{ "access": "write", "avail": "1.6.0", "brief": [ "This command creates or replaces a DHCPv6 option in a prefix delegation pool in the configuration database." ], "cmd-comment": [ "This command includes two lists with exactly one prefix delegation pool specification and exactly one option specification. Specifying an empty list, a value of ``null``, or a server tag will result in an error." ], "cmd-syntax": [ "{", " \"command\": \"remote-option6-pd-pool-set\",", " \"arguments\": {", " \"pd-pools\": [", " {", " \"prefix\": ", " \"prefix-len\": ", " }", " ],", " \"options\": [", " {", " ", " }", " ],", " \"remote\": {", " ", " }", " }", "}" ], "hook": "cb_cmds", "name": "remote-option6-pd-pool-set", "resp-syntax": [ "{", " \"result\": 0,", " \"text\": \"DHCPv6 option successfully set.\",", " \"arguments\": {", " \"options\": [", " {", " \"code\":