/********************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Interfaces to the CryptoEngine */ /* Written by Ken Goldman */ /* IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center */ /* $Id: CryptUtil_fp.h 1519 2019-11-15 20:43:51Z kgoldman $ */ /* */ /* Licenses and Notices */ /* */ /* 1. Copyright Licenses: */ /* */ /* - Trusted Computing Group (TCG) grants to the user of the source code in */ /* this specification (the "Source Code") a worldwide, irrevocable, */ /* nonexclusive, royalty free, copyright license to reproduce, create */ /* derivative works, distribute, display and perform the Source Code and */ /* derivative works thereof, and to grant others the rights granted herein. */ /* */ /* - The TCG grants to the user of the other parts of the specification */ /* (other than the Source Code) the rights to reproduce, distribute, */ /* display, and perform the specification solely for the purpose of */ /* developing products based on such documents. */ /* */ /* 2. 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It is needed for // symmetric decryption. For // asymmetric decryption, this // parameter is NULL const TPM2B *label, // IN: a value for L TPM2B_ENCRYPTED_SECRET *secret, // IN: input secret TPM2B_DATA *data // OUT: decrypted secret value ); void CryptParameterEncryption( TPM_HANDLE handle, // IN: encrypt session handle TPM2B *nonceCaller, // IN: nonce caller UINT16 leadingSizeInByte, // IN: the size of the leading size field in // bytes TPM2B_AUTH *extraKey, // IN: additional key material other than // sessionAuth BYTE *buffer // IN/OUT: parameter buffer to be encrypted ); TPM_RC CryptParameterDecryption( TPM_HANDLE handle, // IN: encrypted session handle TPM2B *nonceCaller, // IN: nonce caller UINT32 bufferSize, // IN: size of parameter buffer UINT16 leadingSizeInByte, // IN: the size of the leading size field in // byte TPM2B_AUTH *extraKey, // IN: the authValue BYTE *buffer // IN/OUT: parameter buffer to be decrypted ); void CryptComputeSymmetricUnique( TPMT_PUBLIC *publicArea, // IN: the object's public area TPMT_SENSITIVE *sensitive, // IN: the associated sensitive area TPM2B_DIGEST *unique // OUT: unique buffer ); TPM_RC CryptCreateObject( OBJECT *object, // IN: new object structure pointer TPMS_SENSITIVE_CREATE *sensitiveCreate, // IN: sensitive creation RAND_STATE *rand // IN: the random number generator // to use ); TPMI_ALG_HASH CryptGetSignHashAlg( TPMT_SIGNATURE *auth // IN: signature ); BOOL CryptIsSplitSign( TPM_ALG_ID scheme // IN: the algorithm selector ); BOOL CryptIsAsymSignScheme( TPMI_ALG_PUBLIC publicType, // IN: Type of the object TPMI_ALG_ASYM_SCHEME scheme // IN: the scheme ); BOOL CryptIsAsymDecryptScheme( TPMI_ALG_PUBLIC publicType, // IN: Type of the object TPMI_ALG_ASYM_SCHEME scheme // IN: the scheme ); BOOL CryptSelectSignScheme( OBJECT *signObject, // IN: signing key TPMT_SIG_SCHEME *scheme // IN/OUT: signing scheme ); TPM_RC CryptSign( OBJECT *signKey, // IN: signing key TPMT_SIG_SCHEME *signScheme, // IN: sign scheme. TPM2B_DIGEST *digest, // IN: The digest being signed TPMT_SIGNATURE *signature // OUT: signature ); TPM_RC CryptValidateSignature( TPMI_DH_OBJECT keyHandle, // IN: The handle of sign key TPM2B_DIGEST *digest, // IN: The digest being validated TPMT_SIGNATURE *signature // IN: signature ); TPM_RC CryptGetTestResult( TPM2B_MAX_BUFFER *outData // OUT: test result data ); TPM_RC CryptValidateKeys( TPMT_PUBLIC *publicArea, TPMT_SENSITIVE *sensitive, TPM_RC blamePublic, TPM_RC blameSensitive ); TPM_RC CryptSelectMac( TPMT_PUBLIC *publicArea, TPMI_ALG_MAC_SCHEME *inMac ); BOOL CryptMacIsValidForKey( TPM_ALG_ID keyType, TPM_ALG_ID macAlg, BOOL flag ); BOOL CryptSmacIsValidAlg( TPM_ALG_ID alg, BOOL FLAG // IN: Indicates if TPM_ALG_NULL is valid ); BOOL CryptSymModeIsValid( TPM_ALG_ID mode, BOOL flag ); #endif