From 040eee1aa49b49df4698d83a05af57c220127fd1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Daniel Baumann <>
Date: Sat, 4 May 2024 13:36:04 +0200
Subject: Adding upstream version 2.2.0.

Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
 src/bin/agent/tests/ | 836 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 836 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/bin/agent/tests/

(limited to 'src/bin/agent/tests/')

diff --git a/src/bin/agent/tests/ b/src/bin/agent/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0f8848
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bin/agent/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,836 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2016-2021 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at
+#include <config.h>
+#include <asiolink/testutils/timed_signal.h>
+#include <agent/ca_controller.h>
+#include <agent/ca_process.h>
+#include <agent/ca_command_mgr.h>
+#include <cc/data.h>
+#include <cc/command_interpreter.h>
+#include <process/testutils/d_test_stubs.h>
+#include <boost/pointer_cast.hpp>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <unistd.h>
+using namespace isc::asiolink::test;
+using namespace isc::agent;
+using namespace isc::data;
+using namespace isc::http;
+using namespace isc::process;
+using namespace boost::posix_time;
+using namespace std;
+namespace {
+/// @brief Valid Control Agent Config used in tests.
+const char* valid_agent_config =
+    "{"
+    "  \"http-host\": \"\","
+    "  \"http-port\": 8081,"
+    "  \"control-sockets\": {"
+    "    \"dhcp4\": {"
+    "      \"socket-type\": \"unix\","
+    "      \"socket-name\": \"/first/dhcp4/socket\""
+    "    },"
+    "    \"dhcp6\": {"
+    "      \"socket-type\": \"unix\","
+    "      \"socket-name\": \"/first/dhcp6/socket\""
+    "    }"
+    "  }"
+    "}";
+/// @brief test fixture class for testing CtrlAgentController class.
+/// This class derives from DControllerTest and wraps CtrlAgentController. Much
+/// of the underlying functionality is in the DControllerBase class which
+/// has extensive set of unit tests that are independent from the Control
+/// Agent.
+class CtrlAgentControllerTest : public DControllerTest {
+    /// @brief Constructor.
+    CtrlAgentControllerTest()
+        : DControllerTest(CtrlAgentController::instance) {
+    }
+    /// @brief Returns pointer to CtrlAgentProcess instance.
+    CtrlAgentProcessPtr getCtrlAgentProcess() {
+        return (boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<CtrlAgentProcess>(getProcess()));
+    }
+    /// @brief Returns pointer to CtrlAgentCfgMgr instance for a process.
+    CtrlAgentCfgMgrPtr getCtrlAgentCfgMgr() {
+        CtrlAgentCfgMgrPtr p;
+        if (getCtrlAgentProcess()) {
+            p = getCtrlAgentProcess()->getCtrlAgentCfgMgr();
+        }
+        return (p);
+    }
+    /// @brief Returns a pointer to the configuration context.
+    CtrlAgentCfgContextPtr getCtrlAgentCfgContext() {
+        CtrlAgentCfgContextPtr p;
+        if (getCtrlAgentCfgMgr()) {
+            p = getCtrlAgentCfgMgr()->getCtrlAgentCfgContext();
+        }
+        return (p);
+    }
+    /// @brief Tests that socket info structure contains 'unix' socket-type
+    /// value and the expected socket-name.
+    ///
+    /// @param service Service type.
+    /// @param exp_socket_name Expected socket name.
+    void testUnixSocketInfo(const std::string& service,
+                            const std::string& exp_socket_name) {
+        CtrlAgentCfgContextPtr ctx = getCtrlAgentCfgContext();
+        ASSERT_TRUE(ctx);
+        ConstElementPtr sock_info = ctx->getControlSocketInfo(service);
+        ASSERT_TRUE(sock_info);
+        ASSERT_TRUE(sock_info->contains("socket-type"));
+        EXPECT_EQ("unix", sock_info->get("socket-type")->stringValue());
+        ASSERT_TRUE(sock_info->contains("socket-name"));
+        EXPECT_EQ(exp_socket_name,
+                  sock_info->get("socket-name")->stringValue());
+    }
+    /// @brief Compares the status in the given parse result to a given value.
