path: root/decoder/docs/
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+Test Programs {#test_progs}
+@brief A description of the test programs used with the library.
+The Programs
+There are currently two test programs built alongside the library.
+1. `trc_pkt_lister` : This test the C++ library by taking a trace "snapshot" directory as an input
+and decodes all or a chosen set of trace sources from within the trace data buffers in the library. Command
+line parameters allow the test program to be controlled.
+2. `c_api_pkt_print_test` : This program tests the "C" API functions, using hardcoded tests
+based on the same "snapshots" used for the C++ library. Limited user control for this program.
+This can also run tests using the external test decoder to validate the external decoder API.
+See [](@ref custom_decoders) for details.
+These programs are both built at the same time as the library for the same set of platforms.
+See [](@ref build_lib) for build details.
+_Note:_ The programs above use the library's [core name mapper helper class] (@ref CoreArchProfileMap) to map
+the name of the core into a profile / architecture pair that the library can use.
+The snapshot definition must use one of the names recognised by this class or an error will occur.
+Trace "Snapshot" directory.
+The `.\tests\snapshots` directory contains a number of trace snapshots used for testing the library.
+Trace snapshots are dumps of captured binary trace data, CoreSight component configurations and memory
+dumps to allow trace decode.
+Snapshots are generated on ARM targets and can then be analysed offline. The snapshot format is available
+in a separate document.
+The `trc_pkt_lister` program.
+This will take a snapshot directory as an input, and list and/or decode all the trace packets for a
+single source, for any currently supported protocol.
+The output will be a list of discrete packets, generic output packets and any error messages
+to file and/or screen as selected by the input command line options.
+By default the program will list packets only (no decode), for the first discovered trace sink
+(ETB, ETF, ETR) in the snapshot directory, with all streams output.
+__Command Line Options__
+*Snapshot selection*
+- `-ss_dir <dir>` : Set the directory path to a trace snapshot.
+- `-ss_verbose` : Verbose output when reading the snapshot.
+*Decode options*
+- `-id <n>` : Set an ID to list (may be used multiple times) - default if no id set is for all IDs to be printed.
+- `-src_name <name>` : List packets from a given snapshot source name (defaults to first source found).
+- `-tpiu` : Input data is from a TPIU source that has TPIU FSYNC packets present.
+- `-tpiu_hsync` : Input data is from a TPIU source that has both TPIU FSYNC and HSYNC packets present.
+- `-decode` : Full decode of the packets from the trace snapshot (default is to list undecoded packets only.
+- `-decode_only` : Does not list the undecoded packets, just the trace decode.
+- `-src_addr_n` : ETE protocol; Indicate skipped N atoms in source address packet ranges by breaking the decode
+ range into multiple ranges on N atoms.
+- `-o_raw_packed` : Output raw packed trace frames.
+- `-o_raw_unpacked` : Output raw unpacked trace data per ID.
+*Output options*
+Default is to output to file and stdout. Setting any option overrides and limits to only
+the options set.
+- `-logstdout` : output to stdout.
+- `-logstderr` : output to stderr.
+- `-logfile` : output to file using the default log file name.
+- `-logfilename <name>` : change the name of the output log file.
+__Test output examples__
+Example command lines with short output excerpts.
