addPrefixPath($prefix, $path); } /** * Adds an array of adapter prefix paths to the plugin * loader. * * * $prefixPaths = array( * 'My_Paginator_Adapter' => 'My/Paginator/Adapter/', * 'Your_Paginator_Adapter' => 'Your/Paginator/Adapter/' * ); * * * @param array $prefixPaths */ public static function addAdapterPrefixPaths(array $prefixPaths) { if (isset($prefixPaths['prefix']) && isset($prefixPaths['path'])) { self::addAdapterPrefixPath($prefixPaths['prefix'], $prefixPaths['path']); } else { foreach ($prefixPaths as $prefix => $path) { if (is_array($path) && isset($path['prefix']) && isset($path['path'])) { $prefix = $path['prefix']; $path = $path['path']; } self::addAdapterPrefixPath($prefix, $path); } } } /** * Adds a scrolling style prefix path to the plugin loader. * * @param string $prefix * @param string $path */ public static function addScrollingStylePrefixPath($prefix, $path) { self::getScrollingStyleLoader()->addPrefixPath($prefix, $path); } /** * Adds an array of scrolling style prefix paths to the plugin * loader. * * * $prefixPaths = array( * 'My_Paginator_ScrollingStyle' => 'My/Paginator/ScrollingStyle/', * 'Your_Paginator_ScrollingStyle' => 'Your/Paginator/ScrollingStyle/' * ); * * * @param array $prefixPaths */ public static function addScrollingStylePrefixPaths(array $prefixPaths) { if (isset($prefixPaths['prefix']) && isset($prefixPaths['path'])) { self::addScrollingStylePrefixPath($prefixPaths['prefix'], $prefixPaths['path']); } else { foreach ($prefixPaths as $prefix => $path) { if (is_array($path) && isset($path['prefix']) && isset($path['path'])) { $prefix = $path['prefix']; $path = $path['path']; } self::addScrollingStylePrefixPath($prefix, $path); } } } /** * Factory. * * @param mixed $data * @param string $adapter * @param array $prefixPaths * @return Zend_Paginator */ public static function factory($data, $adapter = self::INTERNAL_ADAPTER, array $prefixPaths = null) { if ($data instanceof Zend_Paginator_AdapterAggregate) { return new self($data->getPaginatorAdapter()); } else { if ($adapter == self::INTERNAL_ADAPTER) { if (is_array($data)) { $adapter = 'Array'; } else if ($data instanceof Zend_Db_Table_Select) { $adapter = 'DbTableSelect'; } else if ($data instanceof Zend_Db_Select) { $adapter = 'DbSelect'; } else if ($data instanceof Iterator) { $adapter = 'Iterator'; } else if (is_integer($data)) { $adapter = 'Null'; } else { $type = (is_object($data)) ? get_class($data) : gettype($data); /** * @see Zend_Paginator_Exception */ throw new Zend_Paginator_Exception('No adapter for type ' . $type); } } $pluginLoader = self::getAdapterLoader(); if (null !== $prefixPaths) { foreach ($prefixPaths as $prefix => $path) { $pluginLoader->addPrefixPath($prefix, $path); } } $adapterClassName = $pluginLoader->load($adapter); return new self(new $adapterClassName($data)); } } /** * Returns the adapter loader. If it doesn't exist it's created. * * @return Zend_Loader_PluginLoader */ public static function getAdapterLoader() { if (self::$_adapterLoader === null) { self::$_adapterLoader = new Zend_Loader_PluginLoader( array('Zend_Paginator_Adapter' => 'Zend/Paginator/Adapter') ); } return self::$_adapterLoader; } /** * Set a global config * * @param Zend_Config $config */ public static function setConfig(Zend_Config $config) { self::$_config = $config; $adapterPaths = $config->get('adapterpaths'); if ($adapterPaths != null) { self::addAdapterPrefixPaths($adapterPaths->adapterpath->toArray()); } $prefixPaths = $config->get('prefixpaths'); if ($prefixPaths != null) { self::addScrollingStylePrefixPaths($prefixPaths->prefixpath->toArray()); } $scrollingStyle = $config->get('scrollingstyle'); if ($scrollingStyle != null) { self::setDefaultScrollingStyle($scrollingStyle); } } /** * Returns the default scrolling style. * * @return string */ public static function getDefaultScrollingStyle() { return self::$_defaultScrollingStyle; } /** * Get the default item count per page * * @return