+    ///
+    /// @param answer Element set containing an integer response and string
+    /// comment.
+    /// @param exp_status is an integer against which to compare the status.
+    /// @param exp_txt is expected text (not checked if "")
+    ///
+    void checkAnswer(isc::data::ConstElementPtr answer,
+                     int exp_status,
+                     string exp_txt = "") {
+        int rcode = 0;
+        isc::data::ConstElementPtr comment;
+        comment = isc::config::parseAnswer(rcode, answer);
+        if (rcode != exp_status) {
+            ADD_FAILURE() << "Expected status code " << exp_status
+                          << " but received " << rcode << ", comment: "
+                          << (comment ? comment->str() : "(none)");
+        }
+        // Ok, parseAnswer interface is weird. If there are no arguments,
+        // it returns content of text. But if there is an argument,
+        // it returns the argument and it's not possible to retrieve
+        // "text" (i.e. comment).
+        if (comment->getType() != Element::string) {
+            comment = answer->get("text");
+        }
+        if (!exp_txt.empty()) {
+            EXPECT_EQ(exp_txt, comment->stringValue());
+        }
+    }
+    /// @brief Checks whether specified command is registered
+    ///
+    /// @param name name of the command to be checked
+    /// @param expect_true true - must be registered, false - must not be
+    void checkCommandRegistered(const std::string& name, bool expect_true = true) {
+        // First get the list of registered commands
+        ConstElementPtr lst = Element::fromJSON("{ \"command\": \"list-commands\" }");
+        ConstElementPtr rsp = CtrlAgentCommandMgr::instance().processCommand(lst);
+        // The response must be an array with at least one element
+        ASSERT_TRUE(rsp);
+        ASSERT_EQ(Element::list, rsp->getType());
+        ASSERT_LE(1, rsp->size());
+        ConstElementPtr args = rsp->get(0)->get("arguments");
+        ASSERT_TRUE(args);
+        string args_txt = args->str();
+        if (expect_true) {
+            EXPECT_TRUE(args_txt.find(name) != string::npos);
+        } else {
+            EXPECT_TRUE(args_txt.find(name) == string::npos);
+        }
+    }
+// Basic Controller instantiation testing.
+// Verifies that the controller singleton gets created and that the
+// basic derivation from the base class is intact.
+TEST_F(CtrlAgentControllerTest, basicInstanceTesting) {
+    // Verify the singleton instance can be fetched and that
+    // it has the correct type.
+    DControllerBasePtr& controller = DControllerTest::getController();
+    ASSERT_TRUE(controller);
+    ASSERT_NO_THROW(boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<CtrlAgentController>(controller));
+    // Verify that controller's app name is correct.
+    EXPECT_TRUE(checkAppName(CtrlAgentController::agent_app_name_));
+    // Verify that controller's bin name is correct.
+    EXPECT_TRUE(checkBinName(CtrlAgentController::agent_bin_name_));
+    // Verify that controller's IOService exists.
+    EXPECT_TRUE(checkIOService());
+    // Verify that the Process does NOT exist.
+    EXPECT_FALSE(checkProcess());
+// Tests basic command line processing.
+// Verifies that:
+// 1. Standard command line options are supported.
+// 2. Invalid options are detected.
+TEST_F(CtrlAgentControllerTest, commandLineArgs) {
+    char* argv[] = { const_cast<char*>("progName"),
+                     const_cast<char*>("-c"),
+                     const_cast<char*>(DControllerTest::CFG_TEST_FILE),
+                     const_cast<char*>("-d") };
+    int argc = 4;
+    // Verify that verbose flag is false initially.
+    EXPECT_TRUE(checkVerbose(false));
+    // Verify that standard options can be parsed without error.
+    EXPECT_NO_THROW(parseArgs(argc, argv));
+    // Verify that verbose flag is true.
+    EXPECT_TRUE(checkVerbose(true));
+    // Verify configuration file name is correct.
+    EXPECT_TRUE(checkConfigFileName(DControllerTest::CFG_TEST_FILE));
+    // Verify that an unknown option is detected.
