// Copyright (C) 2010-2022 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") // // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace { const char* const WHITESPACE = " \b\f\n\r\t"; } // end anonymous namespace namespace isc { namespace data { std::string Element::Position::str() const { std::ostringstream ss; ss << file_ << ":" << line_ << ":" << pos_; return (ss.str()); } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Element::Position& pos) { out << pos.str(); return (out); } std::string Element::str() const { std::stringstream ss; toJSON(ss); return (ss.str()); } std::string Element::toWire() const { std::stringstream ss; toJSON(ss); return (ss.str()); } void Element::toWire(std::ostream& ss) const { toJSON(ss); } bool Element::getValue(int64_t&) const { return (false); } bool Element::getValue(double&) const { return (false); } bool Element::getValue(bool&) const { return (false); } bool Element::getValue(std::string&) const { return (false); } bool Element::getValue(std::vector&) const { return (false); } bool Element::getValue(std::map&) const { return (false); } bool Element::setValue(const long long int) { return (false); } bool Element::setValue(const double) { return (false); } bool Element::setValue(const bool) { return (false); } bool Element::setValue(const std::string&) { return (false); } bool Element::setValue(const std::vector&) { return (false); } bool Element::setValue(const std::map&) { return (false); } ConstElementPtr Element::get(const int) const { throwTypeError("get(int) called on a non-container Element"); } ElementPtr Element::getNonConst(const int) const { throwTypeError("get(int) called on a non-container Element"); } void Element::set(const size_t, ElementPtr) { throwTypeError("set(int, element) called on a non-list Element"); } void Element::add(ElementPtr) { throwTypeError("add() called on a non-list Element"); } void Element::remove(const int) { throwTypeError("remove(int) called on a non-container Element"); } size_t Element::size() const { throwTypeError("size() called on a non-list Element"); } bool Element::empty() const { throwTypeError("empty() called on a non-container Element"); } ConstElementPtr Element::get(const std::string&) const { throwTypeError("get(string) called on a non-map Element"); } void Element::set(const std::string&, ConstElementPtr) { throwTypeError("set(name, element) called on a non-map Element"); } void Element::remove(const std::string&) { throwTypeError("remove(string) called on a non-map Element"); } bool Element::contains(const std::string&) const { throwTypeError("contains(string) called on a non-map Element"); } ConstElementPtr Element::find(const std::string&) const { throwTypeError("find(string) called on a non-map Element"); } bool Element::find(const std::string&, ConstElementPtr&) const { return (false); } namespace { inline void throwJSONError(const std::string& error, const std::string& file, int line, int pos) { std::stringstream ss; ss << error << " in " + file + ":" << line << ":" << pos; isc_throw(JSONError, ss.str()); } } // end anonymous namespace std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Element& e) { return (out << e.str()); } bool operator==(const Element& a, const Element& b) { return (a.equals(b)); } bool operator!=(const Element& a, const Element& b) { return (!a.equals(b)); } bool operator<(Element const& a, Element const& b) { if (a.getType() != b.getType()) { isc_throw(BadValue, "cannot compare Elements of different types"); } switch (a.getType()) { case Element::integer: return a.intValue() < b.intValue(); case Element::real: return a.doubleValue() < b.doubleValue(); case Element::boolean: return b.boolValue() || !a.boolValue(); case Element::string: return std::strcmp(a.stringValue().c_str(), b.stringValue().c_str()) < 0; } isc_throw(BadValue, "cannot compare Elements of type " << std::to_string(a.getType())); } // // factory functions // ElementPtr Element::create(const Position& pos) { return (ElementPtr(new NullElement(pos))); } ElementPtr Element::create(const long long int i, const Position& pos) { return (ElementPtr(new IntElement(static_cast(i), pos))); } ElementPtr Element::create(const int i, const Position& pos) { return (create(static_cast(i), pos)); } ElementPtr Element::create(const long int i, const Position& pos) { return (create(static_cast(i), pos)); } ElementPtr