#!/bin/sh . lib/generic.sh ts_log "[Testing Add BareUDP interface (unicast MPLS)]" NEW_DEV="$(rand_dev)" ts_ip "$0" "Add $NEW_DEV BareUDP interface (unicast MPLS)" link add dev $NEW_DEV type bareudp dstport 6635 ethertype mpls_uc ts_ip "$0" "Show $NEW_DEV BareUDP interface (unicast MPLS)" -d link show dev $NEW_DEV test_on "$NEW_DEV" test_on "dstport 6635" test_on "ethertype mpls_uc" test_on "nomultiproto" ts_ip "$0" "Del $NEW_DEV BareUDP interface (unicast MPLS)" link del dev $NEW_DEV ts_log "[Testing Add BareUDP interface (multicast MPLS)]" NEW_DEV="$(rand_dev)" ts_ip "$0" "Add $NEW_DEV BareUDP interface (multicast MPLS)" link add dev $NEW_DEV type bareudp dstport 6635 ethertype mpls_mc ts_ip "$0" "Show $NEW_DEV BareUDP interface (multicast MPLS)" -d link show dev $NEW_DEV test_on "$NEW_DEV" test_on "dstport 6635" test_on "ethertype mpls_mc" test_on "nomultiproto" ts_ip "$0" "Del $NEW_DEV BareUDP interface (multicast MPLS)" link del dev $NEW_DEV ts_log "[Testing Add BareUDP interface (unicast and multicast MPLS)]" NEW_DEV="$(rand_dev)" ts_ip "$0" "Add $NEW_DEV BareUDP interface (unicast and multicast MPLS)" link add dev $NEW_DEV type bareudp dstport 6635 ethertype mpls_uc multiproto ts_ip "$0" "Show $NEW_DEV BareUDP interface (unicast and multicast MPLS)" -d link show dev $NEW_DEV test_on "$NEW_DEV" test_on "dstport 6635" test_on "ethertype mpls_uc" test_on "multiproto" ts_ip "$0" "Del $NEW_DEV BareUDP interface (unicast and multicast MPLS)" link del dev $NEW_DEV ts_log "[Testing Add BareUDP interface (IPv4)]" NEW_DEV="$(rand_dev)" ts_ip "$0" "Add $NEW_DEV BareUDP interface (IPv4)" link add dev $NEW_DEV type bareudp dstport 6635 ethertype ipv4 ts_ip "$0" "Show $NEW_DEV BareUDP interface (IPv4)" -d link show dev $NEW_DEV test_on "$NEW_DEV" test_on "dstport 6635" test_on "ethertype ip" test_on "nomultiproto" ts_ip "$0" "Del $NEW_DEV BareUDP interface (IPv4)" link del dev $NEW_DEV ts_log "[Testing Add BareUDP interface (IPv6)]" NEW_DEV="$(rand_dev)" ts_ip "$0" "Add $NEW_DEV BareUDP interface (IPv6)" link add dev $NEW_DEV type bareudp dstport 6635 ethertype ipv6 ts_ip "$0" "Show $NEW_DEV BareUDP interface (IPv6)" -d link show dev $NEW_DEV test_on "$NEW_DEV" test_on "dstport 6635" test_on "ethertype ipv6" test_on "nomultiproto" ts_ip "$0" "Del $NEW_DEV BareUDP interface (IPv6)" link del dev $NEW_DEV ts_log "[Testing Add BareUDP interface (IPv4 and IPv6)]" NEW_DEV="$(rand_dev)" ts_ip "$0" "Add $NEW_DEV BareUDP interface (IPv4 and IPv6)" link add dev $NEW_DEV type bareudp dstport 6635 ethertype ipv4 multiproto ts_ip "$0" "Show $NEW_DEV BareUDP interface (IPv4 and IPv6)" -d link show dev $NEW_DEV test_on "$NEW_DEV" test_on "dstport 6635" test_on "ethertype ip" test_on "multiproto" ts_ip "$0" "Del $NEW_DEV BareUDP interface (IPv4 and IPv6)" link del dev $NEW_DEV