-- Copyright (C) 2012-2022 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") -- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -- License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this -- file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -- This is the Kea DHCP schema specification for PostgreSQL. -- The schema is reasonably portable (with the exception of some field types -- specification, which are PostgreSQL-specific). Minor changes might be needed -- for other databases. -- To create the schema, either type the command: -- psql -U -W < dhcpdb_create.pgsql -- ... at the command prompt, or log in to the PostgreSQL database and at the "postgres=#" -- prompt, issue the command: -- @dhcpdb_create.pgsql -- Start a single transaction for the Entire script START TRANSACTION; -- Holds the IPv4 leases. CREATE TABLE lease4 ( address BIGINT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, -- IPv4 address hwaddr BYTEA, -- Hardware address client_id BYTEA, -- Client ID valid_lifetime BIGINT, -- Length of the lease (seconds) expire TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, -- Expiration time of the lease subnet_id BIGINT, -- Subnet identification fqdn_fwd BOOLEAN, -- Has forward DNS update been performed by a server fqdn_rev BOOLEAN, -- Has reverse DNS update been performed by a server hostname VARCHAR(255) -- The FQDN of the client ); -- Create search indexes for lease4 table -- index by hwaddr and subnet_id CREATE INDEX lease4_by_hwaddr_subnet_id ON lease4 (hwaddr, subnet_id); -- index by client_id and subnet_id CREATE INDEX lease4_by_client_id_subnet_id ON lease4 (client_id, subnet_id); -- Holds the IPv6 leases. -- N.B. The use of a VARCHAR for the address is temporary for development: -- it will eventually be replaced by BINARY(16). CREATE TABLE lease6 ( address VARCHAR(39) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, -- IPv6 address duid BYTEA, -- DUID valid_lifetime BIGINT, -- Length of the lease (seconds) expire TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, -- Expiration time of the lease subnet_id BIGINT, -- Subnet identification pref_lifetime BIGINT, -- Preferred lifetime lease_type SMALLINT, -- Lease type (see lease6_types -- table for possible values) iaid INT, -- See Section 12 of RFC 8415 prefix_len SMALLINT, -- For IA_PD only fqdn_fwd BOOLEAN, -- Has forward DNS update been performed by a server fqdn_rev BOOLEAN, -- Has reverse DNS update been performed by a server hostname VARCHAR(255) -- The FQDN of the client ); -- Create search indexes for lease6 table -- index by iaid, subnet_id, and duid CREATE INDEX lease6_by_iaid_subnet_id_duid ON lease6 (iaid, subnet_id, duid); -- ... and a definition of lease6 types. This table is a convenience for -- users of the database - if they want to view the lease table and use the -- type names, they can join this table with the lease6 table CREATE TABLE lease6_types ( lease_type SMALLINT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, -- Lease type code. name VARCHAR(5) -- Name of the lease type ); INSERT INTO lease6_types VALUES (0, 'IA_NA'); -- Non-temporary v6 addresses INSERT INTO lease6_types VALUES (1, 'IA_TA'); -- Temporary v6 addresses INSERT INTO lease6_types VALUES (2, 'IA_PD'); -- Prefix delegations -- Finally, the version of the schema. We start at 0.1 during development. -- This table is only modified during schema upgrades. For historical reasons -- (related to the names of the columns in the BIND 10 DNS database file), the -- first column is called "version" and not "major". CREATE TABLE schema_version ( version INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, -- Major version number minor INT -- Minor version number ); INSERT INTO schema_version VALUES (1, 0); -- -- Schema 2.0 specification starts here. -- -- Add state column to the lease4 table. ALTER TABLE lease4 ADD COLUMN state INT8 DEFAULT 0; -- Add state column to the lease6 table. ALTER TABLE lease6 ADD COLUMN state INT8 DEFAULT 0; -- Create indexes for querying leases in a given state and segregated -- by the expiration time. One of the applications is to retrieve all -- expired leases. However, these indexes can be also used to retrieve -- leases in a given state regardless of the expiration time. CREATE INDEX lease4_by_state_expire ON lease4 (state ASC, expire ASC); CREATE INDEX lease6_by_state_expire ON lease6 (state ASC, expire ASC); -- Create table holding mapping of the lease states to their names. -- This is not used in queries from the DHCP server but rather in -- direct queries from the lease database management tools. CREATE TABLE lease_state ( state INT8 PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL); -- Insert currently defined state names. INSERT INTO lease_state VALUES (0, 'default'); INSERT INTO lease_state VALUES (1, 'declined'); INSERT INTO lease_state VALUES (2, 'expired-reclaimed'); -- Add a constraint that any state value added to the lease4 must -- map to a value in the lease_state table. ALTER TABLE lease4 ADD CONSTRAINT fk_lease4_state FOREIGN KEY (state) REFERENCES lease_state (state); -- Add a constraint that any state value added to the lease6 must -- map to a value in the lease_state table. ALTER TABLE lease6 ADD CONSTRAINT fk_lease6_state FOREIGN KEY (state) REFERENCES lease_state (state); -- Add a constraint that lease type in the lease6 table must map -- to a lease type defined in the lease6_types table. ALTER TABLE lease6 ADD CONSTRAINT fk_lease6_type FOREIGN KEY (lease_type) REFERENCES lease6_types (lease_type); -- -- FUNCTION that returns a result set containing the column names for lease4 dumps. DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS lease4DumpHeader(); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION lease4DumpHeader() RETURNS text AS $$ select cast('address,hwaddr,client_id,valid_lifetime,expire,subnet_id,fqdn_fwd,fqdn_rev,hostname,state' as text) as result; $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- -- -- FUNCTION that returns a result set containing the data for lease4 dumps. DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS lease4DumpData(); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION lease4DumpData() RETURNS table (address inet, hwaddr text, client_id text, valid_lifetime bigint, expire TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, subnet_id bigint, fqdn_fwd int, fqdn_rev int, hostname text, state text ) as $$ SELECT (''::inet + l.address), encode(l.hwaddr,'hex'), encode(l.client_id,'hex'), l.valid_lifetime, l.expire, l.subnet_id, l.fqdn_fwd::int, l.fqdn_rev::int, l.hostname, s.name FROM lease4 l left outer join lease_state s on (l.state = s.state); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- -- -- FUNCTION that returns a result set containing the column names for lease6 dumps. DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS lease6DumpHeader(); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION lease6DumpHeader() RETURNS text AS $$ select cast('address,duid,valid_lifetime,expire,subnet_id,pref_lifetime,lease_type,iaid,prefix_len,fqdn_fwd,fqdn_rev,hostname,state' as text) as result; $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- -- -- FUNCTION that returns a result set containing the data for lease6 dumps. DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS lease6DumpData(); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION lease6DumpData() RETURNS TABLE ( address text, duid text, valid_lifetime bigint, expire TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, subnet_id bigint, pref_lifetime bigint, name text, iaid integer, prefix_len smallint, fqdn_fwd int, fqdn_rev int, hostname text, state text ) AS $$ SELECT (l.address, encode(l.duid,'hex'), l.valid_lifetime, l.expire, l.subnet_id, l.pref_lifetime, t.name, l.iaid, l.prefix_len, l.fqdn_fwd::int, l.fqdn_rev::int, l.hostname, s.name) FROM lease6 l left outer join lease6_types t on (l.lease_type = t.lease_type) left outer join lease_state s on (l.state = s.state); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- -- Set 2.0 schema version. UPDATE schema_version SET version = '2', minor = '0'; -- Schema 2.0 specification ends here. -- Upgrade to schema 3.0 begins here: -- -- Table structure for table host_identifier_type. -- CREATE TABLE host_identifier_type ( type SMALLINT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT NULL ); INSERT INTO host_identifier_type VALUES (0, 'hw-address'); INSERT INTO host_identifier_type VALUES (1, 'duid'); INSERT INTO host_identifier_type VALUES (2, 'circuit-id'); INSERT INTO host_identifier_type VALUES (3, 'client-id'); -- -- Table structure for table dhcp_option_scope. -- CREATE TABLE dhcp_option_scope ( scope_id SMALLINT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, scope_name VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT NULL ); INSERT INTO dhcp_option_scope VALUES (0, 'global'); INSERT INTO dhcp_option_scope VALUES (1, 'subnet'); INSERT INTO dhcp_option_scope VALUES (2, 'client-class'); INSERT INTO dhcp_option_scope VALUES (3, 'host'); -- -- Table structure for table hosts. -- -- Primary key and unique constraints automatically create indexes, -- foreign key constraints do not. CREATE TABLE hosts ( host_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, dhcp_identifier BYTEA NOT NULL, dhcp_identifier_type SMALLINT NOT NULL, dhcp4_subnet_id INT DEFAULT NULL, dhcp6_subnet_id INT DEFAULT NULL, ipv4_address BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, hostname VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, dhcp4_client_classes VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, dhcp6_client_classes VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, CONSTRAINT key_dhcp4_ipv4_address_subnet_id UNIQUE (ipv4_address, dhcp4_subnet_id), CONSTRAINT key_dhcp4_identifier_subnet_id UNIQUE (dhcp_identifier, dhcp_identifier_type, dhcp4_subnet_id), CONSTRAINT key_dhcp6_identifier_subnet_id UNIQUE (dhcp_identifier, dhcp_identifier_type, dhcp6_subnet_id), CONSTRAINT fk_host_identifier_type FOREIGN KEY (dhcp_identifier_type) REFERENCES host_identifier_type (type) ON DELETE CASCADE ); CREATE INDEX fk_host_identifier_type ON hosts (dhcp_identifier_type); -- -- Table structure for table dhcp4_options. -- CREATE TABLE dhcp4_options ( option_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, code SMALLINT NOT NULL, value BYTEA, formatted_value TEXT, space VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL, persistent BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 'f', dhcp_client_class VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL, dhcp4_subnet_id BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, host_id INT DEFAULT NULL, scope_id SMALLINT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT fk_options_host1 FOREIGN KEY (host_id) REFERENCES hosts (host_id) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp4_option_scode FOREIGN KEY (scope_id) REFERENCES dhcp_option_scope (scope_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ); CREATE INDEX fk_dhcp4_options_host1_idx ON dhcp4_options (host_id); CREATE INDEX fk_dhcp4_options_scope_idx ON dhcp4_options (scope_id); -- -- Table structure for table dhcp6_options. -- CREATE TABLE dhcp6_options ( option_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, code INT NOT NULL, value BYTEA, formatted_value TEXT, space VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL, persistent BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 'f', dhcp_client_class VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL, dhcp6_subnet_id BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, host_id INT DEFAULT NULL, scope_id SMALLINT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT fk_options_host10 FOREIGN KEY (host_id) REFERENCES hosts (host_id) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp6_option_scode FOREIGN KEY (scope_id) REFERENCES dhcp_option_scope (scope_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ); CREATE INDEX fk_dhcp6_options_host1_idx ON dhcp6_options (host_id); CREATE INDEX fk_dhcp6_options_scope_idx ON dhcp6_options (scope_id); -- -- Table structure for table ipv6_reservations. -- CREATE TABLE ipv6_reservations ( reservation_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, address VARCHAR(39) NOT NULL, prefix_len SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '128', type SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', dhcp6_iaid INT DEFAULT NULL, host_id INT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT key_dhcp6_address_prefix_len UNIQUE (address, prefix_len), CONSTRAINT fk_ipv6_reservations_host FOREIGN KEY (host_id) REFERENCES hosts (host_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ); CREATE INDEX fk_ipv6_reservations_host_idx ON ipv6_reservations (host_id); -- -- Table structure for table lease_hwaddr_source. -- CREATE TABLE lease_hwaddr_source ( hwaddr_source INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(40) DEFAULT NULL ); -- In the event hardware address cannot be determined, we need to satisfy -- foreign key constraint between lease6 and lease_hardware_source. INSERT INTO lease_hwaddr_source VALUES (0, 'HWADDR_SOURCE_UNKNOWN'); -- Hardware address obtained from raw sockets. INSERT INTO lease_hwaddr_source VALUES (1, 'HWADDR_SOURCE_RAW'); -- Hardware address converted from IPv6 link-local address with EUI-64. INSERT INTO lease_hwaddr_source VALUES (2, 'HWADDR_SOURCE_IPV6_LINK_LOCAL'); -- Hardware address extracted from client-id (duid). INSERT INTO lease_hwaddr_source VALUES (4, 'HWADDR_SOURCE_DUID'); -- Hardware address extracted from client address relay option (RFC6939). INSERT INTO lease_hwaddr_source VALUES (8, 'HWADDR_SOURCE_CLIENT_ADDR_RELAY_OPTION'); -- Hardware address extracted from remote-id option (RFC4649). INSERT INTO lease_hwaddr_source VALUES (16, 'HWADDR_SOURCE_REMOTE_ID'); -- Hardware address extracted from subscriber-id option (RFC4580). INSERT INTO lease_hwaddr_source VALUES (32, 'HWADDR_SOURCE_SUBSCRIBER_ID'); -- Hardware address extracted from docsis options. INSERT INTO lease_hwaddr_source VALUES (64, 'HWADDR_SOURCE_DOCSIS_CMTS'); INSERT INTO lease_hwaddr_source VALUES (128, 'HWADDR_SOURCE_DOCSIS_MODEM'); -- Adding ORDER BY clause to sort by lease address. -- -- FUNCTION that returns a result set containing the data for lease4 dumps. DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS lease4DumpData(); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION lease4DumpData() RETURNS table (address inet, hwaddr text, client_id text, valid_lifetime bigint, expire TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, subnet_id bigint, fqdn_fwd int, fqdn_rev int, hostname text, state text ) as $$ SELECT (''::inet + l.address), encode(l.hwaddr,'hex'), encode(l.client_id,'hex'), l.valid_lifetime, l.expire, l.subnet_id, l.fqdn_fwd::int, l.fqdn_rev::int, l.hostname, s.name FROM lease4 l left outer join lease_state s on (l.state = s.state) ORDER BY l.address; $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- -- Add new columns to lease6. ALTER TABLE lease6 ADD COLUMN hwaddr BYTEA DEFAULT NULL, ADD COLUMN hwtype SMALLINT DEFAULT NULL, ADD COLUMN hwaddr_source SMALLINT DEFAULT NULL; -- -- FUNCTION that returns a result set containing the column names for lease6 dumps. DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS lease6DumpHeader(); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION lease6DumpHeader() RETURNS text AS $$ select cast('address,duid,valid_lifetime,expire,subnet_id,pref_lifetime,lease_type,iaid,prefix_len,fqdn_fwd,fqdn_rev,hostname,state,hwaddr,hwtype,hwaddr_source' as text) as result; $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- -- -- FUNCTION that returns a result set containing the data for lease6 dumps. DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS lease6DumpData(); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION lease6DumpData() RETURNS TABLE ( address text, duid text, valid_lifetime bigint, expire TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, subnet_id bigint, pref_lifetime bigint, name text, iaid integer, prefix_len smallint, fqdn_fwd int, fqdn_rev int, hostname text, state text, hwaddr text, hwtype smallint, hwaddr_source text ) AS $$ SELECT (l.address, encode(l.duid,'hex'), l.valid_lifetime, l.expire, l.subnet_id, l.pref_lifetime, t.name, l.iaid, l.prefix_len, l.fqdn_fwd::int, l.fqdn_rev::int, l.hostname, s.name, encode(l.hwaddr,'hex'), l.hwtype, h.name ) FROM lease6 l left outer join lease6_types t on (l.lease_type = t.lease_type) left outer join lease_state s on (l.state = s.state) left outer join lease_hwaddr_source h on (l.hwaddr_source = h.hwaddr_source) ORDER BY l.address; $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- Add columns holding reservations for siaddr, sname and file fields -- carried within DHCPv4 message. ALTER TABLE hosts ADD COLUMN dhcp4_next_server BIGINT DEFAULT NULL; ALTER TABLE hosts ADD COLUMN dhcp4_server_hostname VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT NULL; ALTER TABLE hosts ADD COLUMN dhcp4_boot_file_name VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL; -- Set 3.0 schema version. UPDATE schema_version SET version = '3', minor = '0'; -- Schema 3.0 specification ends here. -- Upgrade to schema 3.1 begins here: -- This is a placeholder for the changes between 3.0 and 3.1. We have added a -- missing 'client-id' host reservation type entry that had been accidentally -- omitted when the 2.0 -> 3.0 upgrade script was created. -- Also, new flexible identifier has been added. INSERT INTO host_identifier_type VALUES (4, 'flex-id'); -- Set 3.1 schema version. UPDATE schema_version SET version = '3', minor = '1'; -- Schema 3.1 specification ends here. -- Upgrade to schema 3.2 begins here: -- Remove constraints which perform too restrictive checks on the inserted -- host reservations. We want to be able to insert host reservations which -- include no specific IPv4 address or those that have repeating subnet -- identifiers, e.g. IPv4 reservations would typically include 0 (or null) -- IPv6 subnet identifiers. ALTER TABLE hosts DROP CONSTRAINT key_dhcp4_ipv4_address_subnet_id; ALTER TABLE hosts DROP CONSTRAINT key_dhcp4_identifier_subnet_id; ALTER TABLE hosts DROP CONSTRAINT key_dhcp6_identifier_subnet_id; -- Create partial indexes instead of the constraints that we have removed. -- IPv4 address/IPv4 subnet identifier pair is unique if subnet identifier is -- not null and not 0. CREATE UNIQUE INDEX key_dhcp4_ipv4_address_subnet_id ON hosts (ipv4_address ASC, dhcp4_subnet_id ASC) WHERE ipv4_address IS NOT NULL AND ipv4_address <> 0; -- Client identifier is unique within an IPv4 subnet when subnet identifier is -- not null and not 0. CREATE UNIQUE INDEX key_dhcp4_identifier_subnet_id ON hosts (dhcp_identifier ASC, dhcp_identifier_type ASC, dhcp4_subnet_id ASC) WHERE (dhcp4_subnet_id IS NOT NULL AND dhcp4_subnet_id <> 0); -- Client identifier is unique within an IPv6 subnet when subnet identifier is -- not null and not 0. CREATE UNIQUE INDEX key_dhcp6_identifier_subnet_id ON hosts (dhcp_identifier ASC, dhcp_identifier_type ASC, dhcp6_subnet_id ASC) WHERE (dhcp6_subnet_id IS NOT NULL AND dhcp6_subnet_id <> 0); -- Set 3.2 schema version. UPDATE schema_version SET version = '3', minor = '2'; -- Schema 3.2 specification ends here. -- Upgrade to schema 3.3 begins here: -- Change subnet ID columns type to BIGINT to match lease4/6 tables ALTER TABLE hosts ALTER COLUMN dhcp4_subnet_id TYPE BIGINT; ALTER TABLE hosts ALTER COLUMN dhcp6_subnet_id TYPE BIGINT; ALTER TABLE dhcp4_options ALTER COLUMN dhcp4_subnet_id TYPE BIGINT; ALTER TABLE dhcp6_options ALTER COLUMN dhcp6_subnet_id TYPE BIGINT; -- Set 3.3 schema version. UPDATE schema_version SET version = '3', minor = '3'; -- Schema 3.3 specification ends here. -- Upgrade to schema 4.0 begins here: -- Add a column holding hosts for user context. ALTER TABLE hosts ADD COLUMN user_context TEXT; -- Add a column holding DHCP options for user context. ALTER TABLE dhcp4_options ADD COLUMN user_context TEXT; ALTER TABLE dhcp6_options ADD COLUMN user_context TEXT; -- Create index for searching leases by subnet identifier. CREATE INDEX lease4_by_subnet_id ON lease4 (subnet_id); -- Create for searching leases by subnet identifier and lease type. CREATE INDEX lease6_by_subnet_id_lease_type ON lease6 (subnet_id, lease_type); -- The index by iaid_subnet_id_duid is not the best choice because there are -- cases when we don't specify subnet identifier while searching leases. The -- index will be universal if the subnet_id is the right most column in the -- index. DROP INDEX lease6_by_iaid_subnet_id_duid; CREATE INDEX lease6_by_duid_iaid_subnet_id ON lease6 (duid, iaid, subnet_id); -- Create v4 lease statistics table CREATE TABLE lease4_stat ( subnet_id BIGINT NOT NULL, state INT8 NOT NULL, leases BIGINT, PRIMARY KEY (subnet_id, state) ); -- -- Create v4 insert trigger procedure CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION proc_stat_lease4_insert() RETURNS trigger AS $stat_lease4_insert$ BEGIN IF NEW.state < 2 THEN UPDATE lease4_stat SET leases = leases + 1 WHERE subnet_id = NEW.subnet_id AND state = NEW.state; IF NOT FOUND THEN INSERT INTO lease4_stat VALUES (new.subnet_id, new.state, 1); END IF; END IF; -- Return is ignored since this is an after insert RETURN NULL; END; $stat_lease4_insert$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Create v4 insert trigger procedure CREATE TRIGGER stat_lease4_insert AFTER INSERT ON lease4 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE proc_stat_lease4_insert(); -- -- Create v4 update trigger procedure CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION proc_stat_lease4_update() RETURNS trigger AS $stat_lease4_update$ BEGIN IF OLD.state != NEW.state THEN IF OLD.state < 2 THEN -- Decrement the old state count if record exists UPDATE lease4_stat SET leases = leases - 1 WHERE subnet_id = OLD.subnet_id AND state = OLD.state; END IF; IF NEW.state < 2 THEN -- Increment the new state count if record exists UPDATE lease4_stat SET leases = leases + 1 WHERE subnet_id = NEW.subnet_id AND state = NEW.state; -- Insert new state record if it does not exist IF NOT FOUND THEN INSERT INTO lease4_stat VALUES (NEW.subnet_id, NEW.state, 1); END IF; END IF; END IF; -- Return is ignored since this is an after insert RETURN NULL; END; $stat_lease4_update$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Create v4 update trigger CREATE TRIGGER stat_lease4_update AFTER UPDATE ON lease4 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE proc_stat_lease4_update(); -- -- Create the v4 delete trigger procedure CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION proc_stat_lease4_delete() RETURNS trigger AS $stat_lease4_delete$ BEGIN IF OLD.state < 2 THEN -- Decrement the state count if record exists UPDATE lease4_stat SET leases = leases - 1 WHERE subnet_id = OLD.subnet_id AND OLD.state = state; END IF; -- Return is ignored since this is an after insert RETURN NULL; END; $stat_lease4_delete$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Create the v4 delete trigger CREATE TRIGGER stat_lease4_delete AFTER DELETE ON lease4 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE proc_stat_lease4_delete(); -- Create v6 lease statistics table CREATE TABLE lease6_stat ( subnet_id BIGINT NOT NULL, lease_type SMALLINT NOT NULL, state INT8 NOT NULL, leases BIGINT, PRIMARY KEY (subnet_id, lease_type, state) ); -- -- Create v6 insert trigger procedure CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION proc_stat_lease6_insert() RETURNS trigger AS $stat_lease6_insert$ BEGIN IF NEW.state < 2 THEN UPDATE lease6_stat SET leases = leases + 1 WHERE subnet_id = NEW.subnet_id AND lease_type = NEW.lease_type AND state = NEW.state; IF NOT FOUND THEN INSERT INTO lease6_stat VALUES (NEW.subnet_id, NEW.lease_type, NEW.state, 1); END IF; END IF; -- Return is ignored since this is an after insert RETURN NULL; END; $stat_lease6_insert$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Create v6 insert trigger procedure CREATE TRIGGER stat_lease6_insert AFTER INSERT ON lease6 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE proc_stat_lease6_insert(); -- -- Create v6 update trigger procedure CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION proc_stat_lease6_update() RETURNS trigger AS $stat_lease6_update$ BEGIN IF OLD.state != NEW.state THEN IF OLD.state < 2 THEN -- Decrement the old state count if record exists UPDATE lease6_stat SET leases = leases - 1 WHERE subnet_id = OLD.subnet_id AND lease_type = OLD.lease_type AND state = OLD.state; END IF; IF NEW.state < 2 THEN -- Increment the new state count if record exists UPDATE lease6_stat SET leases = leases + 1 WHERE subnet_id = NEW.subnet_id AND lease_type = NEW.lease_type AND state = NEW.state; -- Insert new state record if it does not exist IF NOT FOUND THEN INSERT INTO lease6_stat VALUES (NEW.subnet_id, NEW.lease_type, NEW.state, 1); END IF; END IF; END IF; -- Return is ignored since this is an after insert RETURN NULL; END; $stat_lease6_update$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Create v6 update trigger CREATE TRIGGER stat_lease6_update AFTER UPDATE ON lease6 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE proc_stat_lease6_update(); -- -- Create the v6 delete trigger procedure CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION proc_stat_lease6_delete() RETURNS trigger AS $stat_lease6_delete$ BEGIN IF OLD.state < 2 THEN -- Decrement the state count if record exists UPDATE lease6_stat SET leases = leases - 1 WHERE subnet_id = OLD.subnet_id AND lease_type = OLD.lease_type AND OLD.state = state; END IF; -- Return is ignored since this is an after insert RETURN NULL; END; $stat_lease6_delete$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Create the v6 delete trigger CREATE TRIGGER stat_lease6_delete AFTER DELETE ON lease6 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE proc_stat_lease6_delete(); -- Set 4.0 schema version. UPDATE schema_version SET version = '4', minor = '0'; -- Schema 4.0 specification ends here. -- Upgrade to schema 5.0 begins here: -- Add a column holding leases for user context. ALTER TABLE lease4 ADD COLUMN user_context TEXT; ALTER TABLE lease6 ADD COLUMN user_context TEXT; -- DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS lease4DumpHeader(); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION lease4DumpHeader() RETURNS text AS $$ select cast('address,hwaddr,client_id,valid_lifetime,expire,subnet_id,fqdn_fwd,fqdn_rev,hostname,state,user_context' as text) as result; $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- -- DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS lease4DumpData(); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION lease4DumpData() RETURNS table (address inet, hwaddr text, client_id text, valid_lifetime bigint, expire TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, subnet_id bigint, fqdn_fwd int, fqdn_rev int, hostname text, state text, user_context text ) as $$ SELECT (''::inet + l.address), encode(l.hwaddr,'hex'), encode(l.client_id,'hex'), l.valid_lifetime, l.expire, l.subnet_id, l.fqdn_fwd::int, l.fqdn_rev::int, l.hostname, s.name, l.user_context FROM lease4 l left outer join lease_state s on (l.state = s.state) ORDER BY l.address; $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- -- DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS lease6DumpHeader(); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION lease6DumpHeader() RETURNS text AS $$ select cast('address,duid,valid_lifetime,expire,subnet_id,pref_lifetime,lease_type,iaid,prefix_len,fqdn_fwd,fqdn_rev,hostname,state,hwaddr,hwtype,hwaddr_source,user_context' as text) as result; $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- -- DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS lease6DumpData(); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION lease6DumpData() RETURNS TABLE ( address text, duid text, valid_lifetime bigint, expire TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, subnet_id bigint, pref_lifetime bigint, name text, iaid