path: root/doc/sphinx/arm/hooks-radius.rst
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diff --git a/doc/sphinx/arm/hooks-radius.rst b/doc/sphinx/arm/hooks-radius.rst
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+.. _hooks-radius:
+``radius``: RADIUS Server Support
+This hook library allows Kea to interact with two types of RADIUS
+servers: access and accounting. Although the most common DHCP and RADIUS
+integration is done on the DHCP relay-agent level (DHCP clients send
+DHCP packets to DHCP relays; those relays contact the RADIUS server and
+depending on the response either send the packet to the DHCP server or
+drop it), it does require DHCP relay hardware to support RADIUS
+communication. Also, even if the relay has the necessary support, it is
+often not flexible enough to send and receive additional RADIUS
+attributes. As such, the alternative looks more appealing: to extend the
+DHCP server to talk to RADIUS directly. That is the goal of this library.
+.. note::
+ This library can only be loaded by the ``kea-dhcp4`` or the
+ ``kea-dhcp6`` process.
+The major feature of this hook library is the ability to use RADIUS
+authorization. When a DHCP packet is received, the Kea server sends an
+Access-Request to the RADIUS server and waits for a response. The server
+then sends back either an Access-Accept with specific client attributes,
+or an Access-Reject. There are two cases supported here: first, the
+Access-Accept includes a Framed-IP-Address attribute (for DHCPv4) or a
+Framed-IPv6-Address attribute (for DHCPv6), which are interpreted by Kea as
+instructions to assign the specified IPv4 or IPv6 address. This
+effectively means RADIUS can act as an address-reservation database.
+The second supported case is the ability to assign clients to specific
+pools based on a RADIUS response. In this case, the RADIUS server sends
+back an Access-Accept with a Framed-Pool attribute.
+For both DHCPv4 and DHCPv6, Kea interprets this attribute as a client class.
+With the addition of the ability to limit access to pools to
+specific classes (see :ref:`classification-pools`), RADIUS can be
+used to force the client to be assigned a dynamic address from a
+specific pool. Furthermore, the same mechanism can be used to control
+what kind of options the client gets if there are DHCP options
+specified for a particular class.
+.. _hooks-radius-install:
+Compilation and Installation of the RADIUS Hook
+The following section describes how to compile and install the software
+on CentOS 7.0. Other systems may differ slightly.
+.. note::
+ ISC provides Kea software and hooks in convenient-to-use
+ native Alpine, deb, and RPM packages. This includes the RADIUS hook and the required patched version
+ of the FreeRADIUS client library. The software compilation for RADIUS is complicated; unless
+ there are specific reasons to compile it, administrators should seriously consider using
+ native packages.
+STEP 1: Install dependencies
+Several tools are needed to build the dependencies and Kea itself. The
+following commands should install them:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ sudo rpm -Uvh
+ $ sudo yum install gcc-g++ openssl-devel log4cplus-devel wget git
+STEP 2: Install FreeRADIUS
+The Kea RADIUS hook library uses the FreeRADIUS client library to
+conduct RADIUS communication. Unfortunately, the standard 1.1.7 release
+available from the project website
+has several serious deficiencies; ISC engineers observed a segmentation
+fault during testing. Also, the base version of the library does not
+offer asynchronous transmissions, which are essential for effective
+accounting implementation. Both of these issues were addressed by ISC
+engineers, and the changes have been reported to the FreeRADIUS client
+project. Acceptance of those changes is outside of ISC's control, so
+until those are processed, it is strongly recommended to use the
+FreeRADIUS client with ISC's patches. To download and compile this
+version, please use the following steps:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ git clone
+ $ cd freeradius-client/
+ $ git checkout iscdev
+ $ ./configure
+ $ make
+ $ sudo make install
+Additional parameters may be passed to the configure script, if needed.
+The FreeRADIUS client will be installed in
+/usr/local, which is the default path where Kea will look for it.
+It can be installed in a different directory; if so,
+make sure to add that path to the configure script when compiling Kea.
+STEP 3: Install a recent Boost version
+Kea requires a reasonably recent Boost version. Unfortunately, the
+version available in CentOS 7 is too old, so a newer Boost version is
+necessary. Furthermore, CentOS 7 has an old version of the g++ compiler
+that does not handle the latest Boost versions. Fortunately, Boost 1.65
+meets both requirements; it is both recent enough for Kea and can be
+compiled using the g++ 4.8 version in CentOS.