+*TC2, ETMv3 packet processor output, raw packet output.*
+Command line:-
+`trc_pkt_lister -ss_dir ..\..\..\snapshots\TC2 -o_raw_unpacked`
+Frame Data; Index 17958; ID_DATA[0x11]; 16 04 c0 86 42 97 e1 c4
+Idx:17945; ID:11; I_SYNC : Instruction Packet synchronisation.; (Periodic); Addr=0xc00416e2; S; ISA=Thumb2;
+Idx:17961; ID:11; P_HDR : Atom P-header.; WEN; Cycles=1
+Frame Data; Index 17968; ID_DATA[0x11]; ce af 90 80 80 00 a4 84 a0 84 a4 88
+Idx:17962; ID:11; TIMESTAMP : Timestamp Value.; TS=0x82f9d13097 (562536984727)
+Idx:17974; ID:11; P_HDR : Atom P-header.; WW; Cycles=2
+Idx:17975; ID:11; P_HDR : Atom P-header.; WE; Cycles=1
+Idx:17976; ID:11; P_HDR : Atom P-header.; W; Cycles=1
+Idx:17977; ID:11; P_HDR : Atom P-header.; WE; Cycles=1
+Idx:17978; ID:11; P_HDR : Atom P-header.; WW; Cycles=2
+Idx:17979; ID:11; P_HDR : Atom P-header.; WEWE; Cycles=2
+Frame Data; Index 17980; ID_DATA[0x10]; a0 82
+Idx:17980; ID:10; P_HDR : Atom P-header.; W; Cycles=1
+Idx:17981; ID:10; P_HDR : Atom P-header.; WEE; Cycles=1
+Frame Data; Index 17984; ID_DATA[0x10]; b8 84 a4 88 a0 82
+Idx:17984; ID:10; P_HDR : Atom P-header.; WWWWWWW; Cycles=7
+Idx:17985; ID:10; P_HDR : Atom P-header.; WE; Cycles=1
+Idx:17986; ID:10; P_HDR : Atom P-header.; WW; Cycles=2
+Idx:17987; ID:10; P_HDR : Atom P-header.; WEWE; Cycles=2
+Idx:17988; ID:10; P_HDR : Atom P-header.; W; Cycles=1
+Idx:17989; ID:10; P_HDR : Atom P-header.; WEE; Cycles=1
+*Juno - ETB_1 selected for STM packet output, raw packet output*
+Command line:-
+`trc_pkt_lister -ss_dir ..\..\..\snapshots\juno_r1_1 -o_raw_unpacked -src_name ETB_1`
+Trace Packet Lister: CS Decode library testing
+Trace Packet Lister : reading snapshot from path ..\..\..\snapshots\juno_r1_1
+Using ETB_1 as trace source
+Trace Packet Lister : STM Protocol on Trace ID 0x20
+Frame Data; Index 0; ID_DATA[0x20]; ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 0f 0f 30 41
+Idx:0; ID:20; ASYNC:Alignment synchronisation packet.
+Idx:11; ID:20; VERSION:Version packet.; Ver=3
+Frame Data; Index 16; ID_DATA[0x20]; f1 1a 00 00 00 30 10 af 01 00 00 10 03 f2 1a
+Idx:13; ID:20; M8:Set current master.; Master=0x41
+Idx:17; ID:20; D32M:32 bit data; with marker.; Data=0x10000000
+Idx:22; ID:20; C8:Set current channel.; Chan=0x0001
+Idx:23; ID:20; D32M:32 bit data; with marker.; Data=0x10000001
+Idx:28; ID:20; C8:Set current channel.; Chan=0x0002
+Frame Data; Index 32; ID_DATA[0x20]; 00 00 00 32 30 af 01 00 00 30 03 f4 1a 00 00
+Idx:30; ID:20; D32M:32 bit data; with marker.; Data=0x10000002
+Idx:36; ID:20; C8:Set current channel.; Chan=0x0003
+Idx:37; ID:20; D32M:32 bit data; with marker.; Data=0x10000003
+Idx:42; ID:20; C8:Set current channel.; Chan=0x0004
+Frame Data; Index 48; ID_DATA[0x20]; 00 f4 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff f0 00 13
+Idx:44; ID:20; D32M:32 bit data; with marker.; Data=0x10000004
+Idx:50; ID:20; ASYNC:Alignment synchronisation packet.
+Idx:61; ID:20; VERSION:Version packet.; Ver=3
+*Juno - ETMv4 full trace decode + packet monitor, source trace ID 0x10 only.*
+Command line:-
+`trc_pkt_lister -ss_dir ..\..\..\snapshots\juno_r1_1 -decode -id 0x10`
+Idx:17204; ID:10; [0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x80 ]; I_ASYNC : Alignment Synchronisation.
