path: root/src/lib/dns/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/dns/')
1 files changed, 268 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/dns/ b/src/lib/dns/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6513f23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/dns/
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at
+#include <config.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
+#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
+#include <exceptions/exceptions.h>
+#include <util/buffer.h>
+#include <util/encode/base32hex.h>
+#include <cryptolink/cryptolink.h>
+#include <cryptolink/crypto_hash.h>
+#include <dns/name.h>
+#include <dns/labelsequence.h>
+#include <dns/nsec3hash.h>
+#include <dns/rdataclass.h>
+#include <dns/name_internal.h>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace isc::util;
+using namespace isc::util::encode;
+using namespace isc::cryptolink;
+using namespace isc::dns;
+using namespace isc::dns::rdata;
+namespace {
+/// \brief A derived class of \c NSEC3Hash that implements the standard hash
+/// calculation specified in RFC5155.
+/// Currently the only pre-defined algorithm in the RFC is SHA1. So we don't
+/// over-generalize it at the moment, and rather hardcode it and assume that
+/// specific algorithm.
+/// The implementation details are only open within this file, but to avoid
+/// an accidental error in this implementation we explicitly make it non
+/// copyable.
+class NSEC3HashRFC5155 : boost::noncopyable, public NSEC3Hash {
+ // This is the algorithm number for SHA1/NSEC3 as defined in RFC5155.
+ static const uint8_t NSEC3_HASH_SHA1 = 1;
+ // For digest_ allocation
+ static const size_t DEFAULT_DIGEST_LENGTH = 32;
+ NSEC3HashRFC5155(uint8_t algorithm, uint16_t iterations,
+ const uint8_t* salt_data, size_t salt_length) :
+ algorithm_(algorithm), iterations_(iterations),
+ salt_data_(NULL), salt_length_(salt_length),
+ digest_(DEFAULT_DIGEST_LENGTH), obuf_(Name::MAX_WIRE)
+ {
+ if (algorithm_ != NSEC3_HASH_SHA1) {
+ isc_throw(UnknownNSEC3HashAlgorithm, "Unknown NSEC3 algorithm: " <<
+ static_cast<unsigned int>(algorithm_));
+ }
+ if (salt_length > 0) {
+ salt_data_ = static_cast<uint8_t*>(std::malloc(salt_length));
+ if (salt_data_ == NULL) {
+ throw std::bad_alloc();
+ }
+ std::memcpy(salt_data_, salt_data, salt_length);
+ }
+ }
+ virtual ~NSEC3HashRFC5155() {
+ std::free(salt_data_);
+ }
+ virtual std::string calculate(const Name& name) const;
+ virtual std::string calculate(const LabelSequence& ls) const;
+ virtual bool match(const generic::NSEC3& nsec3) const;
+ virtual bool match(const generic::NSEC3PARAM& nsec3param) const;
+ bool match(uint8_t algorithm, uint16_t iterations,
+ const vector<uint8_t>& salt) const;
+ std::string calculateForWiredata(const uint8_t* data, size_t length) const;
+ const uint8_t algorithm_;
+ const uint16_t iterations_;
+ uint8_t* salt_data_;
+ const size_t salt_length_;
+ // The following members are placeholder of work place and don't hold
+ // any state over multiple calls so can be mutable without breaking
+ // constness.
+ mutable OutputBuffer digest_;
+ mutable vector<uint8_t> vdigest_;
+ mutable OutputBuffer obuf_;
+inline void
+iterateSHA1(const uint8_t* input, size_t inlength,
+ const uint8_t* salt, size_t saltlen,
+ OutputBuffer& output)
+ boost::scoped_ptr<Hash> hash(CryptoLink::getCryptoLink().createHash(SHA1));
+ hash->update(input, inlength);
+ hash->update(salt, saltlen); // this works whether saltlen == or > 0
+ hash->final(output, hash->getOutputLength());
+NSEC3HashRFC5155::calculateForWiredata(const uint8_t* data,
+ size_t length) const
+ // We first need to normalize the name by converting all upper case
+ // characters in the labels to lower ones.