+To download and compile Boost 1.65, please use the following commands:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ wget -nd
+ $ tar -zxvf boost_1_65_1.tar.gz
+ $ cd boost_1_65_1/
+ $ ./
+ $ ./b2 --without-python
+ $ sudo ./b2 install
+Note that the ``b2`` script may optionally take extra parameters; one of
+them specifies the destination path where the sources are to be
+Alternatively, some systems provide newer Boost packages. For example,
+CentOS 7 provides ``boost169-devel``. If it is installed with
+``yum install boost169-devel``, Kea must be pointed to it with:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ ./configure --with-boost-include=/usr/include/boost169 --with-boost-lib-dir=/usr/lib64/boost169
+STEP 4: Compile and install Kea
+Obtain the Kea sources either by downloading them from the git
+repository or extracting the tarball. Use one of these commands
+to obtain the Kea sources.
+Choice 1: Retrieve from GitHub
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ git clone
+Choice 2: Retrieve a tarball and extract it
+.. parsed-literal::
+ $ tar -zxvf kea-|release|.tar.gz
+The next step is to extract the premium Kea package that contains the
+RADIUS repository into the Kea sources. After the tarball is extracted,
+the Kea sources should have a premium/ subdirectory.
+.. parsed-literal::
+ $ cd kea
+ $ tar -zxvf ../kea-premium-radius-|release|.tar.gz
+Once this is done, verify that the Kea sources look similar to this:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ ls -l
+ total 952
+ -rw-r--r-- 1 thomson staff 6192 Apr 25 17:38 AUTHORS
+ -rw-r--r-- 1 thomson staff 29227 Apr 25 17:38 COPYING
+ -rw-r--r-- 1 thomson staff 360298 Apr 25 20:00 ChangeLog
+ -rw-r--r-- 1 thomson staff 645 Apr 25 17:38 INSTALL
+ -rw-r--r-- 1 thomson staff 5015 Apr 25 17:38
+ -rw-r--r-- 1 thomson staff 587 Apr 25 17:38 README
+ -rw-r--r-- 1 thomson staff 62323 Apr 25 17:38
+ drwxr-xr-x 12 thomson staff 408 Apr 26 19:04 doc
+ drwxr-xr-x 7 thomson staff 238 Apr 25 17:38 examples
+ drwxr-xr-x 5 thomson staff 170 Apr 26 19:04 ext
+ drwxr-xr-x 8 thomson staff 272 Apr 26 19:04 m4macros
+ drwxr-xr-x 20 thomson staff 680 Apr 26 11:22 premium
+ drwxr-xr-x 10 thomson staff 340 Apr 26 19:04 src
+ drwxr-xr-x 14 thomson staff 476 Apr 26 19:04 tools
+The makefiles must be regenerated using ``autoreconf``.
+The next step is to configure Kea, and there are several essential steps
+necessary here. Running ``autoreconf -if`` is necessary to compile the
+premium package that contains RADIUS. Also, the ``--with-freeradius`` option
+is necessary to tell Kea where the FreeRADIUS client sources can be
+found. Also, since the non-standard Boost is used, the path to it must
+be specified.
