path: root/src/tpm12/tpm_init.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/tpm12/tpm_init.c')
1 files changed, 1144 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tpm12/tpm_init.c b/src/tpm12/tpm_init.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a66da5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tpm12/tpm_init.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1144 @@
+/* */
+/* TPM Initialization */
+/* Written by Ken Goldman */
+/* IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center */
+/* $Id: tpm_init.c 4623 2011-09-28 15:15:09Z kgoldman $ */
+/* */
+/* (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 2006, 2010. */
+/* */
+/* All rights reserved. */
+/* */
+/* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without */
+/* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are */
+/* met: */
+/* */
+/* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, */
+/* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. */
+/* */
+/* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright */
+/* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the */
+/* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. */
+/* */
+/* Neither the names of the IBM Corporation nor the names of its */
+/* contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from */
+/* this software without specific prior written permission. */
+/* */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include "tpm_admin.h"
+#include "tpm_cryptoh.h"
+#include "tpm_crypto.h"
+#include "tpm_daa.h"
+#include "tpm_debug.h"
+#include "tpm_digest.h"
+#include "tpm_error.h"
+#include "tpm_io.h"
+#include "tpm_memory.h"
+#include "tpm_nonce.h"
+#include "tpm_nvfile.h"
+#include "tpm_pcr.h"
+#include "tpm_process.h"
+#include "tpm_permanent.h"
+#include "tpm_platform.h"
+#include "tpm_session.h"
+#include "tpm_startup.h"
+#include "tpm_structures.h"
+#include "tpm_ticks.h"
+#include "tpm_transport.h"
+#include "tpm_init.h"
+/* local prototypes */
+static TPM_RESULT TPM_CheckTypes(void);
+/* TPM_Init transitions the TPM from a power-off state to one where the TPM begins an initialization
+ process. TPM_Init could be the result of power being applied to the platform or a hard reset.
+ TPM_Init sets an internal flag to indicate that the TPM is undergoing initialization. The TPM
+ must complete initialization before it is operational. The completion of initialization requires
+ the receipt of the TPM_Startup command.
+ This is different from the debug function TPM_Process_Init(), which initializes a TPM.
+ The call tree for initialization is as follows:
+ main()
+ TPM_MainInit()
+ TPM_IO_Init() - initializes the TPM I/O interface
+ TPM_Crypto_Init() - initializes cryptographic libraries
+ TPM_NVRAM_Init() - get NVRAM path once
+ TPM_LimitedSelfTest() - as per the specification
+ TPM_Global_Init() - initializes the TPM state
+ Returns: 0 on success
+ non-zero on a fatal error where the TPM should not continue. These are fatal errors
+ where the TPM just exits. It can't even enter shutdown.
+ A self test error may cause one or all TPM's to enter shutdown, but is not fatal.
+TPM_RESULT TPM_MainInit(void)
+ TPM_RESULT rc = 0; /* results for common code, fatal errors */
+ uint32_t i;
+ TPM_RESULT testRc = 0; /* temporary place to hold common self tests failure before the tpm
+ state is created */
+ tpm_state_t *tpm_state; /* TPM instance state */
+ bool has_cached_state = false;
+ tpm_state = NULL; /* freed @1 */
+ /* preliminary check that platform specific sizes are correct */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_CheckTypes();
+ }
+ /* initialize the TPM to host interface */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ printf("TPM_MainInit: Initialize the TPM to host interface\n");
+ rc = TPM_IO_Init();
+ }
+ /* initialize cryptographic functions */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ printf("TPM_MainInit: Initialize the TPM crypto support\n");
+ rc = TPM_Crypto_Init();
+ }
+ /* initialize NVRAM static variables. This must be called before the global TPM state is
+ loaded */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ printf("TPM_MainInit: Initialize the TPM NVRAM\n");
+ rc = TPM_NVRAM_Init();
+ }
+ /* run the initial subset of self tests once */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ printf("TPM_MainInit: Run common limited self tests\n");
+ /* an error is a fatal error, causes a shutdown of the TPM */
+ testRc = TPM_LimitedSelfTestCommon();
+ }
+ /* initialize the global structure for the TPM */
