setLayoutPath($options); } elseif (is_array($options)) { $this->setOptions($options); } elseif ($options instanceof Zend_Config) { $this->setConfig($options); } else { throw new Zend_Layout_Exception('Invalid option provided to constructor'); } } $this->_initVarContainer(); if ($initMvc) { $this->_setMvcEnabled(true); $this->_initMvc(); } else { $this->_setMvcEnabled(false); } } /** * Static method for initialization with MVC support * * @param string|array|Zend_Config $options * @return Zend_Layout */ public static function startMvc($options = null) { if (null === self::$_mvcInstance) { self::$_mvcInstance = new self($options, true); } else { if (is_string($options)) { self::$_mvcInstance->setLayoutPath($options); } elseif (is_array($options) || $options instanceof Zend_Config) { self::$_mvcInstance->setOptions($options); } } return self::$_mvcInstance; } /** * Retrieve MVC instance of Zend_Layout object * * @return Zend_Layout|null */ public static function getMvcInstance() { return self::$_mvcInstance; } /** * Reset MVC instance * * Unregisters plugins and helpers, and destroys MVC layout instance. * * @return void */ public static function resetMvcInstance() { if (null !== self::$_mvcInstance) { $layout = self::$_mvcInstance; $pluginClass = $layout->getPluginClass(); $front = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance(); if ($front->hasPlugin($pluginClass)) { $front->unregisterPlugin($pluginClass); } if (Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::hasHelper('layout')) { Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::removeHelper('layout'); } unset($layout); self::$_mvcInstance = null; } } /** * Set options en masse * * @param array|Zend_Config $options * @return void */ public function setOptions($options) { if ($options instanceof Zend_Config) { $options = $options->toArray(); } elseif (!is_array($options)) { throw new Zend_Layout_Exception('setOptions() expects either an array or a Zend_Config object'); } foreach ($options as $key => $value) { $method = 'set' . ucfirst($key); if (method_exists($this, $method)) { $this->$method($value); } } } /** * Initialize MVC integration * * @return void */ protected function _initMvc() { $this->_initPlugin(); $this->_initHelper(); } /** * Initialize front controller plugin * * @return void */ protected function _initPlugin() { $pluginClass = $this->getPluginClass(); $front = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance(); if (!$front->hasPlugin($pluginClass)) { if (!class_exists($pluginClass)) { Zend_Loader::loadClass($pluginClass); } $front->registerPlugin( // register to run last | BUT before the ErrorHandler (if its available) new $pluginClass($this), 99 ); } } /** * Initialize action helper * * @return void */ protected function _initHelper() { $helperClass = $this->getHelperClass(); if (!Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::hasHelper('layout')) { if (!class_exists($helperClass)) { Zend_Loader::loadClass($helperClass); } Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStack()->offsetSet(-90, new $helperClass($this)); } } /** * Set options from a config object * * @param Zend_Config $config * @return Zend_Layout */ public function setConfig(Zend_Config $config) { $this->setOptions($config->toArray()); return $this; } /** * Initialize placeholder container for layout vars * * @return Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container */ protected function _initVarContainer() { if (null === $this->_container) { $this->_container = Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry::getRegistry()->getContainer(__CLASS__); } return $this->_container; } /** * Set layout script to use * * Note: enables layout by default, can be disabled * * @param string $name * @param boolean $enabled * @return Zend_Layout */ public function setLayout($name, $enabled = true) { $this->_layout = (string) $name; if ($enabled) { $this->enableLayout(); } return $this; } /** * Get current layout script * * @return string */ public function getLayout() { return $this->_layout; } /** * Disable layout * * @return Zend_Layout */ public function disableLayout() { $this->_enabled = false; return $this; } /** * Enable layout * * @return Zend_Layout */ public function enableLayout() { $this->_enabled = true; return $this; } /** * Is layout enabled? * * @return bool */ public function isEnabled() { return $this->_enabled; } public function setViewBasePath($path, $prefix = 'Layout_View') { $this->_viewBasePath = $path; $this->_viewBasePrefix = $prefix; return $this; } public function getViewBasePath() { return $this->_viewBasePath; } public function setViewScriptPath($path) { $this->_viewScriptPath = $path; return $this; } public function getViewScriptPath() { return $this->_viewScriptPath; } /** * Set layout script path * * @param string $path * @return Zend_Layout */ public function setLayoutPath($path) { return $this->setViewScriptPath($path); } /** * Get current layout script path * * @return string */ public function getLayoutPath() { return $this->getViewScriptPath(); } /** * Set content key * * Key in namespace container denoting default content * * @param string $contentKey * @return Zend_Layout */ public function setContentKey($contentKey) { $this->_contentKey = (string) $contentKey; return $this; } /** * Retrieve content key * * @return string */ public function getContentKey() { return $this->_contentKey; } /** * Set MVC enabled flag * * @param bool $mvcEnabled * @return Zend_Layout */ protected function _setMvcEnabled($mvcEnabled) { $this->_mvcEnabled = ($mvcEnabled) ? true : false; return $this; } /** * Retrieve MVC enabled flag * * @return