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ autoreconf -i
+ $ ./configure --with-freeradius=/path/to/freeradius --with-boost-include=/path/to/boost --with-boost-lib-dir=/path/to/boost/state/lib
+For example, assuming the FreeRADIUS client was installed in the default
+directory (/usr/local) and the Boost 1.65 sources were compiled in
+/home/thomson/devel/boost1_65_1, the configure path should look as
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ ./configure --with-freeradius=/usr/local \
+ --with-boost-include=/home/thomson/devel/boost_1_65_1 \
+ --with-boost-lib-dir=/home/thomson/devel/boost_1_65_1/stage/lib
+After some checks, the configure script should print a report similar to
+the following:
+.. parsed-literal::
+ Kea source configure results:
+ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
+ Package:
+ Name: kea
+ Version: |release|
+ Extended version: |release| (tarball)
+ OS Family: Linux
+ Hooks directory: /usr/local/lib/kea/hooks
+ Premium hooks: yes
+ Included Hooks: forensic_log flex_id host_cmds subnet_cmds radius host_cache
+ C++ Compiler:
+ CXX: g++ --std=c++11
+ CXX_VERSION: g++ (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-16)
+ CXX_STANDARD: 201103
+ CXXFLAGS: -g -O2
+ LDFLAGS: -lpthread
+ KEA_CXXFLAGS: -Wall -Wextra -Wnon-virtual-dtor -Wwrite-strings -Woverloaded-virtual -Wno-sign-compare -pthread -Wno-missing-field-initializers -fPIC
+ Python:
+ PYTHON_VERSION: not needed (because kea-shell is disabled)
+ Boost:
+ BOOST_INCLUDES: -I/home/thomson/devel/boost_1_65_1
+ BOOST_LIBS: -L/home/thomson/devel/boost_1_65_1/stage/lib -lboost_system
+ OpenSSL:
+ CRYPTO_VERSION: OpenSSL 1.0.2k 26 Jan 2017
+ CRYPTO_LIBS: -lcrypto
+ Botan: no
+ Log4cplus:
+ LOG4CPLUS_INCLUDES: -I/usr/include
+ LOG4CPLUS_LIBS: -L/usr/lib -L/usr/lib64 -llog4cplus
+ Flex/bison:
+ FLEX: flex
+ BISON: bison -y
+ MySQL:
+ no
+ PostgreSQL:
+ no
+ Google Test:
+ no
+ FreeRADIUS client:
+ FREERADIUS_INCLUDE: -I/usr/local/include
+ FREERADIUS_LIB: -L/usr/local/lib -lfreeradius-client
+ FREERADIUS_DICTIONARY: /usr/local/etc/radiusclient/dictionary
+ Developer:
+ Enable Debugging: no
+ Google Tests: no
+ Valgrind: not found
+ C++ Code Coverage: no
+ Logger checks: no
+ Generate Documentation: no
+ Parser Generation: no
+ Kea-shell: no
+ Perfdhcp: no
+Please make sure that the compilation includes the following:
+- RADIUS listed in Included Hooks;
+- FreeRADIUS client directories printed and pointing to the right
+ directories;
+- Boost version at least 1.65.1. The versions available in CentOS 7
+ (1.48 and 1.53) are too old.
+Once the configuration is complete, compile Kea using ``make``. If the
+system has more than one core, using the ``-jN``
+option is recommended to speed up the build.
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ make -j5
+ $ sudo make install
+.. _hooks-radius-config:
+RADIUS Hook Configuration
+The RADIUS hook is a library that must be loaded by either DHCPv4 or
+DHCPv6 Kea servers. Unlike some other available hook libraries, this one
+takes many parameters. For example, this configuration could be used:
+ "Dhcp4": {
+ # Your regular DHCPv4 configuration parameters here.
+ "hooks-libraries": [
+ {
+ # Note that RADIUS requires host-cache for proper operation,
+ # so that library is loaded as well.
+ "library": "/usr/local/lib/kea/hooks/"
+ },
+ {
+ "library": "/usr/local/lib/kea/hooks/",
+ "parameters": {
+ # Specify where FreeRADIUS dictionary could be located
+ "dictionary": "/usr/local/etc/freeradius/dictionary",
+ # Specify which address to use to communicate with RADIUS servers
+ "bindaddr": "*",
+ # more RADIUS parameters here
+ }
+ } ]
+RADIUS is a complicated environment. As such, it is not feasible
+to provide a default configuration that works for everyone.
+However, we do have an example that showcases some of the more common
+features. Please see ``doc/examples/kea4/hooks-radius.json`` in the Kea
+The RADIUS hook library supports the following global configuration
+flags, which correspond to FreeRADIUS client library options:
+- ``bindaddr`` (default ``*``) - specifies the address to be used by the
+ hook library in communication with RADIUS servers. The ``*`` special
+ value tells the kernel to choose the address.
+- ``canonical-mac-address`` (default ``false``) - specifies whether MAC
+ addresses in attributes follow the canonical RADIUS format (lowercase
+ pairs of hexadecimal digits separated by ``-``).
+- ``client-id-pop0`` (default ``false``) - used with ``flex-id``, removes the
+ leading zero (or pair of zeroes in DHCPv6) type in ``client-id``
+ (``duid`` in DHCPv6). Implied by ``client-id-printable``.
+- ``client-id-printable`` (default ``false``) - checks whether the
+ ``client-id``/``duid`` content is printable and uses it as is instead of in
+ hexadecimal. Implies ``client-id-pop0`` and ``extract-duid`` as 0 and 255 are
+ not printable.
