_namespace = $namespace; // Process metadata specific only to this namespace. Zend_Session::start(true); // attempt auto-start (throws exception if strict option set) if (self::$_readable === false) { /** * @see Zend_Session_Exception */ throw new Zend_Session_Exception(self::_THROW_NOT_READABLE_MSG); } if (!isset($_SESSION['__ZF'])) { return; // no further processing needed } // do not allow write access to namespaces, after stop() or writeClose() if (parent::$_writable === true) { if (isset($_SESSION['__ZF'][$namespace])) { // Expire Namespace by Namespace Hop (ENNH) if (isset($_SESSION['__ZF'][$namespace]['ENNH'])) { $_SESSION['__ZF'][$namespace]['ENNH']--; if ($_SESSION['__ZF'][$namespace]['ENNH'] === 0) { if (isset($_SESSION[$namespace])) { self::$_expiringData[$namespace] = $_SESSION[$namespace]; unset($_SESSION[$namespace]); } unset($_SESSION['__ZF'][$namespace]); } } // Expire Namespace Variables by Namespace Hop (ENVNH) if (isset($_SESSION['__ZF'][$namespace]['ENVNH'])) { foreach ($_SESSION['__ZF'][$namespace]['ENVNH'] as $variable => $hops) { $_SESSION['__ZF'][$namespace]['ENVNH'][$variable]--; if ($_SESSION['__ZF'][$namespace]['ENVNH'][$variable] === 0) { if (isset($_SESSION[$namespace][$variable])) { self::$_expiringData[$namespace][$variable] = $_SESSION[$namespace][$variable]; unset($_SESSION[$namespace][$variable]); } unset($_SESSION['__ZF'][$namespace]['ENVNH'][$variable]); } } if(empty($_SESSION['__ZF'][$namespace]['ENVNH'])) { unset($_SESSION['__ZF'][$namespace]['ENVNH']); } } } if (empty($_SESSION['__ZF'][$namespace])) { unset($_SESSION['__ZF'][$namespace]); } if (empty($_SESSION['__ZF'])) { unset($_SESSION['__ZF']); } } } /** * getIterator() - return an iteratable object for use in foreach and the like, * this completes the IteratorAggregate interface * * @return ArrayObject - iteratable container of the namespace contents */ public function getIterator() { return new ArrayObject(parent::_namespaceGetAll($this->_namespace)); } /** * lock() - mark a session/namespace as readonly * * @return void */ public function lock() { self::$_namespaceLocks[$this->_namespace] = true; } /** * unlock() - unmark a session/namespace to enable read & write * * @return void */ public function unlock() { unset(self::$_namespaceLocks[$this->_namespace]); } /** * unlockAll() - unmark all session/namespaces to enable read & write * * @return void */ public static function unlockAll() { self::$_namespaceLocks = array(); } /** * isLocked() - return lock status, true if, and only if, read-only * * @return bool */ public function isLocked() { return isset(self::$_namespaceLocks[$this->_namespace]); } /** * unsetAll() - unset all variables in this namespace * * @return true */ public function unsetAll() { return parent::_namespaceUnset($this->_namespace); } /** * __get() - method to get a variable in this object's current namespace * * @param string $name - programmatic name of a key, in a pair in the current namespace * @return mixed */ public function & __get($name) { if ($name === '') { /** * @see Zend_Session_Exception */ throw new Zend_Session_Exception("The '$name' key must be a non-empty string"); } return parent::_namespaceGet($this->_namespace, $name); } /** * __set() - method to set a variable/value in this object's namespace * * @param string $name - programmatic name of a key, in a pair in the current namespace * @param mixed $value - value in the pair to assign to the $name key * @throws Zend_Session_Exception * @return true */ public function __set($name, $value) { if (isset(self::$_namespaceLocks[$this->_namespace])) { /** * @see Zend_Session_Exception */ throw new Zend_Session_Exception('This session/namespace has been marked as read-only.'); } if ($name === '') { /** * @see Zend_Session_Exception */ throw new Zend_Session_Exception("The '$name' key must be a non-empty string"); } if (parent::$_writable === false) { /** * @see Zend_Session_Exception */ throw new Zend_Session_Exception(parent::_THROW_NOT_WRITABLE_MSG); } $name = (string) $name; $_SESSION[$this->_namespace][$name] = $value; } /** * apply() - enables applying user-selected function, such as array_merge() to the namespace * Parameters following the $callback argument are passed to the callback function. * Caveat: ignores members expiring now. * * Example: * $namespace->apply('array_merge', array('tree' => 'apple', 'fruit' => 