+    char* argv2[] = { const_cast<char*>("progName"),
+                      const_cast<char*>("-x") };
+    argc = 2;
+    EXPECT_THROW(parseArgs(argc, argv2), InvalidUsage);
+// Tests application process creation and initialization.
+// Verifies that the process can be successfully created and initialized.
+TEST_F(CtrlAgentControllerTest, initProcessTesting) {
+    ASSERT_NO_THROW(initProcess());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(checkProcess());
+// Tests launch and normal shutdown (stand alone mode).
+// This creates an interval timer to generate a normal shutdown and then
+// launches with a valid, stand-alone command line and no simulated errors.
+TEST_F(CtrlAgentControllerTest, launchNormalShutdown) {
+    // Write valid_agent_config and then run launch() for 1000 ms.
+    time_duration elapsed_time;
+    runWithConfig(valid_agent_config, 1000, elapsed_time);
+    // Give a generous margin to accommodate slower test environs.
+    EXPECT_TRUE(elapsed_time.total_milliseconds() >= 800 &&
+                elapsed_time.total_milliseconds() <= 1300);
+// Tests that the SIGINT triggers a normal shutdown.
+TEST_F(CtrlAgentControllerTest, sigintShutdown) {
+    // Setup to raise SIGHUP in 1 ms.
+    TimedSignal sighup(*getIOService(), SIGINT, 1);
+    // Write valid_agent_config and then run launch() for a maximum
+    // of 1000 ms.
+    time_duration elapsed_time;
+    runWithConfig(valid_agent_config, 1000, elapsed_time);
+    // Signaled shutdown should make our elapsed time much smaller than
+    // the maximum run time.  Give generous margin to accommodate slow
+    // test environs.
+    EXPECT_TRUE(elapsed_time.total_milliseconds() < 300);
+// Tests that the SIGTERM triggers a normal shutdown.
+TEST_F(CtrlAgentControllerTest, sigtermShutdown) {
+    // Setup to raise SIGTERM in 1 ms.
+    TimedSignal sighup(*getIOService(), SIGTERM, 1);
+    // Write valid_agent_config and then run launch() for a maximum of 1 s.
+    time_duration elapsed_time;
+    runWithConfig(valid_agent_config, 1000, elapsed_time);
+    // Signaled shutdown should make our elapsed time much smaller than
+    // the maximum run time.  Give generous margin to accommodate slow
+    // test environs.
+    EXPECT_TRUE(elapsed_time.total_milliseconds() < 300);
+// Tests that the sockets settings are updated upon successful reconfiguration.
+TEST_F(CtrlAgentControllerTest, successfulConfigUpdate) {
+    // This configuration should be used to override the initial configuration.
+    const char* second_config =
+        "{"
+        "  \"http-host\": \"\","
+        "  \"http-port\": 8080,"
+        "  \"control-sockets\": {"
+        "    \"dhcp4\": {"
+        "      \"socket-type\": \"unix\","
+        "      \"socket-name\": \"/second/dhcp4/socket\""
+        "    },"
+        "    \"dhcp6\": {"
+        "      \"socket-type\": \"unix\","
+        "      \"socket-name\": \"/second/dhcp6/socket\""
+        "    }"
+        "  }"
+        "}";
+    // This check callback is called before the shutdown.
+    auto check_callback = [&] {
+        CtrlAgentProcessPtr process = getCtrlAgentProcess();
+        ASSERT_TRUE(process);
+        // Check that the HTTP listener still exists after reconfiguration.
+        ConstHttpListenerPtr listener = process->getHttpListener();
+        ASSERT_TRUE(listener);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(process->isListening());
+        // The listener should have been reconfigured to use new address and port.
+        EXPECT_EQ("", listener->getLocalAddress().toText());
+        EXPECT_EQ(8080, listener->getLocalPort());
+    };
+    // Schedule reconfiguration.
+    scheduleTimedWrite(second_config, 100);
+    // Schedule SIGHUP signal to trigger reconfiguration.
+    TimedSignal sighup(*getIOService(), SIGHUP, 200);
+    // Start the server.
