AS downtime_end, dh.author_name AS downtime_author, dh.comment_data AS downtime_data FROM '.$this->dbPrefix.'hosts AS h, '.$this->dbPrefix.'objects AS o LEFT JOIN '.$this->dbPrefix.'hoststatus AS hs ON hs.host_object_id=o.object_id LEFT JOIN '.$this->dbPrefix.'scheduleddowntime AS dh ON dh.object_id=o.object_id AND NOW()>dh.scheduled_start_time AND NOW()parseFilter($objects, $filters, 'o', 'o', $isMemberQuery, false, HOST_QUERY).') AND o.instance_id='.$this->dbInstanceId.') AND (h.config_type='.$this->objConfigType.' AND h.instance_id='.$this->dbInstanceId.' AND h.host_object_id=o.object_id)'); while($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($QUERYHANDLE)) { // If there is a downtime for this object, save the data $in_downtime = 0; $dt_details = array(null, null, null, null); if(isset($data['downtime_start']) && $data['downtime_start'] != '') { $in_downtime = 1; $dt_details = array($data['downtime_author'], $data['downtime_data'], $data['downtime_start'], $data['downtime_end']); } /** * Only recognize hard states. There was a discussion about the implementation * This is a new handling of only_hard_states. For more details, see: * * * Thanks to Andurin and fredy82 */ if($options & 1) if($data['state_type'] != '0') $data['current_state'] = $data['current_state']; else $data['current_state'] = $data['last_hard_state']; $acknowledged = 0; if($data['has_been_checked'] == '0' || $data['current_state'] == '') { $state = UNCHECKED; $output = l('hostIsPending', Array('HOST' => $data['name1'])); } elseif($data['current_state'] == '0') { // Host is UP $state = UP; $output = $data['output']; } else { // Host is DOWN/UNREACHABLE/UNKNOWN $acknowledged = intval($data['problem_has_been_acknowledged']); // Store state and output in array switch($data['current_state']) { case '1': $state = DOWN; $output = $data['output']; break; case '2': $state = UNREACHABLE; $output = $data['output']; break; case '3': $state = UNKNOWN; $output = $data['output']; break; default: $state = UNKNOWN; $output = 'GlobalBackendndomy::getHostState: Undefined state!'; break; } } $arrReturn[$data['name1']] = array( $state, $output, $acknowledged, $in_downtime, 0, // staleness $data['state_type'], $data['current_check_attempt'], $data['max_check_attempts'], $data['last_check'], $data['next_check'], $data['last_hard_state_change'], $data['last_state_change'], $data['perfdata'], $data['display_name'], $data['alias'], $data['address'], $data['notes'], $data['check_command'], null, // custom_vars $dt_details[0], // downtime author $dt_details[1], // downtime comment $dt_details[2], // downtime start $dt_details[3], // downtime end ); } // Free memory mysql_free_result($QUERYHANDLE); return $arrReturn; } /** * PUBLIC getServiceState() * * Returns the state and additional information of the requested service * * @author Lars Michelsen */ public function getServiceState($objects, $options, $filters, $isMemberQuery = false) { $arrReturn = Array(); $QUERYHANDLE = $this->mysqlQuery('SELECT o.object_id, o.name1, o.name2, s.display_name, s.notes, h.address, ss.has_been_checked, ss.last_hard_state, ss.current_state, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ss.last_hard_state_change) AS last_hard_state_change, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ss.last_state_change) AS last_state_change, ss.output, ss.perfdata, ss.problem_has_been_acknowledged, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ss.last_check) AS last_check, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ss.next_check) AS next_check, ss.state_type, ss.current_check_attempt, ss.max_check_attempts, ss.check_command, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(dh.scheduled_start_time) AS downtime_start, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(dh.scheduled_end_time) AS downtime_end, dh.author_name AS downtime_author, dh.comment_data AS downtime_data FROM '.