+ for (i = 0 ; (rc == 0) && (i < TPMS_MAX) ; i++) {
+ printf("TPM_MainInit: Initializing global TPM %lu\n", (unsigned long)i);
+ /* Need to malloc and init a TPM state if this is the first time through or if the
+ state was saved in the array. Otherwise, the malloc'ed structure from the previous
+ time through the loop can be reused. */
+ if ((rc == 0) && (tpm_state == NULL)) {
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Malloc((unsigned char **)&tpm_state, sizeof(tpm_state_t));
+ }
+ /* initialize the global instance state */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Global_Init(tpm_state); /* freed @2 */
+ }
+ }
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ has_cached_state = HasCachedState(TPMLIB_STATE_PERMANENT);
+ /* record the TPM number in the state */
+ tpm_state->tpm_number = i;
+ /* If the instance exists in NVRAM, it it initialized and saved in the tpm_instances[]
+ array. Restores TPM_PERMANENT_FLAGS and TPM_PERMANENT_DATA to in-memory
+ structures. */
+ /* Returns TPM_RETRY on non-existent file */
+ rc = TPM_PermanentAll_NVLoad(tpm_state);
+ }
+ /* If there was no state for TPM 0 (instance 0 does not exist), initialize state for the
+ first time using TPM_Global_Init() above. It is created and set to default values. */
+ if ((rc == TPM_RETRY) && (i == 0)) {
+ /* save the state for TPM 0 (first time through) */
+ rc = TPM_PermanentAll_NVStore(tpm_state,
+ TRUE, /* write NV */
+ 0); /* no roll back */
+ }
+ /* if volatile state exists at startup, load it. This is used for fail-over restart. */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_VolatileAll_NVLoad(tpm_state);
+ }
+#endif /* TPM_VOLATILE_LOAD */
+ /* libtpms: due to the SetState() API we have to write the permanent state back to
+ a file now */
+ if (rc == 0 && has_cached_state) {
+ rc = TPM_PermanentAll_NVStore(tpm_state,
+ TRUE, /* write NV */
+ 0); /* no roll back */
+ }
+ /* if permanent state was loaded successfully (or stored successfully for TPM 0 the first
+ time) */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ printf("TPM_MainInit: Creating global TPM instance %lu\n", (unsigned long)i);
+ /* set the testState for the TPM based on the common selftest result */
+ if (testRc != 0) {
+ /* a. When the TPM detects a failure during any self-test, it SHOULD delete values
+ preserved by TPM_SaveState. */
+ TPM_SaveState_NVDelete(tpm_state,
+ FALSE); /* ignore error if the state does not exist */
+ printf(" TPM_MainInit: Set testState to %u \n", TPM_TEST_STATE_FAILURE);
+ tpm_state->testState = TPM_TEST_STATE_FAILURE;
+ }
+ /* save state in array */
+ tpm_instances[i] = tpm_state;
+ tpm_state = NULL; /* flag that the malloc'ed structure was used. It should not be
+ freed, and a new instance is needed the next time through the
+ loop */
+ }
+ /* If there was the non-fatal error TPM_RETRY, the instance does not exist. If instance > 0
+ does not exist, the array entry is set to NULL. Continue */
+ else if (rc == TPM_RETRY) {
+ printf("TPM_MainInit: Not Creating global TPM %lu\n", (unsigned long)i);
+ tpm_instances[i] = NULL; /* flag that the instance does not exist */
+ rc = 0; /* Instance does not exist, not fatal error */
+ }
+ }
+ /* run individual self test on a TPM */
+ for (i = 0 ;
+ (rc == 0) && (i < TPMS_MAX) && (tpm_instances[i] != NULL) &&
+ (tpm_instances[i]->testState != TPM_TEST_STATE_FAILURE) ; /* don't continue if already
+ error */
+ i++) {
+ printf("TPM_MainInit: Run limited self tests on TPM %lu\n", (unsigned long)i);
+ testRc = TPM_LimitedSelfTestTPM(tpm_instances[i]);
+ if (testRc != 0) {
+ /* a. When the TPM detects a failure during any self-test, it SHOULD delete values
+ preserved by TPM_SaveState. */
+ TPM_SaveState_NVDelete(tpm_state,
+ FALSE); /* ignore error if the state does not exist */
+ }
+ }
+ /* the _Delete(), free() clean up if the last created instance was not required */
+ TPM_Global_Delete(tpm_state); /* @2 */
+ free(tpm_state); /* @1 */
+ return rc;
+/* TPM_CheckTypes() checks that the assumed TPM types are correct for the platform
+ */
+static TPM_RESULT TPM_CheckTypes(void)
+ TPM_RESULT rc = 0; /* fatal errors */
+ /* These should be removed at compile time */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ if (sizeof(uint16_t) != 2) {
+ printf("TPM_CheckTypes: Error (fatal), uint16_t size %lu not supported\n",
+ (unsigned long)sizeof(uint16_t));
+ rc = TPM_FAIL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ if (sizeof(uint32_t) != 4) {
+ printf("TPM_CheckTypes: Error (fatal), uint32_t size %lu not supported\n",
+ (unsigned long)sizeof(uint32_t));