+    time_duration elapsed_time;
+    runWithConfig(valid_agent_config, 500,
+                  static_cast<const TestCallback&>(check_callback),
+                  elapsed_time);
+    CtrlAgentCfgContextPtr ctx = getCtrlAgentCfgContext();
+    ASSERT_TRUE(ctx);
+    // The server should now hold the new listener configuration.
+    EXPECT_EQ("", ctx->getHttpHost());
+    EXPECT_EQ(8080, ctx->getHttpPort());
+    // The forwarding configuration should have been updated too.
+    testUnixSocketInfo("dhcp4", "/second/dhcp4/socket");
+    testUnixSocketInfo("dhcp6", "/second/dhcp6/socket");
+    // After the shutdown the HTTP listener no longer exists.
+    CtrlAgentProcessPtr process = getCtrlAgentProcess();
+    ASSERT_TRUE(process);
+    ConstHttpListenerPtr listener = process->getHttpListener();
+    ASSERT_FALSE(listener);
+    EXPECT_FALSE(process->isListening());
+// Tests that the server continues to use an old configuration when the listener
+// reconfiguration is unsuccessful.
+TEST_F(CtrlAgentControllerTest, unsuccessfulConfigUpdate) {
+    // This is invalid configuration. We're using restricted port number and
+    // IP address of
+    const char* second_config =
+        "{"
+        "  \"http-host\": \"\","
+        "  \"http-port\": 1,"
+        "  \"control-sockets\": {"
+        "    \"dhcp4\": {"
+        "      \"socket-type\": \"unix\","
+        "      \"socket-name\": \"/second/dhcp4/socket\""
+        "    },"
+        "    \"dhcp6\": {"
+        "      \"socket-type\": \"unix\","
+        "      \"socket-name\": \"/second/dhcp6/socket\""
+        "    }"
+        "  }"
+        "}";
+    // This check callback is called before the shutdown.
+    auto check_callback = [&] {
+        CtrlAgentProcessPtr process = getCtrlAgentProcess();
+        ASSERT_TRUE(process);
+        // We should still be using an original listener.
+        ConstHttpListenerPtr listener = process->getHttpListener();
+        ASSERT_TRUE(listener);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(process->isListening());
+        EXPECT_EQ("", listener->getLocalAddress().toText());
+        EXPECT_EQ(8081, listener->getLocalPort());
+    };
+    // Schedule reconfiguration.
+    scheduleTimedWrite(second_config, 100);
+    // Schedule SIGHUP signal to trigger reconfiguration.
+    TimedSignal sighup(*getIOService(), SIGHUP, 200);
+    // Start the server.
+    time_duration elapsed_time;
+    runWithConfig(valid_agent_config, 500,
+                  static_cast<const TestCallback&>(check_callback),
+                  elapsed_time);
+    CtrlAgentCfgContextPtr ctx = getCtrlAgentCfgContext();
+    ASSERT_TRUE(ctx);
+    // The reconfiguration should have been unsuccessful, and the server should
+    // still use the original configuration.
+    EXPECT_EQ("", ctx->getHttpHost());
+    EXPECT_EQ(8081, ctx->getHttpPort());
+    // Same for forwarding.
+    testUnixSocketInfo("dhcp4", "/first/dhcp4/socket");
+    testUnixSocketInfo("dhcp6", "/first/dhcp6/socket");
+    // After the shutdown the HTTP listener no longer exists.
+    CtrlAgentProcessPtr process = getCtrlAgentProcess();
+    ASSERT_TRUE(process);
+    ConstHttpListenerPtr listener = process->getHttpListener();
+    ASSERT_FALSE(listener);
+    EXPECT_FALSE(process->isListening());
+// Tests that it is possible to update the configuration in such a way that the
+// listener configuration remains the same. The server should continue using the
+// listener instance it has been using prior to the reconfiguration.
+TEST_F(CtrlAgentControllerTest, noListenerChange) {
+    // This configuration should be used to override the initial configuration.
