We are very much looking forward to your contribution to the RTRlib. Before you start, please consider the advice below. Code Contributions ------------------ If you intend to submit a major code contribution (e.g., new feature, extended modification of existing code), we highly encourage you to discuss this contribution with the RTRlib community using the Github Issue Tracker before you submit your pull request. In any case, proceed along the steps: 1. Fork the RTRlib Git repository (if you haven't done this already) 2. Create a branch 3. Make commits (details see below) 4. Make sure your code complies with Kernel Coding Style * You can check this by running scripts/check-coding-style.sh 5. Submit a pull request * If necessary, squash unnecessary commits before submitting the PR. * We use a Continuous Integration system, which is linked in Github. The results of the automatic tests are shown at the bottom of your pull request. 6. Other RTRlib members will provide feedback 7. Address the feedback * If necessary, squash unnecessary commits. Commit Messages --------------- Commit messages should follow the structure First line: modulename: brief description (max 50 chars) Second line: Further lines: More detailed description The description should be written in imperative and not in the past tense (e.g., "Remove unnecessary includes from header file" instead of "Unnecessary includes from header file removed"). Please be precise in the detailed description. For an example of a nice commit message see https://github.com/rtrlib/rtrlib/commit/f79471e43aa3eee8772360300661f8ead21f15f2. General information about good commits is available here * http://tbaggery.com/2008/04/19/a-note-about-git-commit-messages.html * http://git-scm.com/book/ch5-2.html /* vim: set tw=72 sts=2 sw=2 ts=2 expandtab: */