/* * Copyright (c) 2010, Andrea Mazzoleni. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \mainpage * \section Introduction * Tommy is a C library of array, hashtables and tries data structures, * designed for high performance and providing an easy to use interface. * * It's faster than all the similar libraries like * rbtree, * judy, * googlebtree, * stxbtree, * khash, * uthash, * nedtrie, * judyarray, * concurrencykit and others. * Only googledensehash is a real competitor for Tommy. * * The data structures provided are: * * - ::tommy_list - A double linked list. * - ::tommy_array, ::tommy_arrayof - A linear array. * It doesn't fragment the heap. * - ::tommy_arrayblk, ::tommy_arrayblkof - A blocked linear array. * It doesn't fragment the heap and it minimizes the space occupation. * - ::tommy_hashtable - A fixed size chained hashtable. * - ::tommy_hashdyn - A dynamic chained hashtable. * - ::tommy_hashlin - A linear chained hashtable. * It doesn't have the problem of the delay when resizing and * it doesn't fragment the heap. * - ::tommy_trie - A trie optimized for cache utilization. * - ::tommy_trie_inplace - A trie completely inplace. * - ::tommy_tree - A tree to keep elements in order. * * The most interesting are ::tommy_array, ::tommy_hashdyn, ::tommy_hashlin, ::tommy_trie and ::tommy_trie_inplace. * * The official site of TommyDS is http://www.tommyds.it/, * * \section Use * * All the Tommy containers are used to store pointers to generic objects, associated to an * integer value, that could be a key or a hash value. * * They are semantically equivalent at the C++ multimap\ * and unordered_multimap\. * * An object, to be inserted in a container, should contain a node of type ::tommy_node. * Inside this node is present a pointer to the object itself in the tommy_node::data field, * the key used to identify the object in the tommy_node::key field, and other fields used * by the containers. * * This is a typical object declaration: * \code * struct object { * // other fields * tommy_node node; * }; * \endcode * * To insert an object in a container, you have to provide the address of the embedded node, * the address of the object and the value of the key. * \code * int key_to_insert = 1; * struct object* obj = malloc(sizeof(struct object)); * ... * tommy_trie_insert(..., &obj->node, obj, key_to_insert); * \endcode * * To search an object you have to provide the key and call the search function. * \code * int key_to_find = 1; * struct object* obj = tommy_trie_search(..., key_to_find); * if (obj) { * // found * } * \endcode * * To access all the objects with the same keys you have to iterate over the bucket * assigned at the specified key. * \code * int key_to_find = 1; * tommy_trie_node* i = tommy_trie_bucket(..., key_to_find); * * while (i) { * struct object* obj = i->data; // gets the object pointer * * printf("%d\n", obj->value); // process the object * * i = i->next; // goes to the next element * } * \endcode * * To remove an object you have to provide the key and call the remove function. * \code * int key_to_remove = 1; * struct object* obj = tommy_trie_remove(..., key_to_remove); * if (obj) { * // found * free(obj); // frees the object allocated memory * } * \endcode * * Dealing with hashtables, instead of the key, you have to provide the hash * value of the object, and a compare function able to differentiate objects with * the same hash value. * To compute the hash value, you can use the generic tommy_hash_u32() function, * or the specialized integer hash function tommy_inthash_u32(). * * \section Features * * Tommy is fast and easy to use. * * Tommy is portable to all platforms and operating systems. * * Tommy containers support multiple elements with the same key. * * Tommy containers keep the original insertion order of elements with equal keys. * * Tommy is released with the \ref license "2-clause BSD license". * * See the \ref design page for more details and limitations. * * \section Performance * Here you can see some timings comparing with other notable implementations. * The Hit graph shows the time required for searching random objects * with a key. * The Change graph shows the time required for searching, removing and * reinsert random objects with a different key value. * * Times are expressed in nanoseconds for each element, and lower is better. * * To have some reference numbers, you can check Latency numbers every programmer should know. * * A complete analysis is available in the \ref benchmark page. * * * * * * \page benchmark Tommy Benchmarks * * To evaluate Tommy performances, an extensive benchmark was done, * comparing it to the best libraries of data structures available: * * Specifically we test: * - ::tommy_hashtable - Fixed size chained hashtable. * - ::tommy_hashdyn - Dynamic chained hashtable. * - ::tommy_hashlin - Linear chained hashtable. * - ::tommy_trie - Trie optimized for cache usage. * - ::tommy_trie_inplace - Trie completely inplace. * - rbtree - Red-black tree by Jason Evans. * - nedtrie - Binary trie inplace by Niall Douglas. * - khash - Dynamic open addressing hashtable by Attractive Chaos. * - uthash - Dynamic chaining hashtable by Troy D. Hanson. * - judy - Burst trie (JudyL) by Doug Baskins. * - judyarray - Burst trie by Karl Malbrain. * - googledensehash - Dynamic open addressing hashtable by Craig Silverstein at Google. * - googlebtree - Btree by Google. * - stxbtree - STX Btree by Timo Bingmann. * - c++unordered_map - C++ STL unordered_map<> template. * - c++map - C++ STL map<> template. * - tesseract - Binary Search Tesseract by Gregorius van den Hoven. * - googlelibchash - LibCHash by Craig Silverstein at Google. * - libdynamic - Hash set by Fredrik Widlund. * - concurrencykit - Non-blocking hash set by Samy Al Bahra. * * Note that googlelibchash and concurrencykit are not shown in the graphs * because they present a lot of spikes. See the \ref notes the end. * * \section thebenchmark The Benchmark * * The benchmark consists in storing a set of N pointers to objects and * searching them using integer keys. * * Compared to the case of mapping integers to integers, mapping pointers to * objects means that the pointers are also dereferenced, to simulate the * object access, resulting in additional cache misses. * This gives an advantage to implementations that store information in the * objects itself, as the additional cache misses are already implicit. * * The test done are: * - Insert Insert all the objects starting with an empty container. * - Change Find and remove one object and reinsert it with a different key, repeated for all the objects. * - Hit Find with success all the objects and dereference them. * - Miss Find with failure all the objects. * - Remove Remove all the objects and dereference them. * * The Change, Hit and Miss tests operate always with N * objects in the containers. * The Insert test starts with an empty container, and the Remove * test ends with an empty container. * The objects are always dereferenced, as we are supposing to use them. This * happens even in the remove case, as we are supposing to deallocate them. * * All the objects are preallocated in the heap, and the allocation and deallocation * time is not included in the test. * * The objects contain an integer value field used for consistency checks, * an unused payload field of 16 bytes, and any other data required by the * data structure. * * The objects are identified and stored using integer and unique keys. * The key domain used is dense, and it's defined by the set * of N even numbers starting from 0x80000000 to 0x80000000+2*N. * * The use of even numbers allows to have missing keys inside the domain for * the Miss and Change test. * In such tests it's used the key domain defined by the set of N odd numbers * starting from 0x80000000+1 to 0x80000000+2*N+1. * Note that using additional keys at the corners of the domain would have given * an unfair advantage to tries and trees as they implicitly keep track of the * maximum and minimum key value inserted. * * The use of the 0x80000000 base, allow to test a key domain not necessarily * starting at 0. Using a 0 base would have given an unfair advantage to some * implementation handling it as a special case. * * For all the hashtables the keys are hashed using the tommy_inthash_u32() * function that ensures an uniform distribution. This hash function is also * reversible, meaning that no collision is going to be caused by hashing the * keys. For tries and trees the keys are not hashed, and used directly. * * The tests are repeated using keys in Random mode and in Forward * mode. In the forward mode the key values are used in order from the lowest * to the highest. * In the random mode the key values are used in a completely random order. * In the Change test in forward mode, each object is reinserted using * the previous key incremented by 1. In random mode each object is reinserted * using a completely different and uncorrelated key. * * The forward order advantages tries and trees as they use the key directly * and they have a cache advantage on using consecutive keys. * The random order advantages hashtables, as the hash function already * randomizes the key. Usually real uses case are in between, and the random * one is the worst case. * * \section result Results * * The most significant tests depend on your data usage model, but if in doubt, * you can look at Random Hit and Random Change. * They represent the real world worst condition. * * * * In the Random Hit graph you can see a vertical split at the 100.000 * elements limit. Before this limit the cache of modern processor is able to * contains most of the data, and it allows a very fast access with almost all * data structures. * After this limit, the number of cache misses is the dominant factor, and * the curve depends mainly on the number of cache-miss required. * * rbtree and nedtrie grow as log2(N) as they have two branches on each node, * ::tommy_trie_inplace grows as log4(N), ::tommy_trie as log8(N) and hashtables * are almost constant and don't grow. * For ::tommy_trie_inplace and ::tommy_trie you can change the grow curve * configuring a different number of branches for node. * * * * The Random Change graph confirms the vertical split at the 100.000 * elements limit. It also show that hashtables are almost unbeatable with a * random access. * * \section random Random order * Here you can see the whole Random test results in different platforms. * * In the Random test, hashtables are almost always winning, seconds are * tries, and as last trees. * * The best choices are ::tommy_hashdyn, ::tommy_hashlin, and googledensehash, * with ::tommy_hashlin having the advantage to be real-time friendly and not * increasing the heap fragmentation. * * *