+ rc = TPM_FAIL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ if ((sizeof(time_t) != 4) && /* for 32-bit machines */
+ (sizeof(time_t) != 8)) { /* for 64-bit machines */
+ printf("TPM_CheckTypes: Error (fatal), time_t size %lu not supported\n",
+ (unsigned long)sizeof(time_t));
+ rc = TPM_FAIL;
+ }
+ }
+ return rc;
+/* TPM_StanyFlags_Init()
+ sets members to default values
+ sets all pointers to NULL and sizes to 0
+ always succeeds - no return code
+void TPM_StanyFlags_Init(TPM_STANY_FLAGS *tpm_stany_flags)
+ printf(" TPM_StanyFlags_Init:\n");
+ tpm_stany_flags->postInitialise = TRUE;
+ tpm_stany_flags->localityModifier = 0;
+ tpm_stany_flags->transportExclusive = 0;
+ tpm_stany_flags->TOSPresent = FALSE;
+ /* NOTE added */
+ tpm_stany_flags->stateSaved = FALSE;
+ return;
+/* TPM_StanyFlags_Load()
+ deserialize the structure from a 'stream'
+ 'stream_size' is checked for sufficient data
+ returns 0 or error codes
+ Before use, call TPM_StanyFlags_Init()
+TPM_RESULT TPM_StanyFlags_Load(TPM_STANY_FLAGS *tpm_stany_flags,
+ unsigned char **stream,
+ uint32_t *stream_size)
+ TPM_RESULT rc = 0;
+ printf(" TPM_StanyFlags_Load:\n");
+ /* check tag */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_CheckTag(TPM_TAG_STANY_FLAGS, stream, stream_size);
+ }
+ /* load postInitialise*/
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_LoadBool(&(tpm_stany_flags->postInitialise), stream, stream_size);
+ }
+ /* load localityModifier */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Load32(&(tpm_stany_flags->localityModifier), stream, stream_size);
+ }
+ /* load transportExclusive */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Load32(&(tpm_stany_flags->transportExclusive), stream, stream_size);
+ }
+ /* load TOSPresent */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_LoadBool(&(tpm_stany_flags->TOSPresent), stream, stream_size);
+ }
+ /* load stateSaved */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_LoadBool(&(tpm_stany_flags->stateSaved), stream, stream_size);
+ }
+ return rc;
+/* TPM_StanyFlags_Store()
+ serialize the structure to a stream contained in 'sbuffer'
+ returns 0 or error codes
+TPM_RESULT TPM_StanyFlags_Store(TPM_STORE_BUFFER *sbuffer,
+ TPM_STANY_FLAGS *tpm_stany_flags)
+ TPM_RESULT rc = 0;
+ printf(" TPM_StanyFlags_Store:\n");
+ /* store tag */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Sbuffer_Append16(sbuffer, TPM_TAG_STANY_FLAGS);
+ }
+ /* store postInitialise*/
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Sbuffer_Append(sbuffer, &(tpm_stany_flags->postInitialise), sizeof(TPM_BOOL));
+ }
+ /* store localityModifier */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Sbuffer_Append32(sbuffer, tpm_stany_flags->localityModifier);
+ }
+ /* store transportExclusive */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Sbuffer_Append32(sbuffer, tpm_stany_flags->transportExclusive);
+ }
+ /* store TOSPresent */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Sbuffer_Append(sbuffer, &(tpm_stany_flags->TOSPresent), sizeof(TPM_BOOL));
+ }
+ /* store stateSaved */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Sbuffer_Append(sbuffer, &(tpm_stany_flags->stateSaved), sizeof(TPM_BOOL));
+ }
+ return rc;
+/* TPM_StclearFlags_Init()
+ sets members to default values
+ sets all pointers to NULL and sizes to 0
+ always succeeds - no return code
+void TPM_StclearFlags_Init(TPM_STCLEAR_FLAGS *tpm_stclear_flags)
+ printf(" TPM_StclearFlags_Init:\n");
+ /* tpm_stclear_flags->deactivated; no default state */
+ tpm_stclear_flags->disableForceClear = FALSE;
+ tpm_stclear_flags->physicalPresence = FALSE;
+ tpm_stclear_flags->physicalPresenceLock = FALSE;
+ tpm_stclear_flags->bGlobalLock = FALSE;
+ return;
+/* TPM_StclearFlags_Load()
+ deserialize the structure from a 'stream'
+ 'stream_size' is checked for sufficient data
+ returns 0 or error codes
+ Before use, call TPM_StclearFlags_Init()
+TPM_RESULT TPM_StclearFlags_Load(TPM_STCLEAR_FLAGS *tpm_stclear_flags,
+ unsigned char **stream,
+ uint32_t *stream_size)
+ TPM_RESULT rc = 0;
+ printf(" TPM_StclearFlags_Load:\n");
+ /* check tag */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_CheckTag(TPM_TAG_STCLEAR_FLAGS, stream, stream_size);
+ }
+ /* load deactivated */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_LoadBool(&(tpm_stclear_flags->deactivated), stream, stream_size);
+ }
+ /* load disableForceClear */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_LoadBool(&(tpm_stclear_flags->disableForceClear), stream, stream_size);
+ }
