/* * This file is part of RTRlib. * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the MIT license. * See the file LICENSE in the top level directory for more details. * * Website: http://rtrlib.realmv6.org/ */ #include "convert_byte_order_private.h" #include #include #include uint16_t lrtr_convert_short(const enum target_byte_order tbo, const uint16_t value) { if (tbo == TO_NETWORK_BYTE_ORDER) return htons(value); else if (tbo == TO_HOST_HOST_BYTE_ORDER) return ntohs(value); assert(0); } uint32_t lrtr_convert_long(const enum target_byte_order tbo, const uint32_t value) { if (tbo == TO_NETWORK_BYTE_ORDER) return htonl(value); else if (tbo == TO_HOST_HOST_BYTE_ORDER) return ntohl(value); assert(0); }