+    const char* second_config =
+        "{"
+        "  \"http-host\": \"\","
+        "  \"http-port\": 8081,"
+        "  \"control-sockets\": {"
+        "    \"dhcp4\": {"
+        "      \"socket-type\": \"unix\","
+        "      \"socket-name\": \"/second/dhcp4/socket\""
+        "    },"
+        "    \"dhcp6\": {"
+        "      \"socket-type\": \"unix\","
+        "      \"socket-name\": \"/second/dhcp6/socket\""
+        "    }"
+        "  }"
+        "}";
+    // This check callback is called before the shutdown.
+    auto check_callback = [&] {
+        CtrlAgentProcessPtr process = getCtrlAgentProcess();
+        ASSERT_TRUE(process);
+        // Check that the HTTP listener still exists after reconfiguration.
+        ConstHttpListenerPtr listener = process->getHttpListener();
+        ASSERT_TRUE(listener);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(process->isListening());
+        EXPECT_EQ("", listener->getLocalAddress().toText());
+        EXPECT_EQ(8081, listener->getLocalPort());
+    };
+    // Schedule reconfiguration.
+    scheduleTimedWrite(second_config, 100);
+    // Schedule SIGHUP signal to trigger reconfiguration.
+    TimedSignal sighup(*getIOService(), SIGHUP, 200);
+    // Start the server.
+    time_duration elapsed_time;
+    runWithConfig(valid_agent_config, 500,
+                  static_cast<const TestCallback&>(check_callback),
+                  elapsed_time);
+    CtrlAgentCfgContextPtr ctx = getCtrlAgentCfgContext();
+    ASSERT_TRUE(ctx);
+    // The server should use a correct listener configuration.
+    EXPECT_EQ("", ctx->getHttpHost());
+    EXPECT_EQ(8081, ctx->getHttpPort());
+    // The forwarding configuration should have been updated.
+    testUnixSocketInfo("dhcp4", "/second/dhcp4/socket");
+    testUnixSocketInfo("dhcp6", "/second/dhcp6/socket");
+    CtrlAgentProcessPtr process = getCtrlAgentProcess();
+    ASSERT_TRUE(process);
+    ConstHttpListenerPtr listener = process->getHttpListener();
+    ASSERT_FALSE(listener);
+    EXPECT_FALSE(process->isListening());
+// Tests that registerCommands actually registers anything.
+TEST_F(CtrlAgentControllerTest, registeredCommands) {
+    ASSERT_NO_THROW(initProcess());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(checkProcess());
+    // The framework available makes it very difficult to test the actual
+    // code as CtrlAgentController is not initialized the same way it is
+    // in production code. In particular, the way CtrlAgentController
+    // is initialized in tests does not call registerCommands().
+    // This is a crude workaround for this problem. Proper solution should
+    // be developed sooner rather than later.
+    const DControllerBasePtr& base = getController();
+    const CtrlAgentControllerPtr& ctrl =
+        boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<CtrlAgentController>(base);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(ctrl);
+    ctrl->registerCommands();
+    // Check that the following command are really available.
+    checkCommandRegistered("build-report");
+    checkCommandRegistered("config-get");
+    checkCommandRegistered("config-reload");
+    checkCommandRegistered("config-set");
+    checkCommandRegistered("config-test");
+    checkCommandRegistered("config-write");
+    checkCommandRegistered("list-commands");
+    checkCommandRegistered("shutdown");
+    checkCommandRegistered("status-get");
+    checkCommandRegistered("version-get");
+    ctrl->deregisterCommands();
+// Tests that config-write really writes a config file that contains
+// Control-agent configuration and not some other random nonsense.
+TEST_F(CtrlAgentControllerTest, configWrite) {
+    ASSERT_NO_THROW(initProcess());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(checkProcess());
+    // The framework available makes it very difficult to test the actual
+    // code as CtrlAgentController is not initialized the same way it is
+    // in production code. In particular, the way CtrlAgentController
+    // is initialized in tests does not call registerCommands().
+    // This is a crude workaround for this problem. Proper solution should
+    // be developed sooner rather than later.
+    const DControllerBasePtr& base = getController();
+    const CtrlAgentControllerPtr& ctrl
+        = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<CtrlAgentController>(base);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(ctrl);
+    // Now clean up after ourselves.