integer, prefix_len smallint, fqdn_fwd int, fqdn_rev int, hostname text, state text, hwaddr text, hwtype smallint, hwaddr_source text, user_context text ) AS $$ SELECT (l.address, encode(l.duid,'hex'), l.valid_lifetime, l.expire, l.subnet_id, l.pref_lifetime, t.name, l.iaid, l.prefix_len, l.fqdn_fwd::int, l.fqdn_rev::int, l.hostname, s.name, encode(l.hwaddr,'hex'), l.hwtype, h.name, l.user_context ) FROM lease6 l left outer join lease6_types t on (l.lease_type = t.lease_type) left outer join lease_state s on (l.state = s.state) left outer join lease_hwaddr_source h on (l.hwaddr_source = h.hwaddr_source) ORDER BY l.address; $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- -- Create logs table (logs table is used by forensic logging hook library) CREATE TABLE logs ( timestamp TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, -- creation timestamp address VARCHAR(43) NULL, -- address or prefix log TEXT NOT NULL -- the log itself ); -- Create search indexes CREATE INDEX timestamp_id ON logs (timestamp); CREATE INDEX address_id ON logs (address); -- Create auth_key in hosts table for storing keys for DHCPv6 reconfigure. ALTER TABLE hosts ADD COLUMN auth_key VARCHAR(16) DEFAULT NULL; -- Set schema 5.0 version UPDATE schema_version SET version = '5', minor = '0'; -- Schema 5.0 specification ends here. -- Upgrade to schema 5.1 begins here: -- Put the auth key in hexadecimal (double size but far more user friendly). ALTER TABLE hosts ALTER COLUMN auth_key TYPE VARCHAR(32); -- Set schema 5.1 version UPDATE schema_version SET version = '5', minor = '1'; -- Schema 5.1 specification ends here. -- Upgrade to schema 6.0 begins here: -- Create a lower case hostname index for hosts. CREATE INDEX hosts_by_hostname ON hosts (lower(hostname)) WHERE hostname IS NOT NULL; -- Create a hostname index for lease4. CREATE INDEX lease4_by_hostname ON lease4 (lower(hostname)) WHERE hostname IS NOT NULL; -- Create a hostname index for lease6. CREATE INDEX lease6_by_hostname ON lease6 (lower(hostname)) WHERE hostname IS NOT NULL; -- Set 6.0 schema version. UPDATE schema_version SET version = '6', minor = '0'; -- Schema 6.0 specification ends here. -- Upgrade to schema 6.1 begins here: -- Fix v4 update trigger procedure CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION proc_stat_lease4_update() RETURNS trigger AS $stat_lease4_update$ BEGIN IF OLD.subnet_id != NEW.subnet_id OR OLD.state != NEW.state THEN IF OLD.state < 2 THEN -- Decrement the old state count if record exists UPDATE lease4_stat SET leases = GREATEST(leases - 1, 0) WHERE subnet_id = OLD.subnet_id AND state = OLD.state; END IF; IF NEW.state < 2 THEN -- Increment the new state count if record exists UPDATE lease4_stat SET leases = leases + 1 WHERE subnet_id = NEW.subnet_id AND state = NEW.state; -- Insert new state record if it does not exist IF NOT FOUND THEN INSERT INTO lease4_stat VALUES (NEW.subnet_id, NEW.state, 1); END IF; END IF; END IF; -- Return is ignored since this is an after insert RETURN NULL; END; $stat_lease4_update$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Fix the v4 delete trigger procedure CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION proc_stat_lease4_delete() RETURNS trigger AS $stat_lease4_delete$ BEGIN IF OLD.state < 2 THEN -- Decrement the state count if record exists UPDATE lease4_stat SET leases = GREATEST(leases - 1, 0) WHERE subnet_id = OLD.subnet_id AND OLD.state = state; END IF; -- Return is ignored since this is an after insert RETURN NULL; END; $stat_lease4_delete$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Fix v6 update trigger procedure CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION proc_stat_lease6_update() RETURNS trigger AS $stat_lease6_update$ BEGIN IF OLD.subnet_id != NEW.subnet_id OR OLD.lease_type != NEW.lease_type OR OLD.state != NEW.state THEN IF OLD.state < 2 THEN -- Decrement the old state count if record exists UPDATE lease6_stat SET leases = GREATEST(leases - 1, 0) WHERE subnet_id = OLD.subnet_id AND lease_type = OLD.lease_type AND state = OLD.state; END IF; IF NEW.state < 2 THEN -- Increment the new state count if record exists UPDATE lease6_stat SET leases = leases + 1 WHERE subnet_id = NEW.subnet_id AND lease_type = NEW.lease_type AND state = NEW.state; -- Insert new state record if it does not exist IF NOT FOUND THEN INSERT INTO lease6_stat VALUES (NEW.subnet_id, NEW.lease_type, NEW.state, 1); END IF; END IF; END IF; -- Return is ignored since this is an after insert RETURN NULL; END; $stat_lease6_update$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Fix the v6 delete trigger procedure CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION proc_stat_lease6_delete() RETURNS trigger AS $stat_lease6_delete$ BEGIN IF OLD.state < 2 THEN -- Decrement the state count if record exists UPDATE lease6_stat SET leases = GREATEST(leases - 1, 0) WHERE subnet_id = OLD.subnet_id AND lease_type = OLD.lease_type AND OLD.state = state; END IF; -- Return is ignored since this is an after insert RETURN NULL; END; $stat_lease6_delete$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Set 6.1 schema version. UPDATE schema_version SET version = '6', minor = '1'; -- Schema 6.1 specification ends here. -- Starting from this version we allow specifying multiple IP reservations -- for the same address in certain DHCP configurations. The server may check -- uniqueness of the IP addresses on its own. This is no longer checked at -- the database level to facilitate the use cases when a single host may -- get the same reserved IP address via different interfaces. -- Replace the unique index with non-unique index so the queries for -- hosts by IPv4 address are still efficient. DROP INDEX IF EXISTS key_dhcp4_ipv4_address_subnet_id; CREATE INDEX key_dhcp4_ipv4_address_subnet_id ON hosts (ipv4_address ASC, dhcp4_subnet_id ASC); -- Replace the unique index with non-unique index so the queries for -- hosts by IPv6 address are still efficient. ALTER TABLE ipv6_reservations DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS key_dhcp6_address_prefix_len; CREATE INDEX key_dhcp6_address_prefix_len ON ipv6_reservations (address ASC, prefix_len ASC); -- Update the schema version number UPDATE schema_version SET version = '6', minor = '2'; -- Schema 6.2 specification ends here. -- This starts schema update to 7.0. It adds a lot (20+) of tables for the config backend. -- Adding on update trigger in MySQL is as easy as using this column definition in CREATE TABLE: -- modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, -- Sadly, Postgres has its own convoluted way of doing this. Luckily, the update pattern is -- the same in many tables, so we can define the trigger function once and the use it everywhere. -- First, we need to define a function that will do the actual job. -- This is used in many, many tables. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION modification_ts_update() RETURNS trigger AS $modification_ts_update$ BEGIN new.modification_ts = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; RETURN NULL; END; -- Second, we need to specify which language it was written in. $modification_ts_update$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Create table modification and insert values for modification types. CREATE TABLE modification ( id smallint NOT NULL, modification_type VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); INSERT INTO modification VALUES (0,'create'), (1,'update'), (2,'delete'); -- Now create the table that holds different parameter data types. CREATE TABLE parameter_data_type ( id smallint NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); INSERT INTO parameter_data_type VALUES (0,'integer'), (1,'real'), (2,'boolean'), (4,'string'); -- This table doesn't exist in MySQL. However, it's nice to have an enum that explains what the values -- in ddns_replace_client_name field in the dhcp{4,6}_shared_network table means. CREATE TABLE ddns_replace_client_name_types ( type INT8 PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(32) ); -- See enum ReplaceClientNameMode in src/lib/dhcpsrv/d2_client_cfg.h INSERT INTO ddns_replace_client_name_types (type, name) VALUES (0, 'RCM_NEVER'), (1, 'RCM_ALWAYS'), (2, 'RCM_WHEN_PRESENT'), (3, 'RCM_WHEN_NOT_PRESENT'); -- Create table for DHCPv6 servers CREATE TABLE dhcp6_server ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, tag VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, description TEXT DEFAULT NULL, modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, UNIQUE(tag) ); CREATE INDEX dhcp6_server_idx1 ON dhcp6_server (modification_ts); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX dhcp6_server_idx2 ON dhcp6_server(tag); CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_server_modification_ts_update AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp6_server FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE modification_ts_update(); INSERT INTO dhcp6_server (tag, description) VALUES ('all','special type: all servers'); -- Create a table for storing IPv6 shared networks CREATE TABLE dhcp6_shared_network ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(128) UNIQUE NOT NULL, client_class VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL, interface VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL, modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, preferred_lifetime BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, rapid_commit BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, rebind_timer BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, relay TEXT DEFAULT NULL, renew_timer BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, require_client_classes TEXT DEFAULT NULL, user_context JSON DEFAULT NULL, valid_lifetime BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, calculate_tee_times BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, t1_percent float DEFAULT NULL, t2_percent float DEFAULT NULL, interface_id BYTEA DEFAULT NULL, -- 128 bytes min_preferred_lifetime BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, max_preferred_lifetime BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, min_valid_lifetime BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, max_valid_lifetime BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, ddns_send_updates BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, ddns_override_no_update BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, ddns_override_client_update BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, ddns_replace_client_name INT8 DEFAULT NULL, ddns_generated_prefix VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, ddns_qualifying_suffix VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, reservations_global BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, reservations_in_subnet BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, reservations_out_of_pool BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, cache_threshold float DEFAULT NULL, cache_max_age BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, CONSTRAINT fk_ddns_replace_client_name FOREIGN KEY (ddns_replace_client_name) REFERENCES ddns_replace_client_name_types (type) ); CREATE INDEX dhcp6_shared_network_idx1 ON dhcp6_shared_network (name); CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_shared_network_modification_ts_update AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp6_shared_network FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE modification_ts_update(); -- Now we need to create a relationship between defined shared networks and the servers CREATE TABLE dhcp6_shared_network_server ( shared_network_id BIGINT NOT NULL, server_id BIGINT NOT NULL, modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (shared_network_id, server_id), CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp6_shared_network_server_server_id FOREIGN KEY (server_id) REFERENCES dhcp6_server (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp6_shared_network_server_shared_network_id FOREIGN KEY (shared_network_id) REFERENCES dhcp6_shared_network (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ); CREATE INDEX dhcp6_shared_network_server_idx1 ON dhcp6_shared_network_server (modification_ts); CREATE INDEX dhcp6_shared_network_server_idx2 ON dhcp6_shared_network_server (server_id); -- Create a list of IPv6 subnets CREATE TABLE dhcp6_subnet ( subnet_id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, subnet_prefix VARCHAR(64) UNIQUE NOT NULL, client_class VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL, interface VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL, modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, preferred_lifetime BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, rapid_commit BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, rebind_timer BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, relay TEXT DEFAULT NULL, renew_timer BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, require_client_classes TEXT DEFAULT NULL, shared_network_name VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL, user_context JSON DEFAULT NULL, valid_lifetime BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, calculate_tee_times BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, t1_percent float DEFAULT NULL, t2_percent float DEFAULT NULL, interface_id BYTEA DEFAULT NULL, min_preferred_lifetime BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, max_preferred_lifetime BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, min_valid_lifetime BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, max_valid_lifetime BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, ddns_send_updates BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, ddns_override_no_update BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, ddns_override_client_update BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, ddns_replace_client_name INT8 DEFAULT NULL, ddns_generated_prefix VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, ddns_qualifying_suffix VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, reservations_global BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, reservations_in_subnet BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, reservations_out_of_pool BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, cache_threshold float DEFAULT NULL, cache_max_age BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp6_subnet_shared_network FOREIGN KEY (shared_network_name) REFERENCES dhcp6_shared_network (name) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT fk_ddns_replace_client_name FOREIGN KEY (ddns_replace_client_name) REFERENCES ddns_replace_client_name_types (type) ); CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_subnet_modification_ts_update AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp6_server FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE modification_ts_update(); CREATE INDEX dhcp6_subnet_idx1 ON dhcp6_subnet (modification_ts); CREATE INDEX dhcp6_subnet_idx2 ON dhcp6_subnet (shared_network_name); -- Create a table that holds all address pools in IPv6. CREATE TABLE dhcp6_pool ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, start_address inet NOT NULL, end_address inet NOT NULL, subnet_id BIGINT NOT NULL, modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, client_class VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL, require_client_classes TEXT DEFAULT NULL, user_context JSON DEFAULT NULL, CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp6_pool_subnet_id FOREIGN KEY (subnet_id) REFERENCES dhcp6_subnet (subnet_id) ); CREATE INDEX dhcp6_pool_idx1 ON dhcp6_pool (modification_ts); CREATE INDEX dhcp6_pool_idx2 ON dhcp6_pool (subnet_id); CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_pool_modification_ts_update AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp6_pool FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE modification_ts_update(); -- And now the same, but for PD pools. CREATE TABLE dhcp6_pd_pool ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, prefix VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL, prefix_length SMALLINT NOT NULL, delegated_prefix_length SMALLINT NOT NULL, subnet_id BIGINT NOT NULL, modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, excluded_prefix VARCHAR(45) DEFAULT NULL, excluded_prefix_length SMALLINT NOT NULL, client_class VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL, require_client_classes TEXT DEFAULT NULL, user_context JSON DEFAULT NULL, CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp6_pd_pool_subnet_id FOREIGN KEY (subnet_id) REFERENCES dhcp6_subnet(subnet_id) ); CREATE INDEX dhcp6_pd_pool_idx1 ON dhcp6_pd_pool (modification_ts); CREATE INDEX dhcp6_pd_pool_idx2 ON dhcp6_pd_pool (subnet_id); CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_pd_pool_modification_ts_update AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp6_pd_pool FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE modification_ts_update(); CREATE TABLE dhcp6_subnet_server ( subnet_id BIGINT NOT NULL, server_id BIGINT NOT NULL, modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (subnet_id, server_id), CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp6_subnet_server_server_id FOREIGN KEY (server_id) REFERENCES dhcp6_server (id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp6_subnet_server_subnet_id FOREIGN KEY (subnet_id) REFERENCES dhcp6_subnet (subnet_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION, UNIQUE (subnet_id, server_id) ); CREATE INDEX dhcp6_subnet_server_idx1 ON dhcp6_subnet_server(server_id); CREATE INDEX dhcp6_subnet_server_idx2 ON dhcp6_subnet_server(modification_ts); CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_subnet_server_modification_ts_update AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp6_subnet_server FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE modification_ts_update(); -- Create table for storing global DHCPv6 parameters. CREATE TABLE dhcp6_global_parameter ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, value TEXT NOT NULL, modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, parameter_type SMALLINT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp6_global_parameter_type FOREIGN KEY (parameter_type) REFERENCES parameter_data_type(id) ); CREATE INDEX key_dhcp6_global_parameter_idx1 ON dhcp6_global_parameter(modification_ts); CREATE INDEX key_dhcp6_global_parameter_idx2 ON dhcp6_global_parameter(name); CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_global_parameter_modification_ts_update AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp6_global_parameter FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE modification_ts_update(); CREATE TABLE dhcp6_global_parameter_server ( parameter_id BIGINT NOT NULL, server_id BIGINT NOT NULL, modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (parameter_id, server_id), CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp6_global_parameter_server_parameter_id FOREIGN KEY (parameter_id) REFERENCES dhcp6_global_parameter(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp6_global_parameter_server_server_id FOREIGN KEY (server_id) REFERENCES dhcp6_server(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ); CREATE INDEX key_dhcp6_global_parameter_server_idx1 ON dhcp6_global_parameter_server(modification_ts); CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_global_parameter_server_modification_ts_update AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp6_global_parameter_server FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE modification_ts_update(); -- Alter table for storing DHCPv6 options. ALTER TABLE dhcp6_options ADD COLUMN shared_network_name VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL, ADD COLUMN pool_id BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, ADD COLUMN pd_pool_id BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, ADD COLUMN modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, ADD CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp6_options_pd_pool FOREIGN KEY (pd_pool_id) REFERENCES dhcp6_pd_pool(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp6_options_pool FOREIGN KEY (pool_id) REFERENCES dhcp6_pool (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp6_options_shared_network FOREIGN KEY (shared_network_name) REFERENCES dhcp6_shared_network (name) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_options_modification_ts_update AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp6_options FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE modification_ts_update(); -- Now create a table for associating defined options with servers. CREATE TABLE dhcp6_options_server ( option_id BIGINT NOT NULL, server_id BIGINT NOT NULL, modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (option_id, server_id), CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp6_options_server_option_id FOREIGN KEY (option_id) REFERENCES dhcp6_options (option_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp6_options_server_server_id FOREIGN KEY (server_id) REFERENCES dhcp6_server (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ); CREATE INDEX dhcp6_options_server_idx1 ON dhcp6_options_server(server_id); CREATE INDEX dhcp6_options_server_idx2 ON dhcp6_options_server(modification_ts); CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_options_server_modification_ts_update AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp6_options_server FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE modification_ts_update(); -- This table is for storing IPv6 option definitions CREATE TABLE dhcp6_option_def ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY UNIQUE NOT NULL, code SMALLINT NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, space VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, type SMALLINT NOT NULL, modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, is_array BOOLEAN NOT NULL, encapsulate VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, record_types VARCHAR DEFAULT NULL, user_context JSON DEFAULT NULL ); CREATE INDEX dhcp6_option_def_idx1 ON dhcp6_option_def(modification_ts); CREATE INDEX dhcp6_option_def_idx2 ON dhcp6_option_def(code, space); CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_option_def_modification_ts_update AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp6_option_def FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE modification_ts_update(); -- and another table for storing relationship between option definitions and servers. CREATE TABLE dhcp6_option_def_server ( option_def_id BIGINT NOT NULL REFERENCES dhcp6_option_def (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION, server_id BIGINT NOT NULL REFERENCES dhcp6_server (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION, modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (option_def_id, server_id) ); CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_option_def_server_modification_ts_update AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp6_option_def_server FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE modification_ts_update(); -- Now create two tables for audit revisions... CREATE TABLE dhcp6_audit_revision ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, log_message TEXT DEFAULT NULL, server_id BIGINT DEFAULT NULL ); CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_audit_revision_modification_ts_update AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp6_audit_revision FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE modification_ts_update(); -- ... and the DHCPv6 audit itself. CREATE TABLE dhcp6_audit ( id SERIAL UNIQUE NOT NULL, object_type VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL, object_id BIGINT NOT NULL, modification_type SMALLINT NOT NULL, revision_id BIGINT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp6_audit_modification_type FOREIGN KEY (modification_type) REFERENCES modification (id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp6_audit_revision FOREIGN KEY (revision_id) REFERENCES dhcp6_audit_revision (id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE CASCADE ); CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_audit_modification_ts_update AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp6_audit FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE modification_ts_update(); CREATE INDEX dhcp6_audit_idx1 ON dhcp6_audit (modification_type); CREATE INDEX dhcp6_audit_idx2 ON dhcp6_audit (revision_id); -- Create table for DHCPv4 servers CREATE TABLE dhcp4_server ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, tag VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, description TEXT DEFAULT NULL, modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, UNIQUE(tag) ); CREATE INDEX dhcp4_server_modification_ts ON dhcp6_server (modification_ts); CREATE TRIGGER dhcp4_server_modification_ts_update AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp4_server FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE modification_ts_update(); INSERT INTO dhcp4_server (tag, description) VALUES ('all','special type: all servers'); -- Create table for storing global DHCPv4 parameters. CREATE TABLE dhcp4_global_parameter ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, value TEXT NOT NULL, modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, parameter_type SMALLINT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp6_global_parameter_type FOREIGN KEY (parameter_type) REFERENCES parameter_data_type(id) ); CREATE INDEX dhcp4_global_parameter_idx1 ON dhcp4_global_parameter(modification_ts); CREATE INDEX dhcp4_global_parameter_idx2 ON dhcp4_global_parameter(name); CREATE TRIGGER dhcp4_global_parameter_modification_ts_update AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp4_global_parameter FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE modification_ts_update(); -- and create mapping for the global DHCPv4 parameters mapping to servers CREATE TABLE dhcp4_global_parameter_server ( parameter_id BIGINT NOT NULL, server_id BIGINT NOT NULL, modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (parameter_id, server_id), CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp4_global_parameter_server_parameter_id FOREIGN KEY (parameter_id) REFERENCES dhcp4_global_parameter(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp4_global_parameter_server_server_id FOREIGN KEY (server_id) REFERENCES dhcp4_server(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ); CREATE INDEX key_dhcp4_global_parameter_idx1 ON dhcp4_global_parameter_server(modification_ts); CREATE TRIGGER dhcp4_global_parameter_server_modification_ts_update AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp4_global_parameter_server FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE modification_ts_update(); -- Create a table for storing IPv4 shared networks CREATE TABLE dhcp4_shared_network ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(128) UNIQUE NOT NULL, client_class VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL, interface VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL, match_client_id BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, rebind_timer BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, relay TEXT DEFAULT NULL, renew_timer BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, require_client_classes TEXT DEFAULT NULL, user_context JSON DEFAULT NULL, valid_lifetime BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, authoritative BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, calculate_tee_times BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, t1_percent float DEFAULT NULL, t2_percent float DEFAULT NULL, boot_file_name VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL, next_server inet DEFAULT NULL, -- let's use type inet server_hostname VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT NULL, min_valid_lifetime BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, max_valid_lifetime BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, ddns_send_updates BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, ddns_override_no_update BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, ddns_override_client_update BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, ddns_replace_client_name INT8 DEFAULT NULL, ddns_generated_prefix VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, ddns_qualifying_suffix VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, reservations_global BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, reservations_in_subnet BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, reservations_out_of_pool BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, cache_threshold float DEFAULT NULL, cache_max_age BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, CONSTRAINT fk_ddns_replace_client_name FOREIGN KEY (ddns_replace_client_name) REFERENCES ddns_replace_client_name_types (type) ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX dhcp4_shared_network_idx1 ON dhcp4_shared_network (name); CREATE INDEX dhcp4_shared_network_idx2 ON dhcp4_shared_network (modification_ts); CREATE TRIGGER dhcp4_shared_network_modification_ts_update AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp4_shared_network FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE modification_ts_update(); -- Now we need to create a relationship between defined shared networks and the servers CREATE TABLE dhcp4_shared_network_server ( shared_network_id BIGINT NOT NULL, server_id BIGINT NOT NULL, modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (shared_network_id, server_id), CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp4_shared_network_server_server_id FOREIGN KEY (server_id) REFERENCES dhcp4_server (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp4_shared_network_server_shared_network_id FOREIGN KEY (shared_network_id) REFERENCES dhcp4_shared_network (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ); CREATE INDEX dhcp4_shared_network_server_idx1 ON dhcp4_shared_network_server (modification_ts); CREATE INDEX dhcp4_shared_network_server_idx2 ON dhcp4_shared_network_server (server_id); -- Create a list of IPv4 subnets CREATE TABLE dhcp4_subnet ( subnet_id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, subnet_prefix VARCHAR(64) UNIQUE NOT NULL, interface_4o6 VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL, interface_id_4o6 VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL, subnet_4o6 VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT NULL, boot_file_name VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL, client_class VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL, interface VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL, match_client_id BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, next_server inet DEFAULT NULL, rebind_timer BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, relay TEXT DEFAULT NULL, renew_timer BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, require_client_classes TEXT DEFAULT NULL, server_hostname VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT NULL, shared_network_name VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL, user_context JSON DEFAULT NULL, valid_lifetime BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, authoritative BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, calculate_tee_times BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, t1_percent float DEFAULT NULL, t2_percent float DEFAULT NULL, min_valid_lifetime BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, max_valid_lifetime BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, ddns_send_updates BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, ddns_override_no_update BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, ddns_override_client_update BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, ddns_replace_client_name INT8 DEFAULT NULL, ddns_generated_prefix VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, ddns_qualifying_suffix VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, reservations_global BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, reservations_in_subnet BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, reservations_out_of_pool BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, cache_threshold float DEFAULT NULL, cache_max_age BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp4_subnet_shared_network FOREIGN KEY (shared_network_name) REFERENCES dhcp4_shared_network (name) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT fk_ddns_replace_client_name FOREIGN KEY (ddns_replace_client_name) REFERENCES ddns_replace_client_name_types (type) ); CREATE TRIGGER dhcp4_subnet_modification_ts_update AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp4_subnet FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE modification_ts_update(); CREATE INDEX dhcp4_subnet_idx1 ON dhcp4_subnet (modification_ts); CREATE INDEX dhcp4_subnet_idx2 ON dhcp4_subnet (shared_network_name); CREATE TABLE dhcp4_subnet_server ( subnet_id BIGINT NOT NULL, server_id BIGINT NOT NULL, modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (subnet_id, server_id), CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp6_subnet_server_server_id FOREIGN KEY (server_id) REFERENCES dhcp6_server (id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp6_subnet_server_subnet_id FOREIGN KEY (subnet_id) REFERENCES dhcp6_subnet (subnet_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION, UNIQUE (subnet_id, server_id) ); CREATE INDEX dhcp4_subnet_server_idx1 ON dhcp4_subnet_server(server_id); CREATE INDEX dhcp4_subnet_server_idx2 ON dhcp4_subnet_server(modification_ts); CREATE TRIGGER dhcp4_subnet_server_modification_ts_update AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp4_subnet_server FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE modification_ts_update(); -- Create a table that holds all address pools in IPv4. CREATE TABLE dhcp4_pool ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, start_address inet NOT NULL, end_address inet NOT NULL, subnet_id BIGINT NOT NULL, modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, client_class VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL, require_client_classes TEXT DEFAULT NULL, user_context JSON DEFAULT NULL, CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp4_pool_subnet_id FOREIGN KEY (subnet_id) REFERENCES dhcp4_subnet (subnet_id) ); CREATE INDEX dhcp4_pool_idx1 ON dhcp4_pool (modification_ts); CREATE INDEX dhcp4_pool_idx2 ON dhcp4_pool (subnet_id); CREATE TRIGGER dhcp4_pool_modification_ts_update AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp4_pool FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE modification_ts_update(); -- ALTER table for storing DHCPv4 options. ALTER TABLE dhcp4_options ADD COLUMN shared_network_name VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL, ADD COLUMN pool_id BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, ADD COLUMN modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, ADD CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp4_options_pool FOREIGN KEY (pool_id) REFERENCES dhcp4_pool (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, ADD CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp4_options_shared_network FOREIGN KEY (shared_network_name) REFERENCES dhcp4_shared_network (name) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp4_options_modification_ts_update AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp4_options FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE modification_ts_update(); -- Now create a table for associating defined v4 options with servers. CREATE TABLE dhcp4_options_server ( option_id BIGINT NOT NULL, server_id BIGINT NOT NULL, modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (option_id, server_id), CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp4_options_server_option_id FOREIGN KEY (option_id) REFERENCES dhcp4_options (option_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp4_options_server_server_id FOREIGN KEY (server_id) REFERENCES dhcp4_server (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ); CREATE INDEX dhcp4_options_server_idx1 ON dhcp4_options_server(server_id); CREATE INDEX dhcp4_options_server_idx2 ON dhcp4_options_server(modification_ts); CREATE TRIGGER dhcp4_options_server_modification_ts_update AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp4_options_server FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE modification_ts_update(); -- This table is for storing IPv4 option definitions CREATE TABLE dhcp4_option_def ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY UNIQUE NOT NULL, code SMALLINT NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, space VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, type SMALLINT NOT NULL, modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, is_array BOOLEAN NOT NULL, encapsulate VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, record_types VARCHAR DEFAULT NULL, user_context JSON DEFAULT NULL ); CREATE INDEX dhcp4_option_def_idx1 ON dhcp4_option_def(modification_ts); CREATE INDEX dhcp4_option_def_idx2 ON dhcp4_option_def(code, space); CREATE TRIGGER dhcp4_option_def_modification_ts_update AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp4_option_def FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE modification_ts_update(); -- and another table for storing relationship between option definitions and servers. CREATE TABLE dhcp4_option_def_server ( option_def_id BIGINT NOT NULL REFERENCES dhcp6_option_def (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION, server_id BIGINT NOT NULL REFERENCES dhcp4_server (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION, modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (option_def_id, server_id) ); CREATE TRIGGER dhcp4_option_def_server_modification_ts_update AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp4_option_def_server FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE modification_ts_update(); -- Now create two tables for audit revisions... CREATE TABLE dhcp4_audit_revision ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, log_message TEXT DEFAULT NULL, server_id BIGINT DEFAULT NULL ); CREATE TRIGGER dhcp4_audit_revision_modification_ts_update AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp4_audit_revision FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE modification_ts_update(); -- ... and the DHCPv4 audit itself. CREATE TABLE dhcp4_audit ( id SERIAL UNIQUE NOT NULL, object_type VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL, object_id BIGINT NOT NULL, modification_type SMALLINT NOT NULL, revision_id BIGINT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp4_audit_modification_type FOREIGN KEY (modification_type) REFERENCES modification (id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp4_audit_revision FOREIGN KEY (revision_id) REFERENCES dhcp4_audit_revision (id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE CASCADE ); CREATE TRIGGER dhcp4_audit_modification_ts_update AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp4_audit FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE modification_ts_update(); CREATE INDEX dhcp4_audit_idx1 ON dhcp4_audit (modification_type); CREATE INDEX dhcp4_audit_idx2 ON dhcp4_audit (revision_id); -- Stores a TEXT value to a session variable -- name name of session variable to set -- value TEXT value to store CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION set_session_value(name text, value TEXT) RETURNS VOID AS $$ DECLARE BEGIN PERFORM set_config(name, value, false); RETURN; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'set_session_value(%) : value:[%] failed, sqlstate: %', name, value, sqlstate; END;$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Stores a BIGINT value to a session variable -- Note the value converted to TEXT and then stored as Postgresql does -- not support any other data type in session variables. -- name name of session variable to set -- value BIGINT value to store CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION set_session_value(name text, value BIGINT) RETURNS VOID AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM set_config(name, cast(value as text), false); RETURN; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'set_session_value(%) : value:[%] failed, sqlstate: %', name, value, sqlstate; END;$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Stores a BOOLEAN value to a session variable -- Note the value converted to TEXT and then stored as Postgresql does -- not support any other data type in session variables. -- name name of session variable to set -- value BOOLEAN value to store CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION set_session_value(name text, value BOOLEAN) RETURNS VOID AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM set_config(name, cast(value as text), false); RETURN; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'set_session_value(%) : value:[%] failed, sqlstate: %', name, value, sqlstate; END;$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Fetches a text value from the session configuration. -- param name name of the session variable to fetch -- If the name is not found it returns NULL. -- Postgresql allows you to store custom session values -- but throws an exception if they have not first been -- set. This allows us to be a bit more graceful. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_session_value(name TEXT) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ DECLARE text_value TEXT := ''; BEGIN text_value = current_setting(name); RETURN(text_value); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN -- Variable has not been initialized so return NULL RETURN NULL; WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'get_session_value(%, TEXT) failed, sqlstate: %', name, sqlstate; END;$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Fetches an BIGINT value from the session configuration. -- param name name of the session variable to fetch -- If the name is not found it returns zero. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_session_big_int(name text) RETURNS BIGINT AS $$ DECLARE int_value BIGINT := 0; text_value TEXT := ''; BEGIN text_value = get_session_value(name); IF text_value is NULL or text_value = '' THEN RETURN(0); END IF; int_value = cast(text_value as BIGINT); RETURN(int_value); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'get_session_big_int(%) failed - text:[%] , sqlstate: %', name, text_value, sqlstate; END;$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Fetches an BOOLEAN value from the session configuration. -- param name name of the session variable to fetch -- If the name is not found it returns zero. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_session_boolean(name text) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ DECLARE bool_value BOOLEAN := false; text_value TEXT := ''; BEGIN text_value = get_session_value(name); IF text_value is NULL or text_value = '' THEN RETURN(false); END IF; bool_value = cast(text_value as BOOLEAN); RETURN(bool_value); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'get_session_boolean(%) failed - text:[%] , sqlstate: %', name, text_value, sqlstate; END;$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Stored procedure which creates a new entry in the -- dhcp4_audit_revision table and sets appropriate session -- variables to be used while creating the audit entries -- by triggers. This procedure should be called at the -- beginning of a transaction which modifies configuration -- data in the database, e.g. when new subnet is added. -- -- Parameters: -- - audit_ts timestamp to be associated with the audit -- revision. -- - server_tag is used to retrieve the server_id which -- associates the changes applied with the particular -- server or all servers. -- - audit_log_message is a log message associates with -- the audit revision. -- - cascade_transaction is assigned to a session -- variable which is used in some triggers to determine -- if the audit entry should be created for them or -- not. Specifically, this is used when DHCP options -- are inserted, updated or deleted. If such modification -- is a part of the larger change (e.g. change in the -- subnet the options belong to) the dedicated audit -- entry for options must not be created. On the other -- hand, if the global option is being added, the -- audit entry for the option must be created because -- it is the sole object modified in that case. -- Session variable disable_audit is used to disable -- the procedure when wiping the database during -- unit tests. This avoids issues with revision_id -- being null. -- ----------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION createAuditRevisionDHCP4(audit_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, server_tag VARCHAR(64), audit_log_message TEXT, cascade_transaction BOOLEAN) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE disable_audit BOOLEAN := false; audit_revision_id BIGINT; srv_id BIGINT; BEGIN -- Fetch session value for disable_audit. disable_audit := get_session_boolean('kea.disable_audit'); IF disable_audit = false THEN SELECT id INTO srv_id FROM dhcp4_server WHERE tag = server_tag; INSERT INTO dhcp4_audit_revision (modification_ts, server_id, log_message) VALUES (audit_ts, srv_id, audit_log_message) returning id INTO audit_revision_id; -- Update pertinent session variables. PERFORM set_session_value('kea.audit_revision_id', audit_revision_id); PERFORM set_session_value('kea.cascade_transaction', cascade_transaction); END IF; RETURN; END;$$; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Stored procedure which creates a new entry in the -- dhcp4_audit table. It should be called from the -- triggers of the tables where the config modifications -- are applied. The audit_revision_id variable contains -- the revision id to be placed in the audit entries. -- -- The following parameters are passed to this procedure: -- - object_type_val: name of the table to be associated -- with the applied changes. -- - object_id_val: identifier of the modified object in -- that table. -- - modification_type_val: string value indicating the -- type of the change, i.e. 'create', 'update' or -- 'delete'. -- Session variable disable_audit is used to disable -- the procedure when wiping the database during -- unit tests. This avoids issues with revision_id -- being null. -- ---------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION createAuditEntryDHCP4(object_type_val VARCHAR(256), object_id_val BIGINT, modification_type_val VARCHAR(32)) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql as $$ DECLARE audit_revision_id BIGINT; disable_audit BOOLEAN := false; BEGIN -- Fetch session value for disable_audit. disable_audit := get_session_boolean('kea.disable_audit'); IF disable_audit IS NULL OR disable_audit = false THEN -- Fetch session value most recently created audit_revision_id. audit_revision_id := get_session_big_int('kea.audit_revision_id'); INSERT INTO dhcp4_audit (object_type, object_id, modification_type, revision_id) VALUES (object_type_val, object_id_val, (SELECT id FROM modification WHERE modification_type = modification_type_val), audit_revision_id); END IF; RETURN; END;$$; -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create a table holding the DHCPv4 client classes. Most table -- columns map directly to respective client class properties in -- Kea configuration. The depend_on_known_directly column is -- explicitly set in an insert or update statement to indicate -- if the client class directly depends on KNOWN or UNKNOWN -- built-in classes. A caller should determine it by evaluating -- a test expression before inserting or updating the client -- class in the database. The nullable follow_class_name column -- can be used for positioning the inserted or updated client -- class within the class hierarchy. Set this column value to -- an existing class name, after which this class should be -- placed in the class hierarchy. See dhcp4_client_class_order -- description for the details of how classes are ordered. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dhcp4_client_class ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(128) UNIQUE NOT NULL, test TEXT, next_server INET DEFAULT NULL, server_hostname VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL, boot_file_name VARCHAR(512) DEFAULT NULL, only_if_required BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT false, valid_lifetime BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, min_valid_lifetime BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, max_valid_lifetime BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, depend_on_known_directly BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT false, follow_class_name VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL, modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ); CREATE INDEX key_dhcp4_client_class_modification_ts on dhcp4_client_class (modification_ts); -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create a table for ordering client classes and holding information -- about indirect dependencies on KNOWN/UKNOWN built-in client classes. -- Each class in the dhcp4_client_class table has a corresponding row -- in the dhcp4_client_class_order table. A caller should not modify -- the contents of this table. Its entries are automatically created -- upon inserting or updating client classes in the dhcp4_client_classes -- using triggers. The order_index designates the position of the client -- class within the class hierarchy. If the follow_class_name value of -- the dhcp4_client_class table is set to NULL, the client class is -- appended at the end of the hierarchy. The assigned order_index -- value for that class is set to a maximum current value + 1. -- If the follow_client_class specifies a name of an existing class, -- the generated order_index is set to an id of that class + 1, and -- the order_index values of the later classes are incremented by 1. -- The depend_on_known_indirectly column holds a boolean value indicating -- whether the given class depends on KNOWN/UKNOWN built-in classes -- via other classes, i.e. it depends on classes that directly or -- indirectly depend on these built-ins. This value is auto-generated -- by a trigger on the dhcp4_client_class_dependency table. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dhcp4_client_class_order ( class_id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, order_index BIGINT NOT NULL, depend_on_known_indirectly BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT false, CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp4_client_class_order_class_id FOREIGN KEY (class_id) REFERENCES dhcp4_client_class (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ); CREATE INDEX key_dhcp4_client_class_order_index on dhcp4_client_class_order (order_index); -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Stored procedure positioning an inserted or updated client class -- within the class hierarchy, depending on the value of the -- follow_class_name parameter. -- -- Parameters: -- - id id of the positioned class, -- - follow_class_name name of the class after which this class should be -- positioned within the class hierarchy. -- - old_follow_class_name previous name of the class after which this -- class was positioned within the class hierarchy. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION setClientClass4Order(id BIGINT, new_follow_class_name VARCHAR(128), old_follow_class_name VARCHAR(128)) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE -- Used to fetch class's current value for depend_on_known_indirectly l_depend_on_known_indirectly BIGINT := 0; -- Optionally set if the follow_class_name column value is specified. follow_class_index BIGINT; BEGIN -- Fetch the class's current value of depend_on_known_indirectly. SELECT depend_on_known_indirectly INTO l_depend_on_known_indirectly FROM dhcp4_client_class_order WHERE id = class_id; -- Save it to the current session for use elsewhere during this transaction. -- Note this does not work prior to Postgres 9.2 unless the variables are -- defined in postgresql.conf. I think for now we put up with CB not supported -- prior to 9.2 or we tell people how to edit the conf file. PERFORM set_session_value('kea.depend_on_known_indirectly', l_depend_on_known_indirectly); -- Bail if the class is updated without re-positioning. IF( l_depend_on_known_indirectly IS NOT NULL AND ((new_follow_class_name IS NULL AND old_follow_class_name IS NULL) OR (new_follow_class_name = old_follow_class_name)) ) THEN -- The depend_on_known_indirectly is set to 0 because this procedure is invoked -- whenever the dhcp4_client_class record is updated. Such update may include -- test expression changes impacting the dependency on KNOWN/UNKNOWN classes. -- This value will be later adjusted when dependencies are inserted. -- TKM should we update the session value also or is it moot? UPDATE dhcp4_client_class_order SET depend_on_known_indirectly = false WHERE class_id = id; RETURN; END IF; IF new_follow_class_name IS NOT NULL THEN -- Get the position of the class after which the new class should be added. SELECT o.order_index INTO follow_class_index FROM dhcp4_client_class AS c INNER JOIN dhcp4_client_class_order AS o ON c.id = o.class_id WHERE c.name = new_follow_class_name; IF follow_class_index IS NULL THEN -- The class with a name specified with new_follow_class_name does -- not exist. RAISE EXCEPTION 'Class %s does not exist.', new_follow_class_name USING ERRCODE = 'sql_routine_exception'; END IF; -- We need to place the new class at the position of follow_class_index + 1. -- There may be a class at this position already. IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM dhcp4_client_class_order WHERE order_index = follow_class_index + 1) THEN -- There is a class at this position already. Let's move all classes -- starting from this position by one to create a spot for the new -- class. UPDATE dhcp4_client_class_order SET order_index = order_index + 1 WHERE order_index >= follow_class_index + 1; -- TKM postgresql doesn't like order by here, does it matter? -- ORDER BY order_index DESC; END IF; ELSE -- A caller did not specify the new_follow_class_name value. Let's append the -- new class at the end of the hierarchy. SELECT MAX(order_index) INTO follow_class_index FROM dhcp4_client_class_order; IF follow_class_index IS NULL THEN -- Apparently, there are no classes. Let's start from 0. follow_class_index = 0; END IF; END IF; -- Check if moving the class doesn't break dependent classes. IF EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM dhcp4_client_class_dependency AS d INNER JOIN dhcp4_client_class_order AS o ON d.class_id = o.class_id WHERE d.dependency_id = id AND o.order_index < follow_class_index + 1 LIMIT 1 ) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Unable to move class with id %s because it would break its dependencies', id USING ERRCODE = 'sql_routine_exception'; END IF; -- The depend_on_known_indirectly is set to 0 because this procedure is invoked -- whenever the dhcp4_client_class record is updated. Such update may include -- test expression changes impacting the dependency on KNOWN/UNKNOWN classes. -- This value will be later adjusted when dependencies are inserted. -- ON CONFLICT required 9.5 or later UPDATE dhcp4_client_class_order SET order_index = follow_class_index + 1, depend_on_known_indirectly = l_depend_on_known_indirectly WHERE class_id = id; IF FOUND THEN RETURN; END IF; INSERT INTO dhcp4_client_class_order(class_id, order_index, depend_on_known_indirectly) VALUES (id, follow_class_index + 1, 0); RETURN; END;$$; -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Trigger procedure to position an inserted class within the class hierarchy -- and create audit. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp4_client_class_AINS() RETURNS trigger AS $dhcp4_client_class_AINS$ BEGIN PERFORM setClientClass4Order(NEW.id, NEW.follow_class_name, NULL); PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP4('dhcp4_client_class', NEW.id, 'create'); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp4_client_class_AINS$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Create dhcp4_client_class insert trigger CREATE TRIGGER dhcp4_client_class_AINS AFTER INSERT ON dhcp4_client_class FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp4_client_class_AINS(); -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Trigger to position an updated class within the class hierarchy, -- create audit and remember the direct dependency on the -- KNOWN/UNKNOWN built-in classes before the class update. -- When updating a client class, it is very important to ensure that -- its dependency on KNOWN or UNKNOWN built-in client classes is not -- changed. It is because there may be other classes that depend on -- these built-ins via this class. Changing the dependency would break -- the chain of dependencies for other classes. Here, we store the -- information about the dependency in the session variables. Their -- values will be compared with the new dependencies after an update. -- If they change, an error will be signaled. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp4_client_class_AUPD() RETURNS trigger AS $dhcp4_client_class_AUPD$ BEGIN PERFORM set_session_value('kea.depend_on_known_directly', OLD.depend_on_known_directly); PERFORM set_session_value('kea.client_class_id', NEW.id); PERFORM setClientClass4Order(NEW.id, NEW.follow_class_name, OLD.follow_class_name); PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP4('dhcp4_client_class', NEW.id, 'update'); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp4_client_class_AUPD$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Create dhcp4_client_class update insert trigger CREATE TRIGGER dhcp4_client_class_AUPD AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp4_client_class FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp4_client_class_AUPD(); -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Trigger procedure to create the audit entry for client class delete. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp4_client_class_ADEL() RETURNS trigger AS $dhcp4_client_class_ADEL$ BEGIN PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP4('dhcp4_client_class', OLD.id, 'delete'); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp4_client_class_ADEL$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Create dhcp4_client_class delete trigger CREATE TRIGGER dhcp4_client_class_ADEL AFTER DELETE ON dhcp4_client_class FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp4_client_class_ADEL(); -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create a table associating client classes stored in the -- dhcp4_client_class table with their dependencies. There is -- an M:N relationship between these tables. Each class may have -- many dependencies (created using member operator in test expression), -- and each class may be a dependency for many other classes. A caller -- is responsible for inserting dependencies for a class after inserting -- or updating it in the dhcp4_client_class table. A caller should -- delete all existing dependencies for an updated client class, evaluate -- test expression to discover new dependencies (in case test expression -- has changed), and insert new dependencies to this table. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dhcp4_client_class_dependency ( class_id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, dependency_id BIGINT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT dhcp4_client_class_class_id FOREIGN KEY (class_id) REFERENCES dhcp4_client_class (id) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT dhcp4_client_class_dependency_id FOREIGN KEY (dependency_id) REFERENCES dhcp4_client_class (id) ); CREATE INDEX dhcp4_client_class_dependency_id_idx on dhcp4_client_class_dependency (dependency_id); -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Stored procedure verifying if class dependency is met. It includes -- checking if referenced classes exist, are associated with the same -- server or all servers, and are defined before the class specified with -- class_id. -- -- Parameters: -- - p_class_id id client class, -- - p_dependency_id id of the dependency. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION checkDHCPv4ClientClassDependency(p_class_id BIGINT, p_dependency_id BIGINT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE class_index BIGINT; dependency_index BIGINT; BEGIN -- We could check the same with a constraint but later in this -- trigger we use this value to verify if the dependencies are -- met. IF p_class_id IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Client class id must not be NULL.' USING ERRCODE = 'sql_routine_exception'; END IF; IF p_dependency_id IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Class dependency id must not be NULL.' USING ERRCODE = 'sql_routine_exception'; END IF; -- Dependencies on self make no sense. IF p_class_id = p_dependency_id THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Client class must not have dependency on self.' USING ERRCODE = 'sql_routine_exception'; END IF; -- Check position of our class in the hierarchy. SELECT o.order_index INTO class_index FROM dhcp4_client_class AS c INNER JOIN dhcp4_client_class_order AS o ON c.id = o.class_id WHERE c.id = p_class_id; IF class_index IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Client class with id % does not exist.', p_class_id USING ERRCODE = 'sql_routine_exception'; END IF; -- Check position of the dependency. SELECT o.order_index INTO dependency_index FROM dhcp4_client_class AS c INNER JOIN dhcp4_client_class_order AS o ON c.id = o.class_id WHERE c.id = p_dependency_id; IF dependency_index IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Dependency class with id % does not exist.', p_dependency_id USING ERRCODE = 'sql_routine_exception'; END IF; -- The dependency must not be later than our class. IF dependency_index > class_index THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Client class with id % must not depend on class defined later with id %', p_class_id, p_dependency_id USING ERRCODE = 'sql_routine_exception'; END IF; -- Check if all servers associated with the new class have dependent -- classes configured. This catches the cases that class A belongs to -- server1 and depends on class B which belongs only to server 2. -- It is fine if the class B belongs to all servers in this case. -- Make a SELECT on the dhcp4_client_class_server table to gather -- all servers to which the class belongs. LEFT JOIN it with the -- same table, selecting all records matching the dependency class -- and the servers to which the new class belongs. If there are -- any NULL records joined it implies that some dependencies are -- not met (didn't find a dependency for at least one server). IF EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM dhcp4_client_class_server AS t1 LEFT JOIN dhcp4_client_class_server AS t2 ON t2.class_id = p_dependency_id AND (t2.server_id = 1 OR t2.server_id = t1.server_id) WHERE t1.class_id = p_class_id AND t2.server_id IS NULL LIMIT 1 ) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Unmet dependencies for client class with id %', class_id USING ERRCODE = 'sql_routine_exception'; END IF; RETURN; END;$$; -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Trigger verifying if class dependency is met. It includes checking -- if referenced classes exist, are associated with the same server -- or all servers, and are defined before the class specified with -- class_id. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp4_client_class_check_dependency_BINS() RETURNS trigger AS $dhcp4_client_class_check_dependency_BINS$ BEGIN PERFORM checkDHCPv4ClientClassDependency(NEW.class_id, NEW.dependency_id); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp4_client_class_check_dependency_BINS$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Create dhcp4_client_class_check_dependency_BINS before insert trigger. CREATE TRIGGER dhcp4_client_class_check_dependency_BINS BEFORE INSERT ON dhcp4_client_class_dependency FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp4_client_class_check_dependency_BINS(); -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Stored procedure setting client class indirect dependency on KNOWN or -- UNKNOWN built-in classes by checking this flag for the client classes -- on which it depends. -- -- Parameters: -- - client_class_id id of the client class which dependency is set, -- - dependency_id id of the client class on which the given class depends. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION updateDHCPv4ClientClassKnownDependency(client_class_id BIGINT, dependency_id BIGINT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE dependency BOOLEAN; BEGIN -- Check if the dependency class references KNOWN/UNKNOWN. SELECT depend_on_known_directly INTO dependency FROM dhcp4_client_class WHERE id = dependency_id; -- If it doesn't, check if the dependency references KNOWN/UNKNOWN -- indirectly (via other classes). IF dependency = false THEN SELECT depend_on_known_indirectly INTO dependency FROM dhcp4_client_class_order WHERE class_id = dependency_id; END IF; IF dependency = true THEN UPDATE dhcp4_client_class_order SET depend_on_known_indirectly = true WHERE class_id = client_class_id; END IF; RETURN; END;$$; -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Trigger setting client class indirect dependency on KNOWN or UNKNOWN -- built-in classes by checking this flag for the client classes on which -- it depends. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp4_client_class_dependency_AINS() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp4_client_class_dependency_AINS$ BEGIN PERFORM updateDHCPv4ClientClassKnownDependency(NEW.class_id, NEW.dependency_id); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp4_client_class_dependency_AINS$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Create dhcp4_client_class_check_dependency_AINS after insert trigger. CREATE TRIGGER dhcp4_client_class_dependency_AINS AFTER INSERT ON dhcp4_client_class_dependency FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp4_client_class_dependency_AINS(); -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Stored procedure to be executed before committing a transaction -- updating a DHCPv4 client class. It verifies if the class dependency on -- KNOWN or UNKNOWN built-in classes has changed as a result of the -- update. It signals an error if it has changed and there is at least -- one class depending on this class. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION checkDHCPv4ClientClassKnownDependencyChange() RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE depended BOOLEAN := false; depends BOOLEAN := false; client_class_id BIGINT; depend_on_known_directly BOOLEAN; depend_on_known_indirectly BOOLEAN; BEGIN -- Session variables are set upon a client class update. client_class_id := get_session_big_int('kea.client_class_id'); IF client_class_id IS NOT NULL THEN -- Check if any of the classes depend on this class. If not, -- it is ok to change the dependency on KNOWN/UNKNOWN. IF EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM dhcp4_client_class_dependency WHERE dependency_id = client_class_id LIMIT 1 ) THEN -- Using the session variables, determine whether the client class -- depended on KNOWN/UNKNOWN before the update. depend_on_known_directly := get_session_boolean('kea.depend_on_known_directly'); depend_on_known_indirectly := get_session_boolean('kea.depend_on_known_indirectly'); IF depend_on_known_directly = true OR depend_on_known_indirectly = true THEN SET depended = true; END IF; -- Check if the client class depends on KNOWN/UNKNOWN after the update. SELECT depend_on_known_directly INTO depends FROM dhcp4_client_class WHERE id = client_class_id; -- If it doesn't depend directly, check indirect dependencies. IF depends = false THEN SELECT depend_on_known_indirectly INTO depends FROM dhcp4_client_class_order WHERE class_id = client_class_id; END IF; -- The resulting dependency on KNOWN/UNKNOWN must not change. IF depended <> depends THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Class dependency on KNOWN/UNKNOWN built-in classes must not change.' USING ERRCODE = 'sql_routine_exception'; END IF; END IF; END IF; RETURN; END;$$; -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create table matching DHCPv4 classes with the servers. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dhcp4_client_class_server ( class_id BIGINT NOT NULL, server_id BIGINT NOT NULL, modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NULL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (class_id,server_id), CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp4_client_class_class_id FOREIGN KEY (class_id) REFERENCES dhcp4_client_class (id) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp4_client_class_server_id FOREIGN KEY (server_id) REFERENCES dhcp4_server (id) ); CREATE INDEX fk_dhcp4_client_class_server_id ON dhcp4_client_class_server (server_id); -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Stored procedure which creates a new entry in the -- dhcp6_audit_revision table and sets appropriate session -- variables to be used while creating the audit entries -- by triggers. This procedure should be called at the -- beginning of a transaction which modifies configuration -- data in the database, e.g. when new subnet is added. -- -- Parameters: -- - audit_ts timestamp to be associated with the audit -- revision. -- - server_tag is used to retrieve the server_id which -- associates the changes applied with the particular -- server or all servers. -- - audit_log_message is a log message associates with -- the audit revision. -- - cascade_transaction is assigned to a session -- variable which is used in some triggers to determine -- if the audit entry should be created for them or -- not. Specifically, this is used when DHCP options -- are inserted, updated or deleted. If such modification -- is a part of the larger change (e.g. change in the -- subnet the options belong to) the dedicated audit -- entry for options must not be created. On the other -- hand, if the global option is being added, the -- audit entry for the option must be created because -- it is the sole object modified in that case. -- Session variable disable_audit is used to disable -- the procedure when wiping the database during -- unit tests. This avoids issues with revision_id -- being null. -- ----------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION createAuditRevisionDHCP6(audit_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, server_tag VARCHAR(64), audit_log_message TEXT, cascade_transaction BOOLEAN) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE disable_audit BOOLEAN := false; audit_revision_id BIGINT; srv_id BIGINT; BEGIN -- Fetch session value for disable_audit. disable_audit := get_session_boolean('kea.disable_audit'); IF disable_audit = false THEN SELECT id INTO srv_id FROM dhcp6_server WHERE tag = server_tag; INSERT INTO dhcp6_audit_revision (modification_ts, server_id, log_message) VALUES (audit_ts, srv_id, audit_log_message) returning id INTO audit_revision_id; -- Update pertinent session variables. PERFORM set_session_value('kea.audit_revision_id', audit_revision_id); PERFORM set_session_value('kea.cascade_transaction', cascade_transaction); END IF; RETURN; END;$$; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Stored procedure which creates a new entry in the -- dhcp6_audit table. It should be called from the -- triggers of the tables where the config modifications -- are applied. The audit_revision_id variable contains -- the revision id to be placed in the audit entries. -- -- The following parameters are passed to this procedure: -- - object_type_val: name of the table to be associated -- with the applied changes. -- - object_id_val: identifier of the modified object in -- that table. -- - modification_type_val: string value indicating the -- type of the change, i.e. 'create', 'update' or -- 'delete'. -- Session variable disable_audit is used to disable -- the procedure when wiping the database during -- unit tests. This avoids issues with revision_id -- being null. -- ---------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION createAuditEntryDHCP6(object_type_val VARCHAR(256), object_id_val BIGINT, modification_type_val VARCHAR(32)) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE audit_revision_id BIGINT; disable_audit BOOLEAN := false; BEGIN -- Fetch session value for disable_audit. disable_audit := get_session_boolean('kea.disable_audit'); IF disable_audit = false THEN -- Fetch session value most recently created audit_revision_id. audit_revision_id := get_session_big_int('kea.audit_revision_id'); INSERT INTO dhcp6_audit (object_type, object_id, modification_type, revision_id) VALUES (object_type_val, object_id_val, (SELECT id FROM modification WHERE modification_type = modification_type_val), audit_revision_id); END IF; RETURN; END;$$; -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create a table holding the DHCPv6 client classes. Most table -- columns map directly to respective client class properties in -- Kea configuration. The depend_on_known_directly column is -- explicitly set in an insert or update statement to indicate -- if the client class directly depends on KNOWN or UNKNOWN -- built-in classes. A caller should determine it by evaluating -- a test expression before inserting or updating the client -- class in the database. The nullable follow_class_name column -- can be used for positioning the inserted or updated client -- class within the class hierarchy. Set this column value to -- an existing class name, after which this class should be -- placed in the class hierarchy. See dhcp6_client_class_order -- description for the details of how classes are ordered. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dhcp6_client_class ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(128) UNIQUE NOT NULL, test TEXT, only_if_required BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT false, valid_lifetime BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, min_valid_lifetime BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, max_valid_lifetime BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, depend_on_known_directly BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT false, follow_class_name VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL, modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ); CREATE INDEX key_dhcp6_client_class_modification_ts on dhcp6_client_class (modification_ts); -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create a table for ordering client classes and holding information -- about indirect dependencies on KNOWN/UKNOWN built-in client classes. -- Each class in the dhcp6_client_class table has a corresponding row -- in the dhcp6_client_class_order table. A caller should not modify -- the contents of this table. Its entries are automatically created -- upon inserting or updating client classes in the dhcp6_client_classes -- using triggers. The order_index designates the position of the client -- class within the class hierarchy. If the follow_class_name value of -- the dhcp6_client_class table is set to NULL, the client class is -- appended at the end of the hierarchy. The assigned order_index -- value for that class is set to a maximum current value + 1. -- If the follow_client_class specifies a name of an existing class, -- the generated order_index is set to an id of that class + 1, and -- the order_index values of the later classes are incremented by 1. -- The depend_on_known_indirectly column holds a boolean value indicating -- whether the given class depends on KNOWN/UKNOWN built-in classes -- via other classes, i.e. it depends on classes that directly or -- indirectly depend on these built-ins. This value is auto-generated -- by a trigger on the dhcp6_client_class_dependency table. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dhcp6_client_class_order ( class_id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, order_index BIGINT NOT NULL, depend_on_known_indirectly BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT false, CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp6_client_class_order_class_id FOREIGN KEY (class_id) REFERENCES dhcp6_client_class (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ); CREATE INDEX key_dhcp6_client_class_order_index on dhcp6_client_class_order (order_index); -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Stored procedure positioning an inserted or updated client class -- within the class hierarchy, depending on the value of the -- new_follow_class_name parameter. -- -- Parameters: -- - id id of the positioned class, -- - new_follow_class_name name of the class after which this class should be -- positioned within the class hierarchy. -- - old_follow_class_name previous name of the class after which this -- class was positioned within the class hierarchy. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION setClientClass6Order(id BIGINT, new_follow_class_name VARCHAR(128), old_follow_class_name VARCHAR(128)) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE -- Used to fetch class's current value for depend_on_known_indirectly l_depend_on_known_indirectly BIGINT := 0; -- Optionally set if the follow_class_name column value is specified. follow_class_index BIGINT; BEGIN -- Fetch the class's current value of depend_on_known_indirectly. SELECT depend_on_known_indirectly INTO l_depend_on_known_indirectly FROM dhcp6_client_class_order WHERE id = class_id; -- Save it to the current session for use elsewhere during this transaction. -- Note this does not work prior to Postgres 9.2 unless the variables are -- defined in postgresql.conf. I think for now we put up with CB not supported -- prior to 9.2 or we tell people how to edit the conf file. PERFORM set_session_value('kea.depend_on_known_indirectly', l_depend_on_known_indirectly); -- Bail if the class is updated without re-positioning. IF( l_depend_on_known_indirectly IS NOT NULL AND ((new_follow_class_name IS NULL AND old_follow_class_name IS NULL) OR (new_follow_class_name = old_follow_class_name)) ) THEN -- The depend_on_known_indirectly is set to 0 because this procedure is invoked -- whenever the dhcp6_client_class record is updated. Such update may include -- test expression changes impacting the dependency on KNOWN/UNKNOWN classes. -- This value will be later adjusted when dependencies are inserted. -- TKM should we update the session value also or is it moot? UPDATE dhcp6_client_class_order SET depend_on_known_indirectly = false WHERE class_id = id; RETURN; END IF; IF new_follow_class_name IS NOT NULL THEN -- Get the position of the class after which the new class should be added. SELECT o.order_index INTO follow_class_index FROM dhcp6_client_class AS c INNER JOIN dhcp6_client_class_order AS o ON c.id = o.class_id WHERE c.name = new_follow_class_name; IF follow_class_index IS NULL THEN -- The class with a name specified with new_follow_class_name does -- not exist. RAISE EXCEPTION 'Class %s does not exist.', new_follow_class_name USING ERRCODE = 'sql_routine_exception'; END IF; -- We need to place the new class at the position of follow_class_index + 1. -- There may be a class at this position already. IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM dhcp6_client_class_order WHERE order_index = follow_class_index + 1) THEN -- There is a class at this position already. Let's move all classes -- starting from this position by one to create a spot for the new -- class. UPDATE dhcp6_client_class_order SET order_index = order_index + 1 WHERE order_index >= follow_class_index + 1; -- TKM postgresql doesn't like order by here, does it matter? -- ORDER BY order_index DESC; END IF; ELSE -- A caller did not specify the new_follow_class_name value. Let's append the -- new class at the end of the hierarchy. SELECT MAX(order_index) INTO follow_class_index FROM dhcp6_client_class_order; IF follow_class_index IS NULL THEN -- Apparently, there are no classes. Let's start from 0. follow_class_index = 0; END IF; END IF; -- Check if moving the class doesn't break dependent classes. IF EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM dhcp6_client_class_dependency AS d INNER JOIN dhcp6_client_class_order AS o ON d.class_id = o.class_id WHERE d.dependency_id = id AND o.order_index < follow_class_index + 1 LIMIT 1 ) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Unable to move class with id %s because it would break its dependencies', id USING ERRCODE = 'sql_routine_exception'; END IF; -- The depend_on_known_indirectly is set to 0 because this procedure is invoked -- whenever the dhcp6_client_class record is updated. Such update may include -- test expression changes impacting the dependency on KNOWN/UNKNOWN classes. -- This value will be later adjusted when dependencies are inserted. -- TKM - note that ON CONFLICT requires PostgreSQL 9.5 or later. UPDATE dhcp6_client_class_order SET order_index = follow_class_index + 1, depend_on_known_indirectly = l_depend_on_known_indirectly WHERE class_id = id; IF FOUND THEN RETURN; END IF; INSERT INTO dhcp6_client_class_order(class_id, order_index, depend_on_known_indirectly) VALUES (id, follow_class_index + 1, 0); RETURN; END;$$; -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Trigger procedure to position an inserted class within the class hierarchy -- and create audit. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp6_client_class_AINS() RETURNS trigger AS $dhcp6_client_class_AINS$ BEGIN PERFORM setClientClass6Order(NEW.id, NEW.follow_class_name, NULL); PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP6('dhcp6_client_class', NEW.id, 'create'); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp6_client_class_AINS$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Create dhcp6_client_class insert trigger CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_client_class_AINS AFTER INSERT ON dhcp6_client_class FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp6_client_class_AINS(); -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Trigger to position an updated class within the class hierarchy, -- create audit and remember the direct dependency on the -- KNOWN/UNKNOWN built-in classes before the class update. -- When updating a client class, it is very important to ensure that -- its dependency on KNOWN or UNKNOWN built-in client classes is not -- changed. It is because there may be other classes that depend on -- these built-ins via this class. Changing the dependency would break -- the chain of dependencies for other classes. Here, we store the -- information about the dependency in the session variables. Their -- values will be compared with the new dependencies after an update. -- If they change, an error will be signaled. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp6_client_class_AUPD() RETURNS trigger AS $dhcp6_client_class_AUPD$ BEGIN PERFORM set_session_value('kea.depend_on_known_directly', OLD.depend_on_known_directly); PERFORM set_session_value('kea.client_class_id', NEW.id); PERFORM setClientClass6Order(NEW.id, NEW.follow_class_name, OLD.follow_class_name); PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP6('dhcp6_client_class', NEW.id, 'update'); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp6_client_class_AUPD$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Create dhcp6_client_class update insert trigger CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_client_class_AUPD AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp6_client_class FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp6_client_class_AUPD(); -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Trigger procedure to create the audit entry for client class delete. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp6_client_class_ADEL() RETURNS trigger AS $dhcp6_client_class_ADEL$ BEGIN PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP6('dhcp6_client_class', OLD.id, 'delete'); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp6_client_class_ADEL$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Create dhcp6_client_class delete trigger CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_client_class_ADEL AFTER DELETE ON dhcp6_client_class FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp6_client_class_ADEL(); -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create a table associating client classes stored in the -- dhcp6_client_class table with their dependencies. There is -- an M:N relationship between these tables. Each class may have -- many dependencies (created using member operator in test expression), -- and each class may be a dependency for many other classes. A caller -- is responsible for inserting dependencies for a class after inserting -- or updating it in the dhcp6_client_class table. A caller should -- delete all existing dependencies for an updated client class, evaluate -- test expression to discover new dependencies (in case test expression -- has changed), and insert new dependencies to this table. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dhcp6_client_class_dependency ( class_id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, dependency_id BIGINT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT dhcp6_client_class_class_id FOREIGN KEY (class_id) REFERENCES dhcp6_client_class (id) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT dhcp6_client_class_dependency_id FOREIGN KEY (dependency_id) REFERENCES dhcp6_client_class (id) ); CREATE INDEX dhcp6_client_class_dependency_id_idx on dhcp6_client_class_dependency (dependency_id); -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Stored procedure verifying if class dependency is met. It includes -- checking if referenced classes exist, are associated with the same -- server or all servers, and are defined before the class specified with -- class_id. -- -- Parameters: -- - p_class_id id client class, -- - p_dependency_id id of the dependency. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION checkDHCPv6ClientClassDependency(p_class_id BIGINT, p_dependency_id BIGINT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE class_index BIGINT; dependency_index BIGINT; BEGIN -- We could check the same with a constraint but later in this -- trigger we use this value to verify if the dependencies are -- met. IF p_class_id IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Client class id must not be NULL.' USING ERRCODE = 'sql_routine_exception'; END IF; IF p_dependency_id IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Class dependency id must not be NULL.' USING ERRCODE = 'sql_routine_exception'; END IF; -- Dependencies on self make no sense. IF p_class_id = p_dependency_id THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Client class must not have dependency on self.' USING ERRCODE = 'sql_routine_exception'; END IF; -- Check position of our class in the hierarchy. SELECT o.order_index INTO class_index FROM dhcp6_client_class AS c INNER JOIN dhcp6_client_class_order AS o ON c.id = o.class_id WHERE c.id = p_class_id; IF class_index IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Client class with id % does not exist.', p_class_id USING ERRCODE = 'sql_routine_exception'; END IF; -- Check position of the dependency. SELECT o.order_index INTO dependency_index FROM dhcp6_client_class AS c INNER JOIN dhcp6_client_class_order AS o ON c.id = o.class_id WHERE c.id = p_dependency_id; IF dependency_index IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Dependency class with id % does not exist.', p_dependency_id USING ERRCODE = 'sql_routine_exception'; END IF; -- The dependency must not be later than our class. IF dependency_index > class_index THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Client class with id % must not depend on class defined later with id %', p_class_id, p_dependency_id USING ERRCODE = 'sql_routine_exception'; END IF; -- Check if all servers associated with the new class have dependent -- classes configured. This catches the cases that class A belongs to -- server1 and depends on class B which belongs only to server 2. -- It is fine if the class B belongs to all servers in this case. -- Make a SELECT on the dhcp6_client_class_server table to gather -- all servers to which the class belongs. LEFT JOIN it with the -- same table, selecting all records matching the dependency class -- and the servers to which the new class belongs. If there are -- any NULL records joined it implies that some dependencies are -- not met (didn't find a dependency for at least one server). IF EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM dhcp6_client_class_server AS t1 LEFT JOIN dhcp6_client_class_server AS t2 ON t2.class_id = p_dependency_id AND (t2.server_id = 1 OR t2.server_id = t1.server_id) WHERE t1.class_id = p_class_id AND t2.server_id IS NULL LIMIT 1 ) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Unmet dependencies for client class with id %', p_class_id USING ERRCODE = 'sql_routine_exception'; END IF; RETURN; END;$$; -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Trigger verifying if class dependency is met. It includes checking -- if referenced classes exist, are associated with the same server -- or all servers, and are defined before the class specified with -- class_id. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp6_client_class_check_dependency_BINS() RETURNS trigger AS $dhcp6_client_class_check_dependency_BINS$ BEGIN PERFORM checkDHCPv6ClientClassDependency(NEW.class_id, NEW.dependency_id); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp6_client_class_check_dependency_BINS$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Create dhcp6_client_class_check_dependency_BINS before insert trigger. CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_client_class_check_dependency_BINS BEFORE INSERT ON dhcp6_client_class_dependency FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp6_client_class_check_dependency_BINS(); -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Stored procedure setting client class indirect dependency on KNOWN or -- UNKNOWN built-in classes by checking this flag for the client classes -- on which it depends. -- -- Parameters: -- - client_class_id id of the client class which dependency is set, -- - dependency_id id of the client class on which the given class depends. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION updateDHCPv6ClientClassKnownDependency(client_class_id BIGINT, dependency_id BIGINT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE dependency BOOLEAN; BEGIN -- Check if the dependency class references KNOWN/UNKNOWN. SELECT depend_on_known_directly INTO dependency FROM dhcp6_client_class WHERE id = dependency_id; -- If it doesn't, check if the dependency references KNOWN/UNKNOWN -- indirectly (via other classes). IF dependency = false THEN SELECT depend_on_known_indirectly INTO dependency FROM dhcp6_client_class_order WHERE class_id = dependency_id; END IF; IF dependency = true THEN UPDATE dhcp6_client_class_order SET depend_on_known_indirectly = true WHERE class_id = client_class_id; END IF; RETURN; END;$$; -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Trigger setting client class indirect dependency on KNOWN or UNKNOWN -- built-in classes by checking this flag for the client classes on which -- it depends. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp6_client_class_dependency_AINS() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp6_client_class_dependency_AINS$ BEGIN PERFORM updateDHCPv6ClientClassKnownDependency(NEW.class_id, NEW.dependency_id); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp6_client_class_dependency_AINS$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Create dhcp6_client_class_check_dependency_AINS after insert trigger. CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_client_class_dependency_AINS AFTER INSERT ON dhcp6_client_class_dependency FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp6_client_class_dependency_AINS(); -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Stored procedure to be executed before committing a transaction -- updating a DHCPv6 client class. It verifies if the class dependency on -- KNOWN or UNKNOWN built-in classes has changed as a result of the -- update. It signals an error if it has changed and there is at least -- one class depending on this class. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION checkDHCPv6ClientClassKnownDependencyChange() RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE depended BOOLEAN := false; depends BOOLEAN := false; client_class_id BIGINT; depend_on_known_directly BOOLEAN; depend_on_known_indirectly BOOLEAN; BEGIN -- Session variables are set upon a client class update. client_class_id := get_session_big_int('kea.client_class_id'); IF client_class_id IS NOT NULL THEN -- Check if any of the classes depend on this class. If not, -- it is ok to change the dependency on KNOWN/UNKNOWN. IF EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM dhcp6_client_class_dependency WHERE dependency_id = client_class_id LIMIT 1 ) THEN -- Using the session variables, determine whether the client class -- depended on KNOWN/UNKNOWN before the update. depend_on_known_directly := get_session_boolean('kea.depend_on_known_directly'); depend_on_known_indirectly := get_session_boolean('kea.depend_on_known_indirectly'); IF depend_on_known_directly = true OR depend_on_known_indirectly = true THEN SET depended = true; END IF; -- Check if the client class depends on KNOWN/UNKNOWN after the update. SELECT depend_on_known_directly INTO depends FROM dhcp6_client_class WHERE id = client_class_id; -- If it doesn't depend directly, check indirect dependencies. IF depends = false THEN SELECT depend_on_known_indirectly INTO depends FROM dhcp6_client_class_order WHERE class_id = client_class_id; END IF; -- The resulting dependency on KNOWN/UNKNOWN must not change. IF depended <> depends THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Class dependency on KNOWN/UNKNOWN built-in classes must not change.' USING ERRCODE = 'sql_routine_exception'; END IF; END IF; END IF; RETURN; END;$$; -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create table matching DHCPv6 classes with the servers. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dhcp6_client_class_server ( class_id BIGINT NOT NULL, server_id BIGINT NOT NULL, modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NULL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (class_id,server_id), CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp6_client_class_class_id FOREIGN KEY (class_id) REFERENCES dhcp6_client_class (id) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp6_client_class_server_id FOREIGN KEY (server_id) REFERENCES dhcp6_server (id) ); CREATE INDEX fk_dhcp6_client_class_server_id ON dhcp6_client_class_server (server_id); -- Trigger function for dhcp4_pool_BDEL called BEFORE DELETE on dhcp4_pool -- It removes pool specific options upon removal of the pool. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp4_pool_BDEL() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp4_pool_BDEL$ BEGIN DELETE FROM dhcp4_options WHERE scope_id = 5 AND pool_id = OLD.id; RETURN OLD; END; $dhcp4_pool_BDEL$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp4_pool_BDEL BEFORE DELETE ON dhcp4_pool FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp4_pool_BDEL(); -- Trigger function for dhcp6_pool_BDEL called BEFORE DELETE on dhcp6_pool -- It removes pool specific options upon removal of the pool. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp6_pool_BDEL() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp6_pool_BDEL$ BEGIN DELETE FROM dhcp6_options WHERE scope_id = 5 AND pool_id = OLD.id; RETURN OLD; END; $dhcp6_pool_BDEL$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_pool_BDEL BEFORE DELETE ON dhcp6_pool FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp6_pool_BDEL(); -- Trigger function for dhcp4_global_parameter_AINS called AFTER INSERT on dhcp4_global_parameter CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp4_global_parameter_AINS() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp4_global_parameter_AINS$ BEGIN PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP4('dhcp4_global_parameter', NEW.id, 'create'); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp4_global_parameter_AINS$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp4_global_parameter_AINS AFTER INSERT ON dhcp4_global_parameter FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp4_global_parameter_AINS(); -- Trigger function for dhcp4_global_parameter_AUPD called AFTER UPDATE on dhcp4_global_parameter CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp4_global_parameter_AUPD() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp4_global_parameter_AUPD$ BEGIN PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP4('dhcp4_global_parameter', NEW.id, 'update'); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp4_global_parameter_AUPD$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp4_global_parameter_AUPD AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp4_global_parameter FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp4_global_parameter_AUPD(); -- Trigger function for dhcp4_global_parameter_ADEL called AFTER DELETE on dhcp4_global_parameter CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp4_global_parameter_ADEL() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp4_global_parameter_ADEL$ BEGIN PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP4('dhcp4_global_parameter', OLD.id, 'delete'); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp4_global_parameter_ADEL$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp4_global_parameter_ADEL AFTER DELETE ON dhcp4_global_parameter FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp4_global_parameter_ADEL(); -- Trigger function for dhcp4_subnet_AINS called AFTER INSERT on dhcp4_subnet CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp4_subnet_AINS() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp4_subnet_AINS$ BEGIN PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP4('dhcp4_subnet', NEW.subnet_id, 'create'); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp4_subnet_AINS$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp4_subnet_AINS AFTER INSERT ON dhcp4_subnet FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp4_subnet_AINS(); -- Trigger function for dhcp4_subnet_AUPD called AFTER UPDATE on dhcp4_subnet CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp4_subnet_AUPD() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp4_subnet_AUPD$ BEGIN PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP4('dhcp4_subnet', NEW.subnet_id, 'update'); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp4_subnet_AUPD$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp4_subnet_AUPD AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp4_subnet FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp4_subnet_AUPD(); -- Trigger function for dhcp4_shared_network_AINS called AFTER INSERT on dhcp4_shared_network CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp4_shared_network_AINS() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp4_shared_network_AINS$ BEGIN PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP4('dhcp4_shared_network', NEW.id, 'create'); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp4_shared_network_AINS$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp4_shared_network_AINS AFTER INSERT ON dhcp4_shared_network FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp4_shared_network_AINS(); -- Trigger function for dhcp4_shared_network_AUPD called AFTER UPDATE on dhcp4_shared_network CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp4_shared_network_AUPD() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp4_shared_network_AUPD$ BEGIN PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP4('dhcp4_shared_network', NEW.id, 'update'); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp4_shared_network_AUPD$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp4_shared_network_AUPD AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp4_shared_network FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp4_shared_network_AUPD(); -- Trigger function for dhcp4_shared_network_ADEL called AFTER DELETE on dhcp4_shared_network CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp4_shared_network_ADEL() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp4_shared_network_ADEL$ BEGIN PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP4('dhcp4_shared_network', OLD.id, 'delete'); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp4_shared_network_ADEL$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp4_shared_network_ADEL AFTER DELETE ON dhcp4_shared_network FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp4_shared_network_ADEL(); -- Trigger function for dhcp4_option_def_AINS called AFTER INSERT on dhcp4_option_def CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp4_option_def_AINS() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp4_option_def_AINS$ BEGIN PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP4('dhcp4_option_def', NEW.id, 'create'); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp4_option_def_AINS$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp4_option_def_AINS AFTER INSERT ON dhcp4_option_def FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp4_option_def_AINS(); -- Trigger function for dhcp4_option_def_AUPD called AFTER UPDATE on dhcp4_option_def CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp4_option_def_AUPD() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp4_option_def_AUPD$ BEGIN PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP4('dhcp4_option_def', NEW.id, 'update'); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp4_option_def_AUPD$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp4_option_def_AUPD AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp4_option_def FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp4_option_def_AUPD(); -- Trigger function for dhcp4_option_def_ADEL called AFTER DELETE on dhcp4_option_def CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp4_option_def_ADEL() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp4_option_def_ADEL$ BEGIN PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP4('dhcp4_option_def', OLD.id, 'delete'); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp4_option_def_ADEL$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp4_option_def_ADEL AFTER DELETE ON dhcp4_option_def FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp4_option_def_ADEL(); -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- -- Stored procedure which updates modification timestamp of -- a parent object when an option is modified. -- -- The following parameters are passed to the procedure: -- - modification_type: 'create', 'update' or 'delete' -- - scope_id: identifier of the option scope, e.g. -- global, subnet specific etc. -- - option_id: identifier of the option. -- - p_subnet_id: identifier of the subnet if the option -- belongs to the subnet. -- - host_id: identifier of the host if the option -- - belongs to the host. -- - network_name: shared network name if the option -- belongs to the shared network. -- - pool_id: identifier of the pool if the option -- belongs to the pool. -- - p_modification_ts: modification timestamp of the -- option. -- Some arguments are prefixed with "p_" to avoid ambiguity -- with column names in SQL statements. PostgreSQL does not -- allow table aliases to be used with column names in update -- set expressions. -- ----------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION createOptionAuditDHCP4(modification_type VARCHAR, scope_id SMALLINT, option_id INT, p_subnet_id BIGINT, host_id INT, network_name VARCHAR, pool_id BIGINT, p_modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE -- These variables will hold shared network id and subnet id that -- we will select. snid VARCHAR(128); sid BIGINT; cascade_transaction BOOLEAN := true; ct TEXT; BEGIN -- Cascade transaction flag is set to true to prevent creation of -- the audit entries for the options when the options are -- created as part of the parent object creation or update. -- For example: when the option is added as part of the subnet -- addition, the cascade transaction flag is equal to true. If -- the option is added into the existing subnet the cascade -- transaction is equal to false. Note that depending on the option -- scope the audit entry will contain the object_type value -- of the parent object to cause the server to replace the -- entire subnet. The only case when the object_type will be -- set to 'dhcp4_options' is when a global option is added. -- Global options do not have the owner. cascade_transaction := get_session_boolean('kea.cascade_transaction'); IF cascade_transaction = false THEN -- todo: host manager hasn't been updated to use audit -- mechanisms so ignore host specific options for now. IF scope_id = 0 THEN -- If a global option is added or modified, create audit -- entry for the 'dhcp4_options' table. PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP4('dhcp4_options', option_id, modification_type); ELSEIF scope_id = 1 THEN -- If subnet specific option is added or modified, update -- the modification timestamp of this subnet to allow the -- servers to refresh the subnet information. This will -- also result in creating an audit entry for this subnet. UPDATE dhcp4_subnet SET modification_ts = p_modification_ts WHERE subnet_id = p_subnet_id; ELSEIF scope_id = 4 THEN -- If shared network specific option is added or modified, -- update the modification timestamp of this shared network -- to allow the servers to refresh the shared network -- information. This will also result in creating an -- audit entry for this shared network. SELECT id INTO snid FROM dhcp4_shared_network WHERE name = network_name LIMIT 1; UPDATE dhcp4_shared_network SET modification_ts = p_modification_ts WHERE id = snid; ELSEIF scope_id = 5 THEN -- If pool specific option is added or modified, update -- the modification timestamp of the owning subnet. SELECT dhcp4_pool.subnet_id INTO sid FROM dhcp4_pool WHERE id = pool_id; UPDATE dhcp4_subnet SET modification_ts = p_modification_ts WHERE subnet_id = sid; END IF; END IF; RETURN; END;$$; -- Trigger function for dhcp4_options_AINS called AFTER INSERT on dhcp4_options CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp4_options_AINS() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp4_options_AINS$ BEGIN PERFORM createOptionAuditDHCP4('create', NEW.scope_id, NEW.option_id, NEW.dhcp4_subnet_id, NEW.host_id, NEW.shared_network_name, NEW.pool_id, NEW.modification_ts); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp4_options_AINS$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp4_options_AINS AFTER INSERT ON dhcp4_options FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp4_options_AINS(); -- Trigger function for dhcp4_options_AUPD called AFTER UPDATE on dhcp4_options CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp4_options_AUPD() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp4_options_AUPD$ BEGIN PERFORM createOptionAuditDHCP4('update', NEW.scope_id, NEW.option_id, NEW.dhcp4_subnet_id, NEW.host_id, NEW.shared_network_name, NEW.pool_id, NEW.modification_ts); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp4_options_AUPD$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp4_options_AUPD AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp4_options FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp4_options_AUPD(); -- Trigger function for dhcp4_options_ADEL called AFTER DELETE on dhcp4_options CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp4_options_ADEL() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp4_options_ADEL$ BEGIN PERFORM createOptionAuditDHCP4('delete', OLD.scope_id, OLD.option_id, OLD.dhcp4_subnet_id, OLD.host_id, OLD.shared_network_name, OLD.pool_id, NOW()); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp4_options_ADEL$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp4_options_ADEL AFTER DELETE ON dhcp4_options FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp4_options_ADEL(); -- Trigger function for dhcp6_global_parameter_AINS called AFTER INSERT on dhcp6_global_parameter CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp6_global_parameter_AINS() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp6_global_parameter_AINS$ BEGIN PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP6('dhcp6_global_parameter', NEW.id, 'create'); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp6_global_parameter_AINS$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_global_parameter_AINS AFTER INSERT ON dhcp6_global_parameter FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp6_global_parameter_AINS(); -- Trigger function for dhcp6_global_parameter_AUPD called AFTER UPDATE on dhcp6_global_parameter CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp6_global_parameter_AUPD() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp6_global_parameter_AUPD$ BEGIN PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP6('dhcp6_global_parameter', NEW.id, 'update'); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp6_global_parameter_AUPD$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_global_parameter_AUPD AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp6_global_parameter FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp6_global_parameter_AUPD(); -- Trigger function for dhcp6_global_parameter_ADEL called AFTER DELETE on dhcp6_global_parameter CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp6_global_parameter_ADEL() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp6_global_parameter_ADEL$ BEGIN PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP6('dhcp6_global_parameter', OLD.id, 'delete'); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp6_global_parameter_ADEL$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_global_parameter_ADEL AFTER DELETE ON dhcp6_global_parameter FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp6_global_parameter_ADEL(); -- Trigger function for dhcp6_subnet_AINS called AFTER INSERT on dhcp6_subnet CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp6_subnet_AINS() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp6_subnet_AINS$ BEGIN PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP6('dhcp6_subnet', NEW.subnet_id, 'create'); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp6_subnet_AINS$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_subnet_AINS AFTER INSERT ON dhcp6_subnet FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp6_subnet_AINS(); -- Trigger function for dhcp6_subnet_AUPD called AFTER UPDATE on dhcp6_subnet CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp6_subnet_AUPD() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp6_subnet_AUPD$ BEGIN PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP6('dhcp6_subnet', NEW.subnet_id, 'update'); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp6_subnet_AUPD$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_subnet_AUPD AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp6_subnet FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp6_subnet_AUPD(); -- Trigger function for dhcp6_shared_network_AINS called AFTER INSERT on dhcp6_shared_network CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp6_shared_network_AINS() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp6_shared_network_AINS$ BEGIN PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP6('dhcp6_shared_network', NEW.id, 'create'); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp6_shared_network_AINS$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_shared_network_AINS AFTER INSERT ON dhcp6_shared_network FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp6_shared_network_AINS(); -- Trigger function for dhcp6_shared_network_AUPD called AFTER UPDATE on dhcp6_shared_network CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp6_shared_network_AUPD() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp6_shared_network_AUPD$ BEGIN PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP6('dhcp6_shared_network', NEW.id, 'update'); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp6_shared_network_AUPD$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_shared_network_AUPD AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp6_shared_network FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp6_shared_network_AUPD(); -- Trigger function for dhcp6_shared_network_ADEL called AFTER DELETE on dhcp6_shared_network CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp6_shared_network_ADEL() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp6_shared_network_ADEL$ BEGIN PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP6('dhcp6_shared_network', OLD.id, 'delete'); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp6_shared_network_ADEL$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_shared_network_ADEL AFTER DELETE ON dhcp6_shared_network FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp6_shared_network_ADEL(); -- Trigger function for dhcp6_option_def_AINS called AFTER INSERT on dhcp6_option_def CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp6_option_def_AINS() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp6_option_def_AINS$ BEGIN PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP6('dhcp6_option_def', NEW.id, 'create'); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp6_option_def_AINS$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_option_def_AINS AFTER INSERT ON dhcp6_option_def FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp6_option_def_AINS(); -- Trigger function for dhcp6_option_def_AUPD called AFTER UPDATE on dhcp6_option_def CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp6_option_def_AUPD() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp6_option_def_AUPD$ BEGIN PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP6('dhcp6_option_def', NEW.id, 'update'); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp6_option_def_AUPD$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_option_def_AUPD AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp6_option_def FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp6_option_def_AUPD(); -- Trigger function for dhcp6_option_def_ADEL called AFTER DELETE on dhcp6_option_def CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp6_option_def_ADEL() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp6_option_def_ADEL$ BEGIN PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP6('dhcp6_option_def', OLD.id, 'delete'); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp6_option_def_ADEL$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_option_def_ADEL AFTER DELETE ON dhcp6_option_def FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp6_option_def_ADEL(); -- - pool_id: identifier of the pool if the option -- belongs to the pool. -- - pd_pool_id: identifier of the pool if the option -- belongs to the pd pool. -- - modification_ts: modification timestamp of the -- option. -- ----------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION createOptionAuditDHCP6(modification_type VARCHAR(32), scope_id SMALLINT, option_id INT, subnet_id BIGINT, host_id INT, network_name VARCHAR(128), pool_id BIGINT, pd_pool_id BIGINT, modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE -- These variables will hold shared network id and subnet id that -- we will select. snid VARCHAR(128); sid BIGINT; cascade_transaction BOOLEAN := false; BEGIN -- Cascade transaction flag is set to true to prevent creation of -- the audit entries for the options when the options are -- created as part of the parent object creation or update. -- For example: when the option is added as part of the subnet -- addition, the cascade transaction flag is equal to true. If -- the option is added into the existing subnet the cascade -- transaction is equal to false. Note that depending on the option -- scope the audit entry will contain the object_type value -- of the parent object to cause the server to replace the -- entire subnet. The only case when the object_type will be -- set to 'dhcp6_options' is when a global option is added. -- Global options do not have the owner. cascade_transaction := get_session_boolean('kea.cascade_transaction'); IF cascade_transaction = false THEN -- todo: host manager hasn't been updated to use audit -- mechanisms so ignore host specific options for now. IF scope_id = 0 THEN -- If a global option is added or modified, create audit -- entry for the 'dhcp6_options' table. PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP6('dhcp6_options', option_id, modification_type); ELSEIF scope_id = 1 THEN -- If subnet specific option is added or modified, create -- audit entry for the entire subnet, which indicates that -- it should be treated as the subnet update. PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP6('dhcp6_subnet', subnet_id, 'update'); ELSEIF scope_id = 4 THEN -- If shared network specific option is added or modified, -- create audit entry for the shared network which -- indicates that it should be treated as the shared -- network update. SELECT id INTO snid FROM dhcp6_shared_network WHERE name = network_name LIMIT 1; PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP6('dhcp6_shared_network', snid, 'update'); ELSEIF scope_id = 5 THEN -- If pool specific option is added or modified, create -- audit entry for the subnet which this pool belongs to. SELECT dhcp6_pool.subnet_id INTO sid FROM dhcp6_pool WHERE id = pool_id; PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP6('dhcp6_subnet', sid, 'update'); ELSEIF scope_id = 6 THEN -- If pd pool specific option is added or modified, create -- audit entry for the subnet which this pd pool belongs to. SELECT dhcp6_pd_pool.subnet_id INTO sid FROM dhcp6_pd_pool WHERE id = pd_pool_id; PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP6('dhcp6_subnet', sid, 'update'); END IF; END IF; RETURN; END;$$; -- Trigger function for dhcp6_options_AINS called AFTER INSERT on dhcp6_options CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp6_options_AINS() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp6_options_AINS$ BEGIN PERFORM createOptionAuditDHCP6('create', NEW.scope_id, NEW.option_id, NEW.dhcp6_subnet_id, NEW.host_id, NEW.shared_network_name, NEW.pool_id, NEW.pd_pool_id, NEW.modification_ts); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp6_options_AINS$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_options_AINS AFTER INSERT ON dhcp6_options FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp6_options_AINS(); -- Trigger function for dhcp6_options_AUPD called AFTER UPDATE on dhcp6_options CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp6_options_AUPD() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp6_options_AUPD$ BEGIN PERFORM createOptionAuditDHCP6('update', NEW.scope_id, NEW.option_id, NEW.dhcp6_subnet_id, NEW.host_id, NEW.shared_network_name, NEW.pool_id, NEW.pd_pool_id, NEW.modification_ts); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp6_options_AUPD$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_options_AUPD AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp6_options FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp6_options_AUPD(); -- Trigger function for dhcp6_options_ADEL called AFTER DELETE on dhcp6_options CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp6_options_ADEL() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp6_options_ADEL$ BEGIN PERFORM createOptionAuditDHCP6('delete', OLD.scope_id, OLD.option_id, OLD.dhcp6_subnet_id, OLD.host_id, OLD.shared_network_name, OLD.pool_id, OLD.pd_pool_id, NOW()); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp6_options_ADEL$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_options_ADEL AFTER DELETE ON dhcp6_options FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp6_options_ADEL(); -- Trigger function for dhcp4_server_AINS called AFTER INSERT on dhcp4_server CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp4_server_AINS() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp4_server_AINS$ BEGIN PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP4('dhcp4_server', NEW.id, 'create'); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp4_server_AINS$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp4_server_AINS AFTER INSERT ON dhcp4_server FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp4_server_AINS(); -- Trigger function for dhcp4_server_AUPD called AFTER UPDATE on dhcp4_server CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp4_server_AUPD() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp4_server_AUPD$ BEGIN PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP4('dhcp4_server', NEW.id, 'update'); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp4_server_AUPD$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp4_server_AUPD AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp4_server FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp4_server_AUPD(); -- Trigger function for dhcp4_server_ADEL called AFTER DELETE on dhcp4_server CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp4_server_ADEL() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp4_server_ADEL$ BEGIN PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP4('dhcp4_server', OLD.id, 'delete'); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp4_server_ADEL$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp4_server_ADEL AFTER DELETE ON dhcp4_server FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp4_server_ADEL(); -- Trigger function for dhcp6_server_AINS called AFTER INSERT on dhcp6_server CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp6_server_AINS() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp6_server_AINS$ BEGIN PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP6('dhcp6_server', NEW.id, 'create'); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp6_server_AINS$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_server_AINS AFTER INSERT ON dhcp6_server FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp6_server_AINS(); -- Trigger function for dhcp6_server_AUPD called AFTER UPDATE on dhcp6_server CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp6_server_AUPD() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp6_server_AUPD$ BEGIN PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP6('dhcp6_server', NEW.id, 'update'); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp6_server_AUPD$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_server_AUPD AFTER UPDATE ON dhcp6_server FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp6_server_AUPD(); -- Trigger function for dhcp6_server_ADEL called AFTER DELETE on dhcp6_server CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp6_server_ADEL() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp6_server_ADEL$ BEGIN PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP6('dhcp6_server', OLD.id, 'delete'); RETURN NULL; END; $dhcp6_server_ADEL$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_server_ADEL AFTER DELETE ON dhcp6_server FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp6_server_ADEL(); -- Trigger function for dhcp4_shared_network_BDEL called BEFORE DELETE on dhcp4_shared_network CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp4_shared_network_BDEL() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp4_shared_network_BDEL$ BEGIN PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP4('dhcp4_shared_network', OLD.id, 'delete'); DELETE FROM dhcp4_options WHERE shared_network_name = OLD.name; RETURN OLD; END; $dhcp4_shared_network_BDEL$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp4_shared_network_BDEL BEFORE DELETE ON dhcp4_shared_network FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp4_shared_network_BDEL(); -- Trigger function for dhcp4_subnet_BDEL called BEFORE DELETE on dhcp4_subnet CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp4_subnet_BDEL() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp4_subnet_BDEL$ BEGIN PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP4('dhcp4_subnet', OLD.subnet_id, 'delete'); DELETE FROM dhcp4_pool WHERE subnet_id = OLD.subnet_id; DELETE FROM dhcp4_options WHERE dhcp4_subnet_id = OLD.subnet_id; RETURN OLD; END; $dhcp4_subnet_BDEL$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp4_subnet_BDEL BEFORE DELETE ON dhcp4_subnet FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp4_subnet_BDEL(); -- Trigger function for dhcp6_shared_network_BDEL called BEFORE DELETE on dhcp6_shared_network CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp6_shared_network_BDEL() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp6_shared_network_BDEL$ BEGIN PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP6('dhcp6_shared_network', OLD.id, 'delete'); DELETE FROM dhcp6_options WHERE shared_network_name = OLD.name; RETURN OLD; END; $dhcp6_shared_network_BDEL$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_shared_network_BDEL BEFORE DELETE ON dhcp6_shared_network FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp6_shared_network_BDEL(); -- Trigger function for dhcp6_subnet_BDEL called BEFORE DELETE on dhcp6_subnet CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp6_subnet_BDEL() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp6_subnet_BDEL$ BEGIN PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP6('dhcp6_subnet', OLD.subnet_id, 'delete'); DELETE FROM dhcp6_pool WHERE subnet_id = OLD.subnet_id; DELETE FROM dhcp6_pd_pool WHERE subnet_id = OLD.subnet_id; DELETE FROM dhcp6_options WHERE dhcp6_subnet_id = OLD.subnet_id; RETURN OLD; END; $dhcp6_subnet_BDEL$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER dhcp6_subnet_BDEL BEFORE DELETE ON dhcp6_subnet FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_dhcp6_subnet_BDEL(); -- Trigger function for dhcp6_pd_pool_BDEL called BEFORE DELETE on dhcp6_pd_pool CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp6_pd_pool_BDEL() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp6_pd_pool_BDEL$ BEGIN DELETE FROM dhcp6_options WHERE scope_id = 6 AND pd_pool_id = OLD.id; RETURN OLD; END; $dhcp6_pd_pool_BDEL$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Update the schema version number UPDATE schema_version SET version = '7', minor = '0'; -- Schema 7.0 specification ends here. -- This starts schema update to 8.0. It adds a few missing elements for CB and -- functions for kea-admin's lease-dump and lease-upload commands. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Extend the table holding DHCPv4 option definitions with a nullable -- column matching option defintions with client classes. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ALTER TABLE dhcp4_option_def ADD COLUMN class_id BIGINT NULL DEFAULT NULL; ALTER TABLE dhcp4_option_def ADD CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp4_option_def_client_class_id FOREIGN KEY (class_id) REFERENCES dhcp4_client_class (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE; -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Extend the table holding DHCPv6 option definitions with a nullable -- column matching option defintions with client classes. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ALTER TABLE dhcp6_option_def ADD COLUMN class_id BIGINT NULL DEFAULT NULL; ALTER TABLE dhcp6_option_def ADD CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp6_option_def_client_class_id FOREIGN KEY (class_id) REFERENCES dhcp6_client_class (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE; -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Add missing preferred_lifetime columns to dhcp6_client_class table. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ALTER TABLE dhcp6_client_class ADD COLUMN preferred_lifetime BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, ADD COLUMN min_preferred_lifetime BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, ADD COLUMN max_preferred_lifetime BIGINT DEFAULT NULL; -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Add option scopes -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Add scope for shared network specific options. INSERT INTO dhcp_option_scope (scope_id, scope_name) VALUES(4, 'shared-network'); -- Add scope for pool specific options. INSERT INTO dhcp_option_scope (scope_id, scope_name) VALUES(5, 'pool'); -- Add scope for PD pool specific options. INSERT INTO dhcp_option_scope (scope_id, scope_name) VALUES(6, 'pd-pool'); -- Drop the existing function, createOptionAuditDHCP6 so we can replace it -- with one that has slightly different arguments. DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS createOptionAuditDHCP6(modification_type VARCHAR(32), scope_id SMALLINT, option_id INT, subnet_id BIGINT, host_id INT, network_name VARCHAR(128), pool_id BIGINT, pd_pool_id BIGINT, modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE); -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- -- New version of the createOptionAuditDHCP6 stored -- procedure which updates modification timestamp of -- a parent object when an option is modified. -- -- The following parameters are passed to the procedure: -- - modification_type: "create", "update" or "delete" -- - scope_id: identifier of the option scope, e.g. -- global, subnet specific etc. See dhcp_option_scope -- for specific values. -- - option_id: identifier of the option. -- - subnet_id: identifier of the subnet if the option -- belongs to the subnet. -- - host_id: identifier of the host if the option -- - belongs to the host. -- - network_name: shared network name if the option -- belongs to the shared network. -- - pool_id: identifier of the pool if the option -- belongs to the pool. -- - pd_pool_id: identifier of the pool if the option -- belongs to the pd pool. -- - modification_ts: modification timestamp of the -- option. -- Some arguments are prefixed with "p_" to avoid ambiguity -- with column names in SQL statements. PostgreSQL does not -- allow table aliases to be used with column names in update -- set expressions. -- ----------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION createOptionAuditDHCP6(modification_type VARCHAR(32), scope_id SMALLINT, option_id INT, p_subnet_id BIGINT, host_id INT, network_name VARCHAR(128), pool_id BIGINT, pd_pool_id BIGINT, p_modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE -- These variables will hold shared network id and subnet id that -- we will select. snid VARCHAR(128); sid BIGINT; cascade_transaction BOOLEAN := false; BEGIN -- Cascade transaction flag is set to true to prevent creation of -- the audit entries for the options when the options are -- created as part of the parent object creation or update. -- For example: when the option is added as part of the subnet -- addition, the cascade transaction flag is equal to true. If -- the option is added into the existing subnet the cascade -- transaction is equal to false. Note that depending on the option -- scope the audit entry will contain the object_type value -- of the parent object to cause the server to replace the -- entire subnet. The only case when the object_type will be -- set to 'dhcp6_options' is when a global option is added. -- Global options do not have the owner. cascade_transaction := get_session_boolean('kea.cascade_transaction'); IF cascade_transaction = false THEN -- todo: host manager hasn't been updated to use audit -- mechanisms so ignore host specific options for now. IF scope_id = 0 THEN -- If a global option is added or modified, create audit -- entry for the 'dhcp6_options' table. PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP6('dhcp6_options', option_id, modification_type); ELSEIF scope_id = 1 THEN -- If subnet specific option is added or modified, update -- the modification timestamp of this subnet to allow the -- servers to refresh the subnet information. This will -- also result in creating an audit entry for this subnet. UPDATE dhcp6_subnet SET modification_ts = p_modification_ts WHERE subnet_id = p_subnet_id; ELSEIF scope_id = 4 THEN -- If shared network specific option is added or modified, -- update the modification timestamp of this shared network -- to allow the servers to refresh the shared network -- information. This will also result in creating an -- audit entry for this shared network. SELECT id INTO snid FROM dhcp6_shared_network WHERE name = network_name LIMIT 1; UPDATE dhcp6_shared_network SET modification_ts = p_modification_ts WHERE id = snid; ELSEIF scope_id = 5 THEN -- If pool specific option is added or modified, update -- the modification timestamp of the owning subnet. SELECT dhcp6_pool.subnet_id INTO sid FROM dhcp6_pool WHERE id = pool_id; UPDATE dhcp6_subnet SET modification_ts = p_modification_ts WHERE subnet_id = sid; ELSEIF scope_id = 6 THEN -- If pd pool specific option is added or modified, create -- audit entry for the subnet which this pool belongs to. SELECT dhcp6_pd_pool.subnet_id INTO sid FROM dhcp6_pd_pool WHERE id = pool_id; UPDATE dhcp6_subnet SET modification_ts = p_modification_ts WHERE subnet_id = sid; END IF; END IF; RETURN; END;$$; -- Fix mangled constraints on dhcp4_subnet_server table. ALTER TABLE dhcp4_subnet_server DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp6_subnet_server_server_id, ADD CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp4_subnet_server_server_id FOREIGN KEY (server_id) REFERENCES dhcp4_server (id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp6_subnet_server_subnet_id, ADD CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp4_subnet_server_subnet_id FOREIGN KEY (subnet_id) REFERENCES dhcp4_subnet (subnet_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION; -- Add missing foreign key indexes. PostgreSQL does not automatically create indexes for -- foreign key constraints. These have been added using the basic guideline: -- -- If the constraint does not reference a static table (e.g. parameter_data_type), -- and the referencing column is not the primary key or the first -- column in the primary key, and does not already have an index, then an index -- should be added to the table for the referencing column. -- -- dhcp6_global_parameter_server CREATE INDEX fk_dhcp6_global_parameter_server_server_id ON dhcp6_global_parameter_server (server_id); -- dhcp6_options -- Missing foreign key constraint and indexes ALTER TABLE dhcp6_options ADD CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp6_options_subnet FOREIGN KEY (dhcp6_subnet_id) REFERENCES dhcp6_subnet(subnet_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE; CREATE INDEX fk_dhcp6_options_subnet ON dhcp6_options (dhcp6_subnet_id); CREATE INDEX fk_dhcp6_options_pd_pool ON dhcp6_options (pd_pool_id); CREATE INDEX fk_dhcp6_options_pool ON dhcp6_options (pool_id); CREATE INDEX fk_dhcp6_options_shared_network ON dhcp6_options (shared_network_name); -- dhcp6_option_def_server -- Missing foreign key constraints and index ALTER TABLE dhcp6_option_def_server ADD CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp6_option_def_server_option_def_id FOREIGN KEY (option_def_id) REFERENCES dhcp6_option_def (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION, ADD CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp6_option_def_server_server_id FOREIGN KEY (server_id) REFERENCES dhcp6_server (id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION; CREATE INDEX fk_dhcp6_option_def_server_server_id ON dhcp6_option_def_server (server_id); -- dhcp6_option_def CREATE INDEX fk_dhcp6_option_def_client_class_id ON dhcp6_option_def (class_id); -- dhcp4_global_parameter_server CREATE INDEX fk_dhcp4_global_parameter_server_server_id ON dhcp4_global_parameter_server (server_id); -- dhcp4_options -- Missing foreign key constraint and indexes ALTER TABLE dhcp4_options ADD CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp4_options_subnet FOREIGN KEY (dhcp4_subnet_id) REFERENCES dhcp4_subnet(subnet_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE; CREATE INDEX fk_dhcp4_options_subnet ON dhcp4_options (dhcp4_subnet_id); CREATE INDEX fk_dhcp4_options_pool ON dhcp4_options (pool_id); CREATE INDEX fk_dhcp4_options_shared_network ON dhcp4_options (shared_network_name); -- dhcp4_option_def_server -- Missing foreign key constraints and index ALTER TABLE dhcp4_option_def_server ADD CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp4_option_def_server_option_def_id FOREIGN KEY (option_def_id) REFERENCES dhcp4_option_def (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION, ADD CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp4_option_def_server_server_id FOREIGN KEY (server_id) REFERENCES dhcp4_server (id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION; CREATE INDEX fk_dhcp4_option_def_server_server_id ON dhcp4_option_def_server (server_id); -- dhcp4_option_def CREATE INDEX fk_dhcp4_option_def_client_class_id ON dhcp4_option_def (class_id); -- Create a function that separates groups of two hexadecimals -- with colons. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION colonSeparatedHex(hex TEXT) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ DECLARE i INT := 3; length INT := LENGTH(hex); output TEXT; BEGIN -- Add a leading zero if the first octet has a single hexadecimal character. IF MOD(length, 2) = 1 THEN hex := CONCAT('0', hex); length := length + 1; END IF; -- Start with the first octet. output := SUBSTR(hex, 1, 2); -- Add one octet at a time and a leading colon with each. WHILE i < length LOOP output := CONCAT(output, ':', SUBSTR(hex, i, 2)); i := i + 2; END LOOP; -- Memfile uses lowercase hexadecimals. output := LOWER(output); RETURN output; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Modify the function to output a memfile-ready CSV file. -- Some columns that are SMALLINT in the lease4 table have their type promoted -- to INT in the declaration of this function for backwards compatibility with -- PostgreSQL versions. DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS lease4DumpData(); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION lease4DumpData() RETURNS TABLE ( address INET, hwaddr VARCHAR, client_id VARCHAR, valid_lifetime BIGINT, expire BIGINT, subnet_id BIGINT, fqdn_fwd INT, fqdn_rev INT, hostname VARCHAR, state INT8, user_context VARCHAR ) AS $$ SELECT (''::inet + address), colonSeparatedHex(encode(hwaddr, 'hex')), colonSeparatedHex(encode(client_id, 'hex')), valid_lifetime, extract(epoch from expire)::bigint, subnet_id, fqdn_fwd::int, fqdn_rev::int, replace(hostname, ',', ','), state, replace(user_context, ',', ',') FROM lease4 ORDER BY address; $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- hwtype and hwaddr_source need to be last to match memfile format. DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS lease6DumpHeader(); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION lease6DumpHeader() RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT CAST('address,duid,valid_lifetime,expire,subnet_id,pref_lifetime,lease_type,iaid,prefix_len,fqdn_fwd,fqdn_rev,hostname,hwaddr,state,user_context,hwtype,hwaddr_source' AS TEXT) AS result; $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- Modify the function to output a memfile-ready CSV file. -- Some columns that are SMALLINT in the lease6 table have their type promoted -- to INT in the declaration of this function for backwards compatibility with -- PostgreSQL versions. DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS lease6DumpData(); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION lease6DumpData() RETURNS TABLE ( address VARCHAR, duid VARCHAR, valid_lifetime BIGINT, expire BIGINT, subnet_id BIGINT, pref_lifetime BIGINT, lease_type SMALLINT, iaid INT, prefix_len SMALLINT, fqdn_fwd INT, fqdn_rev INT, hostname VARCHAR, hwaddr VARCHAR, state INT8, user_context VARCHAR, hwtype SMALLINT, hwaddr_source SMALLINT ) AS $$ SELECT address, colonSeparatedHex(encode(duid, 'hex')), valid_lifetime, extract(epoch from expire)::bigint, subnet_id, pref_lifetime, lease_type, iaid, prefix_len, fqdn_fwd::int, fqdn_rev::int, replace(hostname, ',', ','), colonSeparatedHex(encode(hwaddr, 'hex')), state, replace(user_context, ',', ','), hwtype, hwaddr_source FROM lease6 ORDER BY address; $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- Create a procedure that inserts a v4 lease from memfile data. -- Some columns that are SMALLINT in the lease4 table have their type promoted -- to INT in the declaration of this function for backwards compatibility with -- PostgreSQL versions. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION lease4Upload( IN address VARCHAR, IN hwaddr VARCHAR, IN client_id VARCHAR, IN valid_lifetime BIGINT, IN expire BIGINT, IN subnet_id BIGINT, IN fqdn_fwd INT, IN fqdn_rev INT, IN hostname VARCHAR, IN state INT8, IN user_context VARCHAR ) RETURNS VOID AS $$ BEGIN INSERT INTO lease4 ( address, hwaddr, client_id, valid_lifetime, expire, subnet_id, fqdn_fwd, fqdn_rev, hostname, state, user_context ) VALUES ( address::inet - ''::inet, decode(replace(hwaddr, ':', ''), 'hex'), decode(replace(client_id, ':', ''), 'hex'), valid_lifetime, to_timestamp(expire), subnet_id, fqdn_fwd::int::boolean, fqdn_rev::int::boolean, replace(hostname, ',', ','), state, replace(user_context, ',', ',') ); END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Create a procedure that inserts a v6 lease from memfile data. -- Some columns that are SMALLINT in the lease6 table have their type promoted -- to INT in the declaration of this function for backwards compatibility with -- PostgreSQL versions. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION lease6Upload( IN address VARCHAR, IN duid VARCHAR, IN valid_lifetime BIGINT, IN expire BIGINT, IN subnet_id BIGINT, IN pref_lifetime BIGINT, IN lease_type INT, IN iaid INT, IN prefix_len INT, IN fqdn_fwd INT, IN fqdn_rev INT, IN hostname VARCHAR, IN hwaddr VARCHAR, IN state INT8, IN user_context VARCHAR, IN hwtype INT, IN hwaddr_source INT ) RETURNS VOID AS $$ BEGIN INSERT INTO lease6 ( address, duid, valid_lifetime, expire, subnet_id, pref_lifetime, lease_type, iaid, prefix_len, fqdn_fwd, fqdn_rev, hostname, hwaddr, state, user_context, hwtype, hwaddr_source ) VALUES ( address, decode(replace(duid, ':', ''), 'hex'), valid_lifetime, to_timestamp(expire), subnet_id, pref_lifetime, lease_type, iaid, prefix_len, fqdn_fwd::int::boolean, fqdn_rev::int::boolean, replace(hostname, ',', ','), decode(replace(hwaddr, ':', ''), 'hex'), state, replace(user_context, ',', ','), hwtype, hwaddr_source ); END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Update the schema version number. UPDATE schema_version SET version = '8', minor = '0'; -- Schema 8.0 specification ends here. -- This starts schema update to 9.0. -- Add missing cascade to constraint on dhcp4/6_subnet_server tables. ALTER TABLE dhcp4_subnet_server DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp4_subnet_server_server_id, ADD CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp4_subnet_server_server_id FOREIGN KEY (server_id) REFERENCES dhcp4_server (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp4_subnet_server_subnet_id, ADD CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp4_subnet_server_subnet_id FOREIGN KEY (subnet_id) REFERENCES dhcp4_subnet (subnet_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE dhcp6_subnet_server DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp6_subnet_server_server_id, ADD CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp6_subnet_server_server_id FOREIGN KEY (server_id) REFERENCES dhcp6_server (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp6_subnet_server_subnet_id, ADD CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp6_subnet_server_subnet_id FOREIGN KEY (subnet_id) REFERENCES dhcp6_subnet (subnet_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE; -- Fix constraint typo on dhcp4_option_def_server ALTER TABLE dhcp4_option_def_server DROP CONSTRAINT dhcp4_option_def_server_option_def_id_fkey, ADD CONSTRAINT dhcp4_option_def_server_option_def_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (option_def_id) REFERENCES dhcp4_option_def(id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- DROP shared-network ADEL triggers that should not exist. DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS dhcp4_shared_network_ADEL on dhcp4_shared_network CASCADE; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS dhcp6_shared_network_ADEL on dhcp6_shared_network CASCADE; -- Replace createOptionAuditDHCP4() with a version that has local variable -- snid correctly declared as a BIGINT. -- -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- -- Stored procedure which updates modification timestamp of -- a parent object when an option is modified. -- -- The following parameters are passed to the procedure: -- - modification_type: "create", "update" or "delete" -- - scope_id: identifier of the option scope, e.g. -- global, subnet specific etc. See dhcp_option_scope -- for specific values. -- - option_id: identifier of the option. -- - p_subnet_id: identifier of the subnet if the option -- belongs to the subnet. -- - host_id: identifier of the host if the option -- - belongs to the host. -- - network_name: shared network name if the option -- belongs to the shared network. -- - pool_id: identifier of the pool if the option -- belongs to the pool. -- - p_modification_ts: modification timestamp of the -- option. -- Some arguments are prefixed with "p_" to avoid ambiguity -- with column names in SQL statements. PostgreSQL does not -- allow table aliases to be used with column names in update -- set expressions. -- ----------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION createOptionAuditDHCP4(modification_type VARCHAR, scope_id SMALLINT, option_id INT, p_subnet_id BIGINT, host_id INT, network_name VARCHAR, pool_id BIGINT, p_modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE -- These variables will hold shared network id and subnet id that -- we will select. snid BIGINT; sid BIGINT; cascade_transaction BOOLEAN; BEGIN -- Cascade transaction flag is set to true to prevent creation of -- the audit entries for the options when the options are -- created as part of the parent object creation or update. -- For example: when the option is added as part of the subnet -- addition, the cascade transaction flag is equal to true. If -- the option is added into the existing subnet the cascade -- transaction is equal to false. Note that depending on the option -- scope the audit entry will contain the object_type value -- of the parent object to cause the server to replace the -- entire subnet. The only case when the object_type will be -- set to 'dhcp4_options' is when a global option is added. -- Global options do not have the owner. cascade_transaction := get_session_boolean('kea.cascade_transaction'); IF cascade_transaction = false THEN -- todo: host manager hasn't been updated to use audit -- mechanisms so ignore host specific options for now. IF scope_id = 0 THEN -- If a global option is added or modified, create audit -- entry for the 'dhcp4_options' table. PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP4('dhcp4_options', option_id, modification_type); ELSEIF scope_id = 1 THEN -- If subnet specific option is added or modified, update -- the modification timestamp of this subnet to allow the -- servers to refresh the subnet information. This will -- also result in creating an audit entry for this subnet. UPDATE dhcp4_subnet SET modification_ts = p_modification_ts WHERE subnet_id = p_subnet_id; ELSEIF scope_id = 4 THEN -- If shared network specific option is added or modified, -- update the modification timestamp of this shared network -- to allow the servers to refresh the shared network -- information. This will also result in creating an -- audit entry for this shared network. SELECT id INTO snid FROM dhcp4_shared_network WHERE name = network_name LIMIT 1; UPDATE dhcp4_shared_network SET modification_ts = p_modification_ts WHERE id = snid; ELSEIF scope_id = 5 THEN -- If pool specific option is added or modified, update -- the modification timestamp of the owning subnet. SELECT dhcp4_pool.subnet_id INTO sid FROM dhcp4_pool WHERE id = pool_id; UPDATE dhcp4_subnet SET modification_ts = p_modification_ts WHERE subnet_id = sid; END IF; END IF; RETURN; END;$$; -- Replace createOptionAuditDHCP6() with a version that has local variable -- snid correctly declared as a BIGINT. -- -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- -- Stored procedure which updates modification timestamp of -- a parent object when an option is modified. -- -- The following parameters are passed to the procedure: -- - modification_type: "create", "update" or "delete" -- - scope_id: identifier of the option scope, e.g. -- global, subnet specific etc. See dhcp_option_scope -- for specific values. -- - option_id: identifier of the option. -- - p_subnet_id: identifier of the subnet if the option -- belongs to the subnet. -- - host_id: identifier of the host if the option -- - belongs to the host. -- - network_name: shared network name if the option -- belongs to the shared network. -- - pool_id: identifier of the pool if the option -- belongs to the pool. -- - pd_pool_id: identifier of the pool if the option -- belongs to the pd pool. -- - p_modification_ts: modification timestamp of the -- option. -- Some arguments are prefixed with "p_" to avoid ambiguity -- with column names in SQL statements. PostgreSQL does not -- allow table aliases to be used with column names in update -- set expressions. -- ----------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION createOptionAuditDHCP6(modification_type VARCHAR, scope_id SMALLINT, option_id INT, p_subnet_id BIGINT, host_id INT, network_name VARCHAR, pool_id BIGINT, pd_pool_id BIGINT, p_modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE -- These variables will hold shared network id and subnet id that -- we will select. snid BIGINT; sid BIGINT; cascade_transaction BOOLEAN; BEGIN -- Cascade transaction flag is set to true to prevent creation of -- the audit entries for the options when the options are -- created as part of the parent object creation or update. -- For example: when the option is added as part of the subnet -- addition, the cascade transaction flag is equal to true. If -- the option is added into the existing subnet the cascade -- transaction is equal to false. Note that depending on the option -- scope the audit entry will contain the object_type value -- of the parent object to cause the server to replace the -- entire subnet. The only case when the object_type will be -- set to 'dhcp6_options' is when a global option is added. -- Global options do not have the owner. cascade_transaction := get_session_boolean('kea.cascade_transaction'); IF cascade_transaction = false THEN -- todo: host manager hasn't been updated to use audit -- mechanisms so ignore host specific options for now. IF scope_id = 0 THEN -- If a global option is added or modified, create audit -- entry for the 'dhcp6_options' table. PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP6('dhcp6_options', option_id, modification_type); ELSEIF scope_id = 1 THEN -- If subnet specific option is added or modified, update -- the modification timestamp of this subnet to allow the -- servers to refresh the subnet information. This will -- also result in creating an audit entry for this subnet. UPDATE dhcp6_subnet SET modification_ts = p_modification_ts WHERE subnet_id = p_subnet_id; ELSEIF scope_id = 4 THEN -- If shared network specific option is added or modified, -- update the modification timestamp of this shared network -- to allow the servers to refresh the shared network -- information. This will also result in creating an -- audit entry for this shared network. SELECT id INTO snid FROM dhcp6_shared_network WHERE name = network_name LIMIT 1; UPDATE dhcp6_shared_network SET modification_ts = p_modification_ts WHERE id = snid; ELSEIF scope_id = 5 THEN -- If pool specific option is added or modified, update -- the modification timestamp of the owning subnet. SELECT dhcp6_pool.subnet_id INTO sid FROM dhcp6_pool WHERE id = pool_id; UPDATE dhcp6_subnet SET modification_ts = p_modification_ts WHERE subnet_id = sid; ELSEIF scope_id = 6 THEN -- If pd pool specific option is added or modified, create -- audit entry for the subnet which this pool belongs to. SELECT dhcp6_pd_pool.subnet_id INTO sid FROM dhcp6_pd_pool WHERE id = pool_id; UPDATE dhcp6_subnet SET modification_ts = p_modification_ts WHERE subnet_id = sid; END IF; END IF; RETURN; END;$$; -- Returns the epoch GMT time in second from a timestamp with time zone -- -- param input_ts timestamp value to convert -- return a BIGINT containing the number of seconds since the epoch in GMT. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION gmt_epoch(input_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE) RETURNS BIGINT AS $$ DECLARE gmt_epoch BIGINT; BEGIN SELECT (extract(epoch from input_ts) + extract(timezone from input_ts))::BIGINT INTO gmt_epoch; RETURN gmt_epoch; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'gmt_epoch(%) : failed, sqlstate: %', input_ts, sqlstate; END;$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Update the schema version number. UPDATE schema_version SET version = '9', minor = '0'; -- Schema 9.0 specification ends here. -- This starts schema update to 10.0. -- It adds corrections for client classes for CB -- Replace setClientClass4Order(): -- 1. l_depend_on_known_indirectly needs to be BOOL -- 2. follow_class_index needs to be BIGINT -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Stored procedure positioning an inserted or updated client class -- within the class hierarchy, depending on the value of the -- new_follow_class_name parameter. -- -- Parameters: -- - id id of the positioned class, -- - new_follow_class_name name of the class after which this class should be -- positioned within the class hierarchy. -- - old_follow_class_name previous name of the class after which this -- class was positioned within the class hierarchy. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION setClientClass4Order(id BIGINT, new_follow_class_name VARCHAR(128), old_follow_class_name VARCHAR(128)) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE -- Used to fetch class's current value for depend_on_known_indirectly l_depend_on_known_indirectly BOOL := false; -- Optionally set if the follow_class_name column value is specified. follow_class_index BIGINT; BEGIN -- Fetch the class's current value of depend_on_known_indirectly. SELECT depend_on_known_indirectly INTO l_depend_on_known_indirectly FROM dhcp4_client_class_order WHERE id = class_id; -- Save it to the current session for use elsewhere during this transaction. -- Note this does not work prior to Postgres 9.2 unless the variables are -- defined in postgresql.conf. I think for now we put up with CB not supported -- prior to 9.2 or we tell people how to edit the conf file. PERFORM set_session_value('kea.depend_on_known_indirectly', l_depend_on_known_indirectly); -- Bail if the class is updated without re-positioning. IF( l_depend_on_known_indirectly IS NOT NULL AND ((new_follow_class_name IS NULL AND old_follow_class_name IS NULL) OR (new_follow_class_name = old_follow_class_name)) ) THEN -- The depend_on_known_indirectly is set to 0 because this procedure is invoked -- whenever the dhcp4_client_class record is updated. Such update may include -- test expression changes impacting the dependency on KNOWN/UNKNOWN classes. -- This value will be later adjusted when dependencies are inserted. -- TKM should we update the session value also or is it moot? UPDATE dhcp4_client_class_order SET depend_on_known_indirectly = false WHERE class_id = id; RETURN; END IF; IF new_follow_class_name IS NOT NULL THEN -- Get the position of the class after which the new class should be added. SELECT o.order_index INTO follow_class_index FROM dhcp4_client_class AS c INNER JOIN dhcp4_client_class_order AS o ON c.id = o.class_id WHERE c.name = new_follow_class_name; IF follow_class_index IS NULL THEN -- The class with a name specified with new_follow_class_name does -- not exist. RAISE EXCEPTION 'Class %s does not exist.', new_follow_class_name USING ERRCODE = 'sql_routine_exception'; END IF; -- We need to place the new class at the position of follow_class_index + 1. -- There may be a class at this position already. IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM dhcp4_client_class_order WHERE order_index = follow_class_index + 1) THEN -- There is a class at this position already. Let's move all classes -- starting from this position by one to create a spot for the new -- class. UPDATE dhcp4_client_class_order SET order_index = order_index + 1 WHERE order_index >= follow_class_index + 1; -- TKM postgresql doesn't like order by here, does it matter? -- ORDER BY order_index DESC; END IF; ELSE -- A caller did not specify the new_follow_class_name value. Let's append the -- new class at the end of the hierarchy. SELECT MAX(order_index) INTO follow_class_index FROM dhcp4_client_class_order; IF follow_class_index IS NULL THEN -- Apparently, there are no classes. Let's start from 0. follow_class_index = 0; END IF; END IF; -- Check if moving the class doesn't break dependent classes. IF EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM dhcp4_client_class_dependency AS d INNER JOIN dhcp4_client_class_order AS o ON d.class_id = o.class_id WHERE d.dependency_id = id AND o.order_index < follow_class_index + 1 LIMIT 1 ) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Unable to move class with id %s because it would break its dependencies', id USING ERRCODE = 'sql_routine_exception'; END IF; -- The depend_on_known_indirectly is set to 0 because this procedure is invoked -- whenever the dhcp4_client_class record is updated. Such update may include -- test expression changes impacting the dependency on KNOWN/UNKNOWN classes. -- This value will be later adjusted when dependencies are inserted. -- TKM - note that ON CONFLICT requires PostgreSQL 9.5 or later. UPDATE dhcp4_client_class_order SET order_index = follow_class_index + 1, depend_on_known_indirectly = l_depend_on_known_indirectly WHERE class_id = id; IF FOUND THEN RETURN; END IF; INSERT INTO dhcp4_client_class_order(class_id, order_index, depend_on_known_indirectly) VALUES (id, follow_class_index + 1, false); RETURN; END;$$; -- Replace setClientClass6Order(): -- 1. l_depend_on_known_indirectly needs to be BOOL -- 2. follow_class_index needs to be BIGINT -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Stored procedure positioning an inserted or updated client class -- within the class hierarchy, depending on the value of the -- new_follow_class_name parameter. -- -- Parameters: -- - id id of the positioned class, -- - new_follow_class_name name of the class after which this class should be -- positioned within the class hierarchy. -- - old_follow_class_name previous name of the class after which this -- class was positioned within the class hierarchy. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION setClientClass6Order(id BIGINT, new_follow_class_name VARCHAR(128), old_follow_class_name VARCHAR(128)) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE -- Used to fetch class's current value for depend_on_known_indirectly l_depend_on_known_indirectly BOOL := false; -- Optionally set if the follow_class_name column value is specified. follow_class_index BIGINT; BEGIN -- Fetch the class's current value of depend_on_known_indirectly. SELECT depend_on_known_indirectly INTO l_depend_on_known_indirectly FROM dhcp6_client_class_order WHERE id = class_id; -- Save it to the current session for use elsewhere during this transaction. -- Note this does not work prior to Postgres 9.2 unless the variables are -- defined in postgresql.conf. I think for now we put up with CB not supported -- prior to 9.2 or we tell people how to edit the conf file. PERFORM set_session_value('kea.depend_on_known_indirectly', l_depend_on_known_indirectly); -- Bail if the class is updated without re-positioning. IF( l_depend_on_known_indirectly IS NOT NULL AND ((new_follow_class_name IS NULL AND old_follow_class_name IS NULL) OR (new_follow_class_name = old_follow_class_name)) ) THEN -- The depend_on_known_indirectly is set to 0 because this procedure is invoked -- whenever the dhcp6_client_class record is updated. Such update may include -- test expression changes impacting the dependency on KNOWN/UNKNOWN classes. -- This value will be later adjusted when dependencies are inserted. -- TKM should we update the session value also or is it moot? UPDATE dhcp6_client_class_order SET depend_on_known_indirectly = false WHERE class_id = id; RETURN; END IF; IF new_follow_class_name IS NOT NULL THEN -- Get the position of the class after which the new class should be added. SELECT o.order_index INTO follow_class_index FROM dhcp6_client_class AS c INNER JOIN dhcp6_client_class_order AS o ON c.id = o.class_id WHERE c.name = new_follow_class_name; IF follow_class_index IS NULL THEN -- The class with a name specified with new_follow_class_name does -- not exist. RAISE EXCEPTION 'Class %s does not exist.', new_follow_class_name USING ERRCODE = 'sql_routine_exception'; END IF; -- We need to place the new class at the position of follow_class_index + 1. -- There may be a class at this position already. IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM dhcp6_client_class_order WHERE order_index = follow_class_index + 1) THEN -- There is a class at this position already. Let's move all classes -- starting from this position by one to create a spot for the new -- class. UPDATE dhcp6_client_class_order SET order_index = order_index + 1 WHERE order_index >= follow_class_index + 1; -- TKM postgresql doesn't like order by here, does it matter? -- ORDER BY order_index DESC; END IF; ELSE -- A caller did not specify the new_follow_class_name value. Let's append the -- new class at the end of the hierarchy. SELECT MAX(order_index) INTO follow_class_index FROM dhcp6_client_class_order; IF follow_class_index IS NULL THEN -- Apparently, there are no classes. Let's start from 0. follow_class_index = 0; END IF; END IF; -- Check if moving the class doesn't break dependent classes. IF EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM dhcp6_client_class_dependency AS d INNER JOIN dhcp6_client_class_order AS o ON d.class_id = o.class_id WHERE d.dependency_id = id AND o.order_index < follow_class_index + 1 LIMIT 1 ) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Unable to move class with id %s because it would break its dependencies', id USING ERRCODE = 'sql_routine_exception'; END IF; -- The depend_on_known_indirectly is set to 0 because this procedure is invoked -- whenever the dhcp6_client_class record is updated. Such update may include -- test expression changes impacting the dependency on KNOWN/UNKNOWN classes. -- This value will be later adjusted when dependencies are inserted. -- TKM - note that ON CONFLICT requires PostgreSQL 9.5 or later. UPDATE dhcp6_client_class_order SET order_index = follow_class_index + 1, depend_on_known_indirectly = l_depend_on_known_indirectly WHERE class_id = id; IF FOUND THEN RETURN; END IF; INSERT INTO dhcp6_client_class_order(class_id, order_index, depend_on_known_indirectly) VALUES (id, follow_class_index + 1, false); RETURN; END;$$; -- Change primary key to composite, dependency table can have multiple rows -- per class id. ALTER TABLE dhcp4_client_class_dependency DROP CONSTRAINT dhcp4_client_class_dependency_pkey; ALTER TABLE dhcp4_client_class_dependency ADD PRIMARY KEY(class_id, dependency_id); ALTER TABLE dhcp6_client_class_dependency DROP CONSTRAINT dhcp6_client_class_dependency_pkey; ALTER TABLE dhcp6_client_class_dependency ADD PRIMARY KEY(class_id, dependency_id); -- Replace triggers that verify class dependency. -- Because they are BEFORE INSERT triggers they need to return NEW not NULL. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Trigger verifying if class dependency is met. It includes checking -- if referenced classes exist, are associated with the same server -- or all servers, and are defined before the class specified with -- class_id. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp4_client_class_check_dependency_BINS() RETURNS trigger AS $dhcp4_client_class_check_dependency_BINS$ BEGIN PERFORM checkDHCPv4ClientClassDependency(NEW.class_id, NEW.dependency_id); RETURN NEW; END; $dhcp4_client_class_check_dependency_BINS$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Trigger verifying if class dependency is met. It includes checking -- if referenced classes exist, are associated with the same server -- or all servers, and are defined before the class specified with -- class_id. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp6_client_class_check_dependency_BINS() RETURNS trigger AS $dhcp6_client_class_check_dependency_BINS$ BEGIN PERFORM checkDHCPv6ClientClassDependency(NEW.class_id, NEW.dependency_id); RETURN NEW; END; $dhcp6_client_class_check_dependency_BINS$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Update the schema version number. UPDATE schema_version SET version = '10', minor = '0'; -- Schema 10.0 specification ends here. -- This starts schema update to 11.0. -- Replace createOptionAuditDHCP6() with a version corrected -- where clause when scope is 6 (i.e. PD pool) -- -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- -- Stored procedure which updates modification timestamp of -- a parent object when an option is modified. -- -- The following parameters are passed to the procedure: -- - modification_type: "create", "update" or "delete" -- - scope_id: identifier of the option scope, e.g. -- global, subnet specific etc. See dhcp_option_scope -- for specific values. -- - option_id: identifier of the option. -- - p_subnet_id: identifier of the subnet if the option -- belongs to the subnet. -- - host_id: identifier of the host if the option -- - belongs to the host. -- - network_name: shared network name if the option -- belongs to the shared network. -- - pool_id: identifier of the pool if the option -- belongs to the pool. -- - pd_pool_id: identifier of the pool if the option -- belongs to the pd pool. -- - p_modification_ts: modification timestamp of the -- option. -- Some arguments are prefixed with "p_" to avoid ambiguity -- with column names in SQL statements. PostgreSQL does not -- allow table aliases to be used with column names in update -- set expressions. -- ----------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION createOptionAuditDHCP6(modification_type VARCHAR, scope_id SMALLINT, option_id INT, p_subnet_id BIGINT, host_id INT, network_name VARCHAR, pool_id BIGINT, pd_pool_id BIGINT, p_modification_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE -- These variables will hold shared network id and subnet id that -- we will select. snid BIGINT; sid BIGINT; cascade_transaction BOOLEAN; BEGIN -- Cascade transaction flag is set to true to prevent creation of -- the audit entries for the options when the options are -- created as part of the parent object creation or update. -- For example: when the option is added as part of the subnet -- addition, the cascade transaction flag is equal to true. If -- the option is added into the existing subnet the cascade -- transaction is equal to false. Note that depending on the option -- scope the audit entry will contain the object_type value -- of the parent object to cause the server to replace the -- entire subnet. The only case when the object_type will be -- set to 'dhcp6_options' is when a global option is added. -- Global options do not have the owner. cascade_transaction := get_session_boolean('kea.cascade_transaction'); IF cascade_transaction = false THEN -- todo: host manager hasn't been updated to use audit -- mechanisms so ignore host specific options for now. IF scope_id = 0 THEN -- If a global option is added or modified, create audit -- entry for the 'dhcp6_options' table. PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP6('dhcp6_options', option_id, modification_type); ELSEIF scope_id = 1 THEN -- If subnet specific option is added or modified, update -- the modification timestamp of this subnet to allow the -- servers to refresh the subnet information. This will -- also result in creating an audit entry for this subnet. UPDATE dhcp6_subnet SET modification_ts = p_modification_ts WHERE subnet_id = p_subnet_id; ELSEIF scope_id = 4 THEN -- If shared network specific option is added or modified, -- update the modification timestamp of this shared network -- to allow the servers to refresh the shared network -- information. This will also result in creating an -- audit entry for this shared network. SELECT id INTO snid FROM dhcp6_shared_network WHERE name = network_name LIMIT 1; UPDATE dhcp6_shared_network SET modification_ts = p_modification_ts WHERE id = snid; ELSEIF scope_id = 5 THEN -- If pool specific option is added or modified, update -- the modification timestamp of the owning subnet. SELECT dhcp6_pool.subnet_id INTO sid FROM dhcp6_pool WHERE id = pool_id; UPDATE dhcp6_subnet SET modification_ts = p_modification_ts WHERE subnet_id = sid; ELSEIF scope_id = 6 THEN -- If pd pool specific option is added or modified, create -- audit entry for the subnet which this pool belongs to. SELECT dhcp6_pd_pool.subnet_id INTO sid FROM dhcp6_pd_pool WHERE id = pd_pool_id; UPDATE dhcp6_subnet SET modification_ts = p_modification_ts WHERE subnet_id = sid; END IF; END IF; RETURN; END;$$; -- Update the schema version number. UPDATE schema_version SET version = '11', minor = '0'; -- Schema 11.0 specification ends here. -- This line starts the schema upgrade to version 12. -- Modify shared-network-name foreign key constraint on dhcp4_subnet to not perform -- the update when the network is deleted the cascaded update will not execute -- dhcp4_subnet update trigger leaving the updated subnets without audit_entries. ALTER TABLE dhcp4_subnet DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp4_subnet_shared_network, ADD CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp4_subnet_shared_network FOREIGN KEY (shared_network_name) REFERENCES dhcp4_shared_network (name) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION; -- Modify BEFORE delete trigger function on dhcp4_shared_network to explicitly -- update dhcp4_subnets. This ensures there are audit entries for updated -- subnets. -- Trigger function for dhcp4_shared_network_BDEL called BEFORE DELETE on dhcp4_shared_network CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp4_shared_network_BDEL() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp4_shared_network_BDEL$ BEGIN PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP4('dhcp4_shared_network', OLD.id, 'delete'); -- Explicitly update subnets now rather than via foreign key constraint, this ensures the -- audit entries for subnets will preceded that of the shared-network, keeping the order -- of the entries the same as they are for MySQL. UPDATE dhcp4_subnet SET shared_network_name = NULL WHERE shared_network_name = OLD.name; DELETE FROM dhcp4_options WHERE shared_network_name = OLD.name; RETURN OLD; END; $dhcp4_shared_network_BDEL$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Modify shared-network-name foreign key constraint on dhcp6_subnet to not perform -- the update when the network is deleted the cascaded update will not execute -- dhcp6_subnet update trigger leaving the updated subnets without audit_entries. ALTER TABLE dhcp6_subnet DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp6_subnet_shared_network, ADD CONSTRAINT fk_dhcp6_subnet_shared_network FOREIGN KEY (shared_network_name) REFERENCES dhcp6_shared_network (name) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION; -- Modify BEFORE delete trigger function on dhcp6_shared_network to explicitly -- update dhcp6_subnets. This ensures there are audit entries for updated -- subnets. -- Trigger function for dhcp6_shared_network_BDEL called BEFORE DELETE on dhcp6_shared_network CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_dhcp6_shared_network_BDEL() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $dhcp6_shared_network_BDEL$ BEGIN PERFORM createAuditEntryDHCP6('dhcp6_shared_network', OLD.id, 'delete'); -- Explicitly update subnets now rather than via foreign key constraint, this ensures the -- audit entries for subnets will preceded that of the shared-network, keeping the order -- of the entries the same as they are for MySQL. UPDATE dhcp6_subnet SET shared_network_name = NULL WHERE shared_network_name = OLD.name; DELETE FROM dhcp6_options WHERE shared_network_name = OLD.name; RETURN OLD; END; $dhcp6_shared_network_BDEL$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Add user_context column to client class tables. ALTER TABLE dhcp4_client_class ADD COLUMN user_context JSON DEFAULT NULL; ALTER TABLE dhcp6_client_class ADD COLUMN user_context JSON DEFAULT NULL; -- Update the schema version number. UPDATE schema_version SET version = '12', minor = '0'; -- This line concludes the schema upgrade to version 12. -- This line starts the schema upgrade to version 13. -- JSON functions -- -- Helper function that avoids a casting error when the string -- presumed to be in JSON format, is empty. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION json_cast(IN json_candidate TEXT) RETURNS JSON AS $$ BEGIN IF LENGTH(json_candidate) = 0 THEN RETURN '{}'::json; END IF; RETURN json_candidate::json; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Function that establishes whether JSON functions are supported. -- They should be provided with PostgreSQL >= 9.4. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isJsonSupported() RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ BEGIN IF get_session_value('json_supported') IS NULL THEN IF (SELECT proname FROM pg_proc WHERE proname = 'json_extract_path') = 'json_extract_path' THEN PERFORM set_session_value('kea.json_supported', true); ELSE PERFORM set_session_value('kea.json_supported', false); END IF; END IF; RETURN get_session_value('kea.json_supported'); END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Schema changes related to lease limiting start here. -- -- Recreate the triggers that update the leaseX_stat tables as stored procedures. -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION lease4_AINS_lease4_stat(IN new_state BIGINT, IN new_subnet_id BIGINT) RETURNS VOID AS $$ BEGIN IF new_state = 0 OR new_state = 1 THEN -- Update the state count if it exists. UPDATE lease4_stat SET leases = leases + 1 WHERE subnet_id = new_subnet_id AND state = new_state; -- Insert the state count record if it does not exist. IF NOT FOUND THEN INSERT INTO lease4_stat VALUES (new_subnet_id, new_state, 1); END IF; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION lease4_AUPD_lease4_stat(IN old_state BIGINT, IN old_subnet_id BIGINT, IN new_state BIGINT, IN new_subnet_id BIGINT) RETURNS VOID AS $$ BEGIN IF old_subnet_id != new_subnet_id OR old_state != new_state THEN IF old_state = 0 OR old_state = 1 THEN -- Decrement the old state count if record exists. UPDATE lease4_stat SET leases = GREATEST(leases - 1, 0) WHERE subnet_id = old_subnet_id AND state = old_state; END IF; IF new_state = 0 OR new_state = 1 THEN -- Increment the new state count if record exists. UPDATE lease4_stat SET leases = leases + 1 WHERE subnet_id = new_subnet_id AND state = new_state; -- Insert new state record if it does not exist. IF NOT FOUND THEN INSERT INTO lease4_stat VALUES (new_subnet_id, new_state, 1); END IF; END IF; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION lease4_ADEL_lease4_stat(IN old_state BIGINT, IN old_subnet_id BIGINT) RETURNS VOID AS $$ BEGIN IF old_state = 0 OR old_state = 1 THEN -- Decrement the state count if record exists. UPDATE lease4_stat SET leases = GREATEST(leases - 1, 0) WHERE subnet_id = old_subnet_id AND old_state = state; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION lease6_AINS_lease6_stat(IN new_state BIGINT, IN new_subnet_id BIGINT, IN new_lease_type SMALLINT) RETURNS VOID AS $$ BEGIN IF new_state = 0 OR new_state = 1 THEN -- Update the state count if it exists. UPDATE lease6_stat SET leases = leases + 1 WHERE subnet_id = new_subnet_id AND lease_type = new_lease_type AND state = new_state; -- Insert the state count record if it does not exist. IF NOT FOUND THEN INSERT INTO lease6_stat VALUES (new_subnet_id, new_lease_type, new_state, 1); END IF; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION lease6_AUPD_lease6_stat(IN old_state BIGINT, IN old_subnet_id BIGINT, IN old_lease_type SMALLINT, IN new_state BIGINT, IN new_subnet_id BIGINT, IN new_lease_type SMALLINT) RETURNS VOID AS $$ BEGIN IF old_subnet_id != new_subnet_id OR old_lease_type != new_lease_type OR old_state != new_state THEN IF old_state = 0 OR old_state = 1 THEN -- Decrement the old state count if record exists. UPDATE lease6_stat SET leases = GREATEST(leases - 1, 0) WHERE subnet_id = old_subnet_id AND lease_type = old_lease_type AND state = old_state; END IF; IF new_state = 0 OR new_state = 1 THEN -- Increment the new state count if record exists UPDATE lease6_stat SET leases = leases + 1 WHERE subnet_id = new_subnet_id AND lease_type = new_lease_type AND state = new_state; -- Insert new state record if it does not exist IF NOT FOUND THEN INSERT INTO lease6_stat VALUES (new_subnet_id, new_lease_type, new_state, 1); END IF; END IF; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION lease6_ADEL_lease6_stat(IN old_state BIGINT, IN old_subnet_id BIGINT, IN old_lease_type SMALLINT) RETURNS VOID AS $$ BEGIN IF old_state = 0 OR old_state = 1 THEN -- Decrement the state count if record exists UPDATE lease6_stat SET leases = GREATEST(leases - 1, 0) WHERE subnet_id = old_subnet_id AND lease_type = old_lease_type AND state = old_state; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Create tables that contain the number of active leases. -- CREATE TABLE lease4_stat_by_client_class ( client_class VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, leases BIGINT NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE lease6_stat_by_client_class ( client_class VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, lease_type SMALLINT NOT NULL, leases BIGINT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (client_class, lease_type), CONSTRAINT fk_lease6_stat_by_client_class_lease_type FOREIGN KEY (lease_type) REFERENCES lease6_types (lease_type) ); -- Create procedures to be called for each row in after-event triggers for -- INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE on lease tables. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION lease4_AINS_lease4_stat_by_client_class(IN new_state BIGINT, IN new_user_context TEXT) RETURNS VOID AS $$ DECLARE class VARCHAR(128); BEGIN -- Only state 0 is needed for lease limiting. IF new_state = 0 THEN -- Dive into client classes. FOR class IN SELECT * FROM JSON_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(json_cast(new_user_context)->'ISC'->'client-classes') LOOP SELECT TRIM('"' FROM class) INTO class; -- Upsert to increment the lease count. UPDATE lease4_stat_by_client_class SET leases = leases + 1 WHERE client_class = class; IF NOT FOUND THEN INSERT INTO lease4_stat_by_client_class VALUES (class, 1); END IF; END LOOP; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION lease4_AUPD_lease4_stat_by_client_class(IN old_state BIGINT, IN old_user_context TEXT, IN new_state BIGINT, IN new_user_context TEXT) RETURNS VOID AS $$ DECLARE old_client_classes TEXT; new_client_classes TEXT; class VARCHAR(128); length INT; i INT; BEGIN SELECT json_cast(old_user_context)->'ISC'->'client-classes' INTO old_client_classes; SELECT json_cast(new_user_context)->'ISC'->'client-classes' INTO new_client_classes; IF old_state != new_state OR old_client_classes != new_client_classes THEN -- Check if it's moving away from a counted state. IF old_state = 0 THEN -- Dive into client classes. FOR class IN SELECT * FROM JSON_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(json_cast(old_client_classes)) LOOP SELECT TRIM('"' FROM class) INTO class; -- Decrement the lease count if the record exists. UPDATE lease4_stat_by_client_class SET leases = GREATEST(leases - 1, 0) WHERE client_class = class; END LOOP; END IF; -- Check if it's moving into a counted state. IF new_state = 0 THEN -- Dive into client classes. FOR class IN SELECT * FROM JSON_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(json_cast(new_client_classes)) LOOP SELECT TRIM('"' FROM class) INTO class; -- Upsert to increment the lease count. UPDATE lease4_stat_by_client_class SET leases = leases + 1 WHERE client_class = class; IF NOT FOUND THEN INSERT INTO lease4_stat_by_client_class VALUES (class, 1); END IF; END LOOP; END IF; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION lease4_ADEL_lease4_stat_by_client_class(IN old_state BIGINT, IN old_user_context TEXT) RETURNS VOID AS $$ DECLARE class VARCHAR(128); BEGIN -- Only state 0 is accounted for in lease limiting. IF old_state = 0 THEN -- Dive into client classes. FOR class IN SELECT * FROM JSON_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(json_cast(old_user_context)->'ISC'->'client-classes') LOOP SELECT TRIM('"' FROM class) INTO class; -- Decrement the lease count if the record exists. UPDATE lease4_stat_by_client_class SET leases = GREATEST(leases - 1, 0) WHERE client_class = class; END LOOP; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION lease6_AINS_lease6_stat_by_client_class(IN new_state BIGINT, IN new_user_context TEXT, IN new_lease_type SMALLINT) RETURNS VOID AS $$ DECLARE client_classes TEXT; class VARCHAR(128); length INT; i INT; BEGIN -- Only state 0 is needed for lease limiting. IF new_state = 0 THEN -- Dive into client classes. FOR class IN SELECT * FROM JSON_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(json_cast(new_user_context)->'ISC'->'client-classes') LOOP SELECT TRIM('"' FROM class) INTO class; -- Upsert to increment the lease count. UPDATE lease6_stat_by_client_class SET leases = leases + 1 WHERE client_class = class AND lease_type = new_lease_type; IF NOT FOUND THEN INSERT INTO lease6_stat_by_client_class VALUES (class, new_lease_type, 1); END IF; END LOOP; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION lease6_AUPD_lease6_stat_by_client_class(IN old_state BIGINT, IN old_user_context TEXT, IN old_lease_type SMALLINT, IN new_state BIGINT, IN new_user_context TEXT, IN new_lease_type SMALLINT) RETURNS VOID AS $$ DECLARE old_client_classes TEXT; new_client_classes TEXT; class VARCHAR(128); length INT; i INT; BEGIN SELECT json_cast(old_user_context)->'ISC'->'client-classes' INTO old_client_classes; SELECT json_cast(new_user_context)->'ISC'->'client-classes' INTO new_client_classes; IF old_state != new_state OR old_client_classes != new_client_classes OR old_lease_type != new_lease_type THEN -- Check if it's moving away from a counted state. IF old_state = 0 THEN -- Dive into client classes. FOR class IN SELECT * FROM JSON_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(json_cast(old_client_classes)) LOOP SELECT TRIM('"' FROM class) INTO class; -- Decrement the lease count if the record exists. UPDATE lease6_stat_by_client_class SET leases = GREATEST(leases - 1, 0) WHERE client_class = class AND lease_type = old_lease_type; END LOOP; END IF; -- Check if it's moving into a counted state. IF new_state = 0 THEN -- Dive into client classes. FOR class IN SELECT * FROM JSON_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(json_cast(new_client_classes)) LOOP SELECT TRIM('"' FROM class) INTO class; -- Upsert to increment the lease count. UPDATE lease6_stat_by_client_class SET leases = leases + 1 WHERE client_class = class AND lease_type = new_lease_type; IF NOT FOUND THEN INSERT INTO lease6_stat_by_client_class VALUES (class, new_lease_type, 1); END IF; END LOOP; END IF; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION lease6_ADEL_lease6_stat_by_client_class(IN old_state BIGINT, IN old_user_context TEXT, IN old_lease_type SMALLINT) RETURNS VOID AS $$ DECLARE client_classes VARCHAR(1024); class VARCHAR(128); length INT; i INT; BEGIN -- Only state 0 is accounted for in lease limiting. But check both states to be consistent with lease6_stat. IF old_state = 0 THEN -- Dive into client classes. FOR class IN SELECT * FROM JSON_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(json_cast(old_user_context)->'ISC'->'client-classes') LOOP SELECT TRIM('"' FROM class) INTO class; -- Decrement the lease count if the record exists. UPDATE lease6_stat_by_client_class SET leases = GREATEST(leases - 1, 0) WHERE client_class = class AND lease_type = old_lease_type; END LOOP; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Recreate the after-event triggers for INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE on lease tables to call the -- -- stored procedures above in pairs of two: for client classes and for subnets. -- DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS stat_lease4_insert ON lease4; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_lease4_AINS() RETURNS trigger AS $lease4_AINS$ BEGIN IF isJsonSupported() = true THEN PERFORM lease4_AINS_lease4_stat_by_client_class(NEW.state, NEW.user_context); END IF; PERFORM lease4_AINS_lease4_stat(NEW.state, NEW.subnet_id); RETURN NULL; END; $lease4_AINS$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER lease4_AINS AFTER INSERT ON lease4 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_lease4_AINS(); DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS stat_lease4_update ON lease4; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_lease4_AUPD() RETURNS trigger AS $lease4_AUPD$ BEGIN IF isJsonSupported() = true THEN PERFORM lease4_AUPD_lease4_stat_by_client_class(OLD.state, OLD.user_context, NEW.state, NEW.user_context); END IF; PERFORM lease4_AUPD_lease4_stat(OLD.state, OLD.subnet_id, NEW.state, NEW.subnet_id); RETURN NULL; END; $lease4_AUPD$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER lease4_AUPD AFTER UPDATE ON lease4 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_lease4_AUPD(); DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS stat_lease4_delete ON lease4; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_lease4_ADEL() RETURNS trigger AS $lease4_ADEL$ BEGIN IF isJsonSupported() = true THEN PERFORM lease4_ADEL_lease4_stat_by_client_class(OLD.state, OLD.user_context); END IF; PERFORM lease4_ADEL_lease4_stat(OLD.state, OLD.subnet_id); RETURN NULL; END; $lease4_ADEL$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER lease4_ADEL AFTER DELETE ON lease4 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_lease4_ADEL(); DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS stat_lease6_insert ON lease6; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_lease6_AINS() RETURNS trigger AS $lease6_AINS$ BEGIN IF isJsonSupported() = true THEN PERFORM lease6_AINS_lease6_stat_by_client_class(NEW.state, NEW.user_context, NEW.lease_type); END IF; PERFORM lease6_AINS_lease6_stat(NEW.state, NEW.subnet_id, NEW.lease_type); RETURN NULL; END; $lease6_AINS$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER lease6_AINS AFTER INSERT ON lease6 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_lease6_AINS(); DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS stat_lease6_update ON lease6; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_lease6_AUPD() RETURNS trigger AS $lease6_AUPD$ BEGIN IF isJsonSupported() = true THEN PERFORM lease6_AUPD_lease6_stat_by_client_class(OLD.state, OLD.user_context, OLD.lease_type, NEW.state, NEW.user_context, NEW.lease_type); END IF; PERFORM lease6_AUPD_lease6_stat(OLD.state, OLD.subnet_id, OLD.lease_type, NEW.state, NEW.subnet_id, NEW.lease_type); RETURN NULL; END; $lease6_AUPD$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER lease6_AUPD AFTER UPDATE ON lease6 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_lease6_AUPD(); DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS stat_lease6_delete ON lease6; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_lease6_ADEL() RETURNS trigger AS $lease6_ADEL$ BEGIN IF isJsonSupported() = true THEN PERFORM lease6_ADEL_lease6_stat_by_client_class(OLD.state, OLD.user_context, OLD.lease_type); END IF; PERFORM lease6_ADEL_lease6_stat(OLD.state, OLD.subnet_id, OLD.lease_type); RETURN NULL; END; $lease6_ADEL$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER lease6_ADEL AFTER DELETE ON lease6 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_lease6_ADEL(); -- Create functions that return an empty TEXT if all limits allow for more leases, or otherwise a -- TEXT in one of the following JSON formats detailing the limit that was reached: -- { "limit-type": "client-class", "name": foo, "lease-type": "address", "limit": 2, "count": 2 } -- { "limit-type": "subnet", "id": 1, "lease-type": "IA_PD", "limit": 2, "count": 2 } -- The following format for user_context is assumed: -- { "ISC": { "limits": { "client-classes": [ { "name": "foo", "address-limit": 2, "prefix-limit": 1 } ], -- "subnet": { "id": 1, "address-limit": 2, "prefix-limit": 1 } } } } CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION checkLease4Limits(user_context TEXT) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ DECLARE class TEXT; name VARCHAR(255); sid INT; lease_limit INT; lease_count INT; BEGIN -- Dive into client class limits. FOR class IN SELECT * FROM JSON_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(json_cast(user_context)->'ISC'->'limits'->'client-classes') LOOP SELECT TRIM('"' FROM (json_cast(class)->'name')::text) INTO name; SELECT json_cast(class)->'address-limit' INTO lease_limit; IF lease_limit IS NOT NULL THEN -- Get the lease count for this client class. SELECT leases FROM lease4_stat_by_client_class INTO lease_count WHERE client_class = name; IF lease_count IS NULL THEN lease_count := 0; END IF; -- Compare. Return immediately if the limit is surpassed. IF lease_limit <= lease_count THEN RETURN CONCAT('address limit ', lease_limit, ' for client class "', name, '", current lease count ', lease_count); END IF; END IF; END LOOP; -- Dive into subnet limits. SELECT json_cast(user_context)->'ISC'->'limits'->'subnet'->'id' INTO sid; SELECT json_cast(user_context)->'ISC'->'limits'->'subnet'->'address-limit' INTO lease_limit; IF lease_limit IS NOT NULL THEN -- Get the lease count for this client class. SELECT leases FROM lease4_stat WHERE subnet_id = sid AND state = 0 INTO lease_count; IF lease_count IS NULL THEN lease_count := 0; END IF; -- Compare. Return immediately if the limit is surpassed. IF lease_limit <= lease_count THEN RETURN CONCAT('address limit ', lease_limit, ' for subnet ID ', sid, ', current lease count ', lease_count); END IF; END IF; RETURN ''; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION checkLease6Limits(user_context TEXT) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ DECLARE class TEXT; name VARCHAR(255); sid INT; lease_limit INT; lease_count INT; BEGIN -- Dive into client class limits. FOR class IN SELECT * FROM JSON_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(json_cast(user_context)->'ISC'->'limits'->'client-classes') LOOP SELECT TRIM('"' FROM (json_cast(class)->'name')::text) INTO name; SELECT json_cast(class)->'address-limit' INTO lease_limit; IF lease_limit IS NOT NULL THEN -- Get the address count for this client class. SELECT leases FROM lease6_stat_by_client_class WHERE client_class = name AND lease_type = 0 INTO lease_count; IF lease_count IS NULL THEN lease_count := 0; END IF; -- Compare. Return immediately if the limit is surpassed. IF lease_limit <= lease_count THEN RETURN CONCAT('address limit ', lease_limit, ' for client class "', name, '", current lease count ', lease_count); END IF; END IF; SELECT json_cast(class)->'prefix-limit' INTO lease_limit; IF lease_limit IS NOT NULL THEN -- Get the prefix count for this client class. SELECT leases FROM lease6_stat_by_client_class WHERE client_class = name AND lease_type = 2 INTO lease_count; IF lease_count IS NULL THEN lease_count := 0; END IF; -- Compare. Return immediately if the limit is surpassed. IF lease_limit <= lease_count THEN RETURN CONCAT('prefix limit ', lease_limit, ' for client class "', name, '", current lease count ', lease_count); END IF; END IF; END LOOP; -- Dive into subnet limits. SELECT json_cast(user_context)->'ISC'->'limits'->'subnet'->'id' INTO sid; SELECT json_cast(user_context)->'ISC'->'limits'->'subnet'->'address-limit' INTO lease_limit; IF lease_limit IS NOT NULL THEN -- Get the lease count for this subnet. SELECT leases FROM lease6_stat WHERE subnet_id = sid AND lease_type = 0 AND state = 0 INTO lease_count; IF lease_count IS NULL THEN lease_count := 0; END IF; -- Compare. Return immediately if the limit is surpassed. IF lease_limit <= lease_count THEN RETURN CONCAT('address limit ', lease_limit, ' for subnet ID ', sid, ', current lease count ', lease_count); END IF; END IF; SELECT json_cast(user_context)->'ISC'->'limits'->'subnet'->'prefix-limit' INTO lease_limit; IF lease_limit IS NOT NULL THEN -- Get the lease count for this client class. SELECT leases FROM lease6_stat WHERE subnet_id = sid AND lease_type = 2 AND state = 0 INTO lease_count; IF lease_count IS NULL THEN lease_count := 0; END IF; -- Compare. Return immediately if the limit is surpassed. IF lease_limit <= lease_count THEN RETURN CONCAT('prefix limit ', lease_limit, ' for subnet ID ', sid, ', current lease count ', lease_count); END IF; END IF; RETURN ''; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Improve hosts indexes for better performance of global reservations -- Create new index that uses only dhcp_identifier. CREATE INDEX key_dhcp_identifier on hosts (dhcp_identifier, dhcp_identifier_type); -- Modify existing indexes to include subnet_id values of 0, so index is also used -- for global reservations. DROP INDEX IF EXISTS key_dhcp4_identifier_subnet_id; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX key_dhcp4_identifier_subnet_id ON hosts (dhcp_identifier ASC, dhcp_identifier_type ASC, dhcp4_subnet_id ASC) WHERE (dhcp4_subnet_id IS NOT NULL); DROP INDEX IF EXISTS key_dhcp6_identifier_subnet_id; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX key_dhcp6_identifier_subnet_id ON hosts (dhcp_identifier ASC, dhcp_identifier_type ASC, dhcp6_subnet_id ASC) WHERE (dhcp6_subnet_id IS NOT NULL); -- Update the schema version number. UPDATE schema_version SET version = '13', minor = '0'; -- This line concludes the schema upgrade to version 13. -- Commit the script transaction. COMMIT; -- Notes: -- Indexes -- ======= -- It is likely that additional indexes will be needed. However, the -- increase in lookup performance from these will come at the expense -- of a decrease in performance during insert operations due to the need -- to update the indexes. For this reason, the need for additional indexes -- will be determined by experiment during performance tests. -- The most likely additional indexes will cover the following columns: -- hwaddr and client_id -- For lease stability: if a client requests a new lease, try to find an -- existing or recently expired lease for it so that it can keep using the -- same IP address. -- Field Sizes -- =========== -- If any of the VARxxx field sizes are altered, the lengths in the PgSQL -- backend source file (pgsql_lease_mgr.cc) must be correspondingly changed. -- Portability -- =========== -- Some columns contain binary data so are stored as BYTEA instead of -- VARCHAR. This may be non-portable between databases: in this case, the -- definition should be changed to VARCHAR.