path: root/src/bin/agent/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/bin/agent/')
1 files changed, 191 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/bin/agent/ b/src/bin/agent/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b267e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bin/agent/
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017-2022 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at
+#include <config.h>
+#include <agent/simple_parser.h>
+#include <cc/data.h>
+#include <cc/dhcp_config_error.h>
+#include <hooks/hooks_manager.h>
+#include <hooks/hooks_parser.h>
+#include <http/basic_auth_config.h>
+#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
+using namespace isc::data;
+namespace isc {
+namespace agent {
+/// @brief This sets of arrays define the default values in various scopes
+/// of the Control Agent Configuration.
+/// Each of those is documented in @file agent/ This
+/// is different than most other comments in Kea code. The reason
+/// for placing those in .cc rather than .h file is that it
+/// is expected to be one centralized place to look at for
+/// the default values. This is expected to be looked at also by
+/// people who are not skilled in C or C++, so they may be
+/// confused with the differences between declaration and definition.
+/// As such, there's one file to look at that hopefully is readable
+/// without any C or C++ skills.
+/// @{
+/// @brief This table defines default values for global options.
+/// These are global Control Agent parameters.
+const SimpleDefaults AgentSimpleParser::AGENT_DEFAULTS = {
+ { "http-host", Element::string, "" },
+ { "http-port", Element::integer, "8000" },
+ { "trust-anchor", Element::string, "" },
+ { "cert-file", Element::string, "" },
+ { "key-file", Element::string, "" },
+ { "cert-required", Element::boolean, "true" }
+/// @brief This table defines default values for authentication.
+const SimpleDefaults AgentSimpleParser::AUTH_DEFAULTS = {
+ { "type", Element::string, "basic" },
+ { "realm", Element::string, "kea-control-agent" },
+ { "directory", Element::string, "" }
+/// @brief This table defines default values for control sockets.
+const SimpleDefaults AgentSimpleParser::SOCKET_DEFAULTS = {
+ { "socket-type", Element::string, "unix" }
+/// @}
+/// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+/// --- end of default values -------------------------------------------------
+/// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+size_t AgentSimpleParser::setAllDefaults(const isc::data::ElementPtr& global) {
+ size_t cnt = 0;
+ // Set global defaults first.
+ cnt = setDefaults(global, AGENT_DEFAULTS);
+ // After set the defaults for authentication if it exists.
+ ConstElementPtr authentication = global->get("authentication");
+ if (authentication) {
+ ElementPtr auth = boost::const_pointer_cast<Element>(authentication);
+ if (auth) {
+ cnt += SimpleParser::setDefaults(auth, AUTH_DEFAULTS);
+ }
+ }
+ // Now set the defaults for control-sockets, if any.
+ ConstElementPtr sockets = global->get("control-sockets");
+ if (sockets) {
+ ElementPtr d2 = boost::const_pointer_cast<Element>(sockets->get("d2"));
+ if (d2) {
+ cnt += SimpleParser::setDefaults(d2, SOCKET_DEFAULTS);
+ }
+ ElementPtr d4 = boost::const_pointer_cast<Element>(sockets->get("dhcp4"));
+ if (d4) {
+ cnt += SimpleParser::setDefaults(d4, SOCKET_DEFAULTS);
+ }
+ ElementPtr d6 = boost::const_pointer_cast<Element>(sockets->get("dhcp6"));
+ if (d6) {
+ cnt += SimpleParser::setDefaults(d6, SOCKET_DEFAULTS);
+ }
+ }
+ return (cnt);
+AgentSimpleParser::checkTlsSetup(const isc::data::ConstElementPtr& config) {
+ ConstElementPtr ca = config->get("trust-anchor");
+ ConstElementPtr cert = config->get("cert-file");
+ ConstElementPtr key = config->get("key-file");
+ bool have_ca = (ca && !ca->stringValue().empty());
+ bool have_cert = (cert && !cert->stringValue().empty());
+ bool have_key = (key && !key->stringValue().empty());
+ if (!have_ca && !have_cert && !have_key) {
+ // No TLS parameter so TLS is not used.
+ return;
+ }
+ // TLS is used: all 3 parameters are required.
+ if (!have_ca) {
+ isc_throw(ConfigError, "trust-anchor parameter is missing or empty:"
+ " all or none of TLS parameters must be set");
+ }
+ if (!have_cert) {
+ isc_throw(ConfigError, "cert-file parameter is missing or empty:"
+ " all or none of TLS parameters must be set");
+ }
+ if (!have_key) {
+ isc_throw(ConfigError, "key-file parameter is missing or empty:"
+ " all or none of TLS parameters must be set");
+ }
+AgentSimpleParser::parse(const CtrlAgentCfgContextPtr& ctx,
+ const isc::data::ConstElementPtr& config,
+ bool check_only) {
+ // Let's get the HTTP parameters first.
+ ctx->setHttpHost(SimpleParser::getString(config, "http-host"));
+ ctx->setHttpPort(SimpleParser::getIntType<uint16_t>(config, "http-port"));
+ // TLS parameter are second.
+ ctx->setTrustAnchor(SimpleParser::getString(config, "trust-anchor"));
+ ctx->setCertFile(SimpleParser::getString(config, "cert-file"));
+ ctx->setKeyFile(SimpleParser::getString(config, "key-file"));
+ ctx->setCertRequired(SimpleParser::getBoolean(config, "cert-required"));
+ // Control sockets are third.
+ ConstElementPtr ctrl_sockets = config->get("control-sockets");
+ if (ctrl_sockets) {
+ auto sockets_map = ctrl_sockets->mapValue();
+ for (auto cs = sockets_map.cbegin(); cs != sockets_map.cend(); ++cs) {
+ ctx->setControlSocketInfo(cs->second, cs->first);
+ }
+ }
+ // Basic HTTP authentications are forth.
+ ConstElementPtr auth_config = config->get("authentication");
+ if (auth_config) {
+ using namespace isc::http;
+ BasicHttpAuthConfigPtr auth(new BasicHttpAuthConfig());
+ auth->parse(auth_config);
+ ctx->setAuthConfig(auth);
+ }
+ // User context can be done at anytime.
+ ConstElementPtr user_context = config->get("user-context");
+ if (user_context) {
+ ctx->setContext(user_context);
+ }
+ // Finally, let's get the hook libs!
+ using namespace isc::hooks;
+ HooksConfig& libraries = ctx->getHooksConfig();
+ ConstElementPtr hooks = config->get("hooks-libraries");
+ if (hooks) {
+ HooksLibrariesParser hooks_parser;
+ hooks_parser.parse(libraries, hooks);
+ libraries.verifyLibraries(hooks->getPosition());
+ }
+ if (!check_only) {
+ // This occurs last as if it succeeds, there is no easy way
+ // revert it. As a result, the failure to commit a subsequent
+ // change causes problems when trying to roll back.
+ HooksManager::prepareUnloadLibraries();
+ static_cast<void>(HooksManager::unloadLibraries());
+ libraries.loadLibraries();
+ }