# Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # \brief Message Utility Message File # # This is the source of the set of messages generated by the message and # logging components. The associated .h and .cc files are created by hand from # this file though and are not built during the build process; this is to avoid # the chicken-and-egg situation where we need the files to build the message # compiler, yet we need the compiler to build the files. $NAMESPACE isc::log % LOG_BAD_DESTINATION unrecognized log destination: %1 A logger destination value was given that was not recognized. The destination should be one of "console", "file", or "syslog". % LOG_BAD_SEVERITY unrecognized log severity: %1 A logger severity value was given that was not recognized. The severity should be one of "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR", "FATAL" or "NONE". % LOG_BAD_STREAM bad log console output stream: %1 Logging has been configured so that output is written to the terminal (console) but the stream on which it is to be written is not recognized. Allowed values are "stdout" and "stderr". % LOG_DUPLICATE_MESSAGE_ID duplicate message ID (%1) in compiled code During start-up, Kea detected that the given message identification had been defined multiple times in the Kea code. This indicates a programming error; please submit a bug report. % LOG_DUPLICATE_NAMESPACE line %1: duplicate $NAMESPACE directive found When reading a message file, more than one $NAMESPACE directive was found. (This directive is used to set a C++ namespace when generating header files during software development.) Such a condition is regarded as an error and the read will be abandoned. % LOG_INPUT_OPEN_FAIL unable to open message file %1 for input: %2 The program was not able to open the specified input message file for the reason given. % LOG_INVALID_MESSAGE_ID line %1: invalid message identification '%2' An invalid message identification (ID) has been found during the read of a message file. Message IDs should comprise only alphanumeric characters and the underscore, and should not start with a digit. % LOG_NAMESPACE_EXTRA_ARGS line %1: $NAMESPACE directive has too many arguments The $NAMESPACE directive in a message file takes a single argument, a namespace in which all the generated symbol names are placed. This error is generated when the compiler finds a $NAMESPACE directive with more than one argument. % LOG_NAMESPACE_INVALID_ARG line %1: $NAMESPACE directive has an invalid argument ('%2') The $NAMESPACE argument in a message file should be a valid C++ namespace. This message is output if the simple check on the syntax of the string carried out by the reader fails. % LOG_NAMESPACE_NO_ARGS line %1: no arguments were given to the $NAMESPACE directive The $NAMESPACE directive in a message file takes a single argument, a C++ namespace in which all the generated symbol names are placed. This error is generated when the compiler finds a $NAMESPACE directive with no arguments. % LOG_NO_MESSAGE_ID line %1: message definition line found without a message ID Within a message file, message are defined by lines starting with a "%". The rest of the line should comprise the message ID and text describing the message. This error indicates the message compiler found a line in the message file comprising just the "%" and nothing else. % LOG_NO_MESSAGE_TEXT line %1: line found containing a message ID ('%2') and no text Within a message file, message are defined by lines starting with a "%". The rest of the line should comprise the message ID and text describing the message. This error indicates the message compiler found a line in the message file comprising just the "%" and message identification, but no text. % LOG_NO_SUCH_MESSAGE could not replace message text for '%1': no such message During start-up a local message file was read. A line with the listed message identification was found in the file, but the identification is not one contained in the compiled-in message dictionary. This message may appear a number of times in the file, once for every such unknown message identification. There are several reasons why this message may appear: - The message ID has been misspelled in the local message file. - The program outputting the message may not use that particular message (e.g. it originates in a module not used by the program). - The local file was written for an earlier version of the Kea software and the later version no longer generates that message. Whatever the reason, there is no impact on the operation of Kea. % LOG_OPEN_OUTPUT_FAIL unable to open %1 for output: %2 Originating within the logging code, the program was not able to open the specified output file for the reason given. % LOG_PREFIX_EXTRA_ARGS line %1: $PREFIX directive has too many arguments Within a message file, the $PREFIX directive takes a single argument, a prefix to be added to the symbol names when a C++ file is created. This error is generated when the compiler finds a $PREFIX directive with more than one argument. Note: the $PREFIX directive is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Kea. % LOG_PREFIX_INVALID_ARG line %1: $PREFIX directive has an invalid argument ('%2') Within a message file, the $PREFIX directive takes a single argument, a prefix to be added to the symbol names when a C++ file is created. As such, it must adhere to restrictions on C++ symbol names (e.g. may only contain alphanumeric characters or underscores, and may nor start with a digit). A $PREFIX directive was found with an argument (given in the message) that violates those restrictions. Note: the $PREFIX directive is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Kea. % LOG_READING_LOCAL_FILE reading local message file %1 This is an informational message output by Kea when it starts to read a local message file. (A local message file may replace the text of one or more messages; the ID of the message will not be changed though.) % LOG_READ_ERROR error reading from message file %1: %2 The specified error was encountered reading from the named message file. % LOG_UNRECOGNIZED_DIRECTIVE line %1: unrecognized directive '%2' Within a message file, a line starting with a dollar symbol was found (indicating the presence of a directive) but the first word on the line (shown in the message) was not recognized. % LOG_WRITE_ERROR error writing to %1: %2 The specified error was encountered by the message compiler when writing to the named output file.