$this->dbPrefix.'services AS s, '.$this->dbPrefix.'hosts AS h, '.$this->dbPrefix.'objects AS o LEFT JOIN '.$this->dbPrefix.'servicestatus AS ss ON ss.service_object_id=o.object_id LEFT JOIN '.$this->dbPrefix.'scheduleddowntime AS dh ON dh.object_id=o.object_id AND NOW()>dh.scheduled_start_time AND NOW()parseFilter($objects, $filters, 'o', 'o', $isMemberQuery, false, !HOST_QUERY).')) AND (s.config_type='.$this->objConfigType.' AND s.instance_id='.$this->dbInstanceId.' AND s.service_object_id=o.object_id) AND (h.config_type='.$this->objConfigType.' AND h.instance_id='.$this->dbInstanceId.' AND h.host_object_id=s.host_object_id) '); while($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($QUERYHANDLE)) { $arrTmpReturn = Array(); if(isset($objects[$data['name1'].'~~'.$data['name2']])) { $specific = true; $key = $data['name1'].'~~'.$data['name2']; } else { $specific = false; $key = $data['name1']; } // If there is a downtime for this object, save the data $in_downtime = 0; $dt_details = array(null, null, null, null); if(isset($data['downtime_start']) && $data['downtime_start'] != '') { $in_downtime = 1; $dt_details = array($data['downtime_author'], $data['downtime_data'], $data['downtime_start'], $data['downtime_end']); } /** * Only recognize hard states. There was a discussion about the implementation * This is a new handling of only_hard_states. For more details, see: * * * Thanks to Andurin and fredy82 */ if($options & 1) if($data['state_type'] != '0') $data['current_state'] = $data['current_state']; else $data['current_state'] = $data['last_hard_state']; $acknowledged = 0; if($data['has_been_checked'] == '0' || $data['current_state'] == '') { $state = PENDING; $output = l('serviceNotChecked', Array('SERVICE' => $data['name2'])); } elseif($data['current_state'] == '0') { // Host is UP $state = OK; $output = $data['output']; } else { // Host is DOWN/UNREACHABLE/UNKNOWN /** * If state is not OK (=> WARN, CRIT, UNKNOWN) and service is not * acknowledged => check for acknowledged host */ if($data['problem_has_been_acknowledged'] != 1) { $acknowledged = $this->getHostAckByHostname($data['name1']); } else { $acknowledged = intval($data['problem_has_been_acknowledged']); } // Store state and output in array switch($data['current_state']) { case '1': $state = WARNING; $output = $data['output']; break; case '2': $state = CRITICAL; $output = $data['output']; break; case '3': $state = UNKNOWN; $output = $data['output']; break; default: $state = UNKNOWN; $output = 'GlobalBackendndomy::getServiceState: Undefined state!'; break; } } $svc = array( $state, $output, $acknowledged, $in_downtime, 0, // staleness $data['state_type'], $data['current_check_attempt'], $data['max_check_attempts'], $data['last_check'], $data['next_check'], $data['last_hard_state_change'], $data['last_state_change'], $data['perfdata'], $data['display_name'], $data['display_name'], $data['address'], $data['notes'], $data['check_command'], null, //custom_vars $dt_details[0], // dt author $dt_details[1], // dt data $dt_details[2], // dt start $dt_details[3], // dt end $data['name2'] ); if($specific) { $arrReturn[$key] = $svc; } else { if(!isset($arrReturn[$key])) $arrReturn[$key] = Array(); $arrReturn[$key][] = $svc; } } // Free memory mysql_free_result($QUERYHANDLE); return $arrReturn; } /** * PUBLIC getHostMemberCounts() * * @param Array List of objects to query * @param Array List of filters to apply * @return Array List of states and counts * @author Lars Michelsen */ public function getHostMemberCounts($objects, $options, $filters) { if($options & 1) $stateAttr = 'IF((ss.state_type = 0), ss.last_hard_state, ss.current_state)'; else $stateAttr = 'ss.current_state'; $QUERYHANDLE = $this->mysqlQuery('SELECT o.name1, h.alias, SUM(IF(ss.has_been_checked=0,1,0)) AS pending, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=0 AND ss.has_been_checked!