+    ctrl->registerCommands();
+    // First, build the command:
+    string file = string(TEST_DATA_BUILDDIR) + string("/config-write.json");
+    string cmd_txt = "{ \"command\": \"config-write\" }";
+    ConstElementPtr cmd = Element::fromJSON(cmd_txt);
+    ConstElementPtr params = Element::fromJSON("{\"filename\": \"" + file + "\" }");
+    CtrlAgentCommandMgr& mgr_ =  CtrlAgentCommandMgr::instance();
+    // Send the command
+    ConstElementPtr answer = mgr_.handleCommand("config-write", params, cmd);
+    // Check that the command was successful
+    checkAnswer(answer, isc::config::CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS);
+    // Now check that the file is there.
+    ifstream f(file.c_str());
+    ASSERT_TRUE(f.good());
+    // Now that's some rough check that the config written really contains
+    // something that looks like Control-agent configuration.
+    ConstElementPtr from_file = Element::fromJSONFile(file, true);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(from_file);
+    ConstElementPtr ca = from_file->get("Control-agent");
+    ASSERT_TRUE(ca);
+    EXPECT_TRUE(ca->get("control-sockets"));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(ca->get("hooks-libraries"));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(ca->get("http-host"));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(ca->get("http-port"));
+    // Remove the file.
+    ::remove(file.c_str());
+    // Now clean up after ourselves.
+    ctrl->deregisterCommands();
+// Tests if config-reload attempts to reload a file and reports that the
+// file is missing.
+TEST_F(CtrlAgentControllerTest, configReloadMissingFile) {
+    ASSERT_NO_THROW(initProcess());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(checkProcess());
+    // The framework available makes it very difficult to test the actual
+    // code as CtrlAgentController is not initialized the same way it is
+    // in production code. In particular, the way CtrlAgentController
+    // is initialized in tests does not call registerCommands().
+    // This is a crude workaround for this problem. Proper solution should
+    // be developed sooner rather than later.
+    const DControllerBasePtr& base = getController();
+    const CtrlAgentControllerPtr& ctrl
+        = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<CtrlAgentController>(base);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(ctrl);
+    // Now clean up after ourselves.
+    ctrl->registerCommands();
+    // This is normally set to whatever value is passed to -c when the server is
+    // started, but we're not starting it that way, so need to set it by hand.
+    getController()->setConfigFile("does-not-exist.json");
+    // Build and execute the command.
+    string cmd_txt = "{ \"command\": \"config-reload\" }";
+    ConstElementPtr cmd = Element::fromJSON(cmd_txt);
+    ConstElementPtr params;
+    ConstElementPtr answer;
+    answer = CtrlAgentCommandMgr::instance().handleCommand("config-reload",
+                                                           params, cmd);
+    // Verify the reload was rejected.
+    string expected = "{ \"result\": 1, \"text\": "
+        "\"Configuration parsing failed: "
+        "Unable to open file does-not-exist.json\" }";
+    EXPECT_EQ(expected, answer->str());
+    // Now clean up after ourselves.
+    ctrl->deregisterCommands();
+// Tests if config-reload attempts to reload a file and reports that the
+// file is not a valid JSON.
+TEST_F(CtrlAgentControllerTest, configReloadBrokenFile) {
+    ASSERT_NO_THROW(initProcess());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(checkProcess());
+    // The framework available makes it very difficult to test the actual
+    // code as CtrlAgentController is not initialized the same way it is
+    // in production code. In particular, the way CtrlAgentController
+    // is initialized in tests does not call registerCommands().
+    // This is a crude workaround for this problem. Proper solution should
+    // be developed sooner rather than later.
+    const DControllerBasePtr& base = getController();
+    const CtrlAgentControllerPtr& ctrl
+        = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<CtrlAgentController>(base);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(ctrl);
+    // Now clean up after ourselves.
+    ctrl->registerCommands();
+    // This is normally set to whatever value is passed to -c when the server is
+    // started, but we're not starting it that way, so need to set it by hand.
+    getController()->setConfigFile("testbad.json");
+    // Although Kea is smart, its AI routines are not smart enough to handle
+    // this one... at least not yet.
+    ofstream f("testbad.json", ios::trunc);
+    f << "bla bla bla...";
+    f.close();
+    // Build and execute the command.