'peach'), array('flower' => 'rose')); * $namespace->apply('count'); * * @param string|array $callback - callback function */ public function apply($callback) { $arg_list = func_get_args(); $arg_list[0] = $_SESSION[$this->_namespace]; return call_user_func_array($callback, $arg_list); } /** * applySet() - enables applying user-selected function, and sets entire namespace to the result * Result of $callback must be an array. * Parameters following the $callback argument are passed to the callback function. * Caveat: ignores members expiring now. * * Example: * $namespace->applySet('array_merge', array('tree' => 'apple', 'fruit' => 'peach'), array('flower' => 'rose')); * * @param string|array $callback - callback function */ public function applySet($callback) { $arg_list = func_get_args(); $arg_list[0] = $_SESSION[$this->_namespace]; $result = call_user_func_array($callback, $arg_list); if (!is_array($result)) { /** * @see Zend_Session_Exception */ throw new Zend_Session_Exception('Result must be an array. Got: ' . gettype($result)); } $_SESSION[$this->_namespace] = $result; return $result; } /** * __isset() - determine if a variable in this object's namespace is set * * @param string $name - programmatic name of a key, in a pair in the current namespace * @return bool */ public function __isset($name) { if ($name === '') { /** * @see Zend_Session_Exception */ throw new Zend_Session_Exception("The '$name' key must be a non-empty string"); } return parent::_namespaceIsset($this->_namespace, $name); } /** * __unset() - unset a variable in this object's namespace. * * @param string $name - programmatic name of a key, in a pair in the current namespace * @return true */ public function __unset($name) { if ($name === '') { /** * @see Zend_Session_Exception */ throw new Zend_Session_Exception("The '$name' key must be a non-empty string"); } return parent::_namespaceUnset($this->_namespace, $name); } /** * setExpirationSeconds() - expire the namespace, or specific variables after a specified * number of seconds * * @param int $seconds - expires in this many seconds * @param mixed $variables - OPTIONAL list of variables to expire (defaults to all) * @throws Zend_Session_Exception * @return void */ public function setExpirationSeconds($seconds, $variables = null) { if (parent::$_writable === false) { /** * @see Zend_Session_Exception */ throw new Zend_Session_Exception(parent::_THROW_NOT_WRITABLE_MSG); } if ($seconds <= 0) { /** * @see Zend_Session_Exception */ throw new Zend_Session_Exception('Seconds must be positive.'); } if ($variables === null) { // apply expiration to entire namespace $_SESSION['__ZF'][$this->_namespace]['ENT'] = time() + $seconds; } else { if (is_string($variables)) { $variables = array($variables); } foreach ($variables as $variable) { if (!empty($variable)) { $_SESSION['__ZF'][$this->_namespace]['ENVT'][$variable] = time() + $seconds; } } } } /** * setExpirationHops() - expire the namespace, or specific variables after a specified * number of page hops * * @param int $hops - how many "hops" (number of subsequent requests) before expiring * @param mixed $variables - OPTIONAL list of variables to expire (defaults to all) * @param boolean $hopCountOnUsageOnly - OPTIONAL if set, only count a hop/request if this namespace is used * @throws Zend_Session_Exception * @return void */ public function setExpirationHops($hops, $variables = null, $hopCountOnUsageOnly = false) { if (parent::$_writable === false) { /** * @see Zend_Session_Exception */ throw new Zend_Session_Exception(parent::_THROW_NOT_WRITABLE_MSG); } if ($hops <= 0) { /** * @see Zend_Session_Exception */ throw new Zend_Session_Exception('Hops must be positive number.'); } if ($variables === null) { // apply expiration to entire namespace if ($hopCountOnUsageOnly === false) { $_SESSION['__ZF'][$this->_namespace]['ENGH'] = $hops; } else { $_SESSION['__ZF'][$this->_namespace]['ENNH'] = $hops; } } else { if (is_string($variables)) { $variables = array($variables); } foreach ($variables as $variable) { if (!empty($variable)) { if ($hopCountOnUsageOnly === false) { $_SESSION['__ZF'][$this->_namespace]['ENVGH'][$variable] = $hops; } else { $_SESSION['__ZF'][$this->_namespace]['ENVNH'][$variable] = $hops; } } } } } /** * Returns the namespace name * * @return string */ public function getNamespace() { return $this->_namespace; } }