+ /* load physicalPresence */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_LoadBool(&(tpm_stclear_flags->physicalPresence), stream, stream_size);
+ }
+ /* load physicalPresenceLock */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_LoadBool(&(tpm_stclear_flags->physicalPresenceLock), stream, stream_size);
+ }
+ /* load bGlobalLock */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_LoadBool(&(tpm_stclear_flags->bGlobalLock), stream, stream_size);
+ }
+ return rc;
+/* TPM_StclearFlags_Store()
+ serialize the structure to a stream contained in 'sbuffer'
+ returns 0 or error codes
+TPM_RESULT TPM_StclearFlags_Store(TPM_STORE_BUFFER *sbuffer,
+ const TPM_STCLEAR_FLAGS *tpm_stclear_flags)
+ TPM_RESULT rc = 0;
+ printf(" TPM_StclearFlags_Store:\n");
+ /* store tag */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Sbuffer_Append16(sbuffer, TPM_TAG_STCLEAR_FLAGS);
+ }
+ /* store deactivated */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Sbuffer_Append(sbuffer, &(tpm_stclear_flags->deactivated),
+ sizeof(TPM_BOOL));
+ }
+ /* store disableForceClear */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Sbuffer_Append(sbuffer, &(tpm_stclear_flags->disableForceClear),
+ sizeof(TPM_BOOL));
+ }
+ /* store physicalPresence */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Sbuffer_Append(sbuffer, &(tpm_stclear_flags->physicalPresence),
+ sizeof(TPM_BOOL));
+ }
+ /* store physicalPresenceLock */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Sbuffer_Append(sbuffer, &(tpm_stclear_flags->physicalPresenceLock),
+ sizeof(TPM_BOOL));
+ }
+ /* store bGlobalLock */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Sbuffer_Append(sbuffer, &(tpm_stclear_flags->bGlobalLock),
+ sizeof(TPM_BOOL));
+ }
+ return rc;
+/* TPM_StclearFlags_StoreBitmap() serializes TPM_STCLEAR_FLAGS structure into a bit map
+ */
+TPM_RESULT TPM_StclearFlags_StoreBitmap(uint32_t *tpm_bitmap,
+ const TPM_STCLEAR_FLAGS *tpm_stclear_flags)
+ TPM_RESULT rc = 0;
+ uint32_t pos = 0; /* position in bitmap */
+ printf(" TPM_StclearFlags_StoreBitmap:\n");
+ *tpm_bitmap = 0;
+ /* store deactivated */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Bitmap_Store(tpm_bitmap, tpm_stclear_flags->deactivated, &pos);
+ }
+ /* store disableForceClear */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Bitmap_Store(tpm_bitmap, tpm_stclear_flags->disableForceClear, &pos);
+ }
+ /* store physicalPresence */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Bitmap_Store(tpm_bitmap, tpm_stclear_flags->physicalPresence, &pos);
+ }
+ /* store physicalPresenceLock */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Bitmap_Store(tpm_bitmap, tpm_stclear_flags->physicalPresenceLock, &pos);
+ }
+ /* store bGlobalLock */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Bitmap_Store(tpm_bitmap, tpm_stclear_flags->bGlobalLock, &pos);
+ }
+ return rc;
+/* TPM_StanyData_Init()
+ sets members to default values
+ sets all pointers to NULL and sizes to 0
+TPM_RESULT TPM_StanyData_Init(TPM_STANY_DATA *tpm_stany_data)
+ TPM_RESULT rc = 0;
+ printf(" TPM_StanyData_Init:\n");
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ /* The tpm_stany_data->currentTicks holds the time of day at initialization. Both nonce
+ generation and current time of day can return an error */
+ TPM_CurrentTicks_Init(&(tpm_stany_data->currentTicks));
+ rc = TPM_CurrentTicks_Start(&(tpm_stany_data->currentTicks));
+ }
+ return rc;
+/* TPM_StanyData_Load()
+ deserialize the structure from a 'stream'
+ 'stream_size' is checked for sufficient data
+ returns 0 or error codes
+ Before use, call TPM_StanyData_Init()
+ After use, call TPM_StanyData_Delete() to free memory
+TPM_RESULT TPM_StanyData_Load(TPM_STANY_DATA *tpm_stany_data,
+ unsigned char **stream,
+ uint32_t *stream_size)
+ TPM_RESULT rc = 0;
+ printf(" TPM_StanyData_Load:\n");
+ tpm_stany_data = tpm_stany_data;
+ /* check tag */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_CheckTag(TPM_TAG_STANY_DATA, stream, stream_size);
+ }
+ /* load currentTicks */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_CurrentTicks_LoadAll(&(tpm_stany_data->currentTicks), stream, stream_size);
+ }
+ return rc;
+/* TPM_StanyData_Store()
+ serialize the structure to a stream contained in 'sbuffer'
+ returns 0 or error codes
+TPM_RESULT TPM_StanyData_Store(TPM_STORE_BUFFER *sbuffer,
+ TPM_STANY_DATA *tpm_stany_data)
+ TPM_RESULT rc = 0;
+ printf(" TPM_StanyData_Store:\n");
+ tpm_stany_data = tpm_stany_data;
+ /* store tag */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Sbuffer_Append16(sbuffer, TPM_TAG_STANY_DATA);
+ }
+ /* store currentTicks*/