int */ public static function getDefaultItemCountPerPage() { return self::$_defaultItemCountPerPage; } /** * Set the default item count per page * * @param int $count */ public static function setDefaultItemCountPerPage($count) { self::$_defaultItemCountPerPage = (int) $count; } /** * Get the default page range * * @return int */ public static function getDefaultPageRange() { return self::$_defaultPageRange; } /** * Set the default page range * * @param int $count */ public static function setDefaultPageRange($count) { self::$_defaultPageRange = (int) $count; } /** * Sets a cache object * * @param Zend_Cache_Core $cache */ public static function setCache(Zend_Cache_Core $cache) { self::$_cache = $cache; } /** * Sets the default scrolling style. * * @param string $scrollingStyle */ public static function setDefaultScrollingStyle($scrollingStyle = 'Sliding') { self::$_defaultScrollingStyle = $scrollingStyle; } /** * Returns the scrolling style loader. If it doesn't exist it's * created. * * @return Zend_Loader_PluginLoader */ public static function getScrollingStyleLoader() { if (self::$_scrollingStyleLoader === null) { self::$_scrollingStyleLoader = new Zend_Loader_PluginLoader( array('Zend_Paginator_ScrollingStyle' => 'Zend/Paginator/ScrollingStyle') ); } return self::$_scrollingStyleLoader; } /** * Constructor. * * @param Zend_Paginator_Adapter_Interface|Zend_Paginator_AdapterAggregate $adapter */ public function __construct($adapter) { if ($adapter instanceof Zend_Paginator_Adapter_Interface) { $this->_adapter = $adapter; } else if ($adapter instanceof Zend_Paginator_AdapterAggregate) { $this->_adapter = $adapter->getPaginatorAdapter(); } else { /** * @see Zend_Paginator_Exception */ throw new Zend_Paginator_Exception( 'Zend_Paginator only accepts instances of the type ' . 'Zend_Paginator_Adapter_Interface or Zend_Paginator_AdapterAggregate.' ); } $config = self::$_config; if ($config != null) { $setupMethods = array('ItemCountPerPage', 'PageRange'); foreach ($setupMethods as $setupMethod) { $value = $config->get(strtolower($setupMethod)); if ($value != null) { $setupMethod = 'set' . $setupMethod; $this->$setupMethod($value); } } } } /** * Serializes the object as a string. Proxies to {@link render()}. * * @return string */ public function __toString() { try { $return = $this->render(); return $return; } catch (Exception $e) { trigger_error($e->getMessage(), E_USER_WARNING); } return ''; } /** * Enables/Disables the cache for this instance * * @param bool $enable * @return Zend_Paginator */ public function setCacheEnabled($enable) { $this->_cacheEnabled = (bool)$enable; return $this; } /** * Returns the number of pages. * * @return integer */ public function count(): int { if (!$this->_pageCount) { $this->_pageCount = $this->_calculatePageCount(); } return $this->_pageCount; } /** * Returns the total number of items available. Uses cache if caching is enabled. * * @return integer */ public function getTotalItemCount() { if (!$this->_cacheEnabled()) { return count($this->getAdapter()); } else { $cacheId = md5($this->_getCacheInternalId(). '_itemCount'); $itemCount = self::$_cache->load($cacheId); if ($itemCount === false) { $itemCount = count($this->getAdapter()); self::$_cache->save($itemCount, $cacheId, array($this->_getCacheInternalId())); } return $itemCount; } } /** * Clear the page item cache. * * @param int $pageNumber * @return Zend_Paginator */ public function clearPageItemCache($pageNumber = null) { if (!$this->_cacheEnabled()) { return $this; } if (null === $pageNumber) { foreach (self::$_cache->getIdsMatchingTags(array($this->_getCacheInternalId())) as $id) { if (preg_match('|'.self::CACHE_TAG_PREFIX."(\d+)_.*|", $id, $page)) { self::$_cache->remove($this->_getCacheId($page[1])); } } } else { $cleanId = $this->_getCacheId($pageNumber); self::$_cache->remove($cleanId); } return $this; } /** * Returns the absolute item number for the specified item. * * @param integer $relativeItemNumber Relative item number * @param integer $pageNumber Page number * @return integer */ public function getAbsoluteItemNumber($relativeItemNumber, $pageNumber = null) { $relativeItemNumber = $this->normalizeItemNumber($relativeItemNumber); if ($pageNumber == null) { $pageNumber = $this->getCurrentPageNumber(); } $pageNumber = $this->normalizePageNumber($pageNumber); return (($pageNumber - 1) * $this->getItemCountPerPage()) + $relativeItemNumber; } /** * Returns the adapter. * * @return Zend_Paginator_Adapter_Interface */ public function getAdapter() { return $this->_adapter; } /** * Returns the number of items for the current page. * * @return integer */ public function getCurrentItemCount() { if ($this->_currentItemCount === null) { $this->_currentItemCount = $this->getItemCount($this->getCurrentItems()); } return $this->_currentItemCount; } /** * Returns the items for the current page. * * @return Traversable */ public function getCurrentItems() { if ($this->_currentItems === null) { $this->_currentItems = $this->getItemsByPage($this->getCurrentPageNumber()); } return $this->_currentItems; } /** * Returns the current page number. * * @return integer */ public function getCurrentPageNumber() { return $this->normalizePageNumber($this->_currentPageNumber); } /** * Sets the current page number. * * @param integer $pageNumber Page number * @return Zend_Paginator $this */ public function setCurrentPageNumber($pageNumber) { $this->_currentPageNumber = (integer) $pageNumber; $this->_currentItems = null; $this->_currentItemCount = null; return $this; } /** * Get the filter * * @return Zend_Filter_Interface */ public function getFilter() { return $this->_filter; } /** * Set a filter chain * * @param Zend_Filter_Interface $filter * @return Zend_Paginator */ public function setFilter(Zend_Filter_Interface $filter) { $this->_filter = $filter; return $this; } /** * Returns an item from a page. The current page is used if there's no * page sepcified. * * @param integer $itemNumber Item number (1 to itemCountPerPage) * @param integer $pageNumber * @return mixed */ public function getItem($itemNumber, $pageNumber = null) { if ($pageNumber == null) { $pageNumber = $this->getCurrentPageNumber(); } else if ($pageNumber < 0) { $pageNumber = ($this->count() + 1) + $pageNumber; } $page = $this->getItemsByPage($pageNumber); $itemCount = $this->getItemCount($page); if ($itemCount == 0) { /** * @see Zend_Paginator_Exception */ throw new Zend_Paginator_Exception('Page ' . $pageNumber . ' does not exist'); } if ($itemNumber < 0) { $itemNumber = ($itemCount + 1) + $itemNumber; } $itemNumber = $this->normalizeItemNumber($itemNumber); if ($itemNumber > $itemCount) { /** * @see Zend_Paginator_Exception */ throw new Zend_Paginator_Exception('Page ' . $pageNumber . ' does not' . ' contain item number ' . $itemNumber); } return $page[$itemNumber - 1]; } /** * Returns the number of items per page. * * @return integer */ public function getItemCountPerPage() { if (empty($this->_itemCountPerPage)) { $this->_itemCountPerPage = self::getDefaultItemCountPerPage(); } return $this->_itemCountPerPage; } /** * Sets the number of items per page. * * @param integer $itemCountPerPage * @return Zend_Paginator $this */ public function setItemCountPerPage($itemCountPerPage = -1) { $this->_itemCountPerPage = (integer) $itemCountPerPage; if ($this->_itemCountPerPage < 1) { $this->_itemCountPerPage = $this->getTotalItemCount(); } $this->_pageCount = $this->_calculatePageCount(); $this->_currentItems = null; $this->_currentItemCount = null; return $this; } /** * Returns the number of items in a collection. * * @param mixed $items Items * @return integer */ public function getItemCount($items) { $itemCount = 0; if (is_array($items) || $items instanceof Countable) { $itemCount = count($items); } else { // $items is something like LimitIterator $itemCount = iterator_count($items); } return $itemCount; } /** * Returns the items for a given page. * * @return Traversable */ public function getItemsByPage($pageNumber) { $pageNumber = $this->normalizePageNumber($pageNumber); if ($this->_cacheEnabled()) { $data = self::$_cache->load($this->_getCacheId($pageNumber)); if ($data !