Element::create(const uint32_t i, const Position& pos) { return (create(static_cast(i), pos)); } ElementPtr Element::create(const double d, const Position& pos) { return (ElementPtr(new DoubleElement(d, pos))); } ElementPtr Element::create(const bool b, const Position& pos) { return (ElementPtr(new BoolElement(b, pos))); } ElementPtr Element::create(const std::string& s, const Position& pos) { return (ElementPtr(new StringElement(s, pos))); } ElementPtr Element::create(const char *s, const Position& pos) { return (create(std::string(s), pos)); } ElementPtr Element::createList(const Position& pos) { return (ElementPtr(new ListElement(pos))); } ElementPtr Element::createMap(const Position& pos) { return (ElementPtr(new MapElement(pos))); } // // helper functions for fromJSON factory // namespace { bool charIn(const int c, const char* chars) { const size_t chars_len = std::strlen(chars); for (size_t i = 0; i < chars_len; ++i) { if (chars[i] == c) { return (true); } } return (false); } void skipChars(std::istream& in, const char* chars, int& line, int& pos) { int c = in.peek(); while (charIn(c, chars) && c != EOF) { if (c == '\n') { ++line; pos = 1; } else { ++pos; } in.ignore(); c = in.peek(); } } // skip on the input stream to one of the characters in chars // if another character is found this function throws JSONError // unless that character is specified in the optional may_skip // // It returns the found character (as an int value). int skipTo(std::istream& in, const std::string& file, int& line, int& pos, const char* chars, const char* may_skip="") { int c = in.get(); ++pos; while (c != EOF) { if (c == '\n') { pos = 1; ++line; } if (charIn(c, may_skip)) { c = in.get(); ++pos; } else if (charIn(c, chars)) { while (charIn(in.peek(), may_skip)) { if (in.peek() == '\n') { pos = 1; ++line; } else { ++pos; } in.ignore(); } return (c); } else { throwJSONError(std::string("'") + std::string(1, c) + "' read, one of \"" + chars + "\" expected", file, line, pos); } } throwJSONError(std::string("EOF read, one of \"") + chars + "\" expected", file, line, pos); return (c); // shouldn't reach here, but some compilers require it } // TODO: Should we check for all other official escapes here (and // error on the rest)? std::string strFromStringstream(std::istream& in, const std::string& file, const int line, int& pos) { std::stringstream ss; int c = in.get(); ++pos; if (c == '"') { c = in.get(); ++pos; } else { throwJSONError("String expected", file, line, pos); } while (c != EOF && c != '"') { if (c == '\\') { // see the spec for allowed escape characters int d; switch (in.peek()) { case '"': c = '"'; break; case '/': c = '/'; break; case '\\': c = '\\'; break; case 'b': c = '\b'; break; case 'f': c = '\f'; break; case 'n': c = '\n'; break; case 'r': c = '\r'; break; case 't': c = '\t'; break; case 'u': // skip first 0 in.ignore(); ++pos; c = in.peek(); if (c != '0') { throwJSONError("Unsupported unicode escape", file, line, pos); } // skip second 0 in.ignore(); ++pos; c = in.peek(); if (c != '0') { throwJSONError("Unsupported unicode escape", file, line, pos - 2); } // get first digit in.ignore(); ++pos; d = in.peek(); if ((d >= '0') && (d <= '9')) { c = (d - '0') << 4; } else if ((d >= 'A') && (d <= 'F')) { c = (d - 'A' + 10) << 4; } else if ((d >= 'a') && (d <= 'f')) { c = (d - 'a' + 10) << 4; } else { throwJSONError("Not hexadecimal in unicode escape", file, line, pos - 3); } // get second digit in.ignore(); ++pos; d = in.peek(); if ((d >= '0') && (d <= '9')) { c |= d - '0'; } else if ((d >= 'A') && (d <= 'F')) { c |= d - 'A' + 10; } else if ((d >= 'a') && (d <= 'f')) { c |= d - 'a' + 10; } else { throwJSONError("Not hexadecimal in unicode escape", file, line, pos - 4); } break; default: throwJSONError("Bad escape", file, line, pos); } // drop the escaped char in.ignore(); ++pos; } ss.put(c); c = in.get(); ++pos; } if (c == EOF) { throwJSONError("Unterminated string", file, line, pos); } return (ss.str()); } std::string wordFromStringstream(std::istream& in, int& pos) { std::stringstream ss; while (isalpha(in.peek())) { ss << (char) in.get(); } pos += ss.str().size(); return (ss.str()); } std::string numberFromStringstream(std::istream& in, int& pos) { std::stringstream ss; while (isdigit(in.peek()) || in.peek() == '+' || in.peek() == '-' || in.peek() == '.' || in.peek() == 'e' || in.peek() == 'E') { ss << (char) in.get(); } pos += ss.str().size(); return (ss.str()); } // Should we change from IntElement and DoubleElement to NumberElement // that can also hold an e value? (and have specific getters if the // value is larger than an int can handle) // ElementPtr fromStringstreamNumber(std::istream& in, const std::string& file, const int line, int& pos) { // Remember position where the value starts. It will be set in the // Position structure of the Element to be created. const uint32_t start_pos = pos; // This will move the pos to the end of the value. const std::string number = numberFromStringstream(in, pos); if (number.find_first_of(".eE") < number.size()) { try { return (Element::create(boost::lexical_cast(number), Element::Position(file, line, start_pos))); } catch (const boost::bad_lexical_cast&) { throwJSONError(std::string("Number overflow: ") + number, file, line, start_pos); } } else { try { return (Element::create(boost::lexical_cast(number), Element::Position(file, line, start_pos))); } catch (const boost::bad_lexical_cast&) { throwJSONError(std::string("Number overflow: ") + number, file, line, start_pos); } } return (ElementPtr()); } ElementPtr fromStringstreamBool(std::istream& in, const std::string& file, const int line, int& pos) { // Remember position where the value starts. It will be set in the // Position structure of the Element to be created. const uint32_t start_pos = pos; // This will move the pos to the end of the value. const std::string word = wordFromStringstream(in, pos); if (word == "true") { return (Element::create(true, Element::Position(file, line, start_pos))); } else if (word == "false") { return (Element::create(false, Element::Position(file, line, start_pos))); } else { throwJSONError(std::string("Bad boolean value: ") + word, file, line, start_pos); } return (ElementPtr()); } ElementPtr fromStringstreamNull(std::istream& in, const std::string& file, const int line, int& pos) { // Remember position where the value starts. It will be set in the // Position structure of the Element to be created. const uint32_t start_pos = pos; // This will move the pos to the end of the value. const std::string word = wordFromStringstream(in, pos); if (word == "null") { return (Element::create(Element::Position(file, line, start_pos))); } else { throwJSONError(std::string("Bad null value: ") + word, file, line, start_pos); return (ElementPtr()); } } ElementPtr fromStringstreamString(std::istream& in, const std::string& file, int& line, int& pos) { // Remember position where the value starts. It will be set in the // Position structure of the Element to be created. const uint32_t start_pos = pos; // This will move the pos to the end of the value. const std::string string_value = strFromStringstream(in, file, line, pos); return (Element::create(string_value, Element::Position(file, line, start_pos))); } ElementPtr fromStringstreamList(std::istream& in, const std::string& file, int& line, int& pos) { int c = 0; ElementPtr list = Element::createList(Element::Position(file, line, pos)); ElementPtr cur_list_element; skipChars(in, WHITESPACE, line, pos); while (c != EOF && c != ']') { if (in.peek() != ']') { cur_list_element = Element::fromJSON(in, file, line, pos); list->add(cur_list_element); c = skipTo(in, file, line, pos, ",]", WHITESPACE); } else { c = in.get(); ++pos; } } return (list); } ElementPtr fromStringstreamMap(std::istream& in, const std::string& file, int& line, int& pos) { ElementPtr map = Element::createMap(Element::Position(file, line, pos)); skipChars(in, WHITESPACE, line, pos); int c = in.peek(); if (c == EOF) { throwJSONError(std::string("Unterminated map, or } expected"), file, line, pos); } else if (c == '}') { // empty map, skip closing curly in.ignore(); } else { while (c != EOF && c != '}') { std::string key = strFromStringstream(in, file, line, pos); skipTo(in, file, line, pos, ":", WHITESPACE); // skip the : ConstElementPtr value = Element::fromJSON(in, file, line, pos); map->set(key, value); c = skipTo(in, file, line, pos, ",}", WHITESPACE); } } return (map); } } // end anonymous namespace std::string Element::typeToName(Element::types type) { switch (type) { case Element::integer: return (std::string("integer")); case Element::real: return (std::string("real")); case Element::boolean: return (std::string("boolean")); case Element::string: return (std::string("string")); case Element::list: return (std::string("list")); case Element::map: return (std::string("map")); case Element::null: return (std::string("null")); case Element::any: return (std::string("any")); default: return (std::string("unknown")); } } Element::types Element::nameToType(const std::string& type_name) { if (type_name == "integer") { return (Element::integer); } else if (type_name == "real") { return (Element::real); } else if (type_name == "boolean") { return (Element::boolean); } else if (type_name == "string") { return (Element::string); } else if (type_name == "list") { return (Element::list); } else if (type_name == "map") { return (Element::map); } else if (type_name == "named_set") { return (Element::map); } else if (type_name == "null") { return (Element::null); } else if (type_name == "any") { return (Element::any); } else { isc_throw(TypeError, type_name + " is not a valid type name"); } } ElementPtr Element::fromJSON(std::istream& in, bool preproc) { int line = 1, pos = 1; stringstream filtered; if (preproc) { preprocess(in, filtered); } ElementPtr value = fromJSON(preproc ? filtered : in, "", line, pos); return (value); } ElementPtr Element::fromJSON(std::istream& in, const std::string& file_name, bool preproc) { int line = 1, pos = 1; stringstream filtered; if (preproc) { preprocess(in, filtered); } return (fromJSON(preproc ? filtered : in, file_name, line, pos)); } ElementPtr Element::fromJSON(std::istream& in, const std::string& file, int& line, int& pos) { int c = 0; ElementPtr element; bool el_read = false; skipChars(in, WHITESPACE, line, pos); while (c != EOF && !el_read) { c = in.get(); pos++; switch(c) { case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case '0': case '-': case '+': case '.': in.putback(c); --pos; element = fromStringstreamNumber(in, file, line, pos); el_read = true; break; case 't': case 'f': in.putback(c); --pos; element = fromStringstreamBool(in, file, line, pos); el_read = true; break; case 'n': in.putback(c); --pos; element = fromStringstreamNull(in, file, line, pos); el_read = true; break; case '"': in.putback('"'); --pos; element = fromStringstreamString(in, file, line, pos); el_read = true; break; case '[': element = fromStringstreamList(in, file, line, pos); el_read = true; break; case '{': element = fromStringstreamMap(in, file, line, pos); el_read = true; break; case EOF: break; default: throwJSONError(std::string("error: unexpected character ") + std::string(1, c), file, line, pos); break; } } if (el_read) { return (element); } else { isc_throw(JSONError, "nothing read"); } } ElementPtr Element::fromJSON(const std::string& in, bool preproc) { std::stringstream ss; ss << in; int line = 1, pos = 1; stringstream filtered; if (preproc) { preprocess(ss, filtered); } ElementPtr result(fromJSON(preproc ? filtered : ss, "", line, pos)); skipChars(ss, WHITESPACE, line, pos); // ss must now be at end if (ss.peek() != EOF) { throwJSONError("Extra data", "", line, pos); } return result; } ElementPtr Element::fromJSONFile(const std::string& file_name, bool preproc) { // zero out the errno to be safe errno = 0; std::ifstream infile(file_name.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); if (!infile.is_open()) { const char* error = strerror(errno); isc_throw(InvalidOperation, "failed to read file '" << file_name << "': " << error); } return (fromJSON(infile, file_name, preproc)); } // to JSON format void IntElement::toJSON(std::ostream& ss) const { ss << intValue(); } void DoubleElement::toJSON(std::ostream& ss) const { // The default output for doubles nicely drops off trailing // zeros, however this produces strings without decimal points // for whole number values. When reparsed this will create // IntElements not DoubleElements. Rather than used a fixed // precision, we'll just tack on an ".0" when the decimal point // is missing. ostringstream val_ss; val_ss << doubleValue(); ss << val_ss.str(); if (val_ss.str().find_first_of('.') == string::npos) { ss << ".0"; } } void BoolElement::toJSON(std::ostream& ss) const { if (boolValue()) { ss << "true"; } else { ss << "false"; } } void NullElement::toJSON(std::ostream& ss) const { ss << "null"; } void StringElement::toJSON(std::ostream& ss) const { ss << "\""; const std::string& str = stringValue(); for (size_t i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i) { const