+Idx:17218; ID:10; [0x01 0x01 0x00 ]; I_TRACE_INFO : Trace Info.; INFO=0x0
+Idx:17221; ID:10; [0x9d 0x00 0x35 0x09 0x00 0xc0 0xff 0xff 0xff ]; I_ADDR_L_64IS0 : Address, Long, 64 bit, IS0.; Addr=0xFFFFFFC000096A00;
+Idx:17230; ID:10; [0x04 ]; I_TRACE_ON : Trace On.
+Idx:17232; ID:10; [0x85 0x00 0x35 0x09 0x00 0xc0 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xf1 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 ]; I_ADDR_CTXT_L_64IS0 : Address & Context, Long, 64 bit, IS0.; Addr=0xFFFFFFC000096A00; Ctxt: AArch64,EL1, NS; CID=0x00000000; VMID=0x0000;
+Idx:17248; ID:10; [0xf7 ]; I_ATOM_F1 : Atom format 1.; E
+Idx:17230; ID:10; OCSD_GEN_TRC_ELEM_TRACE_ON( [begin or filter])
+Idx:17232; ID:10; OCSD_GEN_TRC_ELEM_PE_CONTEXT((ISA=A64) EL1N; 64-bit; VMID=0x0; CTXTID=0x0; )
+Idx:17248; ID:10; OCSD_GEN_TRC_ELEM_INSTR_RANGE(exec range=0xffffffc000096a00:[0xffffffc000096a10] num_i(4) last_sz(4) (ISA=A64) E ISB )
+Idx:17249; ID:10; [0x9d 0x30 0x25 0x59 0x00 0xc0 0xff 0xff 0xff ]; I_ADDR_L_64IS0 : Address, Long, 64 bit, IS0.; Addr=0xFFFFFFC000594AC0;
+Idx:17258; ID:10; [0xf7 ]; I_ATOM_F1 : Atom format 1.; E
+Idx:17258; ID:10; OCSD_GEN_TRC_ELEM_ADDR_NACC( 0xffffffc000594ac0 )
+Idx:17259; ID:10; [0x95 0xd6 0x95 ]; I_ADDR_S_IS0 : Address, Short, IS0.; Addr=0xFFFFFFC000592B58 ~[0x12B58]
+Idx:17262; ID:10; [0xf9 ]; I_ATOM_F3 : Atom format 3.; ENN
+Idx:17262; ID:10; OCSD_GEN_TRC_ELEM_ADDR_NACC( 0xffffffc000592b58 )
+Idx:17264; ID:10; [0xf7 ]; I_ATOM_F1 : Atom format 1.; E
+Idx:17265; ID:10; [0x9a 0x32 0x62 0x5a 0x00 ]; I_ADDR_L_32IS0 : Address, Long, 32 bit, IS0.; Addr=0xFFFFFFC0005AC4C8;
+Idx:17270; ID:10; [0xdb ]; I_ATOM_F2 : Atom format 2.; EE
+Idx:17270; ID:10; OCSD_GEN_TRC_ELEM_ADDR_NACC( 0xffffffc0005ac4c8 )
+Idx:17271; ID:10; [0x9a 0x62 0x52 0x0e 0x00 ]; I_ADDR_L_32IS0 : Address, Long, 32 bit, IS0.; Addr=0xFFFFFFC0000EA588;
+Idx:17276; ID:10; [0xfc ]; I_ATOM_F3 : Atom format 3.; NNE
+Idx:17276; ID:10; OCSD_GEN_TRC_ELEM_ADDR_NACC( 0xffffffc0000ea588 )
+Idx:17277; ID:10; [0x9a 0x58 0x15 0x59 0x00 ]; I_ADDR_L_32IS0 : Address, Long, 32 bit, IS0.; Addr=0xFFFFFFC000592B60;
+Idx:17283; ID:10; [0x06 0x1d ]; I_EXCEPT : Exception.; IRQ; Ret Addr Follows;
+Idx:17285; ID:10; [0x95 0x59 ]; I_ADDR_S_IS0 : Address, Short, IS0.; Addr=0xFFFFFFC000592B64 ~[0x164]
+Idx:17283; ID:10; OCSD_GEN_TRC_ELEM_ADDR_NACC( 0xffffffc000592b60 )
+Idx:17283; ID:10; OCSD_GEN_TRC_ELEM_EXCEPTION(pref ret addr:0xffffffc000592b64; excep num (0x0e) )
+Idx:17287; ID:10; [0x9a 0x20 0x19 0x08 0x00 ]; I_ADDR_L_32IS0 : Address, Long, 32 bit, IS0.; Addr=0xFFFFFFC000083280;