=0 AND ss.scheduled_downtime_depth=0 AND hs.scheduled_downtime_depth=0),1,0)) AS ok, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=0 AND ss.has_been_checked!=0 AND (ss.scheduled_downtime_depth!=0 OR hs.scheduled_downtime_depth!=0)),1,0)) AS ok_downtime, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=1 AND ss.has_been_checked!=0 AND ss.scheduled_downtime_depth=0 AND hs.scheduled_downtime_depth=0 AND ss.problem_has_been_acknowledged=0 AND hs.problem_has_been_acknowledged=0),1,0)) AS warning, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=1 AND ss.has_been_checked!=0 AND (ss.scheduled_downtime_depth!=0 OR hs.scheduled_downtime_depth!=0)),1,0)) AS warning_downtime, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=1 AND ss.has_been_checked!=0 AND (ss.problem_has_been_acknowledged=1 OR hs.problem_has_been_acknowledged=1)),1,0)) AS warning_ack, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=2 AND ss.has_been_checked!=0 AND ss.scheduled_downtime_depth=0 AND hs.scheduled_downtime_depth=0) AND ss.problem_has_been_acknowledged=0 AND hs.problem_has_been_acknowledged=0,1,0)) AS critical, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=2 AND ss.has_been_checked!=0 AND (ss.scheduled_downtime_depth!=0 OR hs.scheduled_downtime_depth!=0)),1,0)) AS critical_downtime, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=2 AND ss.has_been_checked!=0 AND (ss.problem_has_been_acknowledged=1 OR hs.problem_has_been_acknowledged=1)),1,0)) AS critical_ack, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=3 AND ss.has_been_checked!=0 AND ss.scheduled_downtime_depth=0 AND hs.scheduled_downtime_depth=0 AND ss.problem_has_been_acknowledged=0 AND hs.problem_has_been_acknowledged=0),1,0)) AS unknown, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=3 AND ss.has_been_checked!=0 AND (ss.scheduled_downtime_depth!=0 OR hs.scheduled_downtime_depth!=0)),1,0)) AS unknown_downtime, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=3 AND ss.has_been_checked!=0 AND (ss.problem_has_been_acknowledged=1 OR hs.problem_has_been_acknowledged=1)),1,0)) AS unknown_ack FROM '.$this->dbPrefix.'hoststatus AS hs, '.$this->dbPrefix.'services AS s, '.$this->dbPrefix.'hosts AS h, '.$this->dbPrefix.'objects AS o LEFT JOIN '.$this->dbPrefix.'servicestatus AS ss ON ss.service_object_id=o.object_id WHERE (o.objecttype_id=2 AND ('.$this->parseFilter($objects, $filters, 'o', 'o', MEMBER_QUERY, COUNT_QUERY, !HOST_QUERY).')) AND (s.config_type='.$this->objConfigType.' AND s.instance_id='.$this->dbInstanceId.' AND s.service_object_id=o.object_id) AND (h.config_type='.$this->objConfigType.' AND h.instance_id='.$this->dbInstanceId.' AND h.host_object_id=s.host_object_id) AND (hs.host_object_id=h.host_object_id) GROUP BY h.host_object_id'); $arrReturn = Array(); while($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($QUERYHANDLE)) { $arrReturn[$data['name1']] = Array( //'details' => Array('alias' => $data['alias']), 'counts' => Array( PENDING => Array( 'normal' => intval($data['pending']), ), OK => Array( 'normal' => intval($data['ok']), 'stale' => 0, 'downtime' => intval($data['ok_downtime']), ), WARNING => Array( 'normal' => intval($data['warning']), 'stale' => 0, 'ack' => intval($data['warning_ack']), 'downtime' => intval($data['warning_downtime']), ), CRITICAL => Array( 'normal' => intval($data['critical']), 'stale' => 0, 'ack' => intval($data['critical_ack']), 'downtime' => intval($data['critical_downtime']), ), UNKNOWN => Array( 'normal' => intval($data['unknown']), 'stale' => 0, 'ack' => intval($data['unknown_ack']), 'downtime' => intval($data['unknown_downtime']), ), ) ); } // Free memory mysql_free_result($QUERYHANDLE); return $arrReturn; } public function getHostgroupStateCounts($objects, $options, $filters) { if($options & 1) $stateAttr = 'IF((hs.state_type = 0), hs.last_hard_state, hs.current_state)'; else $stateAttr = 'hs.current_state'; $QUERYHANDLE = $this->mysqlQuery('SELECT o.name1, hg.alias, SUM(IF(hs.has_been_checked=0,1,0)) AS unchecked, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=0 AND hs.has_been_checked!