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_CurrentTicks_StoreAll(sbuffer, &(tpm_stany_data->currentTicks));
+ }
+ return rc;
+/* TPM_StanyData_Delete()
+ No-OP if the parameter is NULL, else:
+ frees memory allocated for the object
+ sets pointers to NULL
+ set members back to default values
+ The object itself is not freed
+void TPM_StanyData_Delete(TPM_STANY_DATA *tpm_stany_data)
+ printf(" TPM_StanyData_Delete:\n");
+ /* nothing to free */
+ tpm_stany_data = tpm_stany_data;
+ return;
+/* TPM_StclearData_Init()
+ If pcrInit is TRUE, resets the PCR's
+ sets members to default values
+ sets all pointers to NULL and sizes to 0
+ always succeeds - no return code
+void TPM_StclearData_Init(TPM_STCLEAR_DATA *tpm_stclear_data,
+ TPM_BOOL pcrInit)
+ printf(" TPM_StclearData_Init:\n");
+ TPM_Nonce_Init(tpm_stclear_data->contextNonceKey);
+ tpm_stclear_data->countID = TPM_COUNT_ID_NULL; /* NULL value - unselected counter */
+ tpm_stclear_data->ownerReference = TPM_KH_OWNER;
+ tpm_stclear_data->disableResetLock = FALSE;
+ /* initialize PCR's */
+ if (pcrInit) {
+ printf("TPM_StclearData_Init: Initializing PCR's\n");
+ TPM_PCRs_Init(tpm_stclear_data->PCRS, pcrAttrib);
+ }
+#if (TPM_REVISION >= 103) /* added for rev 103 */
+ tpm_stclear_data->deferredPhysicalPresence = 0;
+ tpm_stclear_data->authFailCount = 0;
+ tpm_stclear_data->authFailTime = 0;
+ /* initialize authorization, transport, DAA sessions, and saved sessions */
+ TPM_StclearData_SessionInit(tpm_stclear_data);
+ TPM_Digest_Init(tpm_stclear_data->auditDigest);
+ TPM_Sbuffer_Init(&(tpm_stclear_data->ordinalResponse));
+ return;
+/* TPM_StclearData_Load()
+ deserialize the structure from a 'stream'
+ 'stream_size' is checked for sufficient data
+ returns 0 or error codes
+ Before use, call TPM_StclearData_Init()
+ After use, call TPM_StclearData_Delete() to free memory
+TPM_RESULT TPM_StclearData_Load(TPM_STCLEAR_DATA *tpm_stclear_data,
+ unsigned char **stream,
+ uint32_t *stream_size,
+ TPM_RESULT rc = 0;
+ printf(" TPM_StclearData_Load:\n");
+ /* get tag */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Load16(&tag, stream, stream_size);
+ }
+ /* check tag */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ printf(" TPM_StclearData_Load: stream version %04hx\n", tag);
+ switch (tag) {
+ break;
+ default:
+ printf("TPM_StclearData_Load: Error (fatal), version %04x unsupported\n", tag);
+ rc = TPM_FAIL;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* load contextNonceKey */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Nonce_Load(tpm_stclear_data->contextNonceKey, stream, stream_size);
+ }
+ /* load countID */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Load32(&(tpm_stclear_data->countID), stream, stream_size);
+ }
+ /* load ownerReference */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Load32(&(tpm_stclear_data->ownerReference), stream, stream_size);
+ }
+ /* load disableResetLock */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_LoadBool(&(tpm_stclear_data->disableResetLock), stream, stream_size);
+ }
+ /* load PCR's */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_PCRs_Load(tpm_stclear_data->PCRS, pcrAttrib, stream, stream_size);
+ }
+#if (TPM_REVISION >= 103) /* added for rev 103 */
+ /* load deferredPhysicalPresence */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Load32(&(tpm_stclear_data->deferredPhysicalPresence), stream, stream_size);
+ }
+ /* load authFailCount */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Load32(&(tpm_stclear_data->authFailCount), stream, stream_size);
+ }
+ /* load authFailTime */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Load32(&(tpm_stclear_data->authFailTime), stream, stream_size);
+ }
+ /* load authorization sessions */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_AuthSessions_Load(tpm_stclear_data->authSessions, stream, stream_size);
+ }
+ /* load transport sessions */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_TransportSessions_Load(tpm_stclear_data->transSessions, stream, stream_size);
+ }
+ /* load DAA sessions */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_DaaSessions_Load(tpm_stclear_data->daaSessions, stream, stream_size);
+ }
+ /* load contextNonceSession */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Nonce_Load(tpm_stclear_data->contextNonceSession, stream, stream_size);
+ }
+ /* load contextCount */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Load32(&(tpm_stclear_data->contextCount), stream, stream_size);
+ }
