// Copyright (C) 2015-2022 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

#include <config.h>

#include <exceptions/exceptions.h>
#include <dhcp/opaque_data_tuple.h>
#include <dhcp/option_opaque_data_tuples.h>
#include <sstream>

namespace isc {
namespace dhcp {

OptionOpaqueDataTuples::OptionOpaqueDataTuples(Option::Universe u,
                                               const uint16_t type)
    : Option(u, type) {

OptionOpaqueDataTuples::OptionOpaqueDataTuples(Option::Universe u,
                                               const uint16_t type,
                                               OptionBufferConstIter begin,
                                               OptionBufferConstIter end)
    : Option(u, type) {
    unpack(begin, end);

OptionOpaqueDataTuples::clone() const {
    return (cloneInternal<OptionOpaqueDataTuples>());

OptionOpaqueDataTuples::pack(isc::util::OutputBuffer& buf, bool check) const {
    packHeader(buf, check);

    for (TuplesCollection::const_iterator it = tuples_.begin();
         it != tuples_.end(); ++it) {
    // That's it. We don't pack any sub-options here, because this option
    // must not contain sub-options.

OptionOpaqueDataTuples::unpack(OptionBufferConstIter begin,
                               OptionBufferConstIter end) {
    if (std::distance(begin, end) < getMinimalLength() - getHeaderLen()) {
        isc_throw(OutOfRange, "parsed data tuples option data truncated to"
                  " size " << std::distance(begin, end));

    // Start reading opaque data.
    size_t offset = 0;
    while (offset < std::distance(begin, end)) {
        // Parse a tuple.
        OpaqueDataTuple tuple(getLengthFieldType(), begin + offset, end);
        // The tuple has been parsed correctly which implies that it is safe to
        // advance the offset by its total length.
        offset += tuple.getTotalLength();

OptionOpaqueDataTuples::addTuple(const OpaqueDataTuple& tuple) {
    if (tuple.getLengthFieldType() != getLengthFieldType()) {
        isc_throw(isc::BadValue, "attempted to add opaque data tuple having"
                  " invalid size of the length field "
                  << tuple.getDataFieldSize() << " to opaque data tuple option");


OptionOpaqueDataTuples::setTuple(const size_t at, const OpaqueDataTuple& tuple) {
    if (at >= getTuplesNum()) {
        isc_throw(isc::OutOfRange, "attempted to set an opaque data for the"
                  " opaque data tuple option at position " << at << " which"
                  " is out of range");

    } else if (tuple.getLengthFieldType() != getLengthFieldType()) {
        isc_throw(isc::BadValue, "attempted to set opaque data tuple having"
                  " invalid size of the length field "
                  << tuple.getDataFieldSize() << " to opaque data tuple option");

    tuples_[at] = tuple;

OptionOpaqueDataTuples::getTuple(const size_t at) const {
    if (at >= getTuplesNum()) {
        isc_throw(isc::OutOfRange, "attempted to get an opaque data for the"
                  " opaque data tuple option at position " << at << " which is"
                  " out of range. There are only " << getTuplesNum() << " tuples");
    return (tuples_[at]);

OptionOpaqueDataTuples::hasTuple(const std::string& tuple_str) const {
    // Iterate over existing tuples (there shouldn't be many of them),
    // and try to match the searched one.
    for (TuplesCollection::const_iterator it = tuples_.begin();
         it != tuples_.end(); ++it) {
        if (*it == tuple_str) {
            return (true);
    return (false);

OptionOpaqueDataTuples::len() const {
    // The option starts with the header.
    uint16_t length = getHeaderLen();
    // Now iterate over existing tuples and add their size.
    for (TuplesCollection::const_iterator it = tuples_.begin();
         it != tuples_.end(); ++it) {
        length += it->getTotalLength();

    return (length);

OptionOpaqueDataTuples::toText(int indent) const {
    std::ostringstream s;

    // Apply indentation
    s << std::string(indent, ' ');

    // Print type and length
    s << "type=" << getType() << ", len=" << len() - getHeaderLen() << std::dec;
    // Iterate over all tuples and print their size and contents.
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < getTuplesNum(); ++i) {
        // Print the tuple.
        s << ", data-len" << i << "=" << getTuple(i).getLength();
        s << ", data" << i << "='" << getTuple(i) << "'";

    return (s.str());

} // namespace isc::dhcp
} // namespace isc