== false) { return $data; } } $offset = ($pageNumber - 1) * $this->getItemCountPerPage(); $items = $this->_adapter->getItems($offset, $this->getItemCountPerPage()); $filter = $this->getFilter(); if ($filter !== null) { $items = $filter->filter($items); } if (!$items instanceof Traversable) { $items = new ArrayIterator($items); } if ($this->_cacheEnabled()) { self::$_cache->save($items, $this->_getCacheId($pageNumber), array($this->_getCacheInternalId())); } return $items; } /** * Returns a foreach-compatible iterator. * * @return Traversable */ public function getIterator(): Traversable { return $this->getCurrentItems(); } /** * Returns the page range (see property declaration above). * * @return integer */ public function getPageRange() { if (null === $this->_pageRange) { $this->_pageRange = self::getDefaultPageRange(); } return $this->_pageRange; } /** * Sets the page range (see property declaration above). * * @param integer $pageRange * @return Zend_Paginator $this */ public function setPageRange($pageRange) { $this->_pageRange = (integer) $pageRange; return $this; } /** * Returns the page collection. * * @param string $scrollingStyle Scrolling style * @return array */ public function getPages($scrollingStyle = null) { if ($this->_pages === null) { $this->_pages = $this->_createPages($scrollingStyle); } return $this->_pages; } /** * Returns a subset of pages within a given range. * * @param integer $lowerBound Lower bound of the range * @param integer $upperBound Upper bound of the range * @return array */ public function getPagesInRange($lowerBound, $upperBound) { $lowerBound = $this->normalizePageNumber($lowerBound); $upperBound = $this->normalizePageNumber($upperBound); $pages = array(); for ($pageNumber = $lowerBound; $pageNumber <= $upperBound; $pageNumber++) { $pages[$pageNumber] = $pageNumber; } return $pages; } /** * Returns the page item cache. * * @return array */ public function getPageItemCache() { $data = array(); if ($this->_cacheEnabled()) { foreach (self::$_cache->getIdsMatchingTags(array($this->_getCacheInternalId())) as $id) { if (preg_match('|'.self::CACHE_TAG_PREFIX."(\d+)_.*|", $id, $page)) { $data[$page[1]] = self::$_cache->load($this->_getCacheId($page[1])); } } } return $data; } /** * Retrieves the view instance. If none registered, attempts to pull f * rom ViewRenderer. * * @return Zend_View_Interface|null */ public function getView() { if ($this->_view === null) { /** * @see Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker */ $viewRenderer = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('viewRenderer'); if ($viewRenderer->view === null) { $viewRenderer->initView(); } $this->_view = $viewRenderer->view; } return $this->_view; } /** * Sets the view object. * * @param Zend_View_Interface $view * @return Zend_Paginator */ public function setView(Zend_View_Interface $view = null) { $this->_view = $view; return $this; } /** * Brings the item number in range of the page. * * @param integer $itemNumber * @return integer */ public function normalizeItemNumber($itemNumber) { $itemNumber = (integer) $itemNumber; if ($itemNumber < 1) { $itemNumber = 1; } if ($itemNumber > $this->getItemCountPerPage()) { $itemNumber = $this->getItemCountPerPage(); } return $itemNumber; } /** * Brings the page number in range of the paginator. * * @param integer $pageNumber * @return integer */ public function normalizePageNumber($pageNumber) { $pageNumber = (integer) $pageNumber; if ($pageNumber < 1) { $pageNumber = 1; } $pageCount = $this->count(); if ($pageCount > 0 && $pageNumber > $pageCount) { $pageNumber = $pageCount; } return $pageNumber; } /** * Renders the paginator. * * @param Zend_View_Interface $view * @return string */ public function render(Zend_View_Interface $view = null) { if (null !