bool */ public function getMvcEnabled() { return $this->_mvcEnabled; } /** * Set MVC Successful Action Only flag * * @param bool $successfulActionOnly * @return Zend_Layout */ public function setMvcSuccessfulActionOnly($successfulActionOnly) { $this->_mvcSuccessfulActionOnly = ($successfulActionOnly) ? true : false; return $this; } /** * Get MVC Successful Action Only Flag * * @return bool */ public function getMvcSuccessfulActionOnly() { return $this->_mvcSuccessfulActionOnly; } /** * Set view object * * @param Zend_View_Interface $view * @return Zend_Layout */ public function setView(Zend_View_Interface $view) { $this->_view = $view; return $this; } /** * Retrieve helper class * * @return string */ public function getHelperClass() { return $this->_helperClass; } /** * Set helper class * * @param string $helperClass * @return Zend_Layout */ public function setHelperClass($helperClass) { $this->_helperClass = (string) $helperClass; return $this; } /** * Retrieve plugin class * * @return string */ public function getPluginClass() { return $this->_pluginClass; } /** * Set plugin class * * @param string $pluginClass * @return Zend_Layout */ public function setPluginClass($pluginClass) { $this->_pluginClass = (string) $pluginClass; return $this; } /** * Get current view object * * If no view object currently set, retrieves it from the ViewRenderer. * * @todo Set inflector from view renderer at same time * @return Zend_View_Interface */ public function getView() { if (null === $this->_view) { $viewRenderer = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('viewRenderer'); if (null === $viewRenderer->view) { $viewRenderer->initView(); } $this->setView($viewRenderer->view); } return $this->_view; } /** * Set layout view script suffix * * @param string $viewSuffix * @return Zend_Layout */ public function setViewSuffix($viewSuffix) { $this->_viewSuffix = (string) $viewSuffix; return $this; } /** * Retrieve layout view script suffix * * @return string */ public function getViewSuffix() { return $this->_viewSuffix; } /** * Retrieve inflector target * * @return string */ public function getInflectorTarget() { return $this->_inflectorTarget; } /** * Set inflector target * * @param string $inflectorTarget * @return Zend_Layout */ public function setInflectorTarget($inflectorTarget) { $this->_inflectorTarget = (string) $inflectorTarget; return $this; } /** * Set inflector to use when resolving layout names * * @param Zend_Filter_Inflector $inflector * @return Zend_Layout */ public function setInflector(Zend_Filter_Inflector $inflector) { $this->_inflector = $inflector; return $this; } /** * Retrieve inflector * * @return Zend_Filter_Inflector */ public function getInflector() { if (null === $this->_inflector) { $inflector = new Zend_Filter_Inflector(); $inflector->setTargetReference($this->_inflectorTarget) ->addRules(array(':script' => array('Word_CamelCaseToDash', 'StringToLower'))) ->setStaticRuleReference('suffix', $this->_viewSuffix); $this->setInflector($inflector); } return $this->_inflector; } /** * Enable inflector * * @return Zend_Layout */ public function enableInflector() { $this->_inflectorEnabled = true; return $this; } /** * Disable inflector * * @return Zend_Layout */ public function disableInflector() { $this->_inflectorEnabled = false; return $this; } /** * Return status of inflector enabled flag * * @return bool */ public function inflectorEnabled() { return $this->_inflectorEnabled; } /** * Set layout variable * * @param string $key * @param mixed $value * @return void */ public function __set($key, $value) { $this->_container[$key] = $value; } /** * Get layout variable * * @param string $key * @return mixed */ public function __get($key) { if (isset($this->_container[$key])) { return $this->_container[$key]; } return null; } /** * Is a layout variable set? * * @param string $key * @return bool */ public function __isset($key) { return (isset($this->_container[$key])); } /** * Unset a layout variable? * * @param string $key * @return void */ public function __unset($key) { if (isset($this->_container[$key])) { unset($this->_container[$key]); } } /** * Assign one or more layout variables * * @param mixed $spec Assoc array or string key; if assoc array, sets each * key as a layout variable * @param mixed $value Value if $spec is a key * @return Zend_Layout * @throws Zend_Layout_Exception if non-array/string value passed to $spec */ public function assign($spec, $value = null) { if (is_array($spec)) { $orig = $this->_container->getArrayCopy(); $merged = array_merge($orig, $spec); $this->_container->exchangeArray($merged); return $this; } if (is_string($spec)) { $this->_container[$spec] = $value; return $this; } throw new Zend_Layout_Exception('Invalid values passed to assign()'); } /** * Render layout * * Sets internal script path as last path on script path stack, assigns * layout variables to view, determines layout name using inflector, and * renders layout view script. * * $name will be passed to the inflector as the key 'script'. * * @param mixed $name * @return mixed */ public function render($name = null) { if (null === $name) { $name = $this->getLayout(); } if ($this->inflectorEnabled() && (null !== ($inflector = $this->getInflector()))) { $name = $this->_inflector->filter(array('script' => $name)); } $view = $this->getView(); if (null !== ($path = $this->getViewScriptPath())) { if (method_exists($view, 'addScriptPath')) { $view->addScriptPath($path); } else { $view->setScriptPath($path); } } elseif (null !== ($path = $this->getViewBasePath())) { $view->addBasePath($path, $this->_viewBasePrefix); } return $view->render($name); } }