array('hgo.object_id', 'hg.hostgroup_id'), 'hoststatus' => array('hs.hoststatus_id'), 'servicestatus' => array('ss.servicestatus_id') ); protected $groupOrigin = array('members'); protected $subQueryTargets = array( 'hostgroups' => 'hostgroup', 'servicegroups' => 'servicegroup' ); protected $columnMap = array( 'contacts' => [ 'host_contact' => 'hco.name1' ], 'contactgroups' => [ 'host_contactgroup' => 'hcgo.name1' ], 'hostgroups' => array( 'hostgroup' => 'hgo.name1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci', 'hostgroup_alias' => 'hg.alias COLLATE latin1_general_ci', 'hostgroup_name' => 'hgo.name1' ), 'hoststatus' => array( 'host_handled' => 'CASE WHEN (hs.problem_has_been_acknowledged + hs.scheduled_downtime_depth) > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END', 'host_severity' => ' CASE WHEN hs.has_been_checked = 0 OR hs.has_been_checked IS NULL THEN 16 ELSE CASE WHEN hs.current_state = 0 THEN 1 ELSE CASE WHEN hs.current_state = 1 THEN 64 WHEN hs.current_state = 2 THEN 32 ELSE 256 END + CASE WHEN hs.problem_has_been_acknowledged = 1 THEN 2 WHEN hs.scheduled_downtime_depth > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 256 END END END', 'host_state' => 'CASE WHEN hs.has_been_checked = 0 OR hs.has_been_checked IS NULL THEN 99 ELSE hs.current_state END' ), 'instances' => array( 'instance_name' => 'i.instance_name' ), 'members' => array( 'host_name' => 'ho.name1' ), 'servicegroups' => array( 'servicegroup_name' => 'sgo.name1' ), 'services' => array( 'service_description' => 'so.name2' ), 'servicestatus' => array( 'service_handled' => 'CASE WHEN (ss.problem_has_been_acknowledged + ss.scheduled_downtime_depth + COALESCE(hs.current_state, 0)) > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END', 'service_severity' => ' CASE WHEN ss.current_state = 0 THEN CASE WHEN ss.has_been_checked = 0 OR ss.has_been_checked IS NULL THEN 16 ELSE 0 END + CASE WHEN ss.problem_has_been_acknowledged = 1 THEN 2 ELSE CASE WHEN ss.scheduled_downtime_depth > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 4 END END ELSE CASE WHEN ss.has_been_checked = 0 OR ss.has_been_checked IS NULL THEN 16 WHEN ss.current_state = 1 THEN 32 WHEN ss.current_state = 2 THEN 128 WHEN ss.current_state = 3 THEN 64 ELSE 256 END + CASE WHEN hs.current_state > 0 THEN 1024 ELSE CASE WHEN ss.problem_has_been_acknowledged = 1 THEN 512 ELSE CASE WHEN ss.scheduled_downtime_depth > 0 THEN 256 ELSE 2048 END END END END', 'service_state' => 'CASE WHEN ss.has_been_checked = 0 OR ss.has_been_checked IS NULL THEN 99 ELSE ss.current_state END' ) ); protected function joinBaseTables() { $this->select->from( array('hgo' => $this->prefix . 'objects'), array() )->join( array('hg' => $this->prefix . 'hostgroups'), 'hg.hostgroup_object_id = hgo.object_id AND hgo.is_active = 1 AND hgo.objecttype_id = 3', array() ); $this->joinedVirtualTables['hostgroups'] = true; } /** * Join contacts */ protected function joinContacts() { $this->requireVirtualTable('hosts'); $this->select->joinLeft( ['hc' => 'icinga_host_contacts'], 'hc.host_id = h.host_id', [] )->joinLeft( ['hco' => 'icinga_objects'], 'hco.object_id = hc.contact_object_id AND hco.is_active = 1 AND hco.objecttype_id = 10', [] ); } /** * Join contact groups */ protected function joinContactgroups() { $this->requireVirtualTable('hosts'); $this->select->joinLeft( ['hcg' => 'icinga_host_contactgroups'], 'hcg.host_id = h.host_id', [] )->joinLeft( ['hcgo' => 'icinga_objects'], 'hcgo.object_id = hcg.contactgroup_object_id AND hcgo.is_active = 1 AND hcgo.objecttype_id = 11', [] ); } /** * Join hosts */ protected function joinHosts() { $this->requireVirtualTable('members'); $this->select->join( array('h' => $this->prefix . 'hosts'), 'h.host_object_id = ho.object_id', array() ); } /** * Join host status */ protected function joinHoststatus() { $this->requireVirtualTable('members'); $this->select->join( array('hs' => $this->prefix . 'hoststatus'), 'hs.host_object_id = ho.object_id', array() ); } /** * Join instances */ protected function joinInstances() { $this->select->join( array('i' => $this->prefix . 'instances'), 'i.instance_id = hg.instance_id', array() ); } /** * Join members */ protected function joinMembers() { $this->select->join( array('hgm' => $this->prefix . 'hostgroup_members'), 'hgm.hostgroup_id = hg.hostgroup_id', array() )->join( array('ho' => $this->prefix . 'objects'), 'hgm.host_object_id = ho.object_id AND ho.is_active = 1 AND ho.objecttype_id = 1', array() ); } /** * Join service groups */ protected function joinServicegroups() { $this->requireVirtualTable('services'); $this->select->joinLeft( array('sgm' => $this->prefix . 'servicegroup_members'), 'sgm.service_object_id = s.service_object_id', array() )->joinLeft( array('sg' => $this->prefix . 'servicegroups'), 'sgm.servicegroup_id = sg.servicegroup_id', array() )->joinLeft( array('sgo' => $this->prefix . 'objects'), 'sgo.object_id = sg.servicegroup_object_id AND sgo.is_active = 1 AND sgo.objecttype_id = 4', array() ); } /** * Join services */ protected function joinServices() { $this->requireVirtualTable('hosts'); $this->select->joinLeft( array('s' => $this->prefix . 'services'), 's.host_object_id = h.host_object_id', array() )->joinLeft( array('so' => $this->prefix . 'objects'), 'so.object_id = s.service_object_id AND so.is_active = 1 AND so.objecttype_id = 2', array() ); } /** * Join service status */ protected function joinServicestatus() { $this->requireVirtualTable('services'); $this->requireVirtualTable('hoststatus'); $this->select->join( array('ss' => $this->prefix . 'servicestatus'), 'ss.service_object_id = so.object_id', array() ); } protected function joinSubQuery(IdoQuery $query, $name, $filter, $and, $negate, &$additionalFilter) { if ($name === 'hostgroup') { // Propagate that the "parent" query has to be filtered as well $additionalFilter = clone $filter; $this->requireVirtualTable('members'); $query->joinVirtualTable('members'); return ['hgm.host_object_id', 'ho.object_id']; } elseif ($name === 'servicegroup') { $this->requireVirtualTable('members'); $query->joinVirtualTable('services'); return ['s.host_object_id', 'ho.object_id']; } return parent::joinSubQuery($query, $name, $filter, $and, $negate, $additionalFilter); } }