char c = str[i]; // Escape characters as defined in JSON spec // Note that we do not escape forward slash; this // is allowed, but not mandatory. switch (c) { case '"': ss << '\\' << c; break; case '\\': ss << '\\' << c; break; case '\b': ss << '\\' << 'b'; break; case '\f': ss << '\\' << 'f'; break; case '\n': ss << '\\' << 'n'; break; case '\r': ss << '\\' << 'r'; break; case '\t': ss << '\\' << 't'; break; default: if (((c >= 0) && (c < 0x20)) || (c < 0) || (c >= 0x7f)) { std::ostringstream esc; esc << "\\u" << hex << setw(4) << setfill('0') << (static_cast(c) & 0xff); ss << esc.str(); } else { ss << c; } } } ss << "\""; } void ListElement::toJSON(std::ostream& ss) const { ss << "[ "; const std::vector& v = listValue(); for (auto it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it) { if (it != v.begin()) { ss << ", "; } (*it)->toJSON(ss); } ss << " ]"; } void MapElement::toJSON(std::ostream& ss) const { ss << "{ "; const std::map& m = mapValue(); for (auto it = m.begin(); it != m.end(); ++it) { if (it != m.begin()) { ss << ", "; } ss << "\"" << (*it).first << "\": "; if ((*it).second) { (*it).second->toJSON(ss); } else { ss << "None"; } } ss << " }"; } // throws when one of the types in the path (except the one // we're looking for) is not a MapElement // returns 0 if it could simply not be found // should that also be an exception? ConstElementPtr MapElement::find(const std::string& id) const { const size_t sep = id.find('/'); if (sep == std::string::npos) { return (get(id)); } else { ConstElementPtr ce = get(id.substr(0, sep)); if (ce) { // ignore trailing slash if (sep + 1 != id.size()) { return (ce->find(id.substr(sep + 1))); } else { return (ce); } } else { return (ElementPtr()); } } } ElementPtr Element::fromWire(const std::string& s) { std::stringstream ss; ss << s; int line = 0, pos = 0; return (fromJSON(ss, "", line, pos)); } ElementPtr Element::fromWire(std::stringstream& in, int) { // // Check protocol version // //for (int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; ++i) { // const unsigned char version_byte = get_byte(in); // if (PROTOCOL_VERSION[i] != version_byte) { // throw DecodeError("Protocol version incorrect"); // } //} //length -= 4; int line = 0, pos = 0; return (fromJSON(in, "", line, pos)); } void MapElement::set(const std::string& key, ConstElementPtr value) { m[key] = value; } bool MapElement::find(const std::string& id, ConstElementPtr& t) const { try { ConstElementPtr p = find(id); if (p) { t = p; return (true); } } catch (const TypeError&) { // ignore } return (false); } bool IntElement::equals(const Element& other) const { return (other.getType() == Element::integer) && (i == other.intValue()); } bool DoubleElement::equals(const Element& other) const { return (other.getType() == Element::real) && (fabs(d - other.doubleValue()) < 1e-14); } bool BoolElement::equals(const Element& other) const { return (other.getType() == Element::boolean) && (b == other.boolValue()); } bool NullElement::equals(const Element& other) const { return (other.getType() == Element::null); } bool StringElement::equals(const Element& other) const { return (other.getType() == Element::string) && (s == other.stringValue()); } bool ListElement::equals(const Element& other) const { if (other.getType() == Element::list) { const size_t s = size(); if (s != other.size()) { return (false); } for (size_t i = 0; i < s; ++i) { if (!get(i)->equals(*other.get(i))) { return (false); } } return (true); } else { return (false); } } void ListElement::sort(std::string const& index /* = std::string() */) { if (l.empty()) { return; } int const t(l.at(0)->getType()); std::function comparator; if (t == map) { if (index.empty()) { isc_throw(BadValue, "index required when sorting maps"); } comparator = [&](ElementPtr const& a, ElementPtr const& b) { ConstElementPtr const& ai(a->get(index)); ConstElementPtr const& bi(b->get(index)); if (ai && bi) { return *ai < *bi; } return true; }; } else if (t == list) { // Nested lists. Not supported. return; } else { // Assume scalars. if (!index.empty()) { isc_throw(BadValue, "index given when sorting scalars?"); } comparator = [&](ElementPtr const& a, ElementPtr const& b) { return *a < *b; }; } std::sort(l.begin(), l.end(), comparator); } bool MapElement::equals(const Element& other) const { if (other.getType() == Element::map) { if (size() != other.size()) { return (false); } for (auto kv : mapValue()) { auto key = kv.first; if (other.contains(key)) { if (!get(key)->equals(*other.get(key))) { return (false); } } else { return (false); } } return (true); } else { return (false); } } bool isNull(ConstElementPtr p) { return (!p); } void removeIdentical(ElementPtr a, ConstElementPtr b) { if (!b) { return; } if (a->getType() != Element::map || b->getType() != Element::map) { isc_throw(TypeError, "Non-map Elements passed to removeIdentical"); } // As maps do not allow entries with multiple keys, we can either iterate // over a checking for identical entries in b or vice-versa. As elements // are removed from a if a match is found, we choose to iterate over b to // avoid problems with element removal affecting the iterator. for (auto kv : b->mapValue()) { auto key = kv.first; if (a->contains(key)) { if (a->get(key)->equals(*b->get(key))) { a->remove(key); } } } } ConstElementPtr removeIdentical(ConstElementPtr a, ConstElementPtr b) { ElementPtr result = Element::createMap(); if (!b) { return (result); } if (a->getType() != Element::map || b->getType() != Element::map) { isc_throw(TypeError, "Non-map Elements passed to removeIdentical"); } for (auto kv : a->mapValue()) { auto key = kv.first; if (!b->contains(key) || !a->get(key)->equals(*b->get(key))) { result->set(key, kv.second); } } return (result); } void merge(ElementPtr element, ConstElementPtr other) { if (element->getType() != Element::map || other->getType() != Element::map) { isc_throw(TypeError, "merge arguments not MapElements"); } for (auto kv : other->mapValue()) { auto key = kv.first; auto value = kv.second; if (value && value->getType() != Element::null) { element->set(key, value); } else if (element->contains(key)) { element->remove(key); } } } void mergeDiffAdd(ElementPtr& element, ElementPtr& other, HierarchyDescriptor& hierarchy, std::string key, size_t idx) { if (element->getType() != other->getType()) { isc_throw(TypeError, "mergeDiffAdd arguments not same type"); } if (element->getType() == Element::list) { // Store new elements in a separate container so we don't overwrite // options as we add them (if there are duplicates). ElementPtr new_elements = Element::createList(); for (auto& right : other->listValue()) { // Check if we have any description of the key in the configuration // hierarchy. auto f = hierarchy[idx].find(key); if (f != hierarchy[idx].end()) { bool found = false; ElementPtr mutable_right = boost::const_pointer_cast(right); for (auto& left : element->listValue()) { ElementPtr mutable_left = boost::const_pointer_cast(left); // Check if the elements refer to the same configuration // entity. if (f->second.match_(mutable_left, mutable_right)) { found = true; mergeDiffAdd(mutable_left, mutable_right, hierarchy, key, idx); } } if (!found) { new_elements->add(right); } } else { new_elements->add(right); } } // Finally add the new elements. for (auto& right : new_elements->listValue()) { element->add(right); } return; } if (element->getType() == Element::map) { for (auto kv : other->mapValue()) { auto current_key = kv.first; auto value = boost::const_pointer_cast(kv.second); if (value && value->getType() != Element::null) { if (element->contains(current_key) && (value->getType() == Element::map || value->getType() == Element::list)) { ElementPtr mutable_element = boost::const_pointer_cast(element->get(current_key)); mergeDiffAdd(mutable_element, value, hierarchy, current_key, idx + 1); } else { element->set(current_key, value); } } } return; } element = other; } void mergeDiffDel(ElementPtr& element, ElementPtr& other, HierarchyDescriptor& hierarchy, std::string key, size_t idx) { if (element->getType() != other->getType()) { isc_throw(TypeError, "mergeDiffDel arguments not same type"); } if (element->getType() == Element::list) { for (auto const& value : other->listValue()) { ElementPtr mutable_right = boost::const_pointer_cast(value); for (uint32_t iter = 0; iter < element->listValue().size();) { bool removed = false; // Check if we have any description of the key in the // configuration hierarchy. auto f = hierarchy[idx].find(key); if (f != hierarchy[idx].end()) { ElementPtr mutable_left = boost::const_pointer_cast(element->listValue().at(iter)); // Check if the elements refer to the same configuration // entity. if (f->second.match_(mutable_left, mutable_right)) { // Check