params->get('ip'); $hostname = $this->params->get('host'); if ($ip === null && $hostname === null) { $this->showUsage('host'); exit(3); } $targets = (new Select()) ->from('x509_target t') ->columns([ 't.port', 'cc.valid', 'cc.invalid_reason', 'c.subject', 'self_signed' => 'COALESCE(ci.self_signed, c.self_signed)', 'c.valid_from', 'c.valid_to' ]) ->join('x509_certificate_chain cc', ' = t.latest_certificate_chain_id') ->join('x509_certificate_chain_link ccl', 'ccl.certificate_chain_id =') ->join('x509_certificate c', ' = ccl.certificate_id') ->joinLeft('x509_certificate ci', 'ci.subject_hash = c.issuer_hash') ->where(['ccl.order = ?' => 0]); if ($ip !== null) { $targets->where(['t.ip = ?' => Job::binary($ip)]); } if ($hostname !== null) { $targets->where(['t.hostname = ?' => $hostname]); } if ($this->params->has('port')) { $targets->where(['t.port = ?' => $this->params->get('port')]); } $allowSelfSigned = (bool) $this->params->get('allow-self-signed', false); list($warningThreshold, $warningUnit) = $this->splitThreshold($this->params->get('warning', '25%')); list($criticalThreshold, $criticalUnit) = $this->splitThreshold($this->params->get('critical', '10%')); $output = []; $perfData = []; $state = 3; foreach ($this->getDb()->select($targets) as $target) { if ($target['valid'] === 'no' && ($target['self_signed'] === 'no' || ! $allowSelfSigned)) { $invalidMessage = $target['subject'] . ': ' . $target['invalid_reason']; $output[$invalidMessage] = $invalidMessage; $state = 2; } $now = new \DateTime(); $validFrom = (new \DateTime())->setTimestamp($target['valid_from']); $validTo = (new \DateTime())->setTimestamp($target['valid_to']); $criticalAfter = $this->thresholdToDateTime($validFrom, $validTo, $criticalThreshold, $criticalUnit); $warningAfter = $this->thresholdToDateTime($validFrom, $validTo, $warningThreshold, $warningUnit); if ($now > $criticalAfter) { $state = 2; } elseif ($state !== 2 && $now > $warningAfter) { $state = 1; } elseif ($state === 3) { $state = 0; } $remainingTime = $now->diff($validTo); if (! $remainingTime->invert) { // The certificate has not expired yet $output[$target['subject']] = sprintf( '%s expires in %d days', $target['subject'], $remainingTime->days ); } else { $output[$target['subject']] = sprintf( '%s has expired since %d days', $target['subject'], $remainingTime->days ); } $perfData[$target['subject']] = sprintf( "'%s'=%ds;%d;%d;0;%d", $target['subject'], $remainingTime->invert ? 0 : $target['valid_to'] - time(), $target['valid_to'] - $warningAfter->getTimestamp(), $target['valid_to'] - $criticalAfter->getTimestamp(), $target['valid_to'] - $target['valid_from'] ); } echo ['OK', 'WARNING', 'CRITICAL', 'UNKNOWN'][$state]; echo ' - '; if (! empty($output)) { echo join('; ', $output); } elseif ($state === 3) { echo 'Host not found'; } if (! empty($perfData)) { echo '|' . join(' ', $perfData); } echo PHP_EOL; exit($state); } /** * Parse the given threshold definition * * @param string $threshold * * @return array */ protected function splitThreshold($threshold) { $match = preg_match('/(\d+)([%\w]{1})/', $threshold, $matches); if (! $match) { Logger::error('Invalid threshold definition: %s', $threshold); exit(3); } switch ($matches[2]) { case '%': return [(int) $matches[1], self::UNIT_PERCENT]; case 'y': case 'Y': $intervalSpec = 'P' . $matches[1] . 'Y'; break; case 'M': $intervalSpec = 'P' . $matches[1] . 'M'; break; case 'd': case 'D': $intervalSpec = 'P' . $matches[1] . 'D'; break; case 'h': case 'H': $intervalSpec = 'PT' . $matches[1] . 'H'; break; case 'm': $intervalSpec = 'PT' . $matches[1] . 'M'; break; case 's': case 'S': $intervalSpec = 'PT' . $matches[1] . 'S'; break; default: Logger::error('Unknown threshold unit given: %s', $threshold); exit(3); } return [new \DateInterval($intervalSpec), self::UNIT_INTERVAL]; } /** * Convert the given threshold information to a DateTime object * * @param \DateTime $from * @param \DateTime $to * @param int|\DateInterval $thresholdValue * @param string $thresholdUnit * * @return \DateTime */ protected function thresholdToDateTime(\DateTime $from, \DateTime $to, $thresholdValue, $thresholdUnit) { $to = clone $to; if ($thresholdUnit === self::UNIT_INTERVAL) { return $to->sub($thresholdValue); } $coveredDays = (int) round($from->diff($to)->days * ($thresholdValue / 100)); return $to->sub(new \DateInterval('P' . $coveredDays . 'D')); } }