+    string cmd_txt = "{ \"command\": \"config-reload\" }";
+    ConstElementPtr cmd = Element::fromJSON(cmd_txt);
+    ConstElementPtr params;
+    ConstElementPtr answer;
+    answer = CtrlAgentCommandMgr::instance().handleCommand("config-reload",
+                                                           params, cmd);
+    // Verify the reload was rejected.
+    string expected = "{ \"result\": 1, \"text\": "
+        "\"Configuration parsing failed: "
+        "testbad.json:1.1: Invalid character: b\" }";
+    EXPECT_EQ(expected, answer->str());
+    // Remove the file.
+    ::remove("testbad.json");
+    // Now clean up after ourselves.
+    ctrl->deregisterCommands();
+// Tests if config-reload attempts to reload a file and reports that the
+// file is missing.
+TEST_F(CtrlAgentControllerTest, configReloadFileValid) {
+    ASSERT_NO_THROW(initProcess());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(checkProcess());
+    // The framework available makes it very difficult to test the actual
+    // code as CtrlAgentController is not initialized the same way it is
+    // in production code. In particular, the way CtrlAgentController
+    // is initialized in tests does not call registerCommands().
+    // This is a crude workaround for this problem. Proper solution should
+    // be developed sooner rather than later.
+    const DControllerBasePtr& base = getController();
+    const CtrlAgentControllerPtr& ctrl
+        = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<CtrlAgentController>(base);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(ctrl);
+    // Now clean up after ourselves.
+    ctrl->registerCommands();
+    // This is normally set to whatever value is passed to -c when the server is
+    // started, but we're not starting it that way, so need to set it by hand.
+    getController()->setConfigFile("testvalid.json");
+    // Ok, enough fooling around. Let's create a valid config.
+    ofstream f("testvalid.json", ios::trunc);
+    f << "{ \"Control-agent\": "
+      << string(valid_agent_config)
+      << " }" << endl;
+    f.close();
+    // Build and execute the command.
+    string cmd_txt = "{ \"command\": \"config-reload\" }";
+    ConstElementPtr cmd = Element::fromJSON(cmd_txt);
+    ConstElementPtr params;
+    ConstElementPtr answer;
+    answer = CtrlAgentCommandMgr::instance().handleCommand("config-reload",
+                                                           params, cmd);
+    // Verify the reload was successful.
+    string expected = "{ \"result\": 0, \"text\": "
+        "\"Configuration applied successfully.\" }";
+    EXPECT_EQ(expected, answer->str());
+    // Check that the config was indeed applied?
+    // Remove the file.
+    ::remove("testvalid.json");
+    // Now clean up after ourselves.
+    ctrl->deregisterCommands();
+// Tests that status-get returns expected info (pid, uptime and reload).
+TEST_F(CtrlAgentControllerTest, statusGet) {
+    // Start the server.
+    time_duration elapsed_time;
+    runWithConfig(valid_agent_config, 500, elapsed_time);
+    const DControllerBasePtr& ctrl = getController();
+    ConstElementPtr response;
+    ASSERT_NO_THROW(response = ctrl->statusGetHandler("status-get", ConstElementPtr()));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(response);
+    ASSERT_EQ(Element::map, response->getType());
+    EXPECT_EQ(2, response->size());
+    ConstElementPtr result = response->get("result");
+    ASSERT_TRUE(result);
+    ASSERT_EQ(Element::integer, result->getType());
+    EXPECT_EQ(0, result->intValue());
+    ConstElementPtr arguments = response->get("arguments");
+    ASSERT_EQ(Element::map, arguments->getType());
+    // The returned pid should be the pid of our process.
+    auto found_pid = arguments->get("pid");
+    ASSERT_TRUE(found_pid);
+    EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int64_t>(getpid()), found_pid->intValue());
+    // It is hard to check the actual uptime (and reload) as it is based
+    // on current time. Let's just make sure it is within a reasonable
+    // range.
