/********************************************************************************/ /* */ /* DRBG with a behavior according to SP800-90A */ /* Written by Ken Goldman */ /* IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center */ /* $Id: CryptRand.h 1594 2020-03-26 22:15:48Z kgoldman $ */ /* */ /* Licenses and Notices */ /* */ /* 1. 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These values are defined in this header file so that the size of the RNG state can be known to TPM.lib. This allows the allocation of some space in NV memory for the state to be stored on an orderly shutdown. The DRBG based on a symmetric block cipher is defined by three values, */ /* a) the key size */ /* b) the block size (the IV size) */ /* c) the symmetric algorithm */ #define DRBG_KEY_SIZE_BITS AES_MAX_KEY_SIZE_BITS #define DRBG_IV_SIZE_BITS (AES_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE * 8) #define DRBG_ALGORITHM TPM_ALG_AES typedef tpmKeyScheduleAES DRBG_KEY_SCHEDULE; #define DRBG_ENCRYPT_SETUP(key, keySizeInBits, schedule) \ TpmCryptSetEncryptKeyAES(key, keySizeInBits, schedule) #define DRBG_ENCRYPT(keySchedule, in, out) \ TpmCryptEncryptAES(SWIZZLE(keySchedule, in, out)) #if ((DRBG_KEY_SIZE_BITS % RADIX_BITS) != 0) \ || ((DRBG_IV_SIZE_BITS % RADIX_BITS) != 0) #error "Key size and IV for DRBG must be even multiples of the radix" #endif #if (DRBG_KEY_SIZE_BITS % DRBG_IV_SIZE_BITS) != 0 #error "Key size for DRBG must be even multiple of the cypher block size" #endif /* Derived values */ #define DRBG_MAX_REQUESTS_PER_RESEED (1 << 48) #define DRBG_MAX_REQEST_SIZE (1 << 32) #define pDRBG_KEY(seed) ((DRBG_KEY *)&(((BYTE *)(seed))[0])) #define pDRBG_IV(seed) ((DRBG_IV *)&(((BYTE *)(seed))[DRBG_KEY_SIZE_BYTES])) #define DRBG_KEY_SIZE_WORDS (BITS_TO_CRYPT_WORDS(DRBG_KEY_SIZE_BITS)) #define DRBG_KEY_SIZE_BYTES (DRBG_KEY_SIZE_WORDS * RADIX_BYTES) #define DRBG_IV_SIZE_WORDS (BITS_TO_CRYPT_WORDS(DRBG_IV_SIZE_BITS)) #define DRBG_IV_SIZE_BYTES (DRBG_IV_SIZE_WORDS * RADIX_BYTES) #define DRBG_SEED_SIZE_WORDS (DRBG_KEY_SIZE_WORDS + DRBG_IV_SIZE_WORDS) #define DRBG_SEED_SIZE_BYTES (DRBG_KEY_SIZE_BYTES + DRBG_IV_SIZE_BYTES) typedef union { BYTE bytes[DRBG_KEY_SIZE_BYTES]; crypt_uword_t words[DRBG_KEY_SIZE_WORDS]; } DRBG_KEY; typedef union { BYTE bytes[DRBG_IV_SIZE_BYTES]; crypt_uword_t words[DRBG_IV_SIZE_WORDS]; } DRBG_IV; typedef union { BYTE bytes[DRBG_SEED_SIZE_BYTES]; crypt_uword_t words[DRBG_SEED_SIZE_WORDS]; } DRBG_SEED; #define CTR_DRBG_MAX_REQUESTS_PER_RESEED ((UINT64)1 << 20) #define CTR_DRBG_MAX_BYTES_PER_REQUEST (1 << 16) # define CTR_DRBG_MIN_ENTROPY_INPUT_LENGTH DRBG_SEED_SIZE_BYTES # define CTR_DRBG_MAX_ENTROPY_INPUT_LENGTH DRBG_SEED_SIZE_BYTES # define CTR_DRBG_MAX_ADDITIONAL_INPUT_LENGTH DRBG_SEED_SIZE_BYTES #define TESTING (1 << 0) #define ENTROPY (1 << 1) #define TESTED (1 << 2) #define IsTestStateSet(BIT) ((g_cryptoSelfTestState.rng & BIT) != 0) #define SetTestStateBit(BIT) (g_cryptoSelfTestState.rng |= BIT) #define ClearTestStateBit(BIT) (g_cryptoSelfTestState.rng &= ~BIT) #define IsSelfTest() IsTestStateSet(TESTING) #define SetSelfTest() SetTestStateBit(TESTING) #define ClearSelfTest() ClearTestStateBit(TESTING) #define IsEntropyBad() IsTestStateSet(ENTROPY) #define SetEntropyBad() SetTestStateBit(ENTROPY) #define ClearEntropyBad() ClearTestStateBit(ENTROPY) #define IsDrbgTested() IsTestStateSet(TESTED) #define SetDrbgTested() SetTestStateBit(TESTED) #define ClearDrbgTested() ClearTestStateBit(TESTED) typedef struct { UINT64 reseedCounter; UINT32 magic; DRBG_SEED seed; // contains the key and IV for the counter mode DRBG SEED_COMPAT_LEVEL seedCompatLevel; // libtpms added: the compatibility level for keeping backwards compatibility UINT32 lastValue[4]; // used when the TPM does continuous self-test // for FIPS compliance of DRBG } DRBG_STATE, *pDRBG_STATE; #define DRBG_MAGIC ((UINT32) 0x47425244) // "DRBG" backwards so that it displays typedef struct KDF_STATE { UINT64 counter; UINT32 magic; UINT32 limit; TPM2B *seed; const TPM2B *label; TPM2B *context; TPM_ALG_ID hash; TPM_ALG_ID kdf; UINT16 digestSize; TPM2B_DIGEST residual; } KDF_STATE, *pKDR_STATE; #define KDF_MAGIC ((UINT32) 0x4048444a) // "KDF " backwards /* Make sure that any other structures added to this union start with a 64-bit counter and a 32-bit magic number */ typedef union { DRBG_STATE drbg; KDF_STATE kdf; } RAND_STATE; /* This is the state used when the library uses a random number generator. A special function is installed for the library to call. That function picks up the state from this location and uses it for the generation of the random number. */ extern RAND_STATE *s_random; /* When instrumenting RSA key sieve */ #if RSA_INSTRUMENT #define PRIME_INDEX(x) ((x) == 512 ? 0 : (x) == 1024 ? 1 : 2) # define INSTRUMENT_SET(a, b) ((a) = (b)) # define INSTRUMENT_ADD(a, b) (a) = (a) + (b) # define INSTRUMENT_INC(a) (a) = (a) + 1 extern UINT32 PrimeIndex; extern UINT32 failedAtIteration[10]; extern UINT32 PrimeCounts[3]; extern UINT32 MillerRabinTrials[3]; extern UINT32 totalFieldsSieved[3]; extern UINT32 bitsInFieldAfterSieve[3]; extern UINT32 emptyFieldsSieved[3]; extern UINT32 noPrimeFields[3]; extern UINT32 primesChecked[3]; extern UINT16 lastSievePrime; #else # define INSTRUMENT_SET(a, b) # define INSTRUMENT_ADD(a, b) # define INSTRUMENT_INC(a) #endif #endif // _CRYPT_RAND_H