=0 AND hs.scheduled_downtime_depth=0),1,0)) AS up, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=0 AND hs.has_been_checked!=0 AND hs.scheduled_downtime_depth!=0),1,0)) AS up_downtime, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=1 AND hs.has_been_checked!=0 AND hs.scheduled_downtime_depth=0 AND hs.problem_has_been_acknowledged=0),1,0)) AS down, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=1 AND hs.has_been_checked!=0 AND hs.scheduled_downtime_depth!=0),1,0)) AS down_downtime, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=1 AND hs.has_been_checked!=0 AND hs.problem_has_been_acknowledged=1),1,0)) AS down_ack, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=2 AND hs.has_been_checked!=0 AND hs.scheduled_downtime_depth=0 AND hs.problem_has_been_acknowledged=0),1,0)) AS unreachable, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=2 AND hs.has_been_checked!=0 AND hs.scheduled_downtime_depth!=0),1,0)) AS unreachable_downtime, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=2 AND hs.has_been_checked!=0 AND hs.problem_has_been_acknowledged=1),1,0)) AS unreachable_ack, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=3 AND hs.has_been_checked!=0 AND hs.scheduled_downtime_depth=0 AND hs.problem_has_been_acknowledged=0),1,0)) AS unknown, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=3 AND hs.has_been_checked!=0 AND hs.scheduled_downtime_depth!=0),1,0)) AS unknown_downtime, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=3 AND hs.has_been_checked!=0 AND hs.problem_has_been_acknowledged=1),1,0)) AS unknown_ack FROM '.$this->dbPrefix.'objects AS o, '.$this->dbPrefix.'hostgroups AS hg, '.$this->dbPrefix.'hostgroup_members AS hgm, '.$this->dbPrefix.'objects AS o2 LEFT JOIN '.$this->dbPrefix.'hoststatus AS hs ON hs.host_object_id=o2.object_id WHERE (o.objecttype_id=3 AND ('.$this->parseFilter($objects, $filters, 'o', 'o2', MEMBER_QUERY, COUNT_QUERY, HOST_QUERY).') AND o.instance_id='.$this->dbInstanceId.') AND (hg.config_type='.$this->objConfigType.' AND hg.instance_id='.$this->dbInstanceId.' AND hg.hostgroup_object_id=o.object_id) AND hgm.hostgroup_id=hg.hostgroup_id AND (o2.objecttype_id=1 AND o2.object_id=hgm.host_object_id) GROUP BY o.object_id'); $arrReturn = Array(); while($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($QUERYHANDLE)) { $arrReturn[$data['name1']] = Array( 'details' => Array(ALIAS => $data['alias']), 'counts' => Array( UNCHECKED => Array( 'normal' => intval($data['unchecked']), ), UP => Array( 'normal' => intval($data['up']), 'stale' => 0, 'downtime' => intval($data['up_downtime']), ), DOWN => Array( 'normal' => intval($data['down']), 'stale' => 0, 'ack' => intval($data['down_ack']), 'downtime' => intval($data['down_downtime']), ), UNREACHABLE => Array( 'normal' => intval($data['unreachable']), 'stale' => 0, 'ack' => intval($data['unreachable_ack']), 'downtime' => intval($data['unreachable_downtime']), ), ), ); } if($options & 1) $stateAttr = 'IF((ss.state_type = 0), ss.last_hard_state, ss.current_state)'; else $stateAttr = 'ss.current_state'; // If recognize_services are disabled don't fetch service information if($options & 2) return $arrReturn; // FIXME: Does not handle host downtimes/acks $QUERYHANDLE = $this->mysqlQuery('SELECT o.name1, SUM(IF(ss.has_been_checked=0,1,0)) AS pending, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=0 AND ss.has_been_checked!