if the user supplied data only contains // identification information, so the intent is to // delete the element, not just element data. if (f->second.no_data_(mutable_right)) { element->remove(iter); removed = true; } else { mergeDiffDel(mutable_left, mutable_right, hierarchy, key, idx); if (mutable_left->empty()) { element->remove(iter); removed = true; } } } } else if (element->listValue().at(iter)->equals(*value)) { element->remove(iter); removed = true; } if (!removed) { ++iter; } } } return; } if (element->getType() == Element::map) { // If the resulting element still contains data, we need to restore the // key parameters, so we store them here. ElementPtr new_elements = Element::createMap(); for (auto kv : other->mapValue()) { auto current_key = kv.first; auto value = boost::const_pointer_cast(kv.second); if (value && value->getType() != Element::null) { if (element->contains(current_key)) { ElementPtr mutable_element = boost::const_pointer_cast(element->get(current_key)); if (mutable_element->getType() == Element::map || mutable_element->getType() == Element::list) { mergeDiffDel(mutable_element, value, hierarchy, current_key, idx + 1); if (mutable_element->empty()) { element->remove(current_key); } } else { // Check if we have any description of the key in the // configuration hierarchy. auto f = hierarchy[idx].find(key); if (f != hierarchy[idx].end()) { // Check if the key is used for element // identification. if (f->second.is_key_(current_key)) { // Store the key parameter. new_elements->set(current_key, mutable_element); } } element->remove(current_key); } } } } // If the element still contains data, restore the key elements. if (element->size()) { for (auto kv : new_elements->mapValue()) { element->set(kv.first, kv.second); } } return; } element = ElementPtr(new NullElement); } void extend(const std::string& container, const std::string& extension, ElementPtr& element, ElementPtr& other, HierarchyDescriptor& hierarchy, std::string key, size_t idx, bool alter) { if (element->getType() != other->getType()) { isc_throw(TypeError, "extend arguments not same type"); } if (element->getType() == Element::list) { for (auto& right : other->listValue()) { // Check if we have any description of the key in the configuration // hierarchy. auto f = hierarchy[idx].find(key); if (f != hierarchy[idx].end()) { ElementPtr mutable_right = boost::const_pointer_cast(right); for (auto& left : element->listValue()) { ElementPtr mutable_left = boost::const_pointer_cast(left); if (container == key) { alter = true; } if (f->second.match_(mutable_left, mutable_right)) { extend(container, extension, mutable_left, mutable_right, hierarchy, key, idx, alter); } } } } return; } if (element->getType() == Element::map) { for (auto kv : other->mapValue()) { auto current_key = kv.first; auto value = boost::const_pointer_cast(kv.second); if (value && value->getType() != Element::null) { if (element->contains(current_key) && (value->getType() == Element::map || value->getType() == Element::list)) { ElementPtr mutable_element = boost::const_pointer_cast(element->get(current_key)); if (container == key) { alter = true; } extend(container, extension, mutable_element, value, hierarchy, current_key, idx + 1, alter); } else if (alter && current_key == extension) { element->set(current_key, value); } } } return; } } ElementPtr copy(ConstElementPtr from, int level) { if (!from) { isc_throw(BadValue, "copy got a null pointer"); } int from_type = from->getType(); if (from_type == Element::integer) { return (ElementPtr(new IntElement(from->intValue()))); } else if (from_type == Element::real) { return (ElementPtr(new DoubleElement(from->doubleValue()))); } else if (from_type == Element::boolean) { return (ElementPtr(new BoolElement(from->boolValue()))); } else if (from_type == Element::null) { return (ElementPtr(new NullElement())); } else if (from_type == Element::string) { return (ElementPtr(new StringElement(from->stringValue()))); } else if (from_type == Element::list) { ElementPtr result = ElementPtr(new ListElement()); for (auto elem : from->listValue()) { if (level == 0) { result->add(elem); } else { result->add(copy(elem, level - 1)); } } return (result); } else if (from_type == Element::map) { ElementPtr result = ElementPtr(new MapElement()); for (auto kv : from->mapValue()) { auto key = kv.first; auto value = kv.second; if (level == 0) { result->set(key, value); } else { result->set(key, copy(value, level - 1)); } } return (result); } else { isc_throw(BadValue, "copy got an element of type: " << from_type); } } namespace { // Helper function which blocks infinite recursion bool isEquivalent0(ConstElementPtr a, ConstElementPtr b, unsigned level) { // check looping forever on cycles if (!level) { isc_throw(BadValue, "isEquivalent got infinite recursion: " "arguments include cycles"); } if (!a || !b) { isc_throw(BadValue, "isEquivalent got a null pointer"); } // check types if (a->getType() != b->getType()) { return (false); } if (a->getType() == Element::list) { // check empty if (a->empty()) { return (b->empty()); } // check size if (a->size() != b->size()) { return (false); } // copy b into a list const size_t s = a->size(); std::list l; for (size_t i = 0; i < s; ++i) { l.push_back(b->get(i)); } // iterate on a for (size_t i = 0; i < s; ++i) { ConstElementPtr item = a->get(i); // lookup this item in the list bool found = false; for (auto it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) { // if found in the list remove it if (isEquivalent0(item, *it, level - 1)) { found = true; l.erase(it); break; } } // if not found argument differs if (!found) { return (false); } } // sanity check: the list must be empty if (!l.empty()) { isc_throw(Unexpected, "isEquivalent internal error"); } return (true); } else if (a->getType() == Element::map) { // check sizes if (a->size() != b->size()) { return (false); } // iterate on the first map for (auto kv : a->mapValue()) { // get the b value for the given keyword and recurse ConstElementPtr item = b->get(kv.first); if (!item || !isEquivalent0(kv.second, item, level - 1)) { return (false); } } return (true); } else { return (a->equals(*b)); } } } // end anonymous namespace bool isEquivalent(ConstElementPtr a, ConstElementPtr b) { return (isEquivalent0(a, b, 100)); } void prettyPrint(ConstElementPtr element, std::ostream& out, unsigned indent, unsigned step) { if (!element) { isc_throw(BadValue, "prettyPrint got a null pointer"); } if (element->getType() == Element::list) { // empty list case if (element->empty()) { out << "[ ]"; return; } // complex ? multiline : oneline if (!element->get(0)) { isc_throw(BadValue, "prettyPrint got a null pointer"); } int first_type = element->get(0)->getType(); bool complex = false; if ((first_type == Element::list) || (first_type == Element::map)) { complex = true; } std::string separator = complex ? ",\n" : ", "; // open the list out << "[" << (complex ? "\n" : " "); // iterate on items const auto& l = element->listValue(); for (auto it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) { // add the separator if not the first item if (it != l.begin()) { out << separator; } // add indentation if (complex) { out << std::string(indent + step, ' '); } // recursive call prettyPrint(*it, out, indent + step, step); } // close the list if (complex) { out << "\n" << std::string(indent, ' '); } else { out << " "; } out << "]"; } else if (element->getType() == Element::map) { // empty map case if (element->size() == 0) { out << "{ }"; return; } // open the map out << "{\n"; // iterate on keyword: value const auto& m = element->mapValue(); bool first = true; for (auto it = m.begin(); it != m.end(); ++it) { // add the separator if not the first item if (first) { first = false; } else { out << ",\n"; } // add indentation out << std::string(indent + step, ' '); // add keyword: out << "\"" << it->first << "\": "; // recursive call prettyPrint(it->second, out, indent + step, step); } // close the map out << "\n" << std::string(indent, ' ') << "}"; } else { // not a list or a map element->toJSON(out); } } std::string prettyPrint(ConstElementPtr element, unsigned indent, unsigned step) { std::stringstream ss; prettyPrint(element, ss, indent, step); return (ss.str()); } void Element::preprocess(std::istream& in, std::stringstream& out) { std::string line; while (std::getline(in, line)) { // If this is a comments line, replace it with empty line // (so the line numbers will still match if (!line.empty() && line[0] == '#') { line = ""; } // getline() removes end line characters. Unfortunately, we need // it for getting the line numbers right (in case we report an // error. out << line; out << "\n"; } } } // end of isc::data namespace } // end of isc namespace