{ "access": "write", "avail": "1.0.0", "brief": [ "This command sets the specified statistic to its neutral value: 0 for integer, 0.0 for float, 0h0m0s0us for time duration, and \"\" for string type. It takes a single string parameter called name that specifies the statistic name." ], "cmd-comment": [ "If the specific statistic is found and the reset is successful, the server responds with a status of 0, indicating success, and an empty parameters field. If an error is encountered (e.g. the requested statistic was not found), the server returns a status code of 1 (error) and the text field contains the error description." ], "cmd-syntax": [ "{", " \"command\": \"statistic-reset\",", " \"arguments\": {", " \"name\": \"pkt4-received\"", " }", "}" ], "description": "See ", "name": "statistic-reset", "support": [ "kea-dhcp4", "kea-dhcp6", "kea-dhcp-ddns" ] }