+ uint8_t name_buf[256];
+ assert(length < sizeof (name_buf));
+ const uint8_t *p1 = data;
+ uint8_t *p2 = name_buf;
+ while (*p1 != 0) {
+ char len = *p1;
+ *p2++ = *p1++;
+ while (len--) {
+ *p2++ = isc::dns::name::internal::maptolower[*p1++];
+ }
+ }
+ *p2 = *p1;
+ digest_.clear();
+ iterateSHA1(name_buf, length,
+ salt_data_, salt_length_, digest_);
+ const uint8_t* dgst_data = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(digest_.getData());
+ size_t dgst_len = digest_.getLength();
+ for (unsigned int n = 0; n < iterations_; ++n) {
+ digest_.clear();
+ iterateSHA1(dgst_data, dgst_len, salt_data_, salt_length_, digest_);
+ }
+ vdigest_.resize(dgst_len);
+ std::memcpy(&vdigest_[0], dgst_data, dgst_len);
+ return (encodeBase32Hex(vdigest_));
+NSEC3HashRFC5155::calculate(const Name& name) const {
+ obuf_.clear();
+ name.toWire(obuf_);
+ return (calculateForWiredata(static_cast<const uint8_t*>(obuf_.getData()),
+ obuf_.getLength()));
+NSEC3HashRFC5155::calculate(const LabelSequence& ls) const {
+ assert(ls.isAbsolute());
+ size_t length;
+ const uint8_t* data = ls.getData(&length);
+ return (calculateForWiredata(data, length));
+NSEC3HashRFC5155::match(uint8_t algorithm, uint16_t iterations,
+ const vector<uint8_t>& salt) const
+ return (algorithm_ == algorithm && iterations_ == iterations &&
+ salt_length_ == salt.size() &&
+ ((salt_length_ == 0) ||
+ memcmp(salt_data_, &salt[0], salt_length_) == 0));
+NSEC3HashRFC5155::match(const generic::NSEC3& nsec3) const {
+ return (match(nsec3.getHashalg(), nsec3.getIterations(),
+ nsec3.getSalt()));
+NSEC3HashRFC5155::match(const generic::NSEC3PARAM& nsec3param) const {
+ return (match(nsec3param.getHashalg(), nsec3param.getIterations(),
+ nsec3param.getSalt()));
+// A static pointer that refers to the currently usable creator.
+// Only get/setNSEC3HashCreator are expected to get access to this variable
+// directly.
+const NSEC3HashCreator* creator;
+// The accessor to the current creator. If it's not explicitly set or has
+// been reset from a customized one, the default creator will be used.
+const NSEC3HashCreator*
+getNSEC3HashCreator() {
+ static DefaultNSEC3HashCreator default_creator;
+ if (creator == NULL) {
+ creator = &default_creator;
+ }
+ return (creator);
+} // end of unnamed namespace
+namespace isc {
+namespace dns {
+NSEC3Hash::create(const generic::NSEC3PARAM& param) {
+ return (getNSEC3HashCreator()->create(param));
+NSEC3Hash::create(const generic::NSEC3& nsec3) {
+ return (getNSEC3HashCreator()->create(nsec3));
+NSEC3Hash::create(uint8_t algorithm, uint16_t iterations,
+ const uint8_t* salt_data, size_t salt_length) {
+ return (getNSEC3HashCreator()->create(algorithm, iterations,
+ salt_data, salt_length));
+DefaultNSEC3HashCreator::create(const generic::NSEC3PARAM& param) const {
+ const vector<uint8_t>& salt = param.getSalt();
+ return (new NSEC3HashRFC5155(param.getHashalg(), param.getIterations(),
+ salt.empty() ? NULL : &salt[0],
+ salt.size()));
+DefaultNSEC3HashCreator::create(const generic::NSEC3& nsec3) const {
+ const vector<uint8_t>& salt = nsec3.getSalt();
+ return (new NSEC3HashRFC5155(nsec3.getHashalg(), nsec3.getIterations(),
+ salt.empty() ? NULL : &salt[0],
+ salt.size()));
+DefaultNSEC3HashCreator::create(uint8_t algorithm, uint16_t iterations,
+ const uint8_t* salt_data,
+ size_t salt_length) const
+ return (new NSEC3HashRFC5155(algorithm, iterations,
+ salt_data, salt_length));
+setNSEC3HashCreator(const NSEC3HashCreator* new_creator) {
+ creator = new_creator;
+} // namespace dns
+} // namespace isc