# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later """Test opening as many connections as possible. Due to resource-intensity of this test, it's filename doesn't contain "test" on purpose, so it doesn't automatically get picked up by pytest (to allow easy parallel testing). To execute this test, pass the filename of this file to pytest directly. Also, make sure not to use parallel execution (-n). """ import resource import time import pytest from kresd import Kresd import utils MAX_SOCKETS = 10000 # upper bound of how many connections to open MAX_ITERATIONS = 10 # number of iterations to run the test # we can't use softlimit itself since kresd already has open sockets, # so use lesser value RESERVED_NOFILE = 40 # 40 is empirical value @pytest.mark.parametrize('sock_func_name', [ 'ip_tcp_socket', 'ip6_tcp_socket', 'ip_tls_socket', 'ip6_tls_socket', ]) def test_conn_flood(tmpdir, sock_func_name): def create_sockets(make_sock, nsockets): sockets = [] next_ping = time.time() + 4 # less than tcp idle timeout / 2 while True: additional_sockets = 0 while time.time() < next_ping: nsock_to_init = min(100, nsockets - len(sockets)) if not nsock_to_init: return sockets sockets.extend([make_sock() for _ in range(nsock_to_init)]) additional_sockets += nsock_to_init # large number of connections can take a lot of time to open # send some valid data to avoid TCP idle timeout for already open sockets next_ping = time.time() + 4 for s in sockets: utils.ping_alive(s) # break when no more than 20% additional sockets are created if additional_sockets / len(sockets) < 0.2: return sockets max_num_of_open_files = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)[0] - RESERVED_NOFILE nsockets = min(max_num_of_open_files, MAX_SOCKETS) # create kresd instance with verbose=False ip = '' ip6 = '::1' with Kresd(tmpdir, ip=ip, ip6=ip6, verbose=False) as kresd: make_sock = getattr(kresd, sock_func_name) # function for creating sockets sockets = create_sockets(make_sock, nsockets) print("\nEstablished {} connections".format(len(sockets))) print("Start sending data") for i in range(MAX_ITERATIONS): for s in sockets: utils.ping_alive(s) print("Iteration {} done...".format(i)) print("Close connections") for s in sockets: s.close() # check in kresd is alive print("Check upstream is still alive") sock = make_sock() utils.ping_alive(sock) print("OK!")