'hostgroup', 'servicegroups' => 'servicegroup' ); /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected $columnMap = array( 'contactnotifications' => array( 'notification_contact_name' => 'co.name1' ), 'hostgroups' => array( 'hostgroup' => 'hgo.name1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci', 'hostgroup_alias' => 'hg.alias COLLATE latin1_general_ci', 'hostgroup_name' => 'hgo.name1' ), 'hosts' => array( 'host_display_name' => 'h.display_name COLLATE latin1_general_ci', 'host_alias' => 'h.alias COLLATE latin1_general_ci', ), 'history' => array( 'output' => null, 'state' => 'hn.state', 'timestamp' => 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(hn.start_time)', 'type' => ' CASE hn.notification_reason WHEN 1 THEN \'notification_ack\' WHEN 2 THEN \'notification_flapping\' WHEN 3 THEN \'notification_flapping_end\' WHEN 5 THEN \'notification_dt_start\' WHEN 6 THEN \'notification_dt_end\' WHEN 7 THEN \'notification_dt_end\' WHEN 8 THEN \'notification_custom\' ELSE \'notification_state\' END', ), 'instances' => array( 'instance_name' => 'i.instance_name' ), 'notifications' => array( 'id' => 'hn.notification_id', 'host' => 'ho.name1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci', 'host_name' => 'ho.name1', 'notification_output' => 'hn.output', 'notification_reason' => 'hn.notification_reason', 'notification_state' => 'hn.state', 'notification_timestamp' => 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(hn.start_time)', 'object_type' => '(\'host\')' ), 'servicegroups' => array( 'servicegroup_name' => 'sgo.name1', 'servicegroup' => 'sgo.name1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci', 'servicegroup_alias' => 'sg.alias COLLATE latin1_general_ci' ), 'services' => array( 'service' => 'so.name2 COLLATE latin1_general_ci', 'service_description' => 'so.name2', 'service_display_name' => 's.display_name COLLATE latin1_general_ci', 'service_host_name' => 'so.name1' ) ); protected function requireFilterColumns(Filter $filter) { if ($filter instanceof FilterExpression) { switch ($filter->getColumn()) { case 'output': $this->requireColumn('output'); $filter->setColumn('hn.output'); return null; case 'timestamp': case 'notification_timestamp': $this->requireColumn($filter->getColumn()); $filter->setColumn('hn.start_time'); $filter->setExpression($this->timestampForSql($this->valueToTimestamp($filter->getExpression()))); return null; } } return parent::requireFilterColumns($filter); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function joinBaseTables() { switch ($this->ds->getDbType()) { case 'mysql': $concattedContacts = "GROUP_CONCAT(" . "DISTINCT co.name1 ORDER BY co.name1 SEPARATOR ', '" . ") COLLATE latin1_general_ci"; break; case 'pgsql': // TODO: Find a way to order the contact alias list: $concattedContacts = "ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT co.name1), ', ')"; break; } $this->columnMap['history']['output'] = "('[' || $concattedContacts || '] ' || hn.output)"; $this->select->from( array('hn' => $this->prefix . 'notifications'), array() )->join( array('ho' => $this->prefix . 'objects'), 'ho.object_id = hn.object_id AND ho.is_active = 1 AND ho.objecttype_id = 1', array() ); $this->joinedVirtualTables['notifications'] = true; } /** * Join virtual table history */ protected function joinHistory() { $this->requireVirtualTable('contactnotifications'); } /** * Join contact notifications */ protected function joinContactnotifications() { $this->select->joinLeft( array('cn' => $this->prefix . 'contactnotifications'), 'cn.notification_id = hn.notification_id', array() ); $this->select->joinLeft( array('co' => $this->prefix . 'objects'), 'co.object_id = cn.contact_object_id AND co.is_active = 1 AND co.objecttype_id = 10', array() ); } /** * Join host groups */ protected function joinHostgroups() { $this->select->joinLeft( array('hgm' => $this->prefix . 'hostgroup_members'), 'hgm.host_object_id = ho.object_id', array() )->joinLeft( array('hg' => $this->prefix . 'hostgroups'), 'hg.hostgroup_id = hgm.hostgroup_id', array() )->joinLeft( array('hgo' => $this->prefix . 'objects'), 'hgo.object_id = hg.hostgroup_object_id AND hgo.is_active = 1 AND hgo.objecttype_id = 3', array() ); } /** * Join hosts */ protected function joinHosts() { $this->select->join( array('h' => $this->prefix . 'hosts'), 'h.host_object_id = ho.object_id', array() ); } /** * Join service groups */ protected function joinServicegroups() { $this->requireVirtualTable('services'); $this->select->joinLeft( array('sgm' => $this->prefix . 'servicegroup_members'), 'sgm.service_object_id = s.service_object_id', array() )->joinLeft( array('sg' => $this->prefix . 'servicegroups'), 'sg.' . $this->servicegroup_id . ' = sgm.servicegroup_id', array() )->joinLeft( array('sgo' => $this->prefix . 'objects'), 'sgo.object_id = sg.servicegroup_object_id AND sgo.is_active = 1 AND sgo.objecttype_id = 4', array() ); } /** * Join services */ protected function joinServices() { $this->select->joinLeft( array('s' => $this->prefix . 'services'), 's.host_object_id = ho.object_id', array() )->joinLeft( array('so' => $this->prefix . 'objects'), 'so.object_id = s.service_object_id AND so.is_active = 1 AND so.objecttype_id = 2', array() ); } /** * Join instances */ protected function joinInstances() { $this->select->join( array('i' => $this->prefix . 'instances'), 'i.instance_id = hn.instance_id', array() ); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getGroup() { $group = array(); if ($this->hasJoinedVirtualTable('history') || $this->hasJoinedVirtualTable('services') || $this->hasJoinedVirtualTable('hostgroups') ) { $group = array('hn.notification_id', 'ho.object_id'); if ($this->hasJoinedVirtualTable('contactnotifications') && !$this->hasJoinedVirtualTable('history')) { $group[] = 'co.object_id'; } } elseif ($this->hasJoinedVirtualTable('contactnotifications')) { $group = array('hn.notification_id', 'co.object_id', 'ho.object_id'); } if (! empty($group)) { if ($this->hasJoinedVirtualTable('hosts')) { $group[] = 'h.host_id'; } if ($this->hasJoinedVirtualTable('instances')) { $group[] = 'i.instance_id'; } } return $group; } protected function joinSubQuery(IdoQuery $query, $name, $filter, $and, $negate, &$additionalFilter) { if ($name === 'hostgroup') { $query->joinVirtualTable('members'); return ['hgm.host_object_id', 'ho.object_id']; } elseif ($name === 'servicegroup') { $query->joinVirtualTable('services'); return ['s.host_object_id', 'ho.object_id']; } return parent::joinSubQuery($query, $name, $filter, $and, $negate, $additionalFilter); } }