+Idx:17292; ID:10; [0xfd ]; I_ATOM_F3 : Atom format 3.; ENE
+Idx:17292; ID:10; OCSD_GEN_TRC_ELEM_INSTR_RANGE(exec range=0xffffffc000083280:[0xffffffc000083284] num_i(1) last_sz(4) (ISA=A64) E BR )
+Idx:17292; ID:10; OCSD_GEN_TRC_ELEM_INSTR_RANGE(exec range=0xffffffc000083d40:[0xffffffc000083d9c] num_i(23) last_sz(4) (ISA=A64) N BR <cond>)
+Idx:17292; ID:10; OCSD_GEN_TRC_ELEM_INSTR_RANGE(exec range=0xffffffc000083d9c:[0xffffffc000083dac] num_i(4) last_sz(4) (ISA=A64) E iBR b+link )
+Idx:17293; ID:10; [0x95 0xf7 0x09 ]; I_ADDR_S_IS0 : Address, Short, IS0.; Addr=0xFFFFFFC0000813DC ~[0x13DC]
+Idx:17297; ID:10; [0xdb ]; I_ATOM_F2 : Atom format 2.; EE
+Idx:17297; ID:10; OCSD_GEN_TRC_ELEM_INSTR_RANGE(exec range=0xffffffc0000813dc:[0xffffffc0000813f0] num_i(5) last_sz(4) (ISA=A64) E BR b+link )
+Idx:17297; ID:10; OCSD_GEN_TRC_ELEM_INSTR_RANGE(exec range=0xffffffc00008f2e0:[0xffffffc00008f2e4] num_i(1) last_sz(4) (ISA=A64) E iBR A64:ret )
+Idx:17298; ID:10; [0x95 0x7e ]; I_ADDR_S_IS0 : Address, Short, IS0.; Addr=0xFFFFFFC0000813F8 ~[0x1F8]
+Idx:17300; ID:10; [0xe0 ]; I_ATOM_F6 : Atom format 6.; EEEN
+Idx:17300; ID:10; OCSD_GEN_TRC_ELEM_INSTR_RANGE(exec range=0xffffffc0000813f8:[0xffffffc00008140c] num_i(5) last_sz(4) (ISA=A64) E BR )
+Idx:17300; ID:10; OCSD_GEN_TRC_ELEM_INSTR_RANGE(exec range=0xffffffc00008141c:[0xffffffc000081434] num_i(6) last_sz(4) (ISA=A64) E BR <cond>)
+Idx:17300; ID:10; OCSD_GEN_TRC_ELEM_INSTR_RANGE(exec range=0xffffffc00008140c:[0xffffffc000081414] num_i(2) last_sz(4) (ISA=A64) E BR b+link )
+Idx:17300; ID:10; OCSD_GEN_TRC_ELEM_ADDR_NACC( 0xffffffc000117cf0 )
+The `c_api_pkt_print_test` program.
+Program tests the C-API infrastructure, including as an option the external decoder support.
+Limited to decoding trace from a single CoreSight ID. Uses the same "snapshots" as the C++ test program, but using hardcoded path values.
+__Command Line Options__
+By default the program will run the single CoreSight ID of 0x10 in packet processing output mode using the ETMv4 decoder on the Juno snapshot.
+- `-id <n>` : Change the ID used for the test.
+- `-etmv3` : Test the ETMv3 decoder - uses the TC2 snapshot.
+- `-ptm` : Test the PTM decoder - uses the TC2 snapshot.
+- `-stm` : Test the STM decoder - uses juno STM only snapshot.
+- `-extern` : Use the 'echo_test' external decoder to test the custom decoder API.
+- `-decode` : Output trace protocol packets and full decode generic packets.
+- `-decode_only` : Output full decode generic packets only.