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* * \section forward Forward order * Here you can see the whole Forward test results in different platforms. * * In the Forward test, tries are the winners. Hashtables are competitive * until the cache limit, then they lose against tries. Trees are the slowest. * * The best choices are ::tommy_trie and ::tommy_trie_inplace, where ::tommy_trie is * a bit faster, and ::tommy_trie_inplace doesn't require a custom allocator. * * Note that also hashtables are faster in forward order than random. This may * seem a bit surprising as the hash function randomizes the access even with * consecutive keys. This happens because the objects are allocated in consecutive * memory, and accessing them in order, improves the cache utilization, even if * the hashed key is random. * * Note that you can make hashtables to reach tries performance tweaking the hash * function to put near keys allocated nearby. * This is possible if you know in advance the distribution of keys. * For example, in the benchmark you could use something like: * \code * #define hash(v) tommy_inthash_u32(v & ~0xF) + (v & 0xF) * \endcode * and make keys that differ only by the lowest bits to have hashes with the same * property, resulting in objects stored nearby, and improving cache utilization. * * * *
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* * \section size Size * Here you can see the memory usage of the different data structures. * * *
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* * \section code Code * * The compilers used in the benchmark are: * - gcc 4.9.2 in Linux with options: -O3 -march=nehalem * - Visual C 2012 in Windows with options: /Ox /Oy- /GL /GS- /arch:SSE2 * * The following is pseudo code of the benchmark used. In this case it's written * for the C++ unordered_map. * * \code * #define N 10000000 // Number of elements * #define PAYLOAD 16 // Size of the object * * // Basic object inserted in the colletion * struct obj { * unsigned value; // Key used for searching * char payload[PAYLOAD]; * }; * * // Custom hash function to avoid to use the STL one * class custom_hash { * public: * unsigned operator()(unsigned key) const { return tommy_inthash_u32(key); } * }; * * // Map collection from "unsigned" to "pointer to object" * typedef std::unordered_map bag_t; * bag_t bag; * * // Preallocate objects * obj* OBJ = new obj[N]; * * // Keys used for inserting and searching elements * unsigned INSERT[N]; * unsigned SEARCH[N]; * * // Initialize the keys * for(i=0;ivalue = key; * * // Insert it * bag[key] = element; * } * \endcode * * \subsection change Change benchmark * \code * for(i=0;isecond; * bag.erase(j); * * // Reinsert the element with a new key * // Use +1 in the key to ensure that the new key is unique * key = INSERT[i] + 1; * element->value = key; * bag[key] = element; * } * \endcode * * \subsection hit Hit benchmark * \code * for(i=0;isecond; * if (element->value != key) * abort(); * } * \endcode * * \subsection miss Miss benchmark * \code * for(i=0;isecond; * if (element->value != key) * abort(); * } * \endcode * * \section others Other benchmarks * Here some links to other performance comparison: * * Comparison of Hash Table Libraries * * Hash Table Benchmarks * * \section notes Notes * * Here some notes about the data structure tested not part of Tommy. * * \subsection googlelibchash Google C libchash * It's the C implementation located in the experimental/ directory of the googlesparsehash archive. * It has very bad performances in the Change test for some N values. * See this graph with a lot of spikes. * The C++ version doesn't suffer of this problem. * * \subsection googledensehash Google C++ densehash * It doesn't release memory on deletion. * To avoid an unfair advantage in the Remove test, we force a periodic * resize calling resize(0) after any deallocation. * The resize is executed when the load factor is lower than 20%. * * \subsection khash khash * It doesn't release memory on deletion. This gives an unfair advantage on the Remove test. * * \subsection nedtrie nedtrie * I've found a crash bug when inserting keys with the 0 value. * The fix of this issue is now in the nedtries github. * We do not use the C++ implementation as it doesn't compile with gcc 4.4.3. * * \subsection judy Judy * Sometimes it has bad performances in some specific platform * and for some specific input data size. * This makes difficult to predict the performance, as it is usually good until * you get one of these cases. * See for example this graph with a big replicable spike at 50.000 elements. * * \subsection ck Concurrency Kit * It has very bad performances in the Change test for some N values. * See this graph with a lot of spikes. * * \page multiindex Tommy Multi Indexing * * Tommy provides only partial iterator support with the "foreach" functions. * If you need real iterators you have to insert all the objects also in a ::tommy_list, * and use the list as iterator. * * This technique allows to keep track of the insertion order with the list, * and provides more search possibilities using different data structures for * different search keys. * * See the next example, for a objects inserted in a ::tommy_list, and in * two ::tommy_hashdyn using different keys. * * \code * struct object { * // data fields * int value_0; * int value_1; * * // for containers * tommy_node list_node; // node for the list * tommy_node hash_node_0; // node for the first hash * tommy_node hash_node_1; // node for the second hash * }; * * // search function for value_1 * int search_1(const void* arg, const