+    auto found_uptime = arguments->get("uptime");
+    ASSERT_TRUE(found_uptime);
+    EXPECT_LE(found_uptime->intValue(), 5);
+    EXPECT_GE(found_uptime->intValue(), 0);
+    auto found_reload = arguments->get("reload");
+    ASSERT_TRUE(found_reload);
+    EXPECT_LE(found_reload->intValue(), 5);
+    EXPECT_GE(found_reload->intValue(), 0);
+TEST_F(CtrlAgentControllerTest, shutdown) {
+    ASSERT_NO_THROW(initProcess());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(checkProcess());
+    // The framework available makes it very difficult to test the actual
+    // code as CtrlAgentController is not initialized the same way it is
+    // in production code. In particular, the way CtrlAgentController
+    // is initialized in tests does not call registerCommands().
+    // This is a crude workaround for this problem. Proper solution should
+    // be developed sooner rather than later.
+    const DControllerBasePtr& base = getController();
+    const CtrlAgentControllerPtr& ctrl
+        = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<CtrlAgentController>(base);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(ctrl);
+    // Now clean up after ourselves.
+    ctrl->registerCommands();
+    // This is normally set to whatever value is passed to -c when the server is
+    // started, but we're not starting it that way, so need to set it by hand.
+    getController()->setConfigFile("testvalid.json");
+    // Ok, enough fooling around. Let's create a valid config.
+    ofstream f("testvalid.json", ios::trunc);
+    f << "{ \"Control-agent\": "
+      << string(valid_agent_config)
+      << " }" << endl;
+    f.close();
+    // Build and execute the command.
+    ConstElementPtr cmd = Element::fromJSON("{ \"command\": \"shutdown\"}");
+    ConstElementPtr params;
+    ConstElementPtr answer;
+    answer = CtrlAgentCommandMgr::instance().handleCommand("shutdown",
+                                                           params, cmd);
+    // Verify the reload was successful.
+    string expected = "{ \"result\": 0, \"text\": "
+                      "\"Control Agent is shutting down\" }";
+    EXPECT_EQ(expected, answer->str());
+    int exit_value = ctrl->getExitValue();
+    EXPECT_EQ(0, exit_value);
+    // Remove the file.
+    ::remove("testvalid.json");
+    // Now clean up after ourselves.
+    ctrl->deregisterCommands();
+TEST_F(CtrlAgentControllerTest, shutdownExitValue) {
+    ASSERT_NO_THROW(initProcess());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(checkProcess());
+    // The framework available makes it very difficult to test the actual
+    // code as CtrlAgentController is not initialized the same way it is
+    // in production code. In particular, the way CtrlAgentController
+    // is initialized in tests does not call registerCommands().
+    // This is a crude workaround for this problem. Proper solution should
+    // be developed sooner rather than later.
+    const DControllerBasePtr& base = getController();
+    const CtrlAgentControllerPtr& ctrl
+        = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<CtrlAgentController>(base);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(ctrl);
+    // Now clean up after ourselves.
+    ctrl->registerCommands();
+    // This is normally set to whatever value is passed to -c when the server is
+    // started, but we're not starting it that way, so need to set it by hand.
+    getController()->setConfigFile("testvalid.json");
+    // Ok, enough fooling around. Let's create a valid config.
+    ofstream f("testvalid.json", ios::trunc);
+    f << "{ \"Control-agent\": "
+      << string(valid_agent_config)
+      << " }" << endl;
+    f.close();
+    // Build and execute the command.
+    ConstElementPtr cmd = Element::fromJSON("{ \"command\": \"shutdown\"}");
+    ConstElementPtr params = Element::fromJSON("{ \"exit-value\": 77 }");
+    ConstElementPtr answer;
+    answer = CtrlAgentCommandMgr::instance().handleCommand("shutdown",
+                                                           params, cmd);
+    // Verify the reload was successful.
+    string expected = "{ \"result\": 0, \"text\": "
+                      "\"Control Agent is shutting down\" }";
+    EXPECT_EQ(expected, answer->str());
+    int exit_value = ctrl->getExitValue();
+    EXPECT_EQ(77, exit_value);
+    // Remove the file.
+    ::remove("testvalid.json");
+    // Now clean up after ourselves.
+    ctrl->deregisterCommands();
cgit v1.2.3