+ /* load contextList */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_ContextList_Load(tpm_stclear_data->contextList, stream, stream_size);
+ }
+ /* load auditDigest */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Digest_Load(tpm_stclear_data->auditDigest, stream, stream_size);
+ TPM_PrintFour(" TPM_StclearData_Load: auditDigest", tpm_stclear_data->auditDigest);
+ }
+ /* no need to store and load ordinalResponse */
+ if (tag == TPM_TAG_STCLEAR_DATA) {
+ /* but it's there for some versions */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ TPM_STORE_BUFFER ordinalResponse;
+ TPM_Sbuffer_Init(&ordinalResponse);
+ rc = TPM_Sbuffer_Load(&ordinalResponse, stream, stream_size);
+ TPM_Sbuffer_Delete(&ordinalResponse);
+ }
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ uint32_t responseCount;
+ rc = TPM_Load32(&responseCount, stream, stream_size);
+ }
+ }
+ return rc;
+/* TPM_StclearData_Store()
+ serialize the structure to a stream contained in 'sbuffer'
+ returns 0 or error codes
+TPM_RESULT TPM_StclearData_Store(TPM_STORE_BUFFER *sbuffer,
+ TPM_STCLEAR_DATA *tpm_stclear_data,
+ TPM_RESULT rc = 0;
+ printf(" TPM_StclearData_Store:\n");
+ /* store tag */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Sbuffer_Append16(sbuffer, TPM_TAG_STCLEAR_DATA_V2);
+ }
+ /* store contextNonceKey */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Nonce_Store(sbuffer, tpm_stclear_data->contextNonceKey);
+ }
+ /* store countID */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Sbuffer_Append32(sbuffer, tpm_stclear_data->countID);
+ }
+ /* store ownerReference */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Sbuffer_Append32(sbuffer, tpm_stclear_data->ownerReference);
+ }
+ /* store disableResetLock */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Sbuffer_Append(sbuffer, &(tpm_stclear_data->disableResetLock),
+ sizeof(TPM_BOOL));
+ }
+ /* store PCR's */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_PCRs_Store(sbuffer, tpm_stclear_data->PCRS, pcrAttrib);
+ }
+#if (TPM_REVISION >= 103) /* added for rev 103 */
+ /* store deferredPhysicalPresence */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Sbuffer_Append32(sbuffer, tpm_stclear_data->deferredPhysicalPresence);
+ }
+ /* store authFailCount */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Sbuffer_Append32(sbuffer, tpm_stclear_data->authFailCount);
+ }
+ /* store authFailTime */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Sbuffer_Append32(sbuffer, tpm_stclear_data->authFailTime);
+ }
+ /* store authorization sessions */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_AuthSessions_Store(sbuffer, tpm_stclear_data->authSessions);
+ }
+ /* store transport sessions */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_TransportSessions_Store(sbuffer, tpm_stclear_data->transSessions);
+ }
+ /* store DAA sessions */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_DaaSessions_Store(sbuffer, tpm_stclear_data->daaSessions);
+ }
+ /* store contextNonceSession */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Nonce_Store(sbuffer, tpm_stclear_data->contextNonceSession);
+ }
+ /* store contextCount */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Sbuffer_Append32(sbuffer, tpm_stclear_data->contextCount);
+ }
+ /* store contextList */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_ContextList_Store(sbuffer, tpm_stclear_data->contextList);
+ }
+ /* store auditDigest */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ TPM_PrintFour(" TPM_StclearData_Store: auditDigest", tpm_stclear_data->auditDigest);
+ rc = TPM_Digest_Store(sbuffer, tpm_stclear_data->auditDigest);
+ }
+ /* no need to store and load ordinalResponse */
+ return rc;
+/* TPM_StclearData_Delete()
+ No-OP if the parameter is NULL, else:
+ frees memory allocated for the object
+ sets pointers to NULL
+ calls TPM_StclearData_Init to set members back to default values
+ The object itself is not freed
+/* TPM_StclearData_Delete() frees any memory associated with TPM_STCLEAR_DATA, and then
+ reinitializes the structure.
+ If pcrInit is TRUE, the PCR's are initialized.
+void TPM_StclearData_Delete(TPM_STCLEAR_DATA *tpm_stclear_data,
+ TPM_BOOL pcrInit)
+ printf(" TPM_StclearData_Delete:\n");
+ if (tpm_stclear_data != NULL) {
+ TPM_StclearData_SessionDelete(tpm_stclear_data);/* authorization, transport, and DAA
+ sessions */
+ TPM_Sbuffer_Delete(&(tpm_stclear_data->ordinalResponse));
+ TPM_StclearData_Init(tpm_stclear_data, pcrAttrib, pcrInit);
+ }
+ return;
+/* TPM_StclearData_SessionInit() initializes the structure members associated with authorization,
+ transport, and DAA sessions.