+- ``deadtime`` (default ``0``) - is a mechanism to try unresponsive servers
+ after responsive servers. Its value specifies the number of seconds
+ after which a server is considered not to have answered, so 0
+ disables the mechanism. As the asynchronous communication does not
+ use locks or atomics, it is recommended not to use this
+ feature when running in this mode.
+- ``dictionary`` (default set by configure at build time) - is the
+ attribute and value dictionary. Note that it is a critical parameter.
+ Dictionary examples can be found in the FreeRADIUS repository under the etc/
+ directory.
+- ``extract-duid`` (default ``true``) - extracts the embedded ``duid`` from an
+ RFC 4361-compliant DHCPv4 ``client-id``. Implied by ``client-id-printable``.
+- ``identifier-type4`` (default ``client-id``) - specifies the identifier
+ type to build the User-Name attribute. It should be the same as the
+ host identifier, and when the ``flex-id`` hook library is used the
+ ``replace-client-id`` must be set to ``true``; ``client-id`` is used with
+ ``client-id-pop0``.
+- ``identifier-type6`` (default ``duid``) - specifies the identifier type to
+ build the User-Name attribute. It should be the same as the host
+ identifier, and when the ``flex-id`` hook library is used the
+ ``replace-client-id`` must be set to ``true``; ``duid`` is used with
+ ``client-id-pop0``.
+- ``realm`` (default ``""``) - is the default realm.
+- ``reselect-subnet-address`` (default ``false``) - uses the Kea reserved
+ address/RADIUS Framed-IP-Address or Framed-IPv6-Address to reselect
+ subnets where the address is not in the subnet range.
+- ``reselect-subnet-pool`` (default ``false``) - uses the Kea
+ ``client-class``/RADIUS Frame-Pool to reselect subnets where no available
+ pool can be found.
+- ``retries`` (default ``3``) - is the number of retries before trying the
+ next server. Note that it is not supported for asynchronous
+ communication.
+- ``session-history`` (default ``""``) - is the name of the file providing
+ persistent storage for accounting session history.
+- ``timeout`` (default ``10``) - is the number of seconds during which a
+ response is awaited.
+When ``reselect-subnet-pool`` or ``reselect-subnet-address`` is set to
+``true`` at the reception of RADIUS Access-Accept, the selected subnet is
+checked against the ``client-class`` name or the reserved address; if it
+does not match, another subnet is selected among matching subnets.
+Two services are supported:
+- ``access`` - the authentication service.
+- ``accounting`` - the accounting service.
+Configuration of services is divided into two parts:
+- Servers that define RADIUS servers that the library is expected to
+ contact. Each server may have the following items specified:
+ - ``name`` - specifies the IP address of the server (it is
+ possible to use a name which will be resolved, but it is not
+ recommended).
+ - ``port`` (default RADIUS authentication or accounting service) -
+ specifies the UDP port of the server. Note that the
+ FreeRADIUS client library by default uses ports 1812
+ (authorization) and 1813 (accounting). Some server implementations
+ use 1645 (authorization) and 1646 (accounting). The
+ ``port`` parameter may be used to adjust as needed.
+ - ``secret`` - authenticates messages.
+ There may be up to eight servers. Note that when no server is
+ specified, the service is disabled.
+- Attributes which define additional information that the Kea server
+ sends to a RADIUS server. The parameter must be identified either
+ by a name or type. Its value can be specified in one of three
+ possible ways: ``data`` (which defines a plain text value), ``raw`` (which
+ defines the value in hex), or ``expr`` (which defines an expression
+ that is evaluated for each incoming packet independently).
+ - ``name`` - the name of the attribute.
+ - ``type`` - the type of the attribute. Either the type or the name must be
+ provided, and the attribute must be defined in the dictionary.
+ - ``data`` - the first of three ways to specify the attribute
+ content. The data entry is parsed by the FreeRADIUS library, so
+ values defined in the dictionary of the attribute may be used.
+ - ``raw`` - the second of three ways to specify the attribute
+ content; it specifies the content in hexadecimal. Note that it
+ does not work with integer-content attributes (date, integer, and
+ IPv4 address); a string-content attribute (string, IPv6 address,
+ and IPv6 prefix) is required.
+ - ``expr`` - the last way to specify the attribute content. It
+ specifies an evaluation expression which must return a not-empty
+ string when evaluated with the DHCP query packet. Currently this
+ is restricted to the access service.