void* obj) * { * return *(const int*)arg != ((const struct object*)obj)->value_1; * } * * tommy_hashdyn hash_0; * tommy_hashdyn hash_1; * tommy_list list; * * // initializes the hash tables and the list * tommy_hashdyn_init(&hash_0); * tommy_hashdyn_init(&hash_1); * tommy_list_init(&list); * * ... * * // creates an object and inserts it * struct object* obj = malloc(sizeof(struct object)); * obj->value_0 = ...; * obj->value_1 = ...; * // inserts in the first hash table * tommy_hashdyn_insert(&hash_0, &obj->hash_node_0, obj, tommy_inthash_u32(obj->value_0)); * // inserts in the second hash table * tommy_hashdyn_insert(&hash_1, &obj->hash_node_1, obj, tommy_inthash_u32(obj->value_1)); * // inserts in the list * tommy_list_insert_tail(&list, &obj->list_node, obj); * * ... * * // searches an object by value_1 and deletes it * int value_to_find = ...; * struct object* obj = tommy_hashdyn_search(&hash_1, search_1, &value_to_find, tommy_inthash_u32(value_to_find)); * if (obj) { * // if found removes all the references * tommy_hashdyn_remove_existing(&hash_0, &obj->hash_node_0); * tommy_hashdyn_remove_existing(&hash_1, &obj->hash_node_1); * tommy_list_remove_existing(&list, &obj->list_node); * } * * ... * * // complex iterator logic * tommy_node* i = tommy_list_head(&list); * while (i != 0) { * // get the object * struct object* obj = i->data; * ... * // go to the next element * i = i->next; * ... * // go to the prev element * i = i->prev; * ... * } * * ... * * // deallocates the objects iterating the list * tommy_list_foreach(&list, free); * * // deallocates the hash tables * tommy_hashdyn_done(&hash_0); * tommy_hashdyn_done(&hash_1); * \endcode * * \page design Tommy Design * * Tommy is designed to fulfill the need of generic data structures for the * C language, providing at the same time high performance and a clean * and easy to use interface. * * \section testing Testing * * Extensive and automated tests with the runtime checker valgrind * and the static analyzer clang * are done to ensure the correctness of the library. * * The test has a code coverage of 100%, * measured with lcov. * * \section Limitations * * Tommy is not thread safe. You have always to provide thread safety using * locks before calling any Tommy functions. * * Tommy doesn't provide iterators over the implicit order defined by the data * structures. To iterate on elements you must insert them also into a ::tommy_list, * and use the list as iterator. See the \ref multiindex example for more details. * Note that this is a real limitation only for ::tommy_trie, as it's the only * data structure defining an useable order. * * Tommy doesn't provide an error reporting mechanism for a malloc() failure. * You have to provide it redefining malloc() if you expect it to fail. * * Tommy assumes to never have more than 2^32-1 elements in a container. * * \section compromise Compromises * * Finding the right balance between efficency and easy to use required some * comprimises. Most of them are on memory efficency, and were done to avoid to * cripple the interface. * * The following is a list of such decisions. * * \subsection multi_key Multi key * All the Tommy containers support the insertion of multiple elements with * the same key, adding in each node a list of equal elements. * * They are the equivalent at the C++ associative containers multimap\ * and unordered_multimap\ * that allow duplicates of the same key. * * A more memory conservative approach is to not allow duplicated elements, * removing the need of this list. * * \subsection data_pointer Data pointer * The tommy_node::data field is present to allow search and remove functions to return * directly a pointer to the element stored in the container. * * A more memory conservative approach is to require the user to compute * the element pointer from the embedded node with a fixed displacement. * For an example, see the Linux Kernel declaration of * container_of(). * * \subsection insertion_order Insertion order * The list used for collisions is double linked to allow * insertion of elements at the end of the list to keep the * insertion order of equal elements. * * A more memory conservative approach is to use a single linked list, * inserting elements only at the start of the list, losing the * original insertion order. * * \subsection zero_list Zero terminated list * The 0 terminated format of tommy_node::next is present to provide a forward * iterator terminating in 0. This allows the user to write a simple iteration * loop over the list of elements in the same bucket. * * A more efficient approach is to use a circular list, because operating on nodes * in a circular list doesn't requires to manage the special terminating case when * adding or removing elements. * * \page license Tommy License * Tommy is released with a 2-clause BSD license. * * \code * Copyright (c) 2010, Andrea Mazzoleni. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * \endcode */ /** \file * All in one include for Tommy. */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include "tommytypes.h" #include "tommyhash.h" #include "tommyalloc.h" #include "tommyarray.h" #include "tommyarrayof.h" #include "tommyarrayblk.h" #include "tommyarrayblkof.h" #include "tommylist.h" #include "tommytree.h" #include "tommytrie.h" #include "tommytrieinp.h" #include "tommyhashtbl.h" #include "tommyhashdyn.h" #include "tommyhashlin.h" #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif