--- name: Test children: - name: Single Objects children: - name: OK children: - host: host_ok - host: host_ok service: s_ok - host: host_s_soft - host: host_s_soft service: s_critical_soft - name: DOWN children: - host: host_down - host: host_down service: s_critical - name: CRITICAL children: - host: host_s_critical - host: host_s_critical service: s_critical - name: WARNING children: - host: host_s_warning - host: host_s_warning service: s_warning - name: Single Objects Handled children: - name: CRITICAL handled children: - host: host_s_critical_handled - host: host_s_critical_handled service: s_critical_handled - name: WARNING handled children: - host: host_s_warning_handled - host: host_s_warning_handled service: s_warning_handled - name: Hostgroups children: - name: OK children: - hostgroup: HG_OK - hostgroup: HG_SOFT - name: DOWN children: - hostgroup: HG_DOWN - name: CRITICAL children: - hostgroup: HG_CRITICAL - name: WARNING children: - hostgroup: HG_WARNING - name: TLV Missing children: - name: Partially missing children: - host: host_ok - name: missing - name: Missing with problems children: - host: host_down - name: missing - name: Missing with handled children: - host: host_down_handled - name: missing - name: Empty children: - name: nothing here - name: Notexisting Object children: - host: notexisting