+ It must be called whenever the sessions are invalidated.
+void TPM_StclearData_SessionInit(TPM_STCLEAR_DATA *tpm_stclear_data)
+ printf(" TPM_StclearData_SessionInit:\n");
+ /* active sessions */
+ TPM_AuthSessions_Init(tpm_stclear_data->authSessions);
+ TPM_TransportSessions_Init(tpm_stclear_data->transSessions);
+ TPM_DaaSessions_Init(tpm_stclear_data->daaSessions);
+ /* saved sessions */
+ TPM_Nonce_Init(tpm_stclear_data->contextNonceSession);
+ tpm_stclear_data->contextCount = 0;
+ TPM_ContextList_Init(tpm_stclear_data->contextList);
+ return;
+/* TPM_StclearData_SessionDelete() deletes the structure members associated with authorization,
+ transport, and DAA sessions.
+ It must be called whenever the sessions are invalidated.
+void TPM_StclearData_SessionDelete(TPM_STCLEAR_DATA *tpm_stclear_data)
+ printf(" TPM_StclearData_SessionDelete:\n");
+ /* active and saved authorization sessions, the authSessions table and the 3 contextList
+ entries */
+ TPM_StclearData_AuthSessionDelete(tpm_stclear_data);
+ /* loaded transport sessions */
+ TPM_TransportSessions_Delete(tpm_stclear_data->transSessions);
+ /* loaded DAA sessions */
+ TPM_DaaSessions_Delete(tpm_stclear_data->daaSessions);
+ return;
+/* TPM_StclearData_AuthSessionDelete() deletes the structure members associated with authorization
+ sessions. It clears the authSessions table and the 3 contextList members.
+ It must be called whenever the sessions are invalidated.
+void TPM_StclearData_AuthSessionDelete(TPM_STCLEAR_DATA *tpm_stclear_data)
+ printf(" TPM_StclearData_AuthSessionDelete:\n");
+ /* active sessions */
+ TPM_AuthSessions_Delete(tpm_stclear_data->authSessions);
+ /* saved sessions */
+ TPM_Nonce_Init(tpm_stclear_data->contextNonceSession);
+ tpm_stclear_data->contextCount = 0;
+ TPM_ContextList_Init(tpm_stclear_data->contextList);
+ return;
+ TPM_InitCmd() executes the actions of the TPM_Init 'ordinal'
+TPM_RESULT TPM_InitCmd(tpm_state_t *tpm_state)
+ TPM_RESULT rc = 0;
+ uint32_t tpm_number;
+ printf(" TPM_Init:\n");
+ /* Release all resources for the TPM and reinitialize */
+ if (rc == TPM_SUCCESS) {
+ tpm_number = tpm_state->tpm_number; /* save the TPM value */
+ TPM_Global_Delete(tpm_state); /* delete all the state */
+ rc = TPM_Global_Init(tpm_state); /* re-allocate the state */
+ }
+ /* Reload non-volatile memory */
+ if (rc == TPM_SUCCESS) {
+ tpm_state->tpm_number = tpm_number; /* restore the TPM number */
+ /* Returns TPM_RETRY on non-existent file */
+ rc = TPM_PermanentAll_NVLoad(tpm_state); /* reload the state */
+ if (rc == TPM_RETRY) {
+ printf("TPM_Init: Error (fatal), non-existent instance\n");
+ rc = TPM_FAIL;
+ }
+ }
+ return rc;
+ TPM_Handle_GenerateHandle() is a utility function that returns an unused handle.
+ It's really not an initialization function, but as the handle arrays are typically in
+ TPM_STCLEAR_DATA, it's a reasonable home.
+ If 'tpm_handle' is non-zero, it is the first value tried. If 'keepHandle' is TRUE, it is the only
+ value tried.
+ If 'tpm_handle' is zero, a random value is assigned. If 'keepHandle' is TRUE, an error returned,
+ as zero is an illegal handle value.
+ If 'isKeyHandle' is TRUE, special checking is performed to avoid reserved values.
+ 'getEntryFunction' is a function callback to check whether the handle has already been assigned to
+ an entry in the appropriate handle list.