+For example, to specify a single access server available on localhost
+that uses "xyz123" as a secret, and tell Kea to send three additional
+attributes (Password, Connect-Info, and Configuration-Token), the
+following snippet could be used:
+ "parameters": {
+ # Other RADIUS parameters here
+ "access": {
+ # This starts the list of access servers
+ "servers": [
+ {
+ # These are parameters for the first (and only) access server
+ "name": "",
+ "port": 1812,
+ "secret": "xyz123"
+ }
+ # Additional access servers could be specified here
+ ],
+ # This defines a list of additional attributes Kea will send to each
+ # access server in Access-Request.
+ "attributes": [
+ {
+ # This attribute is identified by name (must be present in the
+ # dictionary) and has static value (i.e. the same value will be
+ # sent to every server for every packet)
+ "name": "Password",
+ "data": "mysecretpassword"
+ },
+ {
+ # It is also possible to specify an attribute using its type,
+ # rather than a name. 77 is Connect-Info. The value is specified
+ # using hex. Again, this is a static value. It will be sent the
+ # same for every packet and to every server.
+ "type": 77,
+ "raw": "65666a6a71"
+ },
+ {
+ # This example shows how an expression can be used to send dynamic
+ # value. The expression (see Section 13) may take any value from
+ # the incoming packet or even its metadata (e.g. the interface
+ # it was received over from)
+ "name": "Configuration-Token",
+ "expr": "hexstring(pkt4.mac,':')"
+ }
+ ] # End of attributes
+ }, # End of access
+ # Accounting parameters.
+ "accounting": {
+ # This starts the list of accounting servers
+ "servers": [
+ {
+ # These are parameters for the first (and only) accounting server
+ "name": "",
+ "port": 1813,
+ "secret": "sekret"
+ }
+ # Additional accounting servers could be specified here
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+Customization is sometimes required for certain attributes by devices belonging
+to various vendors. This is a great way to leverage the expression evaluation
+mechanism. For example, MAC addresses which might be used as a convenience
+value for the User-Name attribute are most likely to appear in colon-hexadecimal
+notation (``de:ad:be:ef:ca:fe``), but they might need to be expressed in
+hyphen-hexadecimal notation (``de-ad-be-ef-ca-fe``). Here's how to specify that:
+.. code-block:: json
+ {
+ "parameters": {
+ "access": {
+ "attributes": [
+ {
+ "name": "User-Name",
+ "expr": "hexstring(pkt4.mac, '-')"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+And here's how to specify period-separated hexadecimal notation (````), preferred by Cisco devices:
+.. code-block:: json
+ {
+ "parameters": {
+ "access": {
+ "attributes": [
+ {
+ "name": "User-Name",
+ "expr": "concat(concat(concat(substring(hexstring(pkt4.mac, ''), 0, 4), '.'), concat(substring(hexstring(pkt4.mac, ''), 4, 4), '.'), concat(substring(hexstring(pkt4.mac, ''), 8, 4), '.'))"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+For the RADIUS hook library to operate properly in DHCPv4,
+the Host Cache hook library must also be loaded. The reason for this
+is somewhat complex. In a typical deployment, the DHCP clients send
+their packets via DHCP relay, which inserts certain Relay Agent
+Information options, such as ``circuit-id`` or ``remote-id``. The values of
+those options are then used by the Kea DHCP server to formulate the
+necessary attributes in the Access-Request message sent to the RADIUS
+server. However, once the DHCP client gets its address, it then renews
+by sending packets directly to the DHCP server. As a result, the relays
+are not able to insert their RAI options, and the DHCP server cannot send
+the Access-Request queries to the RADIUS server by using just the
+information from incoming packets. Kea needs to keep the information
+received during the initial Discover/Offer exchanges and use it again
+later when sending accounting messages.
+This mechanism is implemented based on user context in host
+reservations. (See :ref:`user-context` and :ref:`user-context-hooks` for
+details.) The host-cache mechanism allows the information retrieved by
+RADIUS to be stored and later used for sending accounting and access
+queries to the RADIUS server. In other words, the host-cache mechanism
+is mandatory, unless administrators do not want RADIUS communication for messages
+other than Discover and the first Request from each client.
+.. note::
+ Currently the RADIUS hook library is incompatible with the
+ ``early-global-reservations-lookup`` global parameter i.e.
+ setting the parameter to ``true`` raises an error when the
+ hook library is loaded.