=0 AND ss.scheduled_downtime_depth=0),1,0)) AS ok, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=0 AND ss.has_been_checked!=0 AND ss.scheduled_downtime_depth!=0),1,0)) AS ok_downtime, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=1 AND ss.has_been_checked!=0 AND ss.scheduled_downtime_depth=0 AND ss.problem_has_been_acknowledged=0),1,0)) AS warning, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=1 AND ss.has_been_checked!=0 AND ss.scheduled_downtime_depth!=0),1,0)) AS warning_downtime, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=1 AND ss.has_been_checked!=0 AND ss.problem_has_been_acknowledged=1),1,0)) AS warning_ack, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=2 AND ss.has_been_checked!=0 AND ss.scheduled_downtime_depth=0 AND ss.problem_has_been_acknowledged=0),1,0)) AS critical, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=2 AND ss.has_been_checked!=0 AND ss.scheduled_downtime_depth!=0),1,0)) AS critical_downtime, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=2 AND ss.has_been_checked!=0 AND ss.problem_has_been_acknowledged=1),1,0)) AS critical_ack, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=3 AND ss.has_been_checked!=0 AND ss.scheduled_downtime_depth=0 AND ss.problem_has_been_acknowledged=0),1,0)) AS unknown, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=3 AND ss.has_been_checked!=0 AND ss.scheduled_downtime_depth!=0),1,0)) AS unknown_downtime, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=3 AND ss.has_been_checked!=0 AND ss.problem_has_been_acknowledged=1),1,0)) AS unknown_ack FROM '.$this->dbPrefix.'objects AS o, '.$this->dbPrefix.'hostgroups AS hg, '.$this->dbPrefix.'hostgroup_members AS hgm, '.$this->dbPrefix.'services AS s, '.$this->dbPrefix.'objects AS o2 LEFT JOIN '.$this->dbPrefix.'servicestatus AS ss ON ss.service_object_id=o2.object_id WHERE (o.objecttype_id=3 AND ('.$this->parseFilter($objects, $filters, 'o', 'o2', MEMBER_QUERY, COUNT_QUERY, !HOST_QUERY).') AND o.instance_id='.$this->dbInstanceId.') AND (hg.config_type='.$this->objConfigType.' AND hg.instance_id='.$this->dbInstanceId.' AND hg.hostgroup_object_id=o.object_id) AND hgm.hostgroup_id=hg.hostgroup_id AND (s.config_type='.$this->objConfigType.' AND s.instance_id='.$this->dbInstanceId.' AND s.host_object_id=hgm.host_object_id) AND (o2.objecttype_id=2 AND s.service_object_id=o2.object_id) GROUP BY o.object_id'); while($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($QUERYHANDLE)) { $arrReturn[$data['name1']]['counts'][PENDING]['normal'] = intval($data['pending']); $arrReturn[$data['name1']]['counts'][OK]['normal'] = intval($data['ok']); $arrReturn[$data['name1']]['counts'][OK]['stale'] = 0; $arrReturn[$data['name1']]['counts'][OK]['downtime'] = intval($data['ok_downtime']); $arrReturn[$data['name1']]['counts'][WARNING]['normal'] = intval($data['warning']); $arrReturn[$data['name1']]['counts'][WARNING]['stale'] = 0; $arrReturn[$data['name1']]['counts'][WARNING]['ack'] = intval($data['warning_ack']); $arrReturn[$data['name1']]['counts'][WARNING]['downtime'] = intval($data['warning_downtime']); $arrReturn[$data['name1']]['counts'][CRITICAL]['normal'] = intval($data['critical']); $arrReturn[$data['name1']]['counts'][CRITICAL]['stale'] = 0; $arrReturn[$data['name1']]['counts'][CRITICAL]['ack'] = intval($data['critical_ack']); $arrReturn[$data['name1']]['counts'][CRITICAL]['downtime'] = intval($data['critical_downtime']); $arrReturn[$data['name1']]['counts'][UNKNOWN]['normal'] = intval($data['unknown']); $arrReturn[$data['name1']]['counts'][UNKNOWN]['stale'] = 0; $arrReturn[$data['name1']]['counts'][UNKNOWN]['ack'] = intval($data['unknown_ack']); $arrReturn[$data['name1']]['counts'][UNKNOWN]['downtime'] = intval($data['unknown_downtime']); } // Free memory mysql_free_result($QUERYHANDLE); return $arrReturn; } public function getServicegroupStateCounts($objects, $options, $filters) { if($options & 1) $stateAttr = 'IF((ss.state_type = 0), ss.last_hard_state, ss.current_state)'; else $stateAttr = 'ss.current_state'; // FIXME: Recognize host ack/downtime $QUERYHANDLE = $this->mysqlQuery('SELECT o.name1, sg.alias, SUM(IF(ss.has_been_checked=0,1,0)) AS pending, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=0 AND ss.has_been_checked!=0 AND ss.scheduled_downtime_depth=0 AND ss.scheduled_downtime_depth=0),1,0)) AS ok, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=0 AND ss.has_been_checked!=0 AND ss.scheduled_downtime_depth!=0),1,0)) AS ok_downtime, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=1 AND ss.has_been_checked!=0 AND ss.scheduled_downtime_depth=0 AND ss.problem_has_been_acknowledged=0),1,0)) AS warning, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=1 AND ss.has_been_checked!=0 AND ss.scheduled_downtime_depth!=0),1,0)) AS warning_downtime, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=1 AND ss.has_been_checked!=0 AND ss.problem_has_been_acknowledged=1),1,0)) AS warning_ack, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=2 AND ss.has_been_checked!=0 AND ss.scheduled_downtime_depth=0 AND ss.problem_has_been_acknowledged=0),1,0)) AS critical, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=2 AND ss.has_been_checked!=0 AND ss.scheduled_downtime_depth!=0),1,0)) AS critical_downtime, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=2 AND ss.has_been_checked!=0 AND ss.problem_has_been_acknowledged=1),1,0)) AS critical_ack, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=3 AND ss.has_been_checked!=0 AND ss.scheduled_downtime_depth=0 AND ss.problem_has_been_acknowledged=0),1,0)) AS unknown, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=3 AND ss.has_been_checked!=0 AND ss.scheduled_downtime_depth!=0),1,0)) AS unknown_downtime, SUM(IF(('.$stateAttr.'=3 AND ss.has_been_checked!=0 AND ss.problem_has_been_acknowledged=1),1,0)) AS unknown_ack FROM '.$this->dbPrefix.'objects AS o, '.$this->dbPrefix.'servicegroups AS sg, '.$this->dbPrefix.'servicegroup_members AS sgm, '.$this->dbPrefix.'services AS s, '.$this->dbPrefix.'objects AS o2 LEFT JOIN '.$this->dbPrefix.'servicestatus AS ss ON ss.service_object_id=o2.object_id WHERE (o.objecttype_id=4 AND ('.$this->parseFilter($objects, $filters, 'o', 'o2', MEMBER_QUERY, COUNT_QUERY, !HOST_QUERY).') AND o.instance_id='.$this->dbInstanceId.') AND (sg.config_type='.$this->objConfigType.' AND sg.instance_id='.$this->dbInstanceId.' AND sg.servicegroup_object_id=o.object_id) AND sgm.servicegroup_id=sg.servicegroup_id AND (s.config_type='.$this->objConfigType.' AND s.instance_id='.$this->dbInstanceId.' AND s.service_object_id=sgm.service_object_id) AND (o2.objecttype_id=2 AND s.service_object_id=o2.object_id) GROUP BY o.object_id'); $arrReturn = Array(); while($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($QUERYHANDLE)) { $arrReturn[$data['name1']] = Array( 'details' => Array(ALIAS => $data['alias']), 'counts' => Array( PENDING => Array( 'normal' => intval($data['pending']), ), OK => Array( 'normal' => intval($data['ok']), 'stale' => 0, 'downtime' => intval($data['ok_downtime']), ), WARNING => Array( 'normal' => intval($data['warning']), 'stale' => 0, 'ack' => intval($data['warning_ack']), 'downtime' => intval($data['warning_downtime']), ), CRITICAL => Array( 'normal' => intval($data['critical']), 'stale' => 0, 'ack' => intval($data['critical_ack']), 'downtime' => intval($data['critical_downtime']), ), UNKNOWN => Array( 'normal' => intval($data['unknown']), 'stale' => 0, 'ack' => intval($data['unknown_ack']), 'downtime' => intval($data['unknown_downtime']), ), ), ); } // Free memory mysql_free_result($QUERYHANDLE); return $arrReturn; } /** * PUBLIC Method getHostNamesWithNoParent * * Gets all hosts with no parent host. This method is needed by the automap * to get the root host. * * @author Lars Michelsen */ public function getHostNamesWithNoParent() { $arrReturn = Array(); $QUERYHANDLE = $this->mysqlQuery('SELECT o1.name1 FROM `'.