+TPM_RESULT TPM_Handle_GenerateHandle(TPM_HANDLE *tpm_handle,
+ void *tpm_handle_entries,
+ TPM_BOOL keepHandle,
+ TPM_BOOL isKeyHandle,
+ TPM_RESULT rc = 0;
+ TPM_RESULT getRc = 0;
+ unsigned int timeout; /* collision timeout */
+ void *used_handle_entry; /* place holder for discarded entry */
+ TPM_BOOL done;
+ printf(" TPM_Handle_GenerateHandle: handle %08x, keepHandle %u\n",
+ *tpm_handle, keepHandle);
+ /* if the input value must be used */
+ if (keepHandle) {
+ /* 0 is illegal and cannot be kept */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ if (*tpm_handle == 0) {
+ printf("TPM_Handle_GenerateHandle: Error, cannot keep handle 0\n");
+ }
+ }
+ /* key handles beginning with 0x40 are reserved special values */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ if (isKeyHandle) {
+ if ((*tpm_handle & 0xff000000) == 0x40000000) {
+ printf("TPM_Handle_GenerateHandle: Error, cannot keep reserved key handle\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* check if the handle is already used */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ getRc = getEntryFunction(&used_handle_entry, /* discarded entry */
+ tpm_handle_entries, /* handle array */
+ *tpm_handle); /* search for handle */
+ /* success mean the handle has already been assigned */
+ if (getRc == 0) {
+ printf("TPM_Handle_GenerateHandle: Error handle already in use\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* input value is recommended but not required */
+ else {
+ /* implement a crude timeout in case the random number generator fails and there are too
+ many collisions */
+ for (done = FALSE, timeout = 0 ; (rc == 0) && !done && (timeout < 1000) ; timeout++) {
+ /* If no handle has been assigned, try a random value. If a handle has been assigned,
+ try it first */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ if (*tpm_handle == 0) {
+ rc = TPM_Random((BYTE *)tpm_handle, sizeof(uint32_t));
+ }
+ }
+ /* if the random value is 0, reject it immediately */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ if (*tpm_handle == 0) {
+ printf(" TPM_Handle_GenerateHandle: Random value 0 rejected\n");
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ /* if the value is a reserved key handle, reject it immediately */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ if (isKeyHandle) {
+ if ((*tpm_handle & 0xff000000) == 0x40000000) {
+ printf(" TPM_Handle_GenerateHandle: Random value %08x rejected\n",
+ *tpm_handle);
+ *tpm_handle = 0; /* ignore the assigned value */
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* test if the handle has already been used */
+ if (rc == 0) {
+ getRc = getEntryFunction(&used_handle_entry, /* discarded entry */
+ tpm_handle_entries, /* handle array */
+ *tpm_handle); /* search for handle */
+ if (getRc != 0) { /* not found, done */
+ printf(" TPM_Handle_GenerateHandle: Assigned Handle %08x\n",
+ *tpm_handle);
+ done = TRUE;
+ }
+ else { /* found, try again */
+ *tpm_handle = 0; /* ignore the assigned value */
+ printf(" TPM_Handle_GenerateHandle: Handle %08x already used\n",
+ *tpm_handle);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!done) {
+ printf("TPM_Handle_GenerateHandle: Error (fatal), random number generator failed\n");
+ rc = TPM_FAIL;
+ }
+ }
+ return rc;
+ Processing Functions
+/* TPM_Init
+ This ordinal should not be implemented, since it allows software to imitate a reboot. That would
+ be a major security hole, since the PCR's are reset.
+ It is only here for regression tests.
+TPM_RESULT TPM_Process_Init(tpm_state_t *tpm_state,
+ TPM_STORE_BUFFER *response,
+ TPM_TAG tag,
+ uint32_t paramSize,
+ unsigned char *command,
+ TPM_TRANSPORT_INTERNAL *transportInternal)
+ TPM_RESULT rcf = 0; /* fatal error precluding response */
+ TPM_RESULT returnCode = TPM_SUCCESS; /* command return code */
+ printf("TPM_Process_Init: Ordinal Entry\n");
+ ordinal = ordinal; /* not used */
+ command = command; /* not used */
+ transportInternal = transportInternal; /* not used */
+ /* check state */
+ /* NOTE: Allow at any time. */
+ /*
+ get inputs
+ */
+ /* check tag */
+ if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
+ returnCode = TPM_CheckRequestTag0(tag);
+ }
+ if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
+ if (paramSize != 0) {
+ printf("TPM_Process_Init: Error, command has %u extra bytes\n",
+ paramSize);
+ returnCode = TPM_BAD_PARAM_SIZE;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ Processing
+ */
+ if (returnCode == TPM_SUCCESS) {
+#ifdef TPM_TEST
+ returnCode = TPM_InitCmd(tpm_state);
+ tpm_state = tpm_state; /* to quiet the compiler */
+ printf("TPM_Process_Init: Error, bad ordinal\n");
+ returnCode = TPM_BAD_ORDINAL;
+ }
+ /*
+ response
+ */
+ if (rcf == 0) {
+ printf("TPM_Process_Init: Ordinal returnCode %08x %u\n",
+ returnCode, returnCode);
+ rcf = TPM_Sbuffer_StoreInitialResponse(response, tag, returnCode);
+ }
+ return rcf;