=head1 NAME TPM_Malloc - Allocate memory TPM_Realloc - Reallocate memory TPM_Free - Free memory =head1 SYNOPSIS B<#include > B<#include > B<#include > B **IB<, uint32_t> IB<);> B **IB<, uint32_t> IB<);> B *IB<);> =head1 DESCRIPTION The B function is used to allocate a buffer of the given size. The allocated buffer will be returned in the I parameter. The B function is used to resize a buffer. The new size of the buffer is given in the I parameter. The reallocated buffer will contain the data from the original buffer. Both functions have the restriction that the buffer they can allocate is limited to B (64k) bytes. This size is sufficient for all buffers needed by the TPM. Upon successful completion, the functions return B. In case the requested buffer exceeds the limit, B will be returned. See further possible error codes below. The B function frees the memory previously allocated using either B or B. =head1 ERRORS =over 4 =item B The function completed successfully. =item B The size of the requested buffer exceeds the limit or the system is out of memory. =item B Requested buffer is of size 0. =back For a complete list of TPM error codes please consult the include file B =head1 SEE ALSO B(3), B(3) B(3), B(3), B(3) =cut