== $view) { $this->setView($view); } $view = $this->getView(); return $view->paginationControl($this); } /** * Returns the items of the current page as JSON. * * @return string */ public function toJson() { $currentItems = $this->getCurrentItems(); if ($currentItems instanceof Zend_Db_Table_Rowset_Abstract) { return Zend_Json::encode($currentItems->toArray()); } else { return Zend_Json::encode($currentItems); } } /** * Tells if there is an active cache object * and if the cache has not been desabled * * @return bool */ protected function _cacheEnabled() { return ((self::$_cache !== null) && $this->_cacheEnabled); } /** * Makes an Id for the cache * Depends on the adapter object and the page number * * Used to store item in cache from that Paginator instance * and that current page * * @param int $page * @return string */ protected function _getCacheId($page = null) { if ($page === null) { $page = $this->getCurrentPageNumber(); } return self::CACHE_TAG_PREFIX . $page . '_' . $this->_getCacheInternalId(); } /** * Get the internal cache id * Depends on the adapter and the item count per page * * Used to tag that unique Paginator instance in cache * * @return string */ protected function _getCacheInternalId() { $adapter = $this->getAdapter(); if (method_exists($adapter, 'getCacheIdentifier')) { return md5(serialize(array( $adapter->getCacheIdentifier(), $this->getItemCountPerPage() ))); } else { return md5(serialize(array( $adapter, $this->getItemCountPerPage() ))); } } /** * Calculates the page count. * * @return integer */ protected function _calculatePageCount() { return (integer) ceil($this->getTotalItemCount() / $this->getItemCountPerPage()); } /** * Creates the page collection. * * @param string $scrollingStyle Scrolling style * @return stdClass */ protected function _createPages($scrollingStyle = null) { $pageCount = $this->count(); $currentPageNumber = $this->getCurrentPageNumber(); $pages = new stdClass(); $pages->pageCount = $pageCount; $pages->itemCountPerPage = $this->getItemCountPerPage(); $pages->first = 1; $pages->current = $currentPageNumber; $pages->last = $pageCount; // Previous and next if ($currentPageNumber - 1 > 0) { $pages->previous = $currentPageNumber - 1; } if ($currentPageNumber + 1 <= $pageCount) { $pages->next = $currentPageNumber + 1; } // Pages in range $scrollingStyle = $this->_loadScrollingStyle($scrollingStyle); $pages->pagesInRange = $scrollingStyle->getPages($this); $pages->firstPageInRange = min($pages->pagesInRange); $pages->lastPageInRange = max($pages->pagesInRange); // Item numbers if ($this->getCurrentItems() !== null) { $pages->currentItemCount = $this->getCurrentItemCount(); $pages->itemCountPerPage = $this->getItemCountPerPage(); $pages->totalItemCount = $this->getTotalItemCount(); $pages->firstItemNumber = (($currentPageNumber - 1) * $this->getItemCountPerPage()) + 1; $pages->lastItemNumber = $pages->firstItemNumber + $pages->currentItemCount - 1; } return $pages; } /** * Loads a scrolling style. * * @param string $scrollingStyle * @return Zend_Paginator_ScrollingStyle_Interface */ protected function _loadScrollingStyle($scrollingStyle = null) { if ($scrollingStyle === null) { $scrollingStyle = self::$_defaultScrollingStyle; } switch (strtolower(gettype($scrollingStyle))) { case 'object': if (!$scrollingStyle instanceof Zend_Paginator_ScrollingStyle_Interface) { /** * @see Zend_View_Exception */ throw new Zend_View_Exception('Scrolling style must implement ' . 'Zend_Paginator_ScrollingStyle_Interface'); } return $scrollingStyle; case 'string': $className = self::getScrollingStyleLoader()->load($scrollingStyle); return new $className(); case 'null': // Fall through to default case default: /** * @see Zend_View_Exception */ throw new Zend_View_Exception('Scrolling style must be a class ' . 'name or object implementing Zend_Paginator_ScrollingStyle_Interface'); } } }