$this->dbPrefix.'objects` AS o1, `'.$this->dbPrefix.'hosts` AS h1 LEFT OUTER JOIN `'.$this->dbPrefix.'host_parenthosts` AS ph1 ON h1.host_id=ph1.host_id WHERE o1.objecttype_id=1 AND (h1.config_type='.$this->objConfigType.' AND h1.instance_id='.$this->dbInstanceId.' AND h1.host_object_id=o1.object_id) AND ph1.parent_host_object_id IS null'); while($data = mysql_fetch_array($QUERYHANDLE)) { $arrReturn[] = $data['name1']; } // Free memory mysql_free_result($QUERYHANDLE); return $arrReturn; } /** * PUBLIC getDirectParentNamesByHostName() * * Gets the names of all parent hosts. New in 1.5. Showing parent layers on * the automap is only possible when the backend provides this method. * * @param String Name of host to get the parents of * @return Array Array with hostnames * @author Lars Michelsen */ public function getDirectParentNamesByHostName($hostName) { $aParentNames = Array(); $QUERYHANDLE = $this->mysqlQuery('SELECT o2.name1 FROM `'.$this->dbPrefix.'objects` AS o1, `'.$this->dbPrefix.'hosts` AS h1, `'.$this->dbPrefix.'host_parenthosts` AS ph1, `'.$this->dbPrefix.'objects` AS o2 WHERE o1.objecttype_id=1 AND o1.name1=\''.$hostName.'\' AND (h1.config_type='.$this->objConfigType.' AND h1.instance_id='.$this->dbInstanceId.' AND h1.host_object_id=o1.object_id) AND h1.host_id=ph1.host_id AND o2.objecttype_id=1 AND o2.object_id=ph1.parent_host_object_id'); while($data = mysql_fetch_array($QUERYHANDLE)) { $aParentNames[] = $data['name1']; } // Free memory mysql_free_result($QUERYHANDLE); return $aParentNames; } /** * PUBLIC Method getDirectChildNamesByHostName * * Gets the names of all child hosts * * @param String Name of host to get the children of * @return Array Array with hostnames * @author Lars Michelsen */ public function getDirectChildNamesByHostName($hostName) { $arrChildNames = Array(); $QUERYHANDLE = $this->mysqlQuery('SELECT o2.name1 FROM `'.$this->dbPrefix.'objects` AS o1, `'.$this->dbPrefix.'hosts` AS h1, `'.$this->dbPrefix.'host_parenthosts` AS ph1, `'.$this->dbPrefix.'hosts` AS h2, `'.$this->dbPrefix.'objects` AS o2 WHERE o1.objecttype_id=1 AND o1.name1=\''.$hostName.'\' AND (h1.config_type='.$this->objConfigType.' AND h1.instance_id='.$this->dbInstanceId.' AND h1.host_object_id=o1.object_id) AND o1.object_id=ph1.parent_host_object_id AND (h2.config_type='.$this->objConfigType.' AND h2.instance_id='.$this->dbInstanceId.' AND h2.host_id=ph1.host_id) AND o2.objecttype_id=1 AND h2.host_object_id=o2.object_id'); while($data = mysql_fetch_array($QUERYHANDLE)) { $arrChildNames[] = $data['name1']; } // Free memory mysql_free_result($QUERYHANDLE); return $arrChildNames; } /** * PUBLIC Method getHostsByHostgroupName * * Gets all hosts of a hostgroup * * @param String Name of hostgroup to get the hosts of * @return Array Array with hostnames * @author Lars Michelsen */ public function getHostsByHostgroupName($hostgroupName) { $arrReturn = Array(); $QUERYHANDLE = $this->mysqlQuery('SELECT o2.name1 FROM '.$this->dbPrefix.'objects AS o, '.$this->dbPrefix.'hostgroups AS hg, '.$this->dbPrefix.'hostgroup_members AS hgm, '.$this->dbPrefix.'objects AS o2 WHERE (o.objecttype_id=3 AND o.name1 = binary \''.$hostgroupName.'\' AND o.instance_id='.$this->dbInstanceId.') AND (hg.config_type='.$this->objConfigType.' AND hg.instance_id='.