Introduction to Mustach ======================= `mustach` is a C implementation of the [mustache]( "main site for mustache") template library. The main site for `mustach` is on [gitlab]( The best way to use mustach is to copy the files **mustach.h** and **mustach.c** directly into your project and use it. The current source files are: - **mustach.c** core implementation of mustache in C - **mustach.h** header file for core definitions - **mustach-json-c.c** tiny json wrapper of mustach using [json-c]( - **mustach-json-c.h** header file for using the tiny JSON wrapper - **mustach-tool.c** simple tool for applying template files to a JSON file The file **mustach-json-c.c** is the main example of use of **mustach** core and it is also a practical implementation that can be used. It uses the library json-c. (NOTE for Mac OS: available through homebrew). HELP REQUESTED TO GIVE EXAMPLE BASED ON OTHER LIBRARIES (ex: janson, ...). The tool **mustach** is build using `make`, its usage is: mustach json template [template]... It then outputs the result of applying the templates files to the JSON file. Portability =========== Some system does not provide *open_memstream*. In that case, tell your prefered compiler to declare the preprocessor symbol **NO_OPEN_MEMSTREAM**. Example: gcc -DNO_OPEN_MEMSTREAM Extensions ========== By default, the current implementation provides the following extensions: Explicit Substitution --------------------- This is a core extension implemented in file **mustach.c**. In somecases the name of the key used for substition begins with a character reserved for mustach: one of '#', '^', '/', '&', '{', '>' and '='. This extension introduces the special character ':' to explicitly tell mustach to just substitute the value. So ':' becomes a new special character. Value Testing ------------- This is a tool extension implmented in file **mustach-json-c.c**. This extension allows you to test the value of the selected key. It is allowed to write key=value (matching test) or key=!value (not matching test) in any query. Removing Extensions ------------------- When compiling mustach.c or mustach-json-c.c, extensions can be removed by defining macros using option -D. The possible macros are: - `NO_COLON_EXTENSION_FOR_MUSTACH` This macro remove the ability to use colon (:) as explicit command for variable substituion. This extension allows to have name starting with one of the mustach character :#^/&{=< - `NO_EQUAL_VALUE_EXTENSION_FOR_MUSTACH` This macro allows the program to check the whether the actual value is equal to an expected value. This is useful in `{{#key=val}}` or `{{^key=val}}` with the corresponding `{{/key=val}}`. It can also be used in `{{key=val}}` but this doesn't seem to be useful. - `NO_JSON_POINTER_EXTENSION_FOR_MUSTACH` This macro removes the possible use of JSON pointers. JSON pointers are defined in IETF RFC 6901. If not set, any key starting with "/" is a JSON pointer. This implies to use the colon to introduce keys. So `NO_COLON_EXTENSION_FOR_MUSTACH` implies `NO_JSON_POINTER_EXTENSION_FOR_MUSTACH`. A special escaping is used for "=" signs when values comparison is enabled: "~=" leaves "=" in the key. - `NO_ALLOW_EMPTY_TAG` Generate the error MUSTACH_ERROR_EMPTY_TAG automatically. - NO_OBJECT_ITERATION_FOR_MUSTACH Disable the object iteration extension. That extension allows to iterate over the keys of an object. The iteration on object is selected by using the selector `{{#key.*}}`. In the context of iterating over object keys, the single key `{{*}}` returns the key and `{{.}}` returns the value. - `NO_EXTENSION_FOR_MUSTACH` This macro disables any current or future extensions.