$this->dbInstanceId.' AND hg.hostgroup_object_id=o.object_id) AND hgm.hostgroup_id=hg.hostgroup_id AND (o2.objecttype_id=1 AND o2.object_id=hgm.host_object_id)'); while($data = mysql_fetch_array($QUERYHANDLE)) { // Assign actual dataset to return array $arrReturn[] = $data['name1']; } // Free memory mysql_free_result($QUERYHANDLE); return $arrReturn; } /** * PUBLIC Method getServicesByServicegroupName * * Gets all services of a servicegroup * * @param String Name of servicegroup to get the services of * @return Array Array with hostnames and service descriptions * @author Lars Michelsen */ public function getServicesByServicegroupName($servicegroupName) { $arrReturn = Array(); $QUERYHANDLE = $this->mysqlQuery('SELECT o2.name1, o2.name2 FROM '.$this->dbPrefix.'objects AS o, '.$this->dbPrefix.'servicegroups AS sg, '.$this->dbPrefix.'servicegroup_members AS sgm, '.$this->dbPrefix.'objects AS o2 WHERE (o.objecttype_id=4 AND o.name1 = binary \''.$servicegroupName.'\' AND o.instance_id='.$this->dbInstanceId.') AND (sg.config_type='.$this->objConfigType.' AND sg.instance_id='.$this->dbInstanceId.' AND sg.servicegroup_object_id=o.object_id) AND sgm.servicegroup_id=sg.servicegroup_id AND (o2.objecttype_id=2 AND o2.object_id=sgm.service_object_id)'); while($data = mysql_fetch_array($QUERYHANDLE)) { // Assign actual dataset to return array $arrReturn[] = Array('host_name' => $data['name1'], 'service_description' => $data['name2']); } // Free memory mysql_free_result($QUERYHANDLE); return $arrReturn; } /** * PUBLIC Method getServicegroupInformations * * Gets information like the alias for a servicegroup * * @param String Name of servicegroup * @return Array Array with object information * @author Lars Michelsen */ public function getServicegroupInformations($servicegroupName) { $arrReturn = Array(); $QUERYHANDLE = $this->mysqlQuery('SELECT o.object_id, sg.alias FROM '.$this->dbPrefix.'objects AS o, '.$this->dbPrefix.'servicegroups AS sg WHERE (o.objecttype_id=4 AND o.name1 = binary \''.$servicegroupName.'\' AND o.instance_id='.$this->dbInstanceId.') AND (sg.config_type='.$this->objConfigType.' AND sg.instance_id='.$this->dbInstanceId.' AND sg.servicegroup_object_id=o.object_id) LIMIT 1'); $data = mysql_fetch_array($QUERYHANDLE); // Free memory mysql_free_result($QUERYHANDLE); $arrReturn['alias'] = $data['alias']; return $arrReturn; } /** * PUBLIC Method getHostgroupInformations * * Gets information like the alias for a hostgroup * * @param String Name of group * @return Array Array with object information * @author Lars Michelsen */ public function getHostgroupInformations($groupName) { $arrReturn = Array(); $QUERYHANDLE = $this->mysqlQuery('SELECT o.object_id, g.alias FROM '.$this->dbPrefix.'objects AS o, '.$this->dbPrefix.'hostgroups AS g WHERE (o.objecttype_id=3 AND o.name1 = binary \''.$groupName.'\' AND o.instance_id='.$this->dbInstanceId.') AND (g.config_type='.$this->objConfigType.' AND g.instance_id='.$this->dbInstanceId.' AND g.hostgroup_object_id=o.object_id) LIMIT 1'); $data = mysql_fetch_array($QUERYHANDLE); // Free memory mysql_free_result($QUERYHANDLE); $arrReturn['alias'] = $data['alias']; return $arrReturn; } /** * PUBLIC getDirectChildDependenciesNamesByHostName() * * @param String Hostname * @return Array List of hostnames * @author Thibault Cohen */ public function getDirectChildDependenciesNamesByHostName($hostName, $min_business_impact=false) { return $this->getDirectChildNamesByHostName($hostName); } /* * PUBLIC getDirectParentNamesByHostName() * * @param String Hostname * @return Array List of hostnames * @author Mathias Kettner * @author Lars Michelsen */ public function getDirectParentDependenciesNamesByHostName($hostName, $min_business_impact=false) { return $this->getDirectParentNamesByHostName($hostName); } public function getProgramStart() { $QUERYHANDLE = $this->mysqlQuery('SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(program_start_time) AS program_start ' .'FROM '.$this->dbPrefix.'programstatus WHERE instance_id='.$this->dbInstanceId); $data = mysql_fetch_array($QUERYHANDLE); mysql_free_result($QUERYHANDLE